Gundam Pirates Part 2

Sweat rolled down the side of Quatre's face. His eyes were solely focused on the glass in front of him. He wasn't getting very far in what he was supposed to be doing. Which would be moving the glass with his mind. So the glass sat there and mocked him silently. He was beginning to hate the glass.

~That's enough.~ Miima sent to him. Quatre immediately stopped trying. "Well lookie here." Miima and Blade looked at a computer screen.

"Impressive. What level do you think he is? I'll bet he has to be about a nine or ten." Blade said.

"A ten defiantly. With some more training he may top out as a twelve."

"Is that good?" Quatre asked.

Miima looked over the computer at him. "Well considering the average telepath only rates about an eight, being a twelve is very good. In fact it's very good and very uncommon."

"Where do you rate ma'am?"

Miima smiled. "I'm a sixteen." Miima laughed as she saw Quatre's eyes widen.

Blade rolled her eyes. "I'm done with you now. You can go."

"Send in Wufei." Miima told him.

"Would you stop poking me?" Wufei growled. He hated doctors; he hated them with a passion.

"Stop squirming and it'll be over sooner." Blade glared at him. "Woman, leave me alone."

"I'm a doctor and stop calling me woman or I'll remove your voice box!"

"WO...." Blade waved her hand and Wufei found he couldn't speak. There was an ache in his throat and Blade was smirking.

"Now let me tell you a story, Mister Chang. I am a doctor and I have the ability to make things disappear. Sometimes I can convert it to raw energy and direct it back to my opponent. Now settle down or I'll never give you back your voice." Wufei glared at her. She simply shrugged and went back to work. When she sat down at the computer with Miima behind her, Wufei was upset again. And this time he sent a fireball at them.

"Now, now Wufei don't do that or Dr. Blade will make things a lot worse." Miima said as the fireball hit her telekinetic force field. "Trust me, I speak from experience."

"Hey, look at this." Blade pointed to the screen.

"Nothing we didn't know already. Is he at Fire's level?"

"No one is at Fire's level except Firestorm and he's a god."

"So he's just a fire thrower? How boring."

"Maybe he could learn to shape the fire into something else. According this he could do it with training."

"Okay." Miima looked up at Wufei. "You can go now; send in Trowa." Wufei jumped off the table and pointed to his throat. "What? Oh you want your voice back, huh?" Wufei nodded. "Blade?"

Blade glared at him. "You ever disrespect me in my lab again, I'll do worse." She flicked her hand and Wufei felt burning in his throat.

"Whoa." Miima said.

"Wow." Blade said.

<Oh my.> Was Gaysie's comment.

All three of them watched as the computer showed Trowa's readouts. Trowa sat on the table and watched them.

"He has shield ability for everything." Miima said.

"Yeah, even telepathy. Oh look at this, he has great balance." Blade pointed out.

"No wonder he was in the circus. He could do the tightrope with his eyes closed. Look at that predictions."

"Explains way he was a target for his sister. He always knew where the daggers were going."

<But why doesn't he talk?> Gaysie asked.

~I think it has something to do with his parents. But he keeps blocking my attempts to probe his mind.~ Miima sent telepathically. At this point she didn't want to upset the boy.

"Maybe he just needs a friend." Blade said aloud.

Miima and Gaysie looked at her. Their eyebrows rose and they stared at her like she had just grown another head.

<I think that's the first time I've ever heard you be compassionate for someone other than me.> Gaysie hugged her sister.

"Thank you." Blade smiled at her.

"Okay Trowa we're done with you. Wait outside with the others." Miima told him.

After Trowa left Miima look at Blade. "So what about tank boy?"

"I've figured out what he's floating in. Who ever put him in there didn't want him out. It'll take me a couple more days to find a counter agent. Then it's just a matter of waking him up and not scaring him to death." Blade stood up and walked over to the tank.

"Do you know what he's capable of?"

"Not really. I know he has a fantastic immune system. I don't think anything could make him sick. I think he has some sort of healing ability. Other than that I'm not sure. I'm going to do a scan of his brain in a little while. See if there's anything there. I'm interested to see what we find."

<We might have another Frankie.> Gaysie smiled.

"Oh gods, please not that." Blade rolled her eyes. The thought of her brother-in-law made her sick.

"Please not that." Miima said.

<I don't know why you don't like him, Miima.>

"Because he thinks he knows everything."

<He does. Remember he's a genius.>

"Whatever. When you find out about the kid let me know. I'm gonna take the other boys to their first training session."

<Go easy on them. They're still new.>

"Yeah whatever." Miima walked out of the room.

"This, boys, is a training room. This is where you get to learn what hell is like. I will demand nothing but the best from you." Miima walked in of the boys. They were lined up and watching Miima. "Now lets see what you boys got, shall we? Computer, load Training Program One."

[Program loaded]

"Good. Begin program." Miima raised off the floor and smiled at the boys. "Now remember boys, you're a team. Act like it."

With that said a shot was fired at the four boys. They all scattered. Wufei threw a fireball in the random direction the shot came from. He barely missed Quatre. Duo had jumped back and then found his foot tangled in some sort of wire. He tried to get loose but the wire wrapped itself tighter around him. Quatre dodged more shots. Trowa just stepped out of the way like it was nothing.

Miima sat calmly in her force field. Yes sometimes it was really good to be a telekinetic. She watched emotionless as the boys tried to fight. Her eyebrows rose a little when Trowa pulled Quatre out of the way of a pinching tentacle. However she frown when Wufei nearly barbequed Duo.

Duo's reaction was interesting though. His eyes narrowed and he growled as sharp claws appeared and he set himself free by slicing through the wires. He then launched towards Wufei, knocking him to the ground as Duo sliced through tentacles. He even knocked both Trowa and Quatre to the ground as another round of shots were fired at them. He then climbed the wall and took out the blaster.

"ENOUGH! Computer, end program."

[Program ended.]

Miima floated back down to the ground and looked at everyone. "Quatre you need to learn to fight. Tomorrow after breakfast you will report to gym 2 for some personal lessons."

"Yes ma'am." Quatre sighed.

"Trowa, not bad on looking out for your teammates. But at the end you left yourself open. Tomorrow I'll see if I can find someone to help you with that." Trowa nodded.

"Wufei, baking your teammates isn't the best idea. You nearly killed Duo."

"Then he should have moved faster."

"No, you should have aimed better. You got target practice after breakfast tomorrow. Duo." Miima turned around and looked at Duo. He was sitting on the floor leaning up against the far wall. "Very impressive. Not only did you save your teammates but also you risked your life for them. AND you didn't let Wufei's mistake upset you."

"You're wrong." Duo said. "I was gonna kill him."

Miima nodded. "Yes but you didn't and that counts for lots. Tomorrow you meet with Fightra after breakfast."

"I thought she had her own people to train."

Miima smiled. "She does, but she's the only one who can help you. Not a lot of Felines here. In fact, as of this morning there are only three here. Come on boys, off to the showers with ya. You all smell."

"Well what do you think?"

"I think you're nuts, Fire."

Firemind looked over at her companion. She blew a strand of brown curly hair out of her eyes. She smiled and turned to go sit down. She sat in a large soft chair, legs draped over the arm of it. Opening her hand a small flame appeared.

Her companion watched her. "What are you thinking?"

"I think you have no choice in the matter."

"Why is that?"

She smiled, the light from the flamed danced in her soft gray eyes. "We will soon no long be needed my friend."


"We are needed elsewhere. We can't leave this place unprotected."

"What else?"

"They will be all that is left, Note." Firemind folded her hands together and laid her head back. "They said so."

Note looked carefully at his friend. His dark blue eyes watched her. Somehow the way she was acting was upsetting to him. Firemind rarely talked in riddles. He looked over at the side of the chair. There laid a dog, eyes watching everything going on. The dog seemed distant from his owner. Normally he would have his head in Firemind's lap demanding to be petted.

"Which one are you?" Note asked.

"You know your charge well, First Protector." Firemind said.

"It is my job. Where will you be sending us?"

"To another place, another universe. One that needs you more."

"And the boys?"

"They will bring peace to this galaxy."

"Is that all?"

"Foolish man, we shall not tell you everything." Firemind stood and walked towards the window. Suddenly a light appeared on her chest. Then a pinkish ball of light came and flew away. Firemind's body went limp and she began to fall backwards.

Note ran forward and caught her. "You know, your parents can be annoying sometimes."

Firemind opened her eyes. "You're telling me. I wish they would give me some warning when they decide to take over my body."

Note smiled down at her. Her then lifted her up and took her to her bed. He laid her down softly. Firemind's eyes had closed. Note brushed some hair away from her face and smiled. //Rest well, my friend. I think your parents have pulled us into something bad.// Note walked out into the other room he looked at the dog. "Keep an eye on her, Blitz." The dog barked once and Note left.


Sorry if this was short, but hey I didn't know what else to put in here. Feedback is much needed.


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