Blue Forest Banshee Part 30
About a billion thoughts went through my mind in the space of a couple of seconds. The most important being, where the hell is Heero?! He was breathing down my neck when I charged through the door.
Also in there was, don't shoot! Please don't shoot! Q only knew what would happen if one of the cops opened fire on that thing!
And, bloody blast! Someone help me!
I expected Heero to be with me. When I realised that he wasn't, I began to panic. I didn't even know what that thing was! He couldn't expect me to handle this alone! Could he?
Then, past the monster that was creeping slowly closer to us, I saw Heero.
On the terrace.
On the ground.
On his knees.
One hand to the back of his head.
Detective Latener bending over him.
A bilious yellow glow between them and us.
Aw, crap...
Son of a bitch...
In a word, fucked.
We sure were.
I was just getting to the point where I begin screaming like, well, like a Banshee, when Ryo grabbed my shoulder, yanking me up several steps to the landing.
"God! Pay attention!" he cried.
I looked down.
The things I had taken for mouths were detaching themselves and coming our way more quickly than the larger one.
Just even more fuckin' great.
Ryo had pulled me back just as one of those soccerball-sized things squirmed onto my step.
It slithered over the riser and onto the landing, waggling its slimy tentacles in my direction.
"The hell you do!" I snarled furiously. I hauled off and kicked it as hard as I could. It made a "fwwweee" sound when I connected and a "splat!" when it hit the opposite wall.
The rest of the bloody things just kept coming.
Another one crawled between the railings onto the landing. Ryo punted it after the first.
And the big thing was getting closer.
"We're not gonna be able to kick that one," I whispered, mostly to myself.
Ryo looked at me; his dark eyes wide and near-panicked. "Shit."
I think I lost it then. I hope I lost it. I really don't want to believe that I did what I did consciously. It's too... well, embarrassing.
I started to scream like a hysterical Human, and in-between I chanted the spells Heero had made for me. Ryo kicked a few more of the spawn, but we were soon going to be overwhelmed.
Through the yellow haze, I could see Heero climbing to his feet and beginning to change form.
He would save us, of course, he would.
I saw Latener stumble back, probably startled.
Heero lunged at the haze, but he bounced off.
Oh, yay, said something in my head. It makes force fields too!
Well, du~uh.
"Heero! HEERO!"
Like he wasn't already doing his best.
Ryo's hand came down on my shoulder. He was as near to fainting as a man gets.
It was right there, at the bottom of the stairs. The big monster thing. The toad from hell.
I brought both hands up.
"GET AWAY FROM US!!!" I shrieked.
And the whole world just exploded.
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