Blood, Sweat and Tears Part 19

Nearly falling from his seat, Alex cried, "You knew!?" He shook his head in disbelief, "You knew that Maxwell can't catch and you haven't done anything to publicly humiliate him yet!? The son of a bitch broke your nose!"

Smirking, Treize leaned back in his chair behind his desk and shrugged, "It's not time yet. You see, my dear boy, if you wish to deflate your enemy, it's all in the timing. The pre-season is weeks away. What better time to strike than right before all eyes are on him? The pressure will surely break him before the regular season even begins."

His cool eyes narrowing, the head coach added, "Once the word is out, my sweet cousin, Dorothy, will have to scramble into explaining to her irate city why she paid such an significant amount of money on a football player who can't even catch.

"Pittsburgh is in a lot of financial trouble. A lot is riding on the success of this team to draw in business. In one swoop, the news will deplete any hope of that and it will all be Maxwell's fault for not being the perfect athlete that so many people claim him to be."

Alex blinked his wide eyes before smirking darkly, "You really are a crafty bastard."

Chuckling deeply, Treize nodded firmly, "And don't forget it." The tone that he used was empty of any warmth or humor. Swallowing roughly, the blonde running back suppressed a shudder.

*   *   *   *   *   *

The following morning, Heero and Duo were walking down the long corridor beneath the stadium towards the locker room. Engaged in yet another one of their lively morning debates, the running back shook his braided head, "But how could the chicken have come before the egg? It didn't just appear out of midair."

A smirk tugged the quarterback' s lips as he remarked, "So an egg just showing up without anything to produce makes perfect sense?" Chuckling deeply, he asked, "How the hell do you manage to get me into these ridiculous discussions?"

"Charm," Duo grinned innocently. Heero just laughed and shook his head in amusement, not about to argue that sentiment. "Besides," the American shrugged, "You know that I need to fill the air when it's too quiet."

After taking a sip from his bottled water, the running back asked, "So were any of the guys mad about my being off all last week? Just in case I might have to dodge some thrown objects when they see me on my first day back."

"If anyone did have a problem, they kept it to themselves," Heero answered. "Zechs made it very clear that your being allowed off was approved by Noin. Dorothy returned from her vacation and explained to everyone that she backed the decision. Even Mueller kept quiet about the whole thing."

Just then, the said tight end rounded the corner and approached his teammates at spotting them. "Speak of the devil," Duo muttered under his breath. Both he and Heero paused in their steps as he neared.

Nodding to each of the football players, Mueller greeted, "Yuy. Maxwell." His eyes met the violet watching him cautiously. "I was hoping that you and I could have a word. Alone," he said politely enough. It still did little to put either young man at ease.

Heero didn't seem about to move, his back stiff and a warning gaze on the tight end. Swallowing roughly under the weight of that stare, Mueller waited patiently for a response. Gently resting a hand on the captain's shoulder, Duo reassured him quietly, "It's all right, Ro. I'll meet back up with you in the locker room."

Muttering an affirmative, the quarterback walked off with his threatening gaze lingering on Mueller until he disappeared around the corner.

Silently breathing a sigh of relief, the dark-haired athlete began, "Look, Maxwell, I know that I haven't been the most... accommodating of people in welcoming you onto the team."

The running back slung his duffel bag over his shoulder and folded his arms. "That's an understatement, " he snorted bitterly.

Lowering his head, Mueller frowned deeply, "Well, I'm finally realizing that you never did anything directly to me to deserve the way I've been treating you." He looked back into the eyes locked on him and extended a hand. Clearing his throat, he said, "I'm sorry. You have every right to be angry with me, but I hope that you'll eventually forgive me so we can start working as a team."

Duo chewed on the inside of his cheek as he regarded the hand held out to him. The words seemed sincere enough and considering Mueller's personality, he knew that apologizing was not a thing that came easy to him. With a small smile, he accepted the offered hand in a firm shake. "All right," the American said quietly. Raising a finger in warning, he stated, "Forgiven, but not forgotten."

A small smile of relief spread on the tight end's face. "Of course," he replied and shook the hand in his own again before they broke free. With a firm nod, he whispered, "Thank you.' Shifting on his feet, he shrugged, "I'd better get going. I was on my way to a meeting with Coach, so I'll see you back in the locker room." That said, they parted ways.

Rounding the corner, Duo smirked to one of the darkened doorways close by, "You can come out now." With a sheepish look on his face, Heero stepped out of the shadows. Shaking his head, Duo chuckled deeply, "You didn't have to keep an eye out for me, but I appreciate the backup."

The quarterback smirked back, "You would have done the same for me I'm sure." Without waiting for a response, he looked back around the corner. "Looks like Mueller's finally getting his act together," he muttered. "About damned time."

Silently, the pair started walking towards the locker room once more. "You're right, you know," Duo spoke up. When his teammate turned to him in confusion, he grinned, "I would have done the same thing for you."

Heero smiled warmly at that and responded quietly, "Thanks."

*   *   *   *   *   *

Two weeks later...

Sweaty and panting, Duo shook his head with a deep frown. "I'm just... not getting it, man," he said between huffs of air. His navy blue tank and black shorts were sticking to him like a second skin. Straightening himself from his hunched state, he caught his breath and sighed deeply, "I can get my hands on it, but I just can't hold onto it."

An equally sweaty Heero dressed in a soaked white tank and dark brown shorts took up the fallen football and replied, "That's still a step up from how you started. Just two weeks ago, you couldn't even get your hands on it. You haven't missed one throw all day. Hanging onto it will just come with more practice." Looking up to the fading sunlight, he suggested, "We probably should call it a night."

Duo readily agreed, "Not a bad idea. I need a shower bad." The side of his mouth curled up in a smirk. "I'd give you a handshake, but I don't think either of us smell pleasant enough for that. But I really appreciate the help again."

Heero shrugged with a grinned, "Don't mention it. That's what friends are for." Friend. It was the first time that he called the running back that aloud. Shock was quickly replaced with appreciation as Duo flashed him that smile that reached his sparkling violet eyes.

Mentally shaking his thoughts from the trail that they were heading down, the quarterback led the way back into the house. His braided housemate followed close behind. Together, they entered the large back patio of the estate and parted ways towards their respective bathrooms as Heero wrestled with his confusion.

Over the course of the last couple weeks, the team captain was finding himself more drawn to be around Duo whenever he could. That week away from the running back only served to make Heero appreciate things about him more... his laugh, his smile, the way his braid swung behind him when he walked.

If he allowed himself to dwell on it, Heero was convinced that he actually might have been attracted to Duo. Those sweat-drenched clothes that stuck to the American during their one-on-one practices certainly were not helping the situation when his cobalt eyes started wandering on their own accord.

The fact that he was coming to understand that he might be gay wasn't what scared Heero. It was the fact that he was damned sure that the source of his sudden interest was not. And he was pretty sure that Duo would give him hell if he ever found out.

Stepping into his bathroom, the quarterback sighed deeply to himself, "Nothing is ever easy."

*   *   *   *   *   *

"I swear to God that boyfriend of yours is worse than a girl," Duo sighed dramatically as he handed over a glass of soda to his guest. "He's been getting ready for this date of yours for the last half hour."

Trowa smiled in appreciation as he accepted the drink and settled deeper into the living room sofa. "It's all right," he chuckled deeply. "The movie doesn't start for another twenty minutes, so there's plenty of time."

Settling onto the other side of the couch, the running back bit his lip in consideration of his next words. "Look, Trowa," he all but whispered while folding his hands together in his lap. His friend's emerald eyes met his own as he said sincerely, "I've been meaning to thank you for keeping my little secret between us. That means a lot."

With a warm smile, the tall center nodded firmly, "It's no one's business but your own. I just happened to make a lucky guess."

Hanging his braided head a bit, the running back frowned deeply, "You must think I'm a pretty big coward for not just coming out like you did."

At that, Trowa shook his head, "Like I said, it's no one else's business. Not unless you want it to be. You're not a coward for wanting something like that to be kept quiet. I only came out because it was something I had to do." Taking a sip from his drink, he stared off ahead and muttered, "Honestly, there are times I wish that I just kept my damned mouth shut."

Duo's frown saddened as he asked quietly, "What happened?"

Taking a deep breath, the center turned to his teammate and answered, "Some of my favorites were words like 'faggot' spray-painted or carved into my car during a game. At other stadiums, I would get cat calls and laughed at by some of the spectators. The team that we had then had a few guys that would mutter things whenever I was around, or they would run from the shower room whenever I went in."

His green eyes glanced away, clouded over as he shrugged, "Things like that. Over time, a lot of those problems went away... but it's still not the same. I'm looked at differently in most cases. Treated differently."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that, Tro," the running back told him sincerely. Shaking his head, he thought aloud, "Being athletes, most people expect us to live up to their standards of what they think we should be like. They forget that we're human, too."

With a small smile, Trowa replied, "Exactly. So, back to your earlier question, I would not think any less of you if you kept this from the public. Coming out takes just as much strength as it does to keep it in."

Much to his surprise, Duo felt a small lump in his throat that he had to clear away. "That means a lot, Trowa," he managed while squeezing his friend's shoulder.

And like a switch flipping, the Latin young man brightened once again. "By the way," he smiled, "A few of us are going to be hitting Murray's after Wednesday's practice just to get together. We decided to move it to a night when you're actually here so you can join us if you like."

From ear-to-ear, Duo grinned, "Awesome! Thanks, man! I'll see if I can talk Heero into going, too!"

Snorting, Trowa rolled his eyes. "Good luck with that one," he commented. "Last week was my last time trying to invite him. It's the same excuse every time. Hell, even as stubborn as Chang is, he gave up long ago for the same reason."

The running back wiggled his eyebrows and smirked mischievously, "Ah, but have either of you just told him that he was going to hang out? That one never fails."

Blinking in shock, the center chuckled deeply, "Telling him?" That chuckle grew to a full out laugh as he stated, "I'd like to see you pull that off with him! He'd kick the shit out of you then come up with some excuse for missing out."

Footsteps approached the living room. After living with the quarterback for some time, Duo recognized that it was him. "Okay," he nodded firmly. "Watch and learn, pal." Folding his arms, Trowa sat back with an amused expression.

Heero, unsuspecting of anything, walked into the room and exchanged a friendly greeting with their guest. "Hey, Yuy," the braided one smiled. In a very matter-of-fact tone, he advised, "You're going to Murray's with us after practice on Wednesday."

Freezing like a deer caught in headlights, the quarterback frowned, "What?"

"You're going to Murray's with us after practice on Wednesday," Duo repeated simply. "Trowa just invited us."

Dumbstruck, Heero made some unintelligible sounds as he struggled to gather his thoughts. No one had ever brought up such a meeting without giving him the option to bail out before. Suddenly, he heard himself answer, "A-all right."

Trowa's lower jaw fell slack and his eyes widened in disbelief. Another wide grin lit Duo's face as he cheered, "Great!" Slapping the center on the back, he winked, "We'll work out the time and details later."

A finely-dressed Quatre decided to enter the room at that moment to find Trowa in a state of shock, Heero in a dazed confusion and Duo grinning like a loon. Before he could ask what was going on, his braided friend exclaimed, "Well, it's about damned time, princess! I was about to send a search party after you!" Sighing deeply, the agent gave him the finger.

Finally shaking himself alert, Trowa rose from the couch and approached his lover. Gently kissing his cheek, Quatre asked quietly, "Ready?" Nodding numbly, the tall young man followed him from the room. "Don't wait up, guys," the Arab called to his housemates.

"Have fun," Duo replied, waving goodbye.

Once he stepped out into the warm, early evening air, the tall center came to life. "So, what happened back there?" his lover asked in concern.

Smiling, Trowa replied, "I'll tell you about it on the way to the theater." Their arms joined at the elbows as they descended the front stairs. "You know, that Maxwell is something else," he said, shaking his head.

Quatre chuckled deeply, "You're preaching to the choir, love."

Back inside the house, Heero was just getting over his own stupor. "What the hell did I just agree to?" he wondered aloud.

"A night out with your friends," Duo answered as he rose from the couch with a worried frown. "You can break your routine for one night to spend some time with them for a change. You need this."

His cobalt eyes narrowing, the quarterback hissed, "What the fuck do you know about what I need?"

Without so much as a flinch, the running back leaned in until their noses almost touched. Eyes widening, Heero held his breath at the close proximity. Giving a glare of his own, Duo snapped, "I've lived with you long enough to know that you're throwing your life away.

"You're barely twenty-one and you prefer to stay at home and shut the world away. Well guess what, pal, it's still out there and moving on without you. Your friends are worried and frankly, so am I. The least you could do is humor us for one goddamned night out." Roughly swallowing that bitter pill, Heero remained still.

Stepping back, the braided athlete raised his hands. "Just give it a shot. That's all I ask," he urged. "And if you honestly don't enjoy yourself, I swear that not one of us will ask you out for another social again."

There was a long silence before the captain took a slow and deep breath. "One night," he agreed at last. Slowly turning, he headed out of the room.

All but collapsing back onto the couch, Duo rubbed his suddenly heavy eyes. Resting his head back, he repeated in little more than a breath, "One night."

It didn't seem like much, but it had been one hell of a step in the right direction. Now to see that it went well enough that there could be a second step.



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