Blood, Sweat and Tears Part 1

The week following the announcement of the trade of Duo Maxwell to the Pittsburg Wolverines passed in a blur for Heero. Between press conferences and interviews from sports reporters that wanted his reaction, the star quarterback was quite busy. Of course, despite the bad taste in his mouth over the issue, he smiled and simply told the press that he was looking forward to the opportunity that the signing would bring.

Wufei and Trowa were the first of his teammates to call their team captain following the initial announcement. Like all of the other Wolverines, to say that they were less than thrilled was an understatement.

Heero did his best to reassure them without having to make a public announcement about Zechs's predicament. Their coach's reasons for signing Maxwell on were personal, something that he entrusted in the Japanese athlete and he was not about to break that trust.

Once the weekend arrived, the looming dread that had been building up came to a head when Heero met with Zechs at the airport to meet and greet his new teammate. On that ten-below zero degree early afternoon, the coach and quarterback were sitting together by the arrival gates when a voice over the speaker system announced, "Flight 210 has landed. Approximate docking time five minutes."

With a deep sigh, Heero rose to his feet and frowned deeply, "Well, let's get this over with." Zechs chuckled deeply as he stood and followed his team's captain towards the gate. The nearly empty airport was an unusual sight for the arrival of a new football hero. Voicing his surprise, he shrugged simply, "It's quiet."

"It was one of Maxwell's demands that his arrival be kept quiet," Zechs explained. "Something about an unpleasant experience at another airport that he had been announced to be arriving in." His tone drenched in sarcasm as he snorted, "Can't imagine why something like that would have ever happened to him. He's such a likable guy." Heero laughed quietly and just shook his head in amusement.

When the doors to the gate opened, the coach and quarterback straightened and watched as the first few arrivals stepped into the airport. The third to step through the gate was none other than Duo Maxwell. Dressed in jeans, work boots, a black form-fitting top and a black leather jacket on top, the running back lifted his shades to rest atop his head.

Swinging behind him as he walked was the rope of a braid that was as infamous as he was, along with those violet eyes of his that were scanning the area.

Quickly spotting his welcoming committee, the American gave them a grin that promised trouble. Heading towards the pair with his suitcase in hand, Duo greeted, "Gentlemen, have no fear. Your savior has arrived."

Heero shot Zechs a heated glare that made the tall man swallow nervously. Clearing his throat, the head coach extended a hand and replied, "So we finally meet in person."

Gesturing with his blonde head to the young man beside him, he stated curtly, "I'm sure that you know Heero Yuy. He's one of the highest rated quarterbacks in the entire professional league. Like him, every player on my team is considered an asset. This is not going to be a one-man-show."

Unaffected by the comment as he shook the coach's hand, Duo turned his violet eyes to the star quarterback and smirked, "Sure I know 'im. Does he talk for himself?"

Fighting a tight smile, Heero extended his own hand and said simply, "Actually, I do." The fact that the Japanese young man left out any friendly greeting was not lost to the braided running back. His smirk growing, Duo took the offered hand, squeezing it tightly in a firm shake without another word.

As the two players stared at each other with their hands still squeezing tight as if in a test of wills, Zechs's own eyes narrowed as he cleared his throat. Finally, Heero and Duo released their hands, but their gazes remained locked as their silent battle continued.

"Now," the head coach began in a stern voice, "As the quarterback and running back, you will both be working closer together than any other two players on the team. I hope that there aren't going to be any problems between you."

Their heads turning to face Zechs, the two athletes smirked and answered flatly at the same time, "Fine." With that, they looked back into each other's eyes, silently willing the other to be the first to balk at the long stare. At the rate it was going, it was going to be a long time before either of them budged.

Dry washing his face with a hand, Zechs muttered to himself, "This season is going to be a lot of fun."

From the gates, a lithe, blonde young man with a duffle bag strapped across his chest entered the airport. His light blue eyes falling on the trio at the back of the waiting area, he sighed deeply in relief and quickly joined them. Extending a hand to the head coach, he introduced with a wide smile, "Zechs Merquise. I'm Quatre Winner, Duo's agent. It's nice to finally meet you in person, sir."

Blinking in surprise, Zechs grinned back and shook the hand. "Quatre," he nodded firmly. "Nice to meet you, as well. I am glad that the details of the contract that we drew up over the phone last week were to your liking. I hope that you had a good flight into Pittsburgh."

Their hands breaking, the blonde agent replied, "Oh, it was just fine, thank you. I appreciate your coming to see us in." Looking over to his client and the star quarterback as they continued their little staring contest, Quatre's eyes widened in fear before they narrowed with a sharply yelled, "Duo!"

With a slight jump at the cry, the braided running back blinked his wide violet eyes at his friend. Heero smirked to himself in having won the first battle, even if it was only because Duo had been caught off guard. Sighing inwardly, however, the Wolverines' team captain knew that he hadn't won the war yet.

Quatre folded his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow to his friend. "I'm glad to see that you and Heero have been acquainted," he frowned deeply. "I certainly hope that there aren't any problems already."

"No problems," Heero and Duo both commented at the same time.

Both Zechs and Quatre shared a weary look.

*   *   *   *   *   *

About an hour later, Zechs pulled his car up to the house where Duo and Quatre were going to be staying. From his rearview mirror, he watched the new car carrying the agent and running back park in the house's driveway.

Looking over his coach to the house, Heero blinked in shock, "This is really it? This is where they're going to be staying?" Even Zechs seemed a bit surprised at the unexpected sight of the place.

The house was a two-story residence without any neighbors for miles. While the outside of the home was nice enough, it was quite a surprise that one of the wealthiest football players in all of North America had chosen to live in such a simple place. While built well, it was certainly on the low end where price ranges went with homes for a person who could afford whatever they wanted.

When Duo and Quatre moved from their car, each with a box in their possession, Zechs shrugged, "This must be it. Certainly not what I had imagined, either." Together, the coach and quarterback stepped from their car and unloaded a couple boxes from the back.

Stepping through the door that had been left open for them, both Heero and Zechs took a good look over the interior. The living room was fairly large, especially without any furnishings around. Next was what looked to be another room meant for dining with a quaint kitchen attached.

It was all very simple and basic. In the large back yard, there was a closed off pool that was not even close to the Olympic-sized one that Heero had at his own home. When comparing their residences, the quarterback knew his place to be more of a mansion. And he was on half the salary that the running back had been signed to.

Finding his moving help staring out at the back yard, Quatre smirked, "Those boxes can go anywhere. We don't have a lot to start with right now, so Duo and I can sort through them pretty quickly on our own tonight. There's a moving truck that'll be arriving tomorrow with the rest of the stuff we couldn't bring on our own."

Nearly jumping at having been caught, Zechs and Heero looked to the boxes still in their arms and smiled sheepishly to the friendly agent. Carefully lowering the case in his hands, the head coach couldn't help but comment, "This is a pretty nice home."

Shrugging, Quatre nodded, "We have pretty simple needs when it comes to where we live. Three bedrooms upstairs. Two bathrooms, one upstairs and one down. A large basement. It's everything that we could possibly need to get by."

From the empty living room, Duo's voice called as he entered, "And there's still more than enough room to through some kick ass parties in here that'll test how strong the foundation is." Grinning widely with his hands fisted at his hips, he nodded his braided head and gazed around the room while declaring, "It's perfect."

A small smirk tugged at the corner of Zechs's mouth as he stated, "As long as you don't injure yourself, specifically your legs, I could care less what you do when it's the off season. But, I run a pretty tight ship when it comes to my team, Maxwell. You're going to have to keep yourself in check when the season starts back up."

Lightly wrapping an arm around his braided client's shoulders, Quatre chuckled deeply, "That's why I'm here, as part of our agreement. I'll be sure to keep some tight reigns on him when pre-season rolls around."

Duo just rolled his eyes and mumbled something about 'damned babysitters' that only made his friend grin all the wider. Satisfied at that, Zechs's smirk grew and he gave the younger blonde a nod of appreciation.

Inwardly, Heero wished the agent luck. Taming one as wild as the running back was going to prove quite the challenge. After having stared into those violet eyes as long as he had at the airport, he could see the flames of a fire that was not about to be doused. Still, he showed his own gratitude to the offered assistance with a small smile of his own.

The rest of the move went by smoothly and mostly in silence. When the last of the few boxes was lowered, Duo straightened and clapped his hands together. "I just had a great idea," he announced excitedly as he turned to the head coach.

"Quat and I should have this place set up by next weekend. Why don't you get a hold of the rest of the team and tell them that we'll be throwing a party just for them here next Saturday? That way I can get to meet them all."

After only brief consideration, and a shared look with Quatre, Zechs finally said, "I suppose that I don't see the harm in that. It would certainly help if the lot of you got to become friends before you all had to start working together."

Unable to fight the logic of it all, even the agent agreed, "It would be a bit of a nice icebreaker." He looked back to the coach while quickly adding, "And of course, you would be invited as well, coach."

Only after that offer did the coach nod firmly, "All right. I'll get a hold of the rest of the team to give them the details. Just give me a time later this week. You have my number at home and at the office."

Duo let out a whoop and exclaimed, "Great!" Wiggling his eyebrows, he nudged Heero's arm and smirked, "A lady-killer like yourself would also have to know a few of the cheerleaders. It wouldn't be right of me to leave them out of the fun."

Rolling his cobalt eyes, the quarterback admitted begrudgingly, "I might know a couple." He knew that he would hear it from Relena if word reached her that he hadn't included her and her squad in on a team party. As head cheerleader, and as Wufei's girlfriend, she knew everything that went on with the team.

And with that, Duo rubbed his hands together and hummed, "Awesome. Well, we'll see you back here next Saturday, then."

Bowing his head, Quatre said sincerely, "Thank you both, very much, for helping up out today. We'll be in touch." He exchanged friendly handshakes with the coach and quarterback while Duo began digging into one of the boxes without a farewell. No doubt, his mind already on planning the upcoming party that he would be hosting.

When they were back outside and in the cold air, Heero closed the door and stuffed his hands in his coat pocket. "I suppose that could have gone a lot worse," he shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm still leery of the guy, though."

Zechs chuckled deeply and shook his head, "One the likes of Duo Maxwell should never be underestimated. But, knowing how well you lead the team, I have no doubt that you'll work just fine with him."

Wincing a bit, Heero asked, "I've been meaning to ask you how Alex took the news that he was being traded to San Francisco in a swap with Maxwell."

Alex had been a good friend to everyone on the team and he was going to be sorely missed. But, as much as he hated to admit it, the Japanese athlete had to admit that he simply wasn't cutting it as a running back and he had to go if the team was to get ahead. Such were the politics of football.

Slightly lowering his head, Zechs sighed sadly, "Not well, as one could expect. He was pretty hurt, then very angry that I would allow such a trade. But, he'll do well for himself out there, I'm sure."

Just as they reached the car, Heero looked back to the house and questioned, "Do you really think that this party is going to be a good idea, considering the host? Maxwell isn't exactly known for holding his liquor well."

Fully understanding his player's concern, the coach answered, "At least he won't have to drive home afterward. So, we won't have to worry about him being slapped with another DUI. Having Quatre and myself there will also keep things from getting too out of hand."

"Yea," Heero finally agreed as he opened the passenger side door. "I suppose."

Back inside the house, Quatre folded his arms and frowned down on his friend, "I hope that you don't intend on going too crazy with this idea of yours. This is only intended to get you to meet your new teammates. I don't want any of them wondering how the hell they'll ever be able to work with you on the field."

Feigning hurt and shock, Duo blinked his violet eyes and gasped, "Why, Quatre. You sting me. Of course I'll be good at this party. I know how important first impressions are. Have you no faith in me?"

His agent smirked simply, "No."

Duo continued to go through the box that he was working through and snorted, "Aw just relax, man. You know, having you around here is really going to cramp my style. I really should have read the fine print on that contract before I signed it."

Shaking his head in amusement, Quatre commented, "Well, the ink is already dried now. So, you're stuck with me whether you like it or not." He bent at the waist so that their eyes were on the same level from where the football player was kneeling and warned, "This might be your last shot to change your reputation. Remember, this is just a one-year agreement for another year of football.

"If you don't clean up and gain some respect this season, no one is going to want you on their team. And then you'll have to say goodbye to your hopes of being signed with Green Bay." the blonde young man's frown deepened as he warned quietly, "I don't need to remind you of what saying goodbye to Green Bay means you'll also be saying goodbye to."

With his head snapping up at that, Duo swallowed hard. Sighing deeply, his shoulders slumped and he nodded, "Yea. I know. I know." Raising one hand so that his palm was facing forward, he vowed, "I promise to do my best to stay in bounds." [1]

Quatre straightened and gave a small smile. "Good. I'll take that." Sitting himself onto the floor, the young agent went through another one of the boxes in determining which room it needed to be moved to.

Duo bit his lip before looking up and asking, "So that would mean that the strippers would have to be out, then, huh?"

Laughing, Quatre hit his friend in the arm with an exasperated, "Duo! You know, there is a reason you're my only client. My hands are too full in handling you alone."

The young men just chuckled deeply and went back to their work. As he looked through his half of the boxes, Duo's mind was already back to his plans for the party that he was going to be throwing.

Even if he had to keep himself in check for this event, he still needed to show his new teammates a good time. Right?


IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: I found the best website that gives all of the basics of football!!! And it has cute animation, too!!! It explains and shows the field, team positions and jobs and everything!! ! I won't go into too much detail in the fic with the games itself, but it's definitely a help in understanding the simple parts of football!

Highly recommended:

[1] In bounds-So long as a player carrying the ball is within the sidelines, they are in bounds and they can continue playing since they are still on the field. This quote was just a play on words. Duo's just saying that he's going to stay on the right side of the line without crossing it.


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