Blue Forest Banshee Part 63

Duo caught the envelope the owl dropped and began opening it even as he walked. Most of the owl mail he got was from Shar and Teal, with an occasional note from Detective McLain (who apparently found it almost childishly thrilling to use the Owl Post), and he was hoping for some new pictures of little Dael. She was nearly eight months old now, and crawling.

The mail did a nice job of distracting him from Heero's absence, and he always welcomed more photos from Teal's ingenious little camera. Which thought reminded him that he had some new photos to send in his next post.

He scanned the first page, and his heart stuttered. He stared at the lines of heavy script, uncomprehending, for a full minute. Then he stuffed the pages back into the envelope and began to run.

From across the greensward, Wufei waved and called to Duo. He shrugged off the lack of response as simply the Banshee being late for something. No big deal, he would see him at dinner. He could sit next to Duo, Heero being gone again on assignment for a couple of days. Wufei smiled to himself at that pleasant thought. This MRO thing was something of a boon to his efforts to gain Duo's attention. He liked Heero -- he was a great friend, as well as a fellow Dragon, after all, and made a wonderful sparring partner -- but he also liked being able to snuggle up to the bright-eyed Banshee. He didn't even care if it was only pheromones.


In his room, Duo locked the door deliberately. He dropped his bag, still clutching the envelope, and sank to the floor in his nesting corner behind the desk. For a long while he simply held the envelope in his hands.

Finally, eyes closed, he opened it and took out the sheets of parchment. A single large tear squeezed between his lashes. He dashed it away angrily and began to read.


Hours later, he was still curled on the cushion in the corner, his arms wrapped around his drawn-up knees. He rocked slowly, his head resting on his knees. His eyes were closed and the only sound was his softly whispered, "Nononono..."


Heero paced slowly along the first floor corridor, feet almost dragging.

Heero was tired.

Heero had a headache.

His two-day assignment had worn on him, mentally more than physically. He did not like bouncing around the world for meetings and he did not like working with Humans who refused to see logic and good sense.

Thank all the gods that this month's renewals were nearly finished. If he didn't get a few days off, he'd be finished as well!

This last series of negotiations was the straw that almost broke the Wyvern's control...


The Witch who had been charged with settling the matter had been reasonable, clear and conciliatory, but still the Human politicians had dithered, whined and argued at every meeting. Heero had hoped that this particular group of politicians would be more reasonable. It became clear that it was not to be when Letitia, the Witch from the Mundane Relations Office, turned to him and asked him to please explain the contract in terms the Humans would clearly understand.

Heero was tired of the small talk, tired of fielding questions from Humans who apparently had never had any contact with a Magical Race, and heartily irked at having to wear his diplomatic mask. When he and Letitia arrived, courtesy of Jake, in the rotunda of the City Hall, a grand total of four out of the nine Humans waiting had fainted. Once that nonsense had been sorted out, and the negotiations had begun, Heero was treated to a continuous stream of nervous chatter from the aides, handlers and hangers-on.

The biggest, best, most fascinating topic in the world to those Humans was teleportation. Heero would swear he could see wheels turning in their heads, as they tried to figure a way to acquire that skill. They rattled on about how wonderful it must be to travel so quickly and easily, with no expenditure of energy and asked repeatedly how it was done.

Heero didn't know how it was done; flying creatures did not have the ability to teleport, and he had the jet lag to prove it. Charms against jet lag also did not work for flying creatures and he had the beginnings of a migraine from porting from one time zone to another a dozen times over the last 40 hours.

If one more grinning, fawning Human made the cheerful remark that teleporting was wonderful, Heero swore he would dip them in ketchup and call them a French fry.

Short-tempered, head throbbing and grumpy at being kept from his Banshee for two days, he had morphed almost instantly at Letitia's suggestion, growling and spreading his wings threateningly. As the Humans froze in shock, he again detailed Letitia's position, punctuated with snarls, roars, extended talons, razor-sharp teeth and the flickering waves of color that shimmered in his crest. He made no tangible threats; it was only his size, form and demeanor that mattered.

The Humans held a quick, whispered conference when he finished, and then they signed the paperwork involved. Assignment completed. Mission successful. Ninmu Kanryu.

Letitia apologized for having to drag him out on such simple things, and offered him dinner, but he demurred. Heero wanted nothing more than to go back to the Castle and curl around his Banshee, maybe even fall asleep in Duo's arms.

So far, they were still in the cuddling stage, but he had high hopes of moving beyond that before long.


Heero paused at the head of the stairs. Voices were coming from the vicinity of their rooms. Familiar voices. Strained and anxious voices. Were voices.

::Dammit, they'd better not be bothering him at this time of night!:: he thought furiously.

Glare already in place, he stalked down the hall, only to find Wufei nearly hysterical as Trowa pleaded to Duo's closed door for him to come out or at least talk to them. Inazuma crouched against the wall a bit further down, wringing his hands anxiously.

"We've got to get him out of there!" Wufei whispered tightly. "Anything could be going on! What if Zephyrus --"

"Oh no, Wufei! Don't even say that!" cried Inazuma.

"Hush! I can't hear!" snapped Trowa. "Duo? Duo, please open the door. We just want to help, honey."

"What is going on here?" Heero didn't have to raise his voice; his tone was enough to send all three Magical Creatures leaping for cover.

"Heero!" cried Wufei, and threw himself at the Wyvern. "You're back! You've got to get him out of there! He's been in there for almost two days! He won't eat, he won't talk, he won't come out! We've heard him..." His voice dropped to a bare whisper. "We heard him crying!"

Trowa nodded his agreement and Inazuma managed a whispered, "That's right. Something's happened!"



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