Author: Sami-pi
Pairing: established 1x2x1 and 3x4x3
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Timeline: post EW, Quatre's CEO of WEI, Heero, Duo, Trowa, and Wufei are all Preventers, and they're all around 30ish.
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing, its characters and its trappings, belong to Bandai, Sotsu, and... I was sure there was someone else in there... sorry! ^^;;; Anyway, this fic is not for profit, just for fun.
What did "nicoise" mean? Oh, wait. Olives. Gross.
Steak was a word I knew, but it seemed a little heavy for lunch. And it cost $30.
Rabbit? But...but that was bunny!
The only pasta was some seafood concoction and I was allergic to shellfish.
Weren't there usually sandwiches on lunch menus?
"You could order a salad, they have some besides the one with olives," Heero whispered.
However, I hated cheese and all of the salads on the menu were inundated with all sorts of it. I could have asked to have the cheese left off, but well... I didn't want to seem fussy in front of Relena. She'd already gone out of her way to meet us for lunch. The restaurant she'd chosen was close to the Preventers building and not too posh...but it was still nicer than anything Heero and I had gone to in a long time.
"Is there something wrong?" Relena asked, her brow furrowing slightly.
Arg. She was so cute. So...sweet. I didn't want to make her feel bad because I wasn't very good at nice restaurants. It was really embarrassing to be a picky eater when you used to be homeless. But...
Heero slipped his hand up and under my braid to stroke the nape of my neck.
I deflected Relena's question by asking her what "pot au feu" meant.
A sort of beef stew. I could live with that. Probably.
Heero leaned over and gently kissed my temple.
When our waiter arrived at our table, Relena simply nodded at him and winked.
That was odd.
Because then he left without taking our orders.
He returned in a jiffy with three plates in hand.
"Pastrami on rye for the two gentlemen and a ham and cheese for the lady," he said, setting the plates in front of us. "With chips."
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