Sorrow weighs my shoulders down,
And trouble haunts my mind,
But I know the present will not last,
And tomorrow will be kinder
-Lyrics to 'Tomorrow Will Be Kinder' performed by The Secret Sisters

Elements of Great Design Part 66

Up until only a matter of days ago, the White Fang was barely hanging on by a thread. Hope was fleeting, immeasurable losses were taken and still Abaddon's army was coming.

Life did not seem to be a commodity that those survivors would have with them for much longer, and yet they never lost their will to surrender it if that meant delivering any kind of blow against their enemies.

Suddenly came the new recruits with the uniting kingdoms that had reached what remained of the original rebellion. Not long after that, everyone rejoiced in the long awaited arrival of the Keepers... very soon followed by the most unexpected addition of Shinigami's children.

And even the last of those measures of relief came as a shock to the favorite child of Death. Scanning the army that had been sent on his behalf with his violet eyes, he was quickly overwhelmed as to where to begin handling it.

Taking a couple timid steps towards the lovely girl at the front of the massive pack that had just made their presence known, Duo greeted quietly, "Um... hello?" A sheepish grin on his face, he unconsciously played with the end of his braid as he commented, "I never did get your name."

Gracefully returning to her feet, the blonde brushed back her long and thick curls from her face, smiling, "Adodera Gloria. I am very happy to finally meet you, as we all are, brother. Father came to all of us, urging that we follow your selfless example and take our place in this fight."

She leaned close to whisper with a smirk, "You should hear how he goes on about you. I suppose most normal children would be jealous of a clearly more favored sibling, but we feel none of that... in fact we cannot help but be caught up in his pride of you what with the feats you have accomplished. It takes a very remarkable person to stand with the Keepers and assist in regaining their Elemental Stones."

Blushing at the thought of their father boasting about him, Maxwell cleared his throat and pulled back from his sister. "Well, I could never thank you all enough for coming this far out of the protection of our homeland to put yourselves at risk like this," he told her sincerely. He gazed over the recruits, repeating, "Thank you... all of you."

Able to hear him clearly through their bonded heritage, the lot nodded firmly and rose up while shedding their hoods to reveal a variety of races, ages and a mix of the genders. Yes, there was nervousness in many of those expressions.

Given how despised their kind were, it was only expected. And it was what brought Duo to turn towards the Commander, asking, "You do not think that there will be a problem with their being allowed into the encampment, do you, Firion?"

Closing his jaw that had been slack through the whole of the conversation between the violet-eyed teenagers, the Fighter shook his head as he insisted, "They will all be as welcomed as my own men. You have my word as I will personally see to that."

He held a hand up to the reinforcements, announcing, "Please, make yourselves feel at home with the rest of us! We have more than enough food and resources for all of your needs!"

Much of the trepidation wilted in light of that sincere reception. A few smiles even made their ways across the faces of the children of Shinigami and slowly, they began to filter into the ranks of the White Fang.

Quickly calling his nearest scouts close, the Commander ordered them to spread the word throughout the encampment that they were bringing in new friends... "And they are to be treated as such," Firion concluded with a raised finger to the young faces watching him intently, "friends, not Strangers. If any one has a problem with that, they are to seek me out immediately. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" the boys and girls chorused brightly, giving off smart salutes before hurrying off to spread throughout the base ahead of their shrouded guests.

Dry washing his face with his hands as he stepped aside to watch the flow of violet-eyed gifted streaming into the clearings, the silver-haired man shook his head in wonder. "This is... far beyond what I ever dared to hope for," he breathed. He turned to take in the grinning Keepers standing close behind him.

Biting his lip, he asked, "Would it be out of line for me to request a meeting with all of you to discuss what our next play would be?"

With a laugh, Quatre shrugged, "No need for formalities with us. We really do not consider ourselves any better than you or the next person, Commander."

Nodding firmly, Wufei added, "I would like to hear about your experiences with the enemy since starting the rebellion. We can never have enough information to work off since we do not even know the best plan of attack from our end at the moment." He gave his wife a small smile that they exchanged as their hands linked between them in their own happiness at having more time to spend together.

Taken aback at their kindness, the Fighter beamed, "Excellent. I will call for the officers and the Sovereigns to gather at the main tent, then."

*   *   *   *   *   *

It took no time at all for the interested parties of power to make their ways to their seats of the long table where all matters of business were discussed.

Whether they were the fortunate few to have already met the Alliance or those taking the team in for the first time, all involved rushed to be in their company to hear what they had to say and to possibly be heard by them. Seated along the head chairs, the Keepers took the time to be introduced to everyone before the whole assembly sat to begin their meeting.

"A Fighter, a Black Mage son of Shinigami, a White Mage, a Dragoon, a Thief and a Monk," Noin whispered to her husband, their heads bent close. "They certainly make up quite the unlikely bunch."

Nodding, Zechs grunted in agreement with an amused smile. "They are a living demonstration of the times," he replied just as quietly. "They do not see each other as anything more than people as opposed to their classes... much like how we all had to break down our walls to understand our neighbors."

Howard waved a hand to silence the quiet discussions taking place through the tent as Queen Sylvia sat on his right shoulder. "Obviously, we all have a great deal of questions for our brave warriors," he opened, "but before we bombard them with all of that, I believe that there are doubts of the Elemental Stones being in their possession due to how very young they are."

Smirking to the Keepers, he requested, "Would you please be so kind as to put those fears to rest, friends?"

Without hesitating, the four elementals reached into the satchels at their hips to reveal the glowing gems that just fit in their palms.

Many of those seated further down the table all but jumped to their feet for a better look as voices rose in elated cheers and cries as the physical proof set in. Whatever the range of displayed reactions, be it applause or tears of joy, the whole audience had some clear impact. Former Strangers embraced and laughed together in their shared excitement.

"Now we are guaranteed to defeat Mariemaia!" one of the Kings shouted over the commotion.

A Captain of the White Fang bellowed, "We will have that little girl begging for her life before we finish her off!" That sentiment initiated a round of others like it with fists pounding their air, all promising the painful demise for the Sorceress's evil deeds that had threatened to destroy their world.

Though she wanted to join in, Anna contented herself to smirk darkly to herself as her fingers ran up and down the bowstring across her chest while she kept her own need for vengeance quiet.

Biting their lips and wrapping their arms around each other, King Treize and Lady Une fought their initial desire to defend their daughter... to beg for forgiveness on her behalf. As outnumbered as they were in that moment, as blood thirsty as their allies were, they feared for their own safety. Neither of them had the chance to catch the wince from both Howard and Heero at the turn against the child.

Well aware of his lover's discomfort, Duo stood and brought his fingers to his open mouth for a loud and sharp whistle that brought order back to the room. "Settle down, everyone," he urged, hands open and arms spread out in a steady rise and fall.

Once there was a hush again, he went on, "Even with the Elemental Stones, we cannot think for a second that we are certain to win this war. We still need to get into Paramecia and figure out how to use them. As much as any of us up here hates to say it, the fact is we are going to see probably the worst from Abaddon's forces when they find out we are here."

It had been a planned out diversion on his part, reminding everyone that the demons were Abaddon's men. By not mentioning Mariemaia's name, her direct focus was successfully shifted to the very real enemy of the war. When he returned to his seat, he was rewarded with a small smile and a squeeze of his leg beneath the table from Heero.

"What do you mean expect the worst?" one of the army's Captains frowned deeply from further down the table. "Have we not suffered enough at their hands? What more could they possibly do to us than what we have already endured?" Others nodded and spoke of their own interjections of the same.

Holding up a hand, it was Wufei who answered calmly, "Just as all of you had initially thought that our victory is within sight, those monsters will also see what they believe to be their imminent destruction. They will be desperate. They will be enraged. And they will be merciless in doing whatever they must to preserve themselves and their station in Gaia. There is no greater danger than an enemy who feels as though they have nothing to lose."

An uneasy silence fell over the assembly. Eyes were wide with panicked realization of the Monk's very real warning.

With a deep breath, the Earth Keeper fixed his onyx eyes on the older Captain who had brought on the grim message. "What more could they possibly do, you asked," he spoke in little more than a whisper. "They are going to bring hell to us. Nothing short of it. So, yes, expect worse than anything you have experienced up to now. What is coming will make even the darkest of those days pale in comparison to what is on the way."

Faces paled, jaws fell open and shoulder sfell slack around the table. The Fighter who had spoken up looked very much as though he wished he had never asked the question that came with such a horrific portrayal of the future.

Raising an eyebrow to her husband after a long silence, Anna snorted, "Aren't you just a ball of sunshine, love?" Quiet laughter filled the air, tense though it was. But even the slight change in mood was welcomed.

The Monk smirked and reassured, "I do not say these things to have you lose hope, but more to make sure that you have an accurate understanding that our work here is not finished. The last thing that we want to do is make the mistake of being overconfident and giving Abaddon's men any room to take us by surprise."

Folding his hands on the table, continuing, " My suggestion would be to take advantage of our time here. Every day we can remain hidden to Mariemaia is a day that we can use our powers to prepare you for the last fight. We are all more than willing to train, guide and offer whatever we can so that you are ready for anything thrown at you." His teammates nodded fervently at that.

Quatre informed, "I would be more than willing to teach the Healers ways to see to their patients quickly and efficiently."

"I would be happy to take on teams of Fighters at a time to bring in my years of training as a Dragoon," Trowa added. "Any of those skills would be of great use in battle."

As the thought came to him, Duo stated, "I can work with the scouts to mentor them in speed and stealthy journeys through the forest so that they can keep the lines of communication open between the White Fang's ranks."

Finally, Heero gestured to the star-crossed lovers at his left as he suggested, "Wufei and I can combine our knowledge of hand-to-hand martial arts and weapon wielding to make any soldier better in self-defense as well as knowing the right time to move in offensively against any challenger. And your archers would be fortunate for the opportunity to work with Anna." Smiling warmly at his compliments, the couple gave him small bows of gratitude.

In hearing the bids made that would indeed make a great difference for the White Fang, hope was restored for the leaders again, so much so that wide grins had returned to the faces gathered.

A hand rose in the middle of the pack and all eyes fell on the Queen that had lifted it. Blinking widely, Relena noted the Brat and muttered under her breath to Trent, "Dear Creator, please do not let Lori not say anything to embarrass us or to offend the Keepers." It had, after all, been a long time since the pompous Sovereign made her opinion known since her humbling strip down from Peacecraft.

Clearing her throat, the young woman rose to her feet and dipped her head to the Alliance. "This whole war has been an eye opening experience... probably more for myself than most given my stubborn ways," she began. "Every day we have all been living on the belief that maybe tomorrow would be kinder to us. And when it was not, we made ourselves trust that the next tomorrow would be..."

With tears filling her eyes, she breathed, "Thank you... all of you for proving that we were right to hold on. Whatever the outcome of the war, just having this much to enjoy means more than you could ever know."

That heartfelt comment struck the royals and Fighters in the chest, bringing all of their visions to mist over. The Keepers were equally moved and they had a few tears fall freely down their grinning cheeks. "W-well that was not what I expected at all," Relena whispered.

"Looks as though she has really learned her lessons well," Trent replied in kind.

Brushing back the skirt of her plain clothes, Lori dried her face and leaned heavily against her smirking husband as he draped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. The two Queens that had once stood on opposing sides of the ways of the world caught each other's gazes, smiled and exchanged firm nods.

Heero finished swallowing down the lump in his throat and told the group, "We all appreciate your patience in our team. It is the greatest honor to have been chosen to stand alongside these amazing people and I look forward to continuing to do so." Taking a deep breath, he addressed Firion, "From here, we will be working with the Commander to set ourselves to task in readying the army for our attempt on the Paramecia Empire."

The meeting officially adjourned, the officials got to their feet and filtered out of the tent until only a small handful of individuals remained.

Making his way to Adodera, Duo gave her a quick hug and asked, "So, what do you think?"

"I must admit that my faith in humanity has grown drastically from being here to represent your army," the blonde smiled.

*His army.* Shaking his braided head, Shinigami's favorite still struggled to wrap his mind around that. But then, there was a pressing concern that he wanted to get to the bottom of first. "How are you and our siblings being treated?" he questioned. "None of you have been shown a difficult time, have you?"

At that, his sister's own violet eyes brightened as she answered, "Not at all, actually. Firion was good in having his warning heard throughout the encampment. There might still be a slight bit of nervousness for some, but no one has made us feel uncomfortable. Even more have truly gone out of their way to make us welcome. I have already had quite a few sit in conversation with me to understand us better."

Returning the relieved grin, Maxwell replied, "Good. Be sure to let me know if even one of you is handled poorly."

Adodera giggled, "Yes, big brother." She stretched up on her toes to give him a peck to the cheek.

Winking, she turned to slip back out into the world with her dark cape floating behind her.

Duo sighed, "I think that I just might be reassured in humanity, too." Content with the world, he rushed to his lover's side to be included in the plans being laid between his family and Firion.

*   *   *   *   *   *

There was not a lot of time left in the day for the Alliance to enjoy some personal time. And what time they did have Wufei and Anna were sure to make good on every second available to them.

Catching her breath as her husband slipped up along her naked body to have his shoulders square to hers in their bed, the redhead smiled lovingly up at him, "I can never get enough of these reprieves with you." Chuckling softly, Wufei bent his head down to give her a sound kiss as he held her flush against his own bare skin.

When their swollen lips parted, the Monk propped his head up on a bent arm, sighing, "This has been a pleasant, unexpected gift to have a few more days before we take on Mariemaia's army. I had been convinced that we would not get this opportunity leading up to that."

Humming, Anna curled up close to him, burying her head in the crook of his neck as her eyes drifted closed. The shift exposed the large scar on her left shoulder earned from the fight for the Earth Stone. At the sight of it, the Monk winced at the terrible memory of her lifeless body hanging from the 'finger' of stone that had impaled her.

Lightly tracing his fingers over the rough skin there, he said softly, "I do hope that you will not have to perform any more acts that will put you in danger."

"Um... love, simply going against Abaddon's forces is putting me at risk. "Neither of us like the thought of the other being in harm's way, but it is not like we really have a choice in the matter here," the thief snorted. Raising her head, she tilted her head with a lifted eyebrow. "You will be every bit as much at risk out there as I will be."

A sheepish grin tugging the corner of his mouth, Chang snickered, "True. I suppose that I cannot help being so protective of you."

Smiling, Anna kissed his cheek and told him, "Well, to put you at least at some ease, I do promise to be especially careful when that time comes."

Wufei rewarded her with a warm smile of his own. "And I swear it to you also," he murmured. The pact was sealed with one more searing kiss before they had to break away to set about their first duties to the White Fang.

Reluctantly disentangling their bodies, the couple set to dressing themselves in a companionable silence with a couple of playful pinches and teasing smacks in between. Pulling her long hair back in a high ponytail, the thief yelped at a particularly sharp hit to her rump.

"Careful you," she purred as she peered over her shoulder at her smirking husband. "I will gladly postpone my appointment so that I can render you unable to walk comfortably for the rest of the week." Chang's head fell back with a loud round of laughter.

Emerging from the tent together once they were fully clothed, they found Trent standing in the designated clearing nearby. "I do hope you have not been waiting too long for me," the redhead frowned as she approached her student, adjusting the quiver strap on her shoulder.

Quinze was fast to shake his head, "Not at all. You came in just on time for what we had agreed." Ducking his head, he snickered nervously, "I have just been anxious to have this time to train with a real Keeper." He gestured back to the rocks where Relena, Alex, Mueller, Dorothy and Meiran were seated as he said, "And as you can see, I am not the only one to appreciate the honor that this is."

A slight blush coloring her cheeks at that, Anna giggled and waved to the small audience that Wufei moved to join. "Well, I am very flattered by that," she responded sincerely.

"Is it alright that we are here to offer Trent our support?" Relena asked the Earth Keeper sitting beside her. >The Monk grinned, "Of course." Picking up on the edge in the Queen, he reassured, "And no need to worry about him. He could not be in better hands than Anna's for this." The breath that Peacecraft had been holding was released in a soft sigh as she gave him an grateful nod.

Folding her arms across her chest, the thief focused on her pupil to smirk, "Alright. Show me what you've got. This way I will have an idea of where to go from here with you."

With a rough swallow, Trent nooked the arrow in his hand to his bowstring and took aim at the target hanging from a willow tree at the distant edge of the opening. Closing his right eye to lock onto the red center of his mark, he released a deep breath and released... sending the projectile shooting clear past the circle and into the woods.

Blinking her wide eyes, Chang smiled sweetly to the blushing Fighter, "Alright, then. We will start with the basics."



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