Tryst Part 4

"Afraid? Of my brother?" Heero shook his head, still confused. "I don't understand- it was just one of his jokes-"

Duo frowned at him. "Sending you out in the middle of a storm, after sundown, into these woods is not a joke. He didn't want you to come back."

"But... I don't understand why. I'm no threat to him- he is the one who inherits everything-"

"Yes you are. You heard my brother. Your father is considering turning the lands over to you. That would be reason enough to get rid of you."

"How do you know that? I don't even know that. My father has never said-"

"He doesn't have to say anything for us to know- and I'm sure you've noticed a tension growing between your brother and father lately? Arguments?"

"They always argue," Heero protested weakly, trying to process this new information. "Always- over my brother's excesses, over the way my father runs things- it's just... something they've always done," he faltered. "That doesn't mean my father will take the inheritance away from him-"

"No, that's true. But your father has considered it and I think your brother knows it." Duo placed his fingers over Heero's mouth before Heero could answer. "We'll know more for sure when my brother returns. In the meantime, you should rest." He pulled Heero close, his voice soft and soothing. "Just close your eyes, and sleep..."

Heero felt his eyelids droop. He didn't really want to sleep- he wanted to be awake when Duo got the news he was waiting for- but it was hard to fight that voice...

The fae was humming now, a melody that sounded almost familiar. Heero tried to follow it, tried to guess the next notes...

"Hist!" said someone nearby, but Heero couldn't open his eyes. He was too tired. Duo's humming stopped.

"Back so soon, brother?"

"Father summons you. I went and looked as you bid me and found something worse than what we imagined."

"What do you mean?" The warmth beside Heero vanished.

"Patricide. The idiot means to murder his father- poison in his evening wine! With his brother missing he imagines that his parent will be too distraught to notice- and that his death will be blamed on the shock."

Heero's heart grew cold. His brother was going to kill his father? No... he wouldn't dare... but...

"Father never meddles with mortals-"

"Which is why he wishes to see you now. Leave your lordling and answer his summons."

"Of course." There was a rush of wind and the skittering sound of leaves- and then silence.

Heero forced his eyes to open. He was alone in the room. Sitting up took all of his energy, he gasped and panted and fought to keep his eyes open. His father was in danger- he had to get home. He had to warn him.

Struggling to his feet, he found his clothes in a neat dry stack beside the hearth. He fumbled with his buttons, trying to shake himself into wakefulness. Grabbing his cloak, he dragged it over his shoulders and stumbled towards the doorway.

Much to his surprise he found himself standing in front of an oak, no sign of a door behind him at all. How...?

It was still raining. He stood for a moment, hoping that the sharp chill of the rain and wind would drive the rest of the fog from his mind and body away. It did seem to clear a little- but not as much as he hoped. More than anything, he simply wanted to sit down and rest... but he couldn't. Pulling his hood up, he plunged into the forest, hurrying as fast as he could, knowing he had to be home by dark...

It didn't take too long before he found one of the marked trails, and he nearly ran down it, despite the fatigue clogging his mind and the rain-slicked ground beneath his feet. He fell a few times, soaking himself even more, but he couldn't think of that now.

He just had to get home. Home before dark- home before his father took his nightly cup...

The sun was still in the sky when he staggered into the courtyard and nearly fell on his knees. His father was there- surrounded by his men- obviously just arrived at home.

"Heero!" His father grabbed him by the shoulders. "Where have you been? Your brother said you ran off-"

"I didn't! I went to look for his horse! He said it was lost- but- in the stable-" Heero fought to stay on his feet.

"He's lying!" Heero hadn't seen his brother join them. "He just went to meet a wench I bet!"

"Milord," another voice cut in and Heero blinked at the stable master. "The young lord was sent out to find his brother's horse- and his brother's horse was in the wrong stall this morning-"

Heero saw the speculative look his father turned on his brother. "Can you explain?" He demanded and Heero finally lost the battle to stay upright. His father and the stable master caught him. "He's burning up!" His father gestured at his retainers. "Get him to bed, call the physician."

Gentle hands helped Heero to his feet. "Father," he managed and grabbing his father's arm. "Don't drink your wine... Not tonight..."

His father's eyes widened, even as Heero caught the look of guilt that crossed his brother's face. He wasn't the only one. His father began snapping orders and relieved, Heero let the darkness claim him at last.

His last thought was of Duo. Hopefully, the fae lord wouldn't be too angry with him....



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