Usual disclaimer; see previous. No warnings, no language; safe for even your great-grandmother. *I have such a headache....*
Blue Forest Banshee Diversions Part 27
ii kibarashi - Stitch in Time
Duo heard his name called. He turned to see Julie loping across the parking lot, her ubiquitous bags bouncing and bobbling along with her.
She fetched up beside him, red-faced and breathing heavily, and held up her hand, signaling him to wait while she caught her breath.
He grinned and just waited while she sucked air for a minute.
"Gotta show you," she gasped finally. "Made it."
He blinked. "You made something? All by yourself? Terrific!" He reached for the bag that had yarn overflowing the top, and she shrugged it off her shoulder.
"Green," she gasped, so he hunted for anything that looked green.
"This one?" He pulled out a bundle of green and blue-green yarn.
Duo unfolded the small lump and found a hat. The stitches weren't uniform and the decreases were erratic, but it was recognizable as a head covering, it was the proper size to fit an adult head and most importantly, Julie had made it herself, from cast on to gathering the crown stitches. She had even topped it with a fluffy pompon.
"Aw, Julie," he began softly.
She bit at her lip nervously. "I had to rip it up three times. I almost said to hell with it... But I wanted to do it. I wanted to make it, because you took so much time to teach me."
Duo shook his head and grinned at her, almost speechless with pride in his student. "You did good," he said softly. He took the hat and fitted it on her head. "It's great, babe. You've got the knack now. A couple more of these and you'll be making them in your sleep!" he laughed. She pulled the little hat down over her ears, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
"Thank you for teaching me!" And she threw her arms around him for a hard hug. "You should get a job teaching!"
He hugged her back. "I don't think it would be so much fun if I had to do it. I'd rather do it because I want to." They broke apart and Duo sighed. "I have some granny squares finished, but I don't have them with me. I'm getting better at making them come out the same size though," he offered brightly.
"Great! That's half the battle right there!" She grabbed his hand, swinging their joined arms back and forth. "Do you have time for a soda? I have to go to work, but not for an hour. And, well, it's not just about the hat. I want to thank you for being so nice to me, for taking time to listen to me and... and just talking to me and helping me with... with things. I feel like I know what I want out of life more now."
Duo blinked at her, a warm feeling growing in his chest. "I didn't do anything special, just gave you a chance to work it out for yourself." He glanced at the sky. "Yeah, I have time... But I'll buy, and dinner too."
"All right! Let's go!"
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