ae, ae, ae, ae, aio, aio, aio, aio
The earth, the air, the fire, the water
Return, return, return, return
The earth, the air, the fire, the water
Return, return, return, return
-Wiccan chant/song: The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water Return

Elements of Great Design Part 31

Dekim Barton was enraged.

Never before had the old man been so infuriated that his vision was filled with only a red sheen, but that was exactly how he stood now as he kept his place beside his niece's throne. Far more stunned than she was angry, Mariemaia closed her slack mouth with an audible click of her teeth that filled the room. "What... did you just say, officer?" she managed in a throaty whisper.

Swallowing roughly, the short messenger kneeling deeply before her, hesitantly lifted his horned head and worry-filled red eyes. "Majesty," he began in a voice that begged for understanding, "the division that was transporting your mother and father had fallen under siege in the early hours this morning." Opening and closing his mouth, he forced out, "It is with my deepest regret that I inform you that rebels successfully rescued your parents."

"How was this possible?! You are Abaddon's demons and they are mere mortals! I demand an explanation to how you were defeated by mere civilians!" Barton screamed, his harsh and loud words bellowing out of him before he had the time to reason how he might be speaking out of turn as this was, for all intents and purposes at the moment, not his legion that needed to be reprimanded.

Mariemaia snapped her head towards the red-faced, panting man as she ordered, "Be still, Uncle! I will get to the bottom of this!"

Stunned as he was over having to be chastised by a child, even more so that he had to allow it, Dekim bowed his head in put on humility and took a step back all the same. From where he watched the messenger, he noted the brief glare from the glowing eyes that followed him back into the shadows of the throne.

Once more, there was no loyalty or love lost as far as the demons were concerned when it came to the sorcerer. He would have to continue to pay his dues first, earn their trust and devotion to follow him into the throes of the war when it was his time to rise.

Sighing deeply, the redheaded girl dry-washed her face with her hands and fought to get her own thoughts together. When she lowered her upturned palms into her lap, she frowned deeply, "I am correct in assuming that Salamand was abandoned, then? The army in that area never pushed forward?"

Again, the ugly monster all but trembled in his growing fear of disappointing his Mistress. "T-that is correct, my lady," he nodded shallowly. "We were attacked so quickly that our first wave of soldiers were cut down to less than half in what seemed like mere blinks of the eye. With no way of being able to communicate for reinforcements, our leaders had no choice but to demand that we retreat back into the hillsides that we had been hidden in for the couple of days before we had set out for Salamand."

Flashing the old man in the darkness another glare, the gremlin told his Queen, "As for their being mere civilians, we came up against more than starving, desperate mortals." Blinking their growing eyes, the dark gifted pair leaned forward in a silent urge for him to elaborate on that information.

Relieved for a bit of a reprieve, the demon straightened himself, rolled his shoulders back and stated, "There were skilled Fighters from other lands that had joined in. We do not know what specific lands they came from, but the color of the many armors were not of Paramecia or one realm alone. They must have come from other cities we have either claimed or have yet to take over."

His hands balling into fists at his sides, Barton contained his boiling rage just enough to comment almost calmly under his breath, "This is exactly what I have feared might happen if we allowed those survivors too much time to regroup. We cannot afford hesitation in taking any city from this point on if we are to reach our goal of complete control over Gaia without a challenge. Word of this victory is no doubt already spreading to encourage even more to join the resistance."

Keeping a tight hold on her own frustration, Mariemaia peered at her uncle from the corner of her eye and snapped back just as quietly, "Yes, I am perfectly aware of that. Unfortunately, my powers can only bring so many new recruits beyond the veil that separates our world from Abaddon's Hell. I will do what I can to have them progress from here, but I will not be talked down to when I have done absolutely nothing but look out for our best interests ever since this all began."

Sure to appear respectful, Dekim opened his hands with his palms up at the height of his shoulders in a sign of surrender.

The girl sighed and gazed back on her charge, commenting politely, "You have traveled far and as fast as you could to bring me this news. Thank you. I will take all that you have shared with me into consideration of how we need to proceed from here. Please return to your ranks and advise them that we will be tripling their numbers soon."

Catching the expression on the sorcerer's face, she quickly added, "Until we have a force that can not be overcome by these rebels, there are to be no further progressions into a city be it abandoned or not. Any resistance that rises must be crushed. Surrender will no longer be an option, only the continued press on of our influence."

Only more relieved at her urging, the gremlin gave his deepest bow yet as he replied, "Yes, my Queen. I will spread the word immediately." All but jumping to his clawed feet, the monster spun and hurried beyond the lines of guards that flanked the room to disappear past the doors that were opened to him.

Releasing a huff of air from her lungs, Mariemaia pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. Well aware of how unsettled her uncle would be over the fact that her parents were free, the girl could not help but feel oddly at peace with that certain turn of events.

Hopefully they would make good on their opportunity and flee far beyond the darkness before they were pulled back into it. Somehow, she was going to have to the get word out that her orders were to see them brought in alive should they ever be in the clutches of her army again. And that message was going to need to be made loud and clear.

"A setback," the child admitted aloud, raising finger in the air and keeping her voice clipped and emotionless so that her company knew not to make the matter any more of a concern beyond that. "We will rise above it, grow all the stronger for it now that our forces know to not assume that every advance will come easily."

Dekim pulled in a deep, steadying breath before he found his voice calm enough to respond, "Very true, dear niece. This is nothing that we cannot rise from. Please forgive me my initial and uncalled for reaction. I tend to forget that you are more than aware of the ramifications that would befall you if we were to ever fail in our quest. You would be destroyed at the hand of our foes even quicker than I would should we ever be at their mercy."

Shuddering, Mariemaia swallowed past her constricting throat. Such was the only reason why she simply had to continue in claiming Gaia. Not even her parents would come to her aid after the ruin she had already brought into the world.

But this was not the time to worry over such things. Now, she had work to do... so much work to do.

As she rose to her feet, the dark sorceress still refuse to look on her accomplice while she announced, "I will be in my spell room to open the gates to Hell for more soldiers. Considering the new developments that have taken place, I do not plan on reemerging for quite some time until I am content with the number of reinforcements that come forth."

Finally, Barton smirked in genuine pleasure at that sentiment. At least there was no question that his charge was perfectly aware of what they needed to accomplish to win. Slowly but surely, that soft-heartedness was hardening into grim resolve. Before long, there would be nothing more of her old sweet ways to be found. And eventually she would look to him for direction... if he allowed her to live that long.

Mentally steeling herself away for the task that lay ahead of her, Mariemaia passed the armored beasts bowing in her wake as she made her way through the throne room doors. The Gates were a horrid place to be and she dreaded having a glimmer of what awaited the damned souls when they passed into Abaddon's terrifying realm...

...but the most unsettling part of having the knowledge of what only part of Hell she could see was knowing that it was what most likely awaited her when she died. And for as long as there was life in her, the little sorceress was bound and determined to hold onto it fast.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Under the cool runoff of a waterfall that they had discovered in the cliffs of their 'honeymoon suite,' Wufei and Anna worked to clean themselves from their long and passionate night together while enjoying the last of their time alone.

Sighing deeply when she felt a soft kiss pressed against where the base of her neck met her shoulder blades, the redheaded thief smiled and closed her eyes as she leaned back against her equally wet and naked husband. Chuckling deeply, the Monk held another kiss against her exposed shoulder that did not have her long rope of wet hair draped over it.

Content to help bath and hold each other under the soothing water, the newlyweds finally could no longer put off their duty. "Our great, great grandson and brothers should be awake soon," Chang noted reluctantly at the start of the sunrise over the horizon.

Feeling and hearing his wife's sigh, he smiled sadly and held her closer against himself as he placed his chin on her shoulder. "I know you are dreading our leaving this place every bit as much as I am, love, but we cannot abandon the war."

"I know," Anna frowned deeply, her intention never being to leave the rest of Gaia defenseless. She was more than willing and ready to be the warrior she needed to be, to banish the darkness that was claiming the world.

However, the moment they set back off on their quest and left Howard's presence, they would be separated by Mariemaia's spell for the remainder of their quest... until they defeated the young sorceress.

Biting her lip, the archer's eyes shimmered with tears caught by the water running down her face as she turned to peer deeply into her beloved's eyes and whispered, "I just wish we could have a little more time..." Those words trailing off in her thoughts, she grinned sheepishly in admission, "Though no amount of time is ever enough for me."

The martial artist chuckled deeply and kissed the tip of her wet nose. "Spending the rest of eternity with you would only begin to suit me," he breathed. "And I also wish that we could afford to be a little selfish."

Gently resting their damp foreheads together, he vowed quietly, "But we are going to break this spell." The corner of his lip curled up while he added, "Then you'll have every little wicked way with me that you desire for the rest of our existences in these bodies and the next and so on."

Unable to help herself, Anna's head fell back against her shoulder as she laughed her first real laugh in a very long time. Smiling at the sound, the Monk tightened his arms around her. When she managed to calm herself, the thief kissed her partner's lips soundly and told him, "I love you, Earth."

"I love you as well, Fire," the other Keeper replied just a softly. Giving her rump a playful slap, he chuckled, "Let's go."

Separating, the pair stepped out of the cavern opening and the waterfall with it to wade their way through the shallow pool gathered at their feet. Easily scaling the short ledge where their clothes waited, they quickly dried off with the help of some extra heat radiating off of the thief.

Once he was fully clothed in his white-and-red robes again, Wufei gathered up the adjustable necklace that he had made for himself out of twine so that he could wear his wedding band against his chest even in his wolf form. Slipping the simple loop around his neck, he smiled to himself at the extra care that Anna took in setting her heat-fused wedding and engagement rings on her finger.

With one last deep kiss before they were in the presence of the others, the Keepers linked their hands together and made their way back to the main camp.

By the time they reached the ring gathered around the lowly burning fire, the smiling faces of their teammates greeted them back kindly at the start of their breakfast. Conversation was kept light, mostly bringing up the previous day's wedding. But there was a notable tension growing through the lot.

Finally, every bit the Fighter taking charge of the situation, Heero straightened himself and outright asked the Elder, "So, where can we find the Elemental Stones and how do they work?" The uneasiness that had settled evaporated immediately as his 'family' all turned their keen focus onto the old man at the edge of the ring.

An expectant smile curling his lips, Howard clapped and rubbed his hands together with a pleased, "Ah. Yes, the reason why you all came here. How do we end this war?"

Extending his arms out towards the middle of the circle they made, he sent forth a light mist of white that covered the rocky 'floor.' Before the growing eyes around, full-colored images appeared through the low-riding screen and four clear shapes could be made out.

The four images were that of the emerald-cut Elemental Stones. All of the same size and shape, the only differentiating quality between them was their color.

One was a swirl of blues and greens, one was nearly opaque aside from the streaks of silver, purple and white that rose and curled inside, the third was a churning mix of reds, golds and oranges while the last was enriched with deeper golds, warm browns and rich greens. Mesmerized by the pictures of their charges, the Keepers' eyes automatically trained on the rock that they knew to belong to them.

"The Elemental Stones were weapons forged by the Creator Himself to serve as His Keepers' instruments to preserving all that is good in Gaia," Howard began, shifting himself to sit more on the edge of his solid perch. "They amplify the already incredible powers that you already have for only the times of the greatest need as the unleashing of their potential strength could very well destroy the world if they are not wielded properly.

Caught off-guard by that, the four bearers exchanged wide-eyed glances while the old man explained, "This was the primary reason why He scattered and hid them throughout this realm."

Sobering considerably, the Elder waved a hand over the display to have the living image change. To their growing eyes, the Alliance watched as bright flashes rose from the stones to create a blinding light that quickly faded. When it did, the color from the Creator's gifts had been completely drained along with the natural brilliance that they radiated to leave four blackened heaps of rock.

"Ever since the opening of Abaddon's gates, the Dark Lord's influence in Gaia absorbed the light from these weapons," Howard continued, a worried frown marring his face. "It served as the first warning to certain gifted like myself that we had entered a dire time. So few and so far in between, we had no means of getting the word out of the oncoming danger before it was too late. Now, slowly but surely, the structure of the elements as we know them are falling into the same turmoil as our own lives."

Bowing his head to the Keepers, he said, "You are the only ones who can return the light to your stones when you are reconnected. What you need to do with them from there will come to you as it was all a part of the Creator's design to show you the way when you were ready. What was question or doubt in your minds will suddenly become perfectly clear. Your task will be laid out before you and it must be overseen without hesitation."

Trowa bit his lip before he stated, "That much we are ready for, but we are at a great disadvantage in not knowing where to even begin searching for our stones. I understand that the Creator needed them away so that they would not fall into the wrong hands, but we are not strong enough on our own to rise against Mariemaia without them. We need to know where to go from here."

Shaking his head, he began, "If you and the other Elders were able to receive the warning sent off, that must mean that you are aware of where we can find our weapons..." Pausing, he frowned nervously, "...right?"

His smile saddening, Howard nodded, "Yes, the one thing that we were able to accomplish was discovering those hidden locations. Because nothing good in times like these come without sacrifice, four very brave souls volunteered to give their lives in becoming the mystical beacons to the Elemental Stones."

"G-gave their lives?" Quatre stammered, the skin of his face paling along with those of his stunned friends' as they absorbed the information. "I don't understand."

Folding his arms around his slender waist, the old man grinned wistfully, "We Elders know all too well that we are key chess pieces in the games of warfare. As the only ones who can feel the stones when they lose their light, we in turn are the only ones who can lead their wielders to them. To do so, the very fibers of a selfless soul are smeared in the entrance of each secret place... forever glowing until the stone that they reveal is claimed when they will be freed to soar into the Creator's kingdom."

A few tears filled Howard's eyes as he opened his hand to reveal a perfectly clear, emerald-cut stone that was a quarter of the size of the Elemental Stones that fit comfortably in his upturned palm. "Those four were dear friends of mine, and I took on the responsibility of protecting the only compass in Gaia that will lead you to them," he shared softly.

Slowly lifting the gem towards the clear sky, the old man exposed it to a concentrated stream of light that shot through to break into four solid beams of different colors from the other side.

Transfixed, the members of the Alliance gasped and stared in awe as they followed the very clear directions that were mapped out by those beacons. A deep blue light aimed south of where they sat while a vibrant purple ray darted off into the east. A piercing shaft of red pointed towards the north while and a deep gold showed the way west.

From a half-dozen few feet away, a small pile of rocks shifted to reveal a glimmering pair of yellow eyes that looked onto the display in wonder with a soft hiss. The obscured observer's long tongue darted out to lick a green cheek as it sent what it was beholding to its mistress. Satisfied that it had everything it needed, the little demon slipped deep back into the sunken cavern beneath it.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Mariemaia's glowing eyes widened with a sharp gasp before the light in them faded. As the swirling, shifting globe of mist before her disappeared and so did the view that her messenger had shown her. Locking the direction of the glowing rays that pointed to the Elemental Stones, a small smile crept across her face.

Finally... something was going right.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Peering from the corner of his eye to where he sensed the Tonberry, Howard closed his fist around the compass to call off the beams. Once again facing his audience, his smile returned as he asked, "Now, who will be the one to look after this?"

"I think that Heero would be the best one to entrust with it," Duo suggested, smirking when he turned his head to take in his surprised soul mate.

Blinking widely, Yuy was about to open his mouth in protest when the Keepers nodded vehemently and openly voiced their agreement to the sentiment with comments like, 'Heero should have it' and 'Yes, he is the best suited for the job.' Flabbergasted, the Fighter scanned over one grinning face to the next.

Soon taking in their confident expressions, the Romefeller native took courage in the complete faith that they had in him. Clearing his throat, he rose to his feet and approached the pleased Elder. "The world's influences have spoken and chosen wisely, young man," Howard winked. "For one who has so much to offer, you need to start believing in yourself as much as your fellow mystics do."

Heero swallowed past the hitch in his throat and nodded. Still not completely certain to what it was he could and could not do as Life, he needed to trust that the Creator had a reason for him just as he had been shown time and time again in the quest up to that point already.

Clasping the clear gem in between his fingers as he raised it before the soldier's face, the old man smirked, "Handle with care. Not that I really needed to tell you that."

"And try to avoid unexpected run-ins with thieves. Let' not forget what happened the last time that happened," Anna grinned slyly.

The Fighter peered over his shoulder to give the giggling redhead a half-hearted glare that only made the rest of the team that had just hardly contained their laughter to fall apart. Rolling his eyes as he faced the snickering Elder, Heero reached out and the mood sobered once again out of respect for the seriousness of the situation.

When the cool compass was lowered into his hand, Yuy blinked his growing cobalt eyes that were locked on the instrument. Rolling his shoulders back, he asked, "Is there anything else that we need to know before we set out?"

Nodding firmly, Howard answered, "Only a couple more things." His eyes narrowing in a glare, he clasped his free hand around a long staff of light that appeared at his gifted command. On alert at his sudden change in demeanor, the whole of the Alliance shot to their feet. "The first that must be seen to," their host said in a low growl, "is that we are not alone."



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