Okay, here are a few rules for sumit fanfics on my site.
1. Grammar and spell check before you email it, PLEASE. Don't expect me to correct them for ya, since I am suck in English myself. ^_^; It's preferable to have a beta-reader to check it for you beforehand.
2. I prefer to receive fics that were in .doc format, it would be easier for me to work on them.
3. Please make sure to put your name/alias, warnings, pairings, rating, archives, disclaimer at the begining of the fic.
4. If you want me to put your e-mail address and web page and/or LJ link (If you have one), please include your e-mail address, the URL of your page, and/or your LJ username.
Here is a little header that I suggest you guys to use
Rating: (ie. PG-13....R....NC-17)
Warnings: (ie. Yaoi, Angst...etc)
Pairings: (ie. 1x2, 3x4/4x3, 5+S...)
Archives: (ie. Amy Mizuno's Little GW Page - http://mizunoamy.bravepages.com/)
Disclaimer: (I don't own GW blah blah blah)
Any extra notes and warnings
Um... I think that's all that I want to remind you guys. So, if you're sure that you had follow all my instructions, send them to me then.