Created by Love, Blood and Death Part 12

Duo's POV

Ah yes another dream. So whom do I get to dream of tonight? I look around at my surroundings. Trees. Lots and lots of trees. Okay so I'm not in the immortal realm. I'm in a forest. Great, just great; out of all the places I could have gone. I go to a forest.

I walk forward and spot a house. Who the hell would put a house up in the middle of the forest? The house looks small and the yard out front is well kept. Which leads me to believe that some one still lives here. There's even a fence with a gate on it. I walk up to the gate and look closer at the yard. Looks like there might be a garden on the side. It's quaint. Looks like someplace I wouldn't mind living at.

"Can I help you?"

I turn to where the voice came from. I know it too well. Standing six feet away is a boy or maybe I should say man. And he looks like Heero! Messy brown hair, the cobalt blue eyes, well defined body. He's wearing brown pants and a sleeveless tan shirt, with dark brown boots. The boots and pants look like suede or something similar. He's holding an axe. I then notice the woodpile behind him.

"I asked if I could help you." He doesn't sound happy.

I look back at him. "No, I was just passing by."

He raises an eyebrow. "You're in the middle of the forest and you're just passing by?"

"Well yeah."

"I doubt that."


"There isn't a village for miles around. It takes me half a day to get to the nearest village."

"So why live out here by yourself?"

"I don't like company."

"Oh. Well then I'll be on my way." Okay Shinigami was an idiot, walking away from such a fine man.

"It's too late to be walking through the forest. You might as well stay here for the night."

"I thought you hated company?"

I do dare say that he blushed a little. "You can stay here. My name is Kei, and you are?"

Kei, his name is Kei? "Duo. Nice to meet you."

"Duo? What kind of a name is Duo?"

Oh yeah, he's real funny ain't he? "Let's just say I have two halves. This one is less frightening."

He shrugs, if you can imagine that, because I really can't. Never have I seen Heero shrug, it's just plain weird to see him do it. I step into his yard and walk behind him into his house. The same house that Shinii had shown me. He walks over and stirs something in the kitchen. I keep trying to figure out what time frame we're in but I get nothing. Guess gods don't really keep time. Wish Shinii had told me that.

"Is stew all right for dinner?"

"Um... yeah."

"So why are you out in the forest by yourself?" He sets the small table with two spoons and napkins.

"Trying to escape people." I sit down at the table.

"Why?" This is weird, Heero wanting to have a conversation.

"They wish to win my favor." I take a bite of the stew. Damn it's good!

"Are you rich?"




"Are you the God of Death?"

I drop the spoon and look at him in surprise. "Nani?"

"Well, Duo, you were walking around a forest in black robes carrying a well decorated scythe. I'm guessing that you could be the God of Death, Shinigami. So are you here to take my soul?" Kei takes a mouth full of stew. He's not looking at me, his eyes are closed.

"This is why I didn't want to come to Earth. I'll leave. Thank you for your kindness." I stand to go. Kei's eyes open and we stare at each other.

"So, I'm not lucky enough, huh?"

"What?" I'm confused, what does he mean by 'not lucky enough'?

"To die."

"Why do you want to die?"

"It's lonely out here."

"Why not move closer to a village?"

"People there don't care about me. They only want me to marry their daughters. Or to defend their village."

"What's wrong with their daughters?"

"I don't like girls." Well, that wasn't expected. I sit back down. "The last village I lived in ran me out of town. I was caught kissing another boy."

"I see. So you live out here so no one will know. The only draw back is you're lonely. That sucks."

"Hn." He continues to eat.

"So you thought I was here to take your soul?"


"I'm sorry."

We eat the rest of our food in silence. Kei never looks at me. He eats with his eyes closed. Seems to me that he's enjoying his food. Savoring the taste in his mouth. It must be lonely out here with no one to talk to. I feel bad for him. No family, no friends. Hell, he doesn't even have a dog or anything.

"Not hungry?" I snap out of my thoughts. He's staring back at me. I haven't really been eating that much of the stew.

"I don't have to eat. Guess it's new to me. Sorry." I take a bite of food.

"Why don't you eat?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"I like the sound of your voice. Or maybe I just haven't heard anyone talk to me in a long while."

"How long has it been since you talked to someone?"

"Months, maybe more." Kei shrugs his shoulders. But man, he's been away from people that long?

"I see." I stand up and look to the door. "I need to go. Souls to take." He nods his head. I feel guilty for leaving but I feel something calling me away. I walk out the door with him following me.

"You... you can come back." He says it almost shyly. "If you want, that is. You know, to get away from things."

I turn and look at him. The light from inside the house frames his body. When did it get dark? Guess it doesn't matter. He looks gorgeous standing there; I don't really want to leave.

"I'll see." I turn and leave.

Shinii's POV

I'm sitting on Heero's bed, again. I think I like it, of course there's hardly anyone on it. Unlike my master's bed. I'm waiting for him to wake up. Heero and the others have decided not to let him go to class. Wufei offered to watch him in the morning. Heero took the afternoon and night. Imagine that.

Right now Heero's putting on his shoes. My master is still asleep. I'm sure he's remembering. Up until a few days ago I could tell. But the Fates changed that. So now I'm guessing. Not that I think I'm wrong.

"Mmm, what time is it?" My master mumbles. Guess waking up as a mortal is different than an immortal. I mean we don't really sleep, but we rest. When we're up, we're up. Rested and eyes open for however long we want.


"Nani, why didn't you wake me sooner?" My master sits up and looks at Heero. But not like normal. It's hard to describe. It's close to what it used to be. It's almost like he's remembering that he loved him.

"We decided that you should rest some more."

My master glares. "'We decided'. And who is 'we' and why wasn't I included in the matter?"

"We as in the other pilots decided. You were not in on the conversation because you were still asleep."

"On the bright side, master, you and Wufei can talk." Okay so the conversation wasn't going the way I wished. I hate to see them fight. They never use to fight.

My master looks at me and then sighs. "Fine." He falls back on the bed, defeated.

There's a knock on the door. Heero answers it. It's Wufei and he has a tray. Bet it's my master's breakfast. Heero lets him in and he glances my way. And then he looks at my master.

"I brought you breakfast." Wufei pulls a chair next to the bed and places the tray on it.

"Aw Wu-chan, I never knew you cared." My master then begins to eat.

"I'll be back after lunch." Heero tells them on the way out.

"You can come out now, Shinii." Wufei says.

"Dragons are no fun." I pout. I look over at my master's food. I've never seen it before.

"Want some?" He asks.

"I don't need to eat." Of course my master's love used to make me eat. He made good stuff.

My master shrugs. "Your loss. So Wu, I have some questions. You up for it?"

"I suppose. What do you wish to know?" Wufei sits on Heero's bed. I glare at him and then sit on my master's bed with him. He stuffs something at my face and I let him put it into my mouth. Crunchy but good, wonder what it is?

"Well if you never lost your memory, why did it take you so long to let me and Shinii know?" Good question, wonder why I never thought of it.

Wufei smirked. "I was expecting the question last night."

"So I was tired, so sue me." My master looks at me.

"What, I'm still young. Besides I have enough on my mind." Like maybe how to keep everyone alive. I take another bite of food, something different. It's sweet.

"First off I really wasn't sure of what was going on." Wufei begins. "When we met, Duo, I was both surprised and pleased. I didn't expect you to be a pilot. But it made it easier for me to be close to you if you regained your powers."

"Why do you want to be close to me when that happens?" My master asks.

"Because it will take less time for my power to return. If I'm on a colony and you're on earth then it could take time for me to regain my power. Also when this happens it will be nice to know it's happening. Sudden power is overwhelming."

"Oh, I see."

"I knew that an immortal was hanging around you." Wufei held his hand up, effectively stopping my master from saying something. "I still have my nose. I could smell. But in human form I wasn't sure who. It took a few days for me to figure it out."

"What was your tip off? I mean how'd you know it was Shinii?"

"I can answer that." I smiled; hey I want to talk too. "I've been freely showing myself to you. Which means I leave a type of immortal residue. Only another immortal in close proximity would be aware of. Dragons can smell it too." I look at Wufei. "Am I right?"

Wufei smiled and nodded. "Correct Shinii. It's nice to know you're still learning." He turns and looks at my master. "I smelled Shinii, so I knew you were fine."

"Yeah but why did all of a sudden decide to let us know?" My master pushes something else to eat at me.

Which is weird but he has his hand under it, like it's going to drip.

Wufei grins as he watches us. "Well, that's the easy part. The Fates did it."

"Huh?" Both my master and I stop what we're doing and blink a couple of times. The Fates?

"Well after having talked to their family, they decided you two needed a little help. And since I'm the only one aside from Shinii that has all their memories, I was elected."

"Man they stick their noses into everything don't they?" My master sips on something. From what I saw it was black liquid and it was hot.

"Yes well if what Auzii says is true. They weren't happy with the way things turned out."

"What do you mean? I thought I wanted a vacation so this was a good way to do it."

"Yes, it was. But, Duo, they never wanted you hurt. Nor did they want the rest of us punished. They barely managed to convince the court not to punish Shinii."

"Nani?" I didn't know that. I can't help but wonder what he's talking about.

"The court was going to punish you too, Shinii. But the Fates intervened. They knew that you would be needed when Shinigami regained his memory. Since you kept your memory and power then you can protect us from any one who dares to harm us."

"So that's why I was told not to tell anyone where I was. Part of the court may be against us. But why didn't they object to me being sent?"

"Would you want to go against the Fates? If they objected then the Fates would be upset and an upset Fate is a bad thing. Three of them are worse."

"What did I do that was so terrible?" Both Wufei and I look at my master.

"We can't tell you master. It is something you must remember."


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