But I will hold on hope, And I won't let you choke
On that noose around your neck
And I'll find strength in pain, And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called out again
-Lyrics to 'The Cave' performed by Mumford and Sons

Crimson Bonds Part 81

The stage was set for another incredible day in history with the World Senate- the second of its kind in less than a year with the appeal against the Vampire registration laws about to unfold.

Outside of the Capitol building, the media showing was almost doubled in comparison to the initial vote that changed the course of life and existence as everyone across the globe knew it.

Reporters, photographers and video recorders flooded the steps and street, making the entrance for the representatives a fight until security stepped in to force a walkway for them.

Their heads lowered and faces stoic in light of the shouted questions, the big players gave nothing by means of an interview or a clue in to where they stood in the matter at hand.

For the living woman at the center of the great debate, the attention she received was hard to ignore. She had become a household name thanks to her effective, bold attack against the Vampires that won the first vote for the anti-Infected that she stood for. "Senator McAdams, how have you prepared for today's proceedings? Do you have a change in tactic other than your stand that Vampires are not what they say they are?" one female journalist called over the others.

"Senator, if it is true that Vampires can now bear children, would this not be an argument against your beliefs that they are more like us than you and your supporters would like to admit?" one male reporter followed up.

Then another push of her buttons when she reached the top of the steps. "Most appeals are won in the World Senate, Senator. Considering how the amendment to the Human-Vampire Treaty was won over by a very slim margin, are you concerned there might be a different outcome this time?"

Eyes narrowing, the representative spun on her heels to fixate her glare on the young, redheaded correspondent that had fired the question in the middle of the crowd at her feet. Undeterred by her visible irritation, the newswoman raised the microphone in her hand for a response.

"I am not at all concerned that justice will be served once again," McAdams declared clearly to the hushed audience. "Right was on my side before, or I wouldn't have successfully convinced my colleagues to vote as they had. They will not be swayed away when it is time for the next closed ballot."

A hand fell on her shoulder.

Peering up at the muscular guard that came to her side to give her a stern look, Nancy fought the urge to swallow roughly.

Though she hadn't said anything that would have gotten her in trouble with the Moderator for speaking up, she was toting a dangerous line. Clearing her throat, she told the press that remained hanging on her every word. "That is all for now," she announced, spinning on her heels to avoid any further display. Of course, that did not stop the voices from shouting for more from her.

Her hand gripping her handbag tightly, the brunette representative walked purposely through the marble corridor with her heels clicking loudly enough to echo for the stretch leading to the gathering hall.

That damn close vote. It was something that she would have been worried about, knowing how narrow the margin for victory was. However, she was not armed with the proverbial bomb in her possession that would blow away any warm favors towards the Vampires as she was now.

By the time she was finished with her argument, there wouldn't be a person in the world who would be able to trust those monsters.

When she reached the large double doors that were opened to the round atrium, Nancy had the unpleasant discovery of the Khushrenada Clan standing by. As usual, they all offered her smiles that would have been welcomed coming from a living. But from them, the gestures made her stomach turn.

"Good luck today, Nancy," Treize offered sincerely along with a hand that he held out to her. "It should be a memorable day in history, however this turns out."

Scoffing at the cold hand that was outstretched to her, the Senator snapped her head away with a huffed, "I am not the one in need of luck today, Councilman. All the same, may the best warm-blooded being win again." Eyes closed behind her glasses, she walked past the Infected and entered the gathering room.

With a sad frown, Khushrenada lowered his hand and turned to his family. "Can't say I'm surprised by that," Relena snorted bitterly. "She has to be upset that the legislation with her name on it is being questioned."

"Yes, but she was quite confident for someone who has every reason to be concerned," Zechs mused aloud. "Either she's certain that the vote won't change, or she got something up her sleeve."

Humming, Treize nodded to his cousin, "I was just thinking the same thing, Merquise." All eyes shifted to Noin for a possible explanation.

Lucrezia shook her head, "There was nothing for me to pick up. She's a complete blank slate. I'd imagine if she is hiding something, she doesn't want to risk it appearing on her face if she thinks about it."

While there was that much to worry about, another concern took over as she sighed deeply, "We shouldn't even be here. We should be with Heero and Wufei for when Broderick wakes up so that we can get Duo and Anna back home." Meeting the sympathetic looks, she continued, "I know that this is important but... they're our family."

A heaviness fell over the group as the same regret settled in. Duty to the service and duty to their dear friends had never conflicted in such a way before. Though their roles as Council representatives affected their kind, what was happening to the Barton-Yuy Clan had affected them profoundly.

Lady Une muttered, "I have my cell phone turned to vibrate so that I can still receive any updates. Heero and Wufei have been informed to reach me at any time."

She took in the widely blinking eyes that turned towards her. "What?" she asked. "I know it's out of character for me to not have it turned off when we're in session but they are our family, just as you said, cousin."

"I have my phone on as well," Zechs snickered. Relena, Quatre, Noin and Treize all laughed softly as they raised their own devices to reveal the same. "I guess great minds really do think alike."

Fighting the urge to glare past her loved ones to the large figure approaching them, she hissed quietly, "Oh, this should be good..."

As the Clan turned to face him, Senator Dobson smiled and opened his arms with a smiled, "Good morning, friends."

Before Treize could finish raising his hand, the round man clasped it with both of his own for a firm shake. "I would wish you luck, but I know you're going to deliver a brilliant speech to reverse the amendment."

Forcing a smile, Khushrenada replied, "Thank you, Eric. The support is most appreciated." It occurred to him at that moment to try and entrap the living into a thought that Noin might intercept now that she knew who to focus her mindreading ability on while tuning out all others. "Hopefully Senator McAdams does not have any surprises planned for her argument to tip the scales her way."

It was clear that the Senator had not expected that comment as there was a slight pause before he laughed, "What could she possibly have that she hasn't already used against you? Unless something changed within the last couple of days, she has nothing new to bring to the table in her defense."

Unbeknownst to him, his little mental slip was immediately intercepted by Noin. Her eyes growing, the Councilwoman fought to contain the gasp that wanted to break from her. At her side, Zechs picked up on his wife's shock and subtly gripped her arm to keep her from reacting further.

Checking his watch, the husky mortal said, "Ah, I best get to my seat. We'll be assembling in a few minutes." He waved to the Vampires as he turned on his heels and told them, "I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines." Melding in with the rest of the crowd, he slipped inside the atrium and out of sight.

The Clan spun as one to stare at Lucrezia. Noting her especially pale skin and enlarged eyes, everyone standing around her stiffened in fear. "What is it, cousin?" Lady Une pressed quietly.

Noin continued to stare ahead at nothing as she breathed, "He knows about the Preventers. And he passed the tip to Nancy McAdams."

"What?!" Treize whispered sharply as the rest of his family took on a variety of shell-shocked expressions. "H-how-?" Stopping the question that he had begun short, he shook his head. The how and why to Dobson's knowledge of the Preventers didn't matter. He was in on the secret organization and now their greatest challenger had that damning information in her back pocket.

So that was why McAdams was so sure of herself.

Quatre bit his lip and leaned in towards the patriarch of the Clan. "Treize, you can't let Nancy beat you to breaking the news," he urged quietly. "If you don't disclose the organization, she'll have a field day being the one to bring it out in the open. She'll have all the evidence she'll need to prove that there's every reason for humans to not trust Vampires."

Rubbing her hands together anxiously, Relena muttered, "She'll have just as easy a time winning the fight even if we were to come clean. Either way, the entire Human-Vampire Treaty will be in jeopardy and not just the registration laws. Livings will enlist by the hundreds, if not thousands, to become Hunters when they realize that our own truly are killing theirs."

There was no time. However Khushrenada might try to delay so that he could regroup and work out his new strategy, he did not have the luxury... unless...

He did have one bold play that he could make. A gamble. But there was no other option.

Noting that the last of the representatives were filing into the atrium, Treize swallowed roughly. "There may be something," he murmured. "Let's just pray it works." Unable to elaborate, he led his anxious family into the gathering room.

*   *   *   *   *   *

"I don't even know how to explain it," Isabel said softly as she squeezed the limp hand in her own. Peering up from the injured Hunter, she met her father's gaze on the other side of the bed. "All of a sudden, I just had this feeling that I needed to be here... that I was needed. That was when I came up with the name Broderick and realized that he was the one I had to see."

Nodding, Wufei responded, "That's all part of the mystical bon we have with our Others. We know when they're hurting and how to find them in those moments." His scaly head shaking in amusement, he stared down at Dawson.

"Never would I have ever thought that there would be a connection between a Hunter and one of my children," he commented. Then smirking, he shrugged, "But then, it all makes sense in how everything happens for a reason. If he hadn't met your mother, he may have continued on his path for a long time before you found each other."

Heero remained leaning against the doorpost a few feet behind his brother. Arms folded across his chest, he added, "That also clears up why Broderick cared so much for Anna. He would have felt some sense of loyalty to his Chosen's bloodline."

A slight groan rose from the Companion, bringing the Vampires to their feet as they got as close as they could to the bed. When his eyes blinked open, his irises were an intense steel blue that would mark his change into immortality. As his vision cleared, he frowned in confusion at the faces hovering over him...

Then, Broderick locked onto the one face he was the most drawn to- the lovely one that he did not recognize. "H-hello?" he croaked out hesitantly, afraid to startle his beautiful company. Confusion gave way to a rush of images from recent memories, including those dedicated to-

"Anna!" he suddenly cried out, his upper body sitting up in a bolt. Turning back to Wufei, the Hunter forgot all of his respect in introductions and gripped the front of the Infected's brown T-shirt. "We have to get her and the others out of Septum's lair! Now!" he shouted.

Caught off guard by the 'assault' and desperate plea from the Companion, Chang blinked his enlarged eyes until they relaxed. Resting his scaly hands on the fist grabbing onto him, he said calmly, "Easy, Broderick. You've been through a lot the last few hours. Take a second to get yourself sorted out before we talk about Anna and the others."

Biting her lip, Isabel rested a hand on his shoulder and assisted him in sitting back in the bed. "Do you remember anything before you blacked out?" she asked in hopes of grounding his senses a bit.

After a short pause to think, Dawson nodded to her, "Yea. I remember Damien. He was just about to finish me off when..." Facing the Infecteds at his right side, he concluded, "when you both appeared and killed him." The surprise of that memory washing over, he smiled sincerely, "Thank you for saving my life." Heero and Wufei grinned back.

Shaking his head, Broderick rubbed his head, mumbling, "Why do I feel... different?"

Only when he moved both hands up to his face did he realize that the pain from his injured shoulder was nonexistent. His jaw hanging open, he looked to the remains of the splint that had broken away in his jolt to sit up lying on part of the bed and the floor.

In that moment, a bolt of shock raced down his spine. Slowly raising his head to the onyx-and-gold eyes of the young woman of a Vampire watching him, he breathed, "How did I heal so fast? I should be bedridden for weeks with the injuries I had."

Their nerves kicking in, the Original and the Chinese warrior tensed up in readiness to move and restrain Dawson if necessary. Already, he was coming around to what had happened since his focus kept drifting back to his Chosen for answers. How he would react when reality set in was up in the air and something that his rescuers needed to be prepared for.

His eyes growing anew as he really had a moment to study the youngling's face, Broderick was amazed at the striking resemblance she had to the scaly Infected. And with that, the puzzle pieces of her identity fell into place.

"Isabel," he whispered in awe. "Your mother told me all about you." In a rare turn of shyness, he smiled, "You're even more beautiful than I imagined."

Gasping, the immortal held a hand against her chest and beamed. "Thank you, Broderick. It's so nice to finally meet you." With another rough swallow, she gathered up her courage and informed him, "I don't know exactly how to ease into this, so I'll just have to tell you... you're healed because I changed you... I'm your Chosen."

Every bit of air in the room seemed to be sucked out in that next, stilled heartbeat as those words set in for the Hunter. Frozen still, he did not so much as blink for an uncomfortable pause. Then, out of the blue, his head fell back with a booming round of laughter.

His ice blue eyes carrying his mirth, he shook his head, "Of course you are. Hell, how else can everything I've been through be explained?"

Relieved beyond comprehension, Isabel sagged with a deep sigh and her smile grew as she was pulled into a tight embrace from her Companion. A tear rolling down her cheek, she giggled and clung onto him just as tightly.

Breathing a sigh of his own, Wufei exchanged a reassured smirk with his brother. Like so many other cases that they had witnessed, the differences between the bonded soul mates made no difference to either of them. All that they wanted was what their entire beings wanted... that they simply be together.

As they pulled away, Dawson pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, "This is still a lot to process." Snapping his head up, he was quick to reassure his Vampire, "I'm more than fine with it, but I only have what Anna told me about you to know who you are. I'd like to take every minute I can to learn more about you, but..."

Lightly slapping his mended shoulder, the youngling snorted, "If you don't concentrate on finding my Mom and my Uncle Duo, you won't want to know me. We have all the time in the world for everything else when all of this is over, so get to work!"

Indeed, Isabel was just as her mother had described to Dawson, he mused. She was the near mirror image of Wufei and Anna in spirit. What was more, he also understood how connected he felt to his Chosen... even though he had only just met her.

What was more, he had been told that the sensation was indescribable aside from the unconditional desire that a Companion had to always be with their destined. That was exactly what was swelling inside of him that instant.

But that was all something that he would be able to sort out better once the Barton-Yuy family... his family was restored again.

Heero stepped towards the Companion, questioning, "So you can tell us where Septum's base is?"

"Tell you?" Broderick snorted to the Japanese Vampire. A dark smirk curling the corner of his mouth, he growled, "I'll personally take you to his front door."

*   *   *   *   *   *

Were his stomach still functioning, Treize was certain it would have been twisting with the anxiety he was feeling over what he was about to do. Hoping for the best, he weaved his way through the columns of chairs and steps until he reached the floor of the Senate atrium.

Not every representative had taken their seats, or ended their quiet conversations between their neighbors... but every eye in the room noticed the head of the Vampire Council walking purposely to the Moderator.

Bending at the waist when he reached the living, Khushrenada confided quietly, "I request a private meeting with you and Senator McAdams regarding a grave matter that is deeply rooted in this vote."

His brownish green eyes blinking widely, Jackson got to his feet and nodded firmly, "Very well." Turning on his heels, he fixated on the brunette perched across from him. With a raised hand, he gestured for her to join them.

Nancy adjusted her glasses to make certain that she had seen correctly. Frowning, she rose with her suitcase and quickly descended to the floor while the Moderator announced to the hushed crowd, "We will resume session soon. No one is to leave this room until then." At that, he led the representatives of the hour up the main stairway and through the main doorway.

On his way past, Jackson told the guards standing by, "Please see that the atrium is sealed off to anyone coming or going prior to our return." Responding with firm 'Yes, sir's, the suited quartet of men closed the doors after them just as the whispers inside rose to full-voiced debates over what might have been transpiring.

Politely stepping aside so that his guests could enter his office before him, the silver-haired Moderator shut the door behind himself and rounded his long desk at the center of the room as the representatives sat in the empty chairs before it.

"Treize, I have never known you to ask for a meeting like this," Jackson stated. Adjusting his black robe, he folded his hands together to rest them on his chest in his recline back in his leather seat. "which is why I am allowing it since it must be important."

Not at all happy in hearing that her opponent was granted such a favor, Nancy's face twisted with anger. "What is this about?" she demanded without looking over at the monster beside her. "I was under the impression that there was to be no delay in this appeal. Treize is trying to stall the process, clearly it's because he knows that he'll only lose a second vote."

Raising a hand, the older living glared at her and warned, "One more word, Senator, and I will not give you the opportunity to respond to whatever it is Councilman Khushrenada has to say. I have already been informed of your walking a thin tightrope when dealing with the press on your way into the Capitol building. just give me a reason to give you a third strike today."

Her jaw falling open, McAdams fell back in defeat. Closing her mouth with an audible click of her teeth, she gulped down any further retort. 'Good news travels fast around here,' she thought to herself of her encounter with the guard outside.

Content with her silence, Jackson nodded curtly, "Good." Unfolding his hands to the Vampire, he said, "Now, please share with us the grave matter surrounding this vote that you need to discuss before we begin our legislative proceeding."

Bowing his own head in appreciation, the Infected righted himself. He opted to forgo formalities and spoke to a friend rather than a delegate in his replied, "Leon, it has come to my attention that the initial vote for the amendment to the registration laws is void due to blackmail from one of our own."



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