Asked by wickedgameff: A friendship fic, Quatre helping Heero get ready for his first date with Duo.

Valentine Drabble 4

Heero opened the door and glared at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you might need some help," I smiled innocently back at him. "Duo told me what was going on."

"He did?"

I nodded. "After watching you in that meeting all day I had to know what had made you so twitchy."

"Duo noticed too?"

I stepped past him and closed the door behind me. "I doubt it. He was pretty twitchy himself."

"So why aren't you there?"

"Trowa volunteered to handle Duo." I smiled a little wider. "You know we've been waiting for this for years."

"I know," he turned his back on me and headed for the bedroom. "But if the words 'I told you so' cross your lips, you're a dead man."

"Wouldn't dream of it." I perched on the edge of his bed. "Duo said you were going to some Mexican restaurant downtown?"

"Los Primos," Heero paused in front of his closet and gave me an anxious look over his shoulder. "Do you think that's okay?"

"It's one of Duo's favorites," I replied, doing my best to hide my amusement. I didn't really want Heero to know that I found his worry somewhat cute. "What about after?"

"I don't know. I thought a movie, but I thought maybe that dinner might be pushing it-"

"Hardly." I snorted and reached into my jacket pocket. "A movie is a good idea." I put the passes down on the bed. "Here. Passes to an opening at the multiplex. Trowa knew Duo wanted to see the movie so we picked them up for you today."

"Thanks." He turned back to his closet.

"Slacks," I said when he seemed to hesitate.

"Brown or black?"

"Black." Heero pulled out the slacks and looked towards his shirts. "The blue. No, not that one, the other one." I instructed. "No, no tie. This is a date with Duo remember."

"I can choose my own clothes, Mom." Heero shot me a look and I just smiled at him.

"I told you- I'm here to help."

Fifteen minutes later, he was shaved, dressed and ready to go. I tossed his coat at him as we headed for the door. "Do you have the tickets?"

"Yes." He paused for a moment on the threshold. "Thanks Quatre."

"No problem." I watched as he headed for his car and then pulled out my cell phone.

"I just saw Duo off." Trowa said, his voice warm in my ear. "How about you?"

"Mission accomplished."



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