Silence Part 10
"This isn't me... I'm not like this, Wufei! You know I'm not!" He curled into a tight ball, clutching a pillow in his arms. "God, what's wrong with me?!"
Wufei drew the coverings up around Duo's shoulders, holding him close. This time the nightmare had woken all of them. It took most of Duo's remaining strength to reassure his frightened son and get the boy to go back to bed. Now he was falling apart, shaking uncontrollably and whimpering like a child. It offended Wufei's sense of responsibility, his promise to Heero, his own inner desires, to see his friend suffering so, but he could see no honorable way of relieving that misery.
"I believe," he began carefully, mindful of the need for precision, "that you are over-worked, over-tired, over-stressed and desperately in need of some relief."
Duo looked up, teary-eyed. "Am I losing my mind? Are they right?"
"No!" Wufei collected himself. "You are not losing your mind. They are not right. Ah, those fools! Listen to me. This is a psychological game, Duo. You've dealt with this before. It's only difficult now because it's Heero at stake."
Duo sighed raggedly and rested his head against his friend's shoulder. "I wish I had half as much confidence in myself as you seem to have," he whispered.
Wufei touched two fingers under Duo's chin, lifting his head to look into his eyes. "You are Shinigami, Duo. How can I not have confidence in that?"
Duo closed his eyes, relaxing in Wufei's arms. After a few minutes he said softly, "This is true. Shinigami is the power of Death. I'll try to be more worthy of your confidence."
"Sleep now; I'll look in on Solo."
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