Something Furry Part 11

Walking home, Duo kept himself alert for trouble. It was a little difficult as his mind kept wandering back to what Quatre had said earlier- and the small wrapped package in his pocket.

Heero needed to practice being in his leopard form- needed to be comfortable in that skin. Why? Duo suppressed a sigh and wished for just a moment that he were psychic. Then he could be just as infuriating and inscrutable as Quatre and Sally.

His mate was also watchful, Duo noted with relief as they moved quickly down the sidewalk.

Course, after what happened to the last set of lions that tried to surprise them; he thought his grandmother might have problems trying to convince someone else to go.

Which meant that next time she would more than likely show up herself- with some of her mates.

All the more reason for Heero to be comfortable in his leopard form. Could he cast magic in it?

That was an interesting thought. He voiced it to his mate.

Heero looked startled- and then thoughtful. "I don't know. That should be one of the things we try. I mean- most magic needs spoken words or signs- but some just requires a focused thought..."

"I think it would be a good idea to try. Can Wufei spellcast in his dragon form?"

Heero nodded. "Yes, but he can also speak like a human in that form. Can the Pride?"


"Bet the curse form won't let me either. Still, I'll try it- and if not, then I'm stuck with the thought spells- maybe some of the sign ones too... depends how well I could trace some with a paw... hm." He smiled for Duo. "More things to practice when we get home."

Duo returned the smile, still worried. Did they have enough time to practice? To get Heero to feel comfortable in his cursed form? What was ahead of them?

Once they reached the apartment, Heero bolted the door and checked the shields. "All quiet," he said to Duo as he pulled off his coat.

"Good." Duo reached out and tugged Heero close, nuzzling his mate's ear. "Then let's get comfortable." Quickly, he undid Heero's shirt, pushed it off his shoulders.

Heero's fingers were busy with Duo's buttons. "So far, I'm very comfortable with this."

Duo laughed against Heero's skin as their clothes fell into a heap. "Then we're doing good so far." He kissed Heero's mouth briefly and then stepped away, letting himself shift...

How long had it been since he'd been in this form? He stretched, luxuriating in the feeling, and rubbed his head against Heero's leg.

He watched as Heero's form blurred and changed, watched as his mate gave himself a shake. Rubbing his cheek against Heero's, he bumped him with his head and then dashed away.

Heero gave chase, as Duo hoped he would. Around the room, down the hallway, up on the bed, and back again, he led the way, wishing they dared this in a bigger space.

Round and round they went for a bit, and then Duo jumped on the sofa and stayed there, easing over just enough to give Heero space to curl up beside him. His mate joined him, nudging Duo affectionately with his nose.

What else? The next thing would logically be fighting- but they might destroy something here- and the noise... Maybe he should see if the fae had someplace safe they could use for practice?

Heero put his head down on his paws and closed his eyes, his breathing falling into a deep rhythm. Was he tired already? Duo worried. Was this form too exhausting for him?

But then Heero started to glow. It was an odd glow to jaguar eyes, but he was glowing- a faint hazy nimbus of light surrounded him. Duo recognized it and relaxed. He knew this trick of Heero's- a way of increasing his shields so that they showed to ordinary sight.

So he could spellcast in this form! Relieved, he watched as Heero ran through some more familiar spells. This was good- it would give Heero an edge in dealing with his Grandmother and the Pride.

Involuntarily, he hunched up at the thought of the lions. He'd seen them punish pride members who didn't do what they said. What if they caught Heero- hurt him so that his magic didn't work? Or found a way to counter it? What would they do to him...?

Heero noticed his mood change. He moved closer, rubbing his face against Duo's, offering comfort.

It was comforting, but not what he needed-

His mate's form blurred and then Heero's fingers were digging gently into his fur, stroking, trying to ease him. "Duo? What is it? What's wrong?"

Shifting back, he wrapped himself around Heero. "I just... I know they said practice- but what if it's not enough? Grandmother's so angry at you..."

"I'm not happy with her either." Heero stroked his braid, pulled him closer. "Don't worry. We're forewarned- we'll get through this. I promise."

Duo could only hope he was right.



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