Wild West Part 7

The subsequent rush out of the saloon towards the street would have been comical if not for the sight that awaited them.

A young man stood in the middle of the roadway, swaying on his feet, illuminated by the lanterns that hung outside the saloon.

His red shirt was hanging in shreds; his lacerated flesh underneath was weeping blood, the flesh sliced neatly apart. Scratch marks marred his face, he had lost one boot, and the revealed foot was swollen and black.

"Go for Doc!" Heero snapped at Sylvie. She took off at a run.

"Otto?" Miss Une had stepped towards the young man. He stepped away from her, seeming almost afraid of her. "Otto what happened? Where are the others?"

The young man screamed again, a weird howling noise that ending with him doubled over on his knees. The scream faded into hitching breaths.

"Otto?" Heero approached the young man on the other side, kneeling down and reaching out a tentative hand. The boy leaned away from his touch. "Otto? Where are the other boys?"

"DEAD!" Otto shouted, blood beginning to drip from his mouth. Miss Une took in a sharp breath. "It took Mueller's head right off his shoulders... his head is gone..."

"God damn it," Duo swore. "The rest?" He had stepped closer to Heero, hovering almost protectively over the Sheriff.

"Dead..." Otto's eyes were growing dull. "Dead... all dead..."

Sally pushed her way through the crowd, medical bag in hand. Wufei and Meiran were with her. Meiran's eyes widened at the sight of the dying boy. She turned her face into her husband's shoulder. Sally knelt down next to the suffering boy who shied away from her touch.

"Unclean..." Otto muttered and fell over. Sally placed a hand on his neck, and then closed his eyes gently.

"He's dead, Heero."

Otto's body was taken back to Sally's so that she could get him ready for burial. Since there was no undertaker, Sally had to pull this duty as well, something that made Duo mutter under his breath.

Heero joined Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, Meiran and Duo back at the saloon after he went to tell Otto's parents the bad news.

"How did it go?" Quatre asked him as Heero sat down at their table.

"Badly," Heero said shortly and accepted the glass that Duo pushed his way.

"We're still going after it tomorrow," Quatre said quietly, watching for Heero's reaction.

"I know." Heero frowned. "Our chances aren't good though."

"They are better than you think," Duo countered.

"I agree," Wufei nodded.

"Why?" Heero asked, lifting his head to look the Chinese man in the eye. "What can you say that will convince me that I won't lose more of my friends and neighbors tomorrow?" He slammed the now empty glass down on the table.

"Because you have something those boys didn't have," Chang said grimly.

"What?" Heero demanded.

"Us." Duo grinned ferally. "Three of the best monster hunters in the business. Trust us, we'll help you get rid of that thing."

"A lecherous preacher, a henpecked husband and a tiny woman who can't stand the sight of blood are three of the best monster hunters in the business?" He got to his feet. "And what business is this? You're telling that there are MORE of those things out there?"

"A henpecked husband?" Chang raised an eyebrow. Meiran patted his hand comfortingly.

"Yes, we are. Every kid's heard of the things that go bump in the night," Duo's grin widened. "We're the ones that bump back."

"I don't believe in fairy tales." Heero growled.

Quatre however was looking pale. "You aren't- you can't be..." He paused and said a word softly, almost under his breath that Heero didn't catch. Meiran nodded.

"We are."

"Heero," Quatre turned to look at him. "I think we need to believe them."


"My father has used their... organization before. They are trustworthy and they do deal with things like this."

Heero shook his head. "This is getting out of control. People are dying and you're sitting here talking about cryptic organizations and withholding information that might save lives. I'm putting the lives of my townsfolk on the line against an unknown danger and the best you can tell me is to just 'trust them'?"

"Heero-" Quatre started.

"Five young men died tonight. A whole caravan died only a few days ago. How many more have to die before you start taking this seriously?"

"We are taking it seriously," Wufei snapped.

"Really? By sharing what information you have on the beast so that we know what to expect? By sharing what abilities or strengths you have so that we can plot our strategy effectively?" Heero countered. "Or maybe we're just supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy because the three of you have deigned to help us!"

He turned and stormed out of the saloon.

"Well," Duo sighed and downed the last of his shot. "That could've gone better." He got to his feet. "I'll go talk to him."

Heero had headed back to the jailhouse, intent on closing himself into his room and not coming out until morning. He considered just going to get Silver and heading out on his own- but he was angry, not suicidal.

However, he began to feel homicidal when he caught the sound of running footsteps behind him.

He was tempted to break out into a run himself, but it would look silly to have the Sheriff running away from a preacher. A few moments later the steps slowed down as Duo caught up to him.

The preacher didn't say anything for a few moments, just studied the set look on Heero's face out of the corner of his eye.

"Pretty mad, aren't you?"

Heero didn't reply.

"We aren't playing around with the lives of the townsfolk. We'll keep them safe."

Heero didn't reply. Duo sighed internally. This was not going well.

"We're good at what we do-"

"Shut up."

Duo didn't think that was much of an improvement.


The Sheriff stopped in his tracks and turned to face the preacher. "If anyone dies tomorrow because you didn't tell us something important- because you didn't share information- I will hold the three of you responsible."

"And how will you know that for sure? What if some idiot does something foolish? What if we're sneak attacked? Will you hold us responsible for that too?" Duo countered. "Are you going to be judge and jury?"

"Don't you dare turn this around on me! I have a responsibility to the people in this town to keep them safe. And they WERE safe until you three showed up!"

"Are you accusing us of being behind the attacks?" Duo snapped.

Heero turned around and started walking again. "This conversation is pointless," he muttered.

"We didn't bring that thing in here!" Duo kept pace with him easily. Heero didn't respond. Duo was really beginning to hate that. It was hard to argue with someone when they wouldn't argue back.

They reached the jail and Heero headed for the back rooms. His intent was to close himself into his bedroom until morning. Duo had other ideas. Going out hunting with an irate Sheriff was not going to help. Once Heero had closed the door between the jail and his living space, Duo took him by the arm and spun the Sheriff around to face him.

"Fine. What do you need to know?"

"What are we facing?"

"It could be one of several things. I'm hoping it's a Fenrir and not a were."

"A where?"

"Were- as in werewolf."

"Werewolf," Heero repeated. He was almost tempted to scoff at the explanation, but the memory of the size of the footprint prevented him. "What's a Fenrir?"

"A Demon that takes the shape of a wolf. Preys on humans." Duo frowned at the expression on Heero's face. "I told you that you wouldn't believe me."

"Why is a Fenrir better than a werewolf?"

"A werewolf would mean that it's one of your townsfolk more than likely. And they are contagious- if you survive their attacks you become one. Not to mention that since there's been no trouble up until now, it means that our were was either infected by one passing through, or there is two or more of them."

Heero stood silent for a moment, calculating. Duo's words about not sharing information because he usually got mocked echoed in his head. But this was so impossible...

"Okay. If it is one of those things, then why are you three the best to hunt it?"

"I am a Hunter. It's my job. Fei was one too, but he and Meiran left the organization."


"Meiran, I think. It made her uncomfortable to hunt her own kind."

"What?" Heero blinked and wished he were near a chair.

"She's not a werewolf," Duo said reassuringly. "She's not even close. She was born- like she is. Wufei was assigned to be her- keeper. They fell in love and moved here to the U.S. They joined with us for a while, but like I said, I think Meiran felt it was a bit too close to home."

"But she offered to help us."

"She still considers it her duty. She is a Protector by nature. She might not like to hunt, but she will to protect those she considers under her care." Duo sighed. "Mind you, I'm just guessing. She has not confided in me. For all I know it was Fei's idea to leave. But she did agree to help you, and once given, she honors her word."

Heero leaned against the wall and considered what Duo had told him.

On one hand, it sounded completely insane.

On the other, it fit all the pieces.

And Quatre seemed to believe it too. Since the piano player was usually levelheaded, Heero couldn't dismiss his endorsement.

"All right." Heero nodded. "I'll take your word for all this- for now."

Duo blinked at him.


"It does make sense- in a bizarre way. Unless another theory presents itself- I'll accept yours."

"You really are a most unusual man, Sheriff."

"Look who's talking," Heero straightened himself up. "It's going to be a long day tomorrow. I'm going to bed."

Arms encircled him from behind, stopping him as a warm breath caressed his ear.

"Want company?"



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