Time, it taunts me
Says: "you're getting older, you are getting older"
Are you growing colder? Hmm?"
And time and time again, I doubt who I am
-Lyrics to 'Time Taunts Me' performed by Lost In the Trees

Crimson Bonds Part 30

Another bouquet of red and white roses.

Frowning deeply to himself, Broderick scanned the graveyard for clue to who may have left the display behind. Like every year for the last decade, he was about the only person visiting any of the tombstones for as far as he could see. And there were no tracks behind in the soft grass to tip off which direction the visitor had taken to come and go from the sight.

Vampires. Some damned creature continuing to laugh at Dawson by leaving a reminder every year of how they claimed his father's life.

Just as the Hunter, fresh out of his training, had believed with every fiber of his being that it was an Infected that had taken away the man that he had always longed to know and never had the chance, he was certain that it was the very same creature devoutly leaving behind the roses on the anniversary of that fateful night.

Of course there was no evidence of foul play, let alone anything that tipped the authorities enough to leave the case opened beyond that of a missing person. The fact that his vehicle remained in the lot of the firm where he worked late hours was the only thing left of him.

Having to deal with his father's passing was difficult enough for Dawson. But his loss had taken its toll on his poor mother who had killed herself behind the wheel of her car a decade after his death when she had gone out to continue drinking away the memory of him.

That left Broderick fending for himself when he was only ten years old. And even at that young, he woke in his new life mission of killing every Infected that he could.

"But not the one that really matters to you," a deep voice rumbled behind him.

His back snapping straight up, the young Hunter spun around to catch only the glimmer of a shadowy figure towering high over him before it swooped with a terrifying, shrill cry and sank its fangs into the side of his neck.

Screaming, Broderick bolted from his bed, kicking and fighting his way through the tangle of comforter and sheets that had grabbed onto him like that monster had. Covered in sweat and panting heavily, he curled himself into a corner on the floor and looked every which way frantically to see until his eyesight adjusted to the dim red glow of his alarm clock as the only source of light.

Once the familiar setting came through his anxiety-ridden senses, Dawson let out a long breath as his entire body sagged against the wall behind him. Placing a hand over his chest, he willed the rapid beating of his heart to calm. After a few deep inhales and exhales, the hard pounding eased to a much more relaxed pace.

Eyes closing, the Hunter dry-washed his face.

That damned nightmare again.

Everything leading up to the arrival of the dark figure that he took for his father's killer was exactly how it had been for the last few years on the anniversary of his father's disappearance. A bouquet of red and white flowers were always waiting at the grave marker without a body that had been established as Michael Dawson's resting place.

Having only been a few months old at the time, all that Broderick had of his dad were photos and that grave site. Then when his mother died, his grandparents took him in to serve as his guardians for the remainder of their years to see him through college.

Now he had no one left to call his immediate family. And from the moment he was able, Dawson had looked into the case that the authorities had given up on by using newspaper clippings centered around his father's mysterious vanishing to come to his own understanding of what may have happened to him.

Before long, his search for answers had become an obsession. He wanted answers regarding that evening that had begun a downward spiral which robbed him of a normal life with parents who loved him.

From what he had to go on, Broderick had come to his own realization that there was simply no other explanation to the incident other than a blood-thirsty Vampire who took advantage of a living who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That was when Dawson had sought out the Hunters to join their ranks.

Fueled by their seconding his theory of his dad's murder, those young men and women had become a family of sorts... the very thing that he had desperately wanted. They trained him, prepared him to remove the scourge of the earth that was the Infected. Arming him with the tools and the acceptance that he needed, he became formidable in his trade of killing his targets.

It was his fast climb up through the chain of connections through the underground society of marksmen that had garnered Septum's attention. And after their first conversation, the rest was history.

Now if he could just get that damned nightmare behind him.

Agreeing to join the Boss's hunt was not an easy call on Broderick's part. It was a distraction from his own search for the killer of his life. And time was already against him, taunting him that the prime time for him to strike his great, elusive adversary would eventually fall away with every passing year.

But then, he had hit a dead end that he could not get around in his case and needed a target to center his attention on... one that he could successfully bring down.

That was the Hybrid tied to Heero Yuy. His new prey.

Begrudgingly giving his life-long enemy the satisfaction of robbing him of his sleep, Dawson pushed himself to his feet. To his surprise, he twisted at the material of his tank top to find that his perspiration had soaked it. Rather than bother changing into another, he removed it with a hiss and tossed it aside.

He would not be able to get that phantom feeling of fangs in his neck from his mind enough to return to the peaceful world of slumber.

Telling himself that his lack of sleep was for some other reason, he got to his feet and unconsciously rubbed a hand against his skin to make certain that there were not puncture holes to be found. It was a big day, that was the reason for his increased anxiety.

In just a matter of hours, the entirety of Septum's team would be called upon by the Boss so that he could announce Broderick's discovery of the potential threat that the hunt faced thanks to the unexpected involvement of the Khushrenada-Merquise Clan.

This was going to be a real test of who would remain resolved in the search for Millers' Hybrid. Just as he had told the scientist, Dawson would have been surprised if more than a handful of Hunters bowed out. But then there was really no telling for sure until the meeting.

Whatever did transpire, it did not matter when it came to Dawson and his goal. He would claim his target in the end.

'But not the one that really matters to you.'

Yes, it was the anticipation of the gathering that was keeping him up. Not the chill that ran down his spine as that deep, half-chuckling-half-growling voice replayed in his mind as it taunted him once again.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Sleep was also evading Lucie Aisley a few doors away.

With less than a week coming to the big upload of the Vampire trackers, time was singing its endless ticking away for her as she continued on searching through her notes and images for whatever it was she had clearly missed...

...but she simply could not find what that was.

Pushing her laptop further to the middle of her living space table to clear some room so that she could prop her elbows on the edge, Aisley dry-washed her face. She already had enough to worry about in needing to get the jump on her fellow Hunters, all of whom were now regrouped and ready to pounce on the Hybrid when his Clan's whereabouts became public knowledge.

But now the next challenge was becoming all too clear- how was she going to be able to get in and out alone when and if she was lucky enough to find him first?

Tired as Lucie's mind was, a sudden thought broke through that had her arms falling at her sides and her eyes growing.

Celeste. The Pet's Companion.

An absolutely wicked plan began laying itself out thanks to all of the information she had acquired through her fun sessions with Solo; the Hunter's lips twisted up in a ruthless smile.

Yes, this was a definite possibility. For as stubborn as her Pet was in revealing anything, there were enough tell-tales in what he was not saying, based on specific questions he was especially tight-lipped on even in the worst deliveries of pain he received for his insolence.

After all, Lucie was not one of the world's best Hunters by accident. She had her ways of finding what she wanted... at times it just took a little more patience and persistence, but she would get there.

Perhaps Septum would not be thrilled with the risk she was surely taking, but she would easily be able to win him over once she returned with his prize. If what she was plotting actually worked, Millers wouldn't even know that she was gone until her return.

Finally onto something that she could mull over, Aisley pulled her laptop back towards her to type frantically back into her archives of the notes she had taken from her interrogations of Solo as well as her discussions with Septum to begin comparing notes.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Materializing back in his room after scaling the outside wall to leap back through his opened window, John had a splitting smile on his face. His outing for the early evening could not have gone any better.

Of course, the young Vampire had been careful to not expose himself in places that were highly concentrated with livings. This first experience was a test, after all. He needed to see what he could get away with while studying the mortals walking the streets and in their normal environment to see first-hand how to blend in.

More than that, when he was willing enough to take the next step in actually coming into contact with the mortals, John was aware he needed to come up with a story that would explain the lack of his presence for the long stretches between his ventures out.

Simply being able to watch the humans was thrilling enough in and of itself. It was a lot better than going by his parents' word of mouth explanation of their ways. Little by little, he would be able to gather the tools that he needed to become braver in his eventually exposing himself.

Quickly glancing at the clock on the wall by his computer desk, John noted that he had been out for a good four hours. And from what he could tell, there were no signs that anyone had been to his room to search for him. But then, he did not expect the guardians of the Clan to return from Midi's diner after its first closing by then.

The sound of the 'wind' rushing beyond his window had his eyes growing. That distinct whirl was not a breeze, but the sound of a Vampire pack arriving at the mansions. He had narrowly made it back before his family.

Rushing through the room, John changed himself into a pair of running shorts and a tank top that were his usual choices of attire for sleepwear to keep up appearances. Soft voices could be heard making their way up the stairs and down the hallway at the arrival of his parents.

...and some unexpected guests based on the timbres that were not immediately recognized.

Frowning in confusion, John heard his twin's room opening up a few feet away. Fussing with his onyx hair to have it jut out as though he had just stirred from bed, he moved to pull on his own door and join her out in the hallway. Raising his arms high over his head with a put on yawn, he waved to the redhead staring off at the stairway.

The far off, almost dreamy look in her blue-and-gold eyes gave her brother pause until he paid more attention to the voices of the lot downstairs. Then familiarity came. As it seemed, they were being visited by the Catalonia-Greyson Clan.

"Kristy," Carol breathed, a wide smile brightening her face before she became a blur of herself to dart in and back out of her room to change from her mesh shorts and T-shirt into jeans and a dressier top for her to be wearing. Rushing past her twin without a single acknowledgment of him, she missed his deep chuckle and hurried down to the living room of their home.

Seated around the couches and recliners, the whole of Rosshe and Dorothy's family was present along with their hosts and hostesses. Looking up from the quiet conversation and laughter going through the room to notice her daughter, Anna grinned, "Aw, sweetheart. I am sorry we woke you. We tried to keep it down."

But to no one's surprise, Carol's focus was already set on Kristy... the adopted 'sister' to the Egyptian-based Clan.

The lovely blonde Companion's blue eyes lit up when they took the Vampire in and a rare smile curled her lips. Long without her original Chosen, Amara, the poor Grecian had been lost in the void of her grief since they were torn apart by death at the attack on Solo's stronghold.

Only in the recent years were Wufei and Anna picking up on the signs that there was a definite bond taking hold between their little pixie-haired daughter and Kristy. Having had their own understanding to how such cosmic connections worked, they had made every effort that they could to bring them together so that they might figure it out for themselves.

Their own eyes meeting, the Mimic and the Siren exchanged knowing smirks. Clearing their throats at the same time in Carol's direction, they chuckled quietly at her startled. "O-oh, no problem, Mom," she grinned sheepishly. "You were quiet enough, I just woke up on my own a minute ago."

All thanks to the tie between her and the widowed Companion, her parents mused to themselves. But then, everyone in the room was aware of that spare for the two creatures who shared that link. Throughout the room, other amused smiles were being passed along.

Chang called, "Kristy's always had an interest in art, Bug. Why don't you take her on a tour of the house to show the beautiful sculpt work you're done?"

It took his endearment for him to break through Carol's thoughts enough to have her catch his sentiment. Flashing him a expression crossed between her being mortified and curious by the suggestion, the redhead opened and closed her mouth in a failed attempt to respond. Luckily, the Companion was fast to her feet as she cheered, "You do your own sculpting?! I would be honored to see it!"

"Well, you are in for a treat, then," the scaly Infected told her with a wink. "Our little Bug is quite the talent."

Nodding as she leaned against her husband, Anna added, "Of course, she would never be one to brag about her skills so we just have to do that much for her." She laughed when she peered back at their child and insisted, "Well, don't keep our friend waiting, dear."

Her blue-and-gold eyes blinking widely in coming out of her stupor, Carol shook her head. Grinning sheepishly at Kristy, she bowed at the waist, offering nervously, "Right, uh, I could show you around if you wouldn't mind."

Chuckling, the beautiful widow approached her with a warm, "Mind? I would be honored." Tentatively at first, then gaining momentum when they were together, she reached out to hook her arm through one of the Infected's, she dipped her head with a curtsy to the silent wonder of her family who had not seen her so sincerely happy for a long time.

Duo bit his lip and nudged Heero as his Vampire looked over at him with a hidden wink that confirmed what he had caught onto. Unable to hide his own smile, the braided Hybrid rested against the Original's side while an arm looped around the small of his back to pull him closer.

It was a remarkable miracle to catch that first official bonding between two souls that were meant to be together for the remainder of their days in this existence. But for that connection to come for a Companion or a Vampire whom had lost their first Chosen... to be given that second chance at a love beyond any other, was something even more special to witness.

When the happy pair stepped out and beyond earshot of the crowded living room, Dorothy was finally able to allow her own emotions surge up on her enough to bring a shimmer to her eyes. "I'm so excited for her," she whispered of her 'sister.' "We have been so worried about Kristy over the years. And Carol is such a great match for her." Kissing her temple, Rosshe hummed in agreement.

Anna sighed with a bittersweet smile on her face as she peered back over her shoulder to where her daughter and inevitable Companion had walked off. "You'll always be her Mom, Celtic Rose," Wufei murmured by her ear with a sad grin of his own. "We both knew all this time that eventually our little ones would be forged with their Chosens to begin their existences on their own."

"I know," the Siren giggled softly, reaching up to dry her face of the tears that had begun to roll down her cheeks. "And I am thrilled for the both of them. It's just the hormones getting to me is all." Her scaly husband smirked, not about to argue with her since he understood the slight sting of eventually having to let go even for himself.

But then they had both missed Anna's little slip that Midi was fast to grasp onto with a sharp gasp and wide eyes set on her redheaded cousin. "Hormones?" she breathed. "Then... you're..."

Wincing, the Irish Infected swore under her breath and grinned sheepishly to the shocked faces around as she informed, "Oh, yea. I wanted to wait until the weekend was out before announcing it. But, yes, I'm pregnant."

Forgetting themselves, the lot spare for Heero and Duo let out a chorus of cheers and cries as they shot to their feet and hurried towards the expectant Vampire. The first to reach Wufei, Sophia cheered, "Congratulations! This is so exciting to have another baby coming into the mix!" To her back, the actual parents-to-be and their Latin cousins held their tongues and choked back their laughter.

Chang returned the embrace and waited until they were at arm's length apart before he smiled, "Thanks. But it's not mine."

Instantly falling into a stunned silence, the visiting Clan gawked in shock, confusion and an absolute uncertainty as to how they should react to that bit of news. Wufei and Anna's heads fell back with howls of laughter that were joined by those of the rest of their own family.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Later that dame day... elsewhere in the world...

"So any idea what this meeting is all about?" Lucie asked of the only person who she thought might have had an inkling to the reason for the calling of all the Hunters now that everyone had returned back to the base.

It was a logical process of elimination to who Septum might have leaked a heads up to. After all, Aisley knew that the Boss considered Broderick to be as much a brother to him as he was the scientist's hired mercenary.

But Dawson gave no sign that he was hiding anything when he shrugged nonchalantly, "No. Guess we'll just have to wait and listen in like everyone else." He took the time to actually look over at the beauty walking alongside him to satisfy her curiosity of whether or not he was holding back.

Their eyes meeting only made the two Hunters keenly aware of the dark circles that they sported from what had apparently been long evenings for them both.

By the time they filed into the crowded assembly hall, Broderick and Lucie slipped into the back rows just as Septum took to the tall podium on the small stage ahead of the mumbling, anxious audience.

"My friends," the Boss opened, a wide smile on his face and his arms opening out as though he meant to embrace the crowd of men and women before him. "It is wonderful to have everyone home again in the wake of what is certain to be the last stretch of your Hunt. But before we become too excited with our having the target in sight, there is some most troubling news that I must bring to your attention."

Lowering his arms at his sides, Miller's grin never faded as he shared, "News that one of your own has come forward with information which may persuade you to consider your work done and leave this quest behind." Voices rose in surprised cries and gasps as the lot gathered eyed each other.

From his perch above the crowd of nearly five hundred, Septum smirked to himself. Before long, he would know who was truly on his side and who would not only be leaving the legacy that he had built up... but ending their own lives in the process.



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