I got a pleasant surprise at work today; one half of the TweedleDum and TweedleDummer team, who have been fighting since I started at the company, brought in her replacement. To say that the collectively falling jaws created a 3.5 earthquake would be overstating by only a hair. Anyway, I'm gonna hope that the guy who is taking over does not view fighting with Production as his god-given mission in life. It would make my life so much easier...
To celebrate, I give you Inazuma's Rainbow, another in an endless stream of ii kibarashi.
Oh, and we all know it's not mine, even though I do have a nice place waiting for it in my display case. *sigh* *back, you grabby things; back I say!*
No warnings; you could safely show this to your grandmother or your kid sister.
Diversion, n. 1. ii kibarashi, amusing distraction, pastime.
Blue Forest Banshee Diversions Part 9
ii kibarashi - Inazuma's rainbow
Duo tilted his chair back and propped his boots on the desk. Across the room, Inazuma sighed and did the same. If Duo did it, then everyone else could. Heero was funny that way... Not that Duo got special treatment, exactly; just that he got first chance at anything. Before Duo came, no one would have dared do some of the things Duo did. Not that Heero was a bad boss, but he was exacting, and before Duo came, Heero thought nothing of taking a patch off anyone that broke his rules or irritated him. But Duo's presence had softened the Wyvern's exacting stance. Now he took time to relax; he laughed more often, smiled tightly over things that once would have had him roaring in fury. Nowadays, if Duo's actions or behaviors went by under Heero's professional radar, then everyone could do it. If Heero glared at the Banshee and offered a stern rebuke, then no one else tried the same move.
And he did offer rebukes on occasion. Duo wasn't that privileged.
But Heero had been in a good mood all week; he hadn't glared or growled at anyone since Monday and here it was Friday morning. The ladies in the office opined that Heero was being well satisfied at night, which would account for Duo's mellow mood as well. Inazuma tried not to think about that, as it invariably led to daydreaming and fantasies that would only get him into trouble. But it was nice, just the same, to be fairly sure that he wasn't going to look up to find Heero glaring down at him for some minor infraction.
And today... He sighed wistfully and swiped his bangs over his eyes, the better to covertly study his colleague.
Damn it, Duo was just plain hot today! He had on a new outfit - iridescent emerald from head to toe - that caused one to stammer and drop rolls of parchment whenever Duo crossed the room. And his hair seemed brighter and shinier than usual, and called out to one to touch that long, thick braid. His purple eyes flashed even deeper with pleasure and his throaty chuckle could freeze every soul in the room with longing, lust or simply awe.
...And he was on his feet, waving the newspaper excitedly...
"The Pot-Bellied Goose is having Oldies Night tonight!" he cried. "Who's going?"
"I will," declared Wufei immediately. "And Trowa too."
They went absolutely everywhere together, as Inazuma had discovered to his sorrow within a few weeks of joining the team. Wufei was grumpy, opinionated and haughty enough for five Elves, but he was also a nice bit of eye candy. Trowa was serene, forgiving and elegant as only a cat can be. Either one would be the answer to a young and desperately over-sexed Elf's dreams, but for one unfortunate thing. They came as a set. You couldn't have one without the other. However daring Inazuma might be in his fantasies, the reality was that he couldn't imagine himself in a three-way anything. Not for all the gold in Elfdom...
"Me too," said Inazuma almost before he realised that he'd decided.
"Great!" Duo whirled around the room. "I love Oldies Night!"
"Is Heero going?" asked Trowa.
Duo stopped, flatfooted in the center of the room. "I don't know..." he frowned. "Ah crap... He's got that dinner to attend..."
"That's all right," murmured Trowa soothingly. "We'll go with and have a great time, and you can tease Heero tomorrow about the burdens of being an executive."
"Maybe," began Inazuma, again before he quite realised he was speaking aloud, "We can get them to do another Oldies Night soon, and Heero will come then."
Duo spun about to stare at the Elf. "Zuma! Great idea!" He bounced across the room to pounce on Inazuma with a full body hug.
Somewhere angels sang, music trilled and colors arranged themselves in precise mathematical order. The only thing Inazuma the River Elf noticed was Duo, hanging the moon.
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