I meant to have this done earlier, but the flu o' doom caught me this week and I spent most of my off-work time sleeping! :P And keep in mind I don't do these two as well as the other ones? But it is Trowa's month.... so I'm going to give it a few more tries in the next few weeks!

Safe Part 3

"It was madness for the two of them to move in together. I'm amazed they haven't killed each other yet."

I cast a suspicious glance at Chang. Was he kidding? Was it really possible that Chang didn't know about Maxwell and Yuy? Then again, Sally always did say her boyfriend was a little dense, but I hadn't taken her seriously.

"Some people say that about you and Sally," I responded, wondering if Chang would get the hint.

"We're dating, that's different."

Apparently not. This was going to be entertaining when he figured it out. No wonder Sally hadn't enlightened him. I made a small noncommittal sound instead.

"Speaking of dating, what's up with you and Winner?"

Oh of course, Chang would bring that up. Maybe I should tell him about walking in on Maxwell and Yuy in the supply closet? No, I was too tired to deal with the fallout of that one.

"Nothing," I said repressively instead and started looking for an excuse to slip away. This silly political reception had to have an emergency a Preventer had to deal with somewhere... maybe I could go help Maxwell and Yuy with door duty?

"I heard you moved out."

"I never moved in," I countered. I'd never been able to sleep in Quatre's bed without Quatre. Hell, I could barely sleep in my own bed without Quatre.

But it was for the best. That's what I had told myself at the time, and I had been sure I'd meant it. Now... now I wasn't so sure.

Without even thinking about it, I cast a look towards the place I had been trying not to look all evening. Quatre was standing in the center of a small group of people, his smile in place, charming everyone around him- as usual. Impeccably dressed, elegant to his fingertips, it was clear he was in his element.

Pulling my Preventers jacket a little closer, I reminded myself that I had done the right thing. Seeing Quatre like this only confirmed it. Two different worlds...

He turned, just enough, catching my gaze. Quatre always knew when I was watching him.  One blond eyebrow lifted in a silent question and I had to swallow hard.

Forcing myself to look away, I turned back to Chang. "I'm going to go see if Maxwell or Yuy needs a break." I needed something to do, something to occupy my mind...

Luckily, the door was busy with people needing to be checked as they went in and out. When I saw Quatre heading our way, making his exit, I muttered an excuse to Maxwell and slipped away. I couldn't face him. Not now.

It was late when I finally made it back to my apartment, though I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep for hours yet. As I made my way up the stairs, I considered talking to Sally about a sleep aid of some sort- or maybe talking to Une about resigning. If I went back to the circus then I wouldn't be running into Quatre at all...

I opened the front door and froze- I had turned off all the lights in my apartment when I'd left- so why was there a spill of golden light in the hallway? I knew I hadn't missed the lamp in the bedroom... had I?

Silently closing the door behind me, I made my way down the hallway, pulling out my gun. Better safe than sorry...

Quatre was tucked up in my bed, pillows behind his head, reading glasses on his nose, one of my never-read Preventers manuals open in front of him, his clothes stacked neatly on a chair.

"There you are," he said, as if he'd been expecting me, as if he belonged there in my bed, as if we'd never had that conversation two weeks ago. "I was beginning to worry."

"What- what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you." Quatre put the manual down on the nightstand and placed his glasses on top of it.

"But-" I realized I still had the gun out, and hurriedly put it away. "We talked. We decided that we just didn't make sense. Too different..."

He shook his head. "I think we make perfect sense. You were the one with the doubts." Smiling a little, he shrugged lightly. "I was willing to give you time, but, well... I never have slept well without you. And you looked so tired tonight- I thought I might catch you in a weak moment and convince you to take me back."

I couldn't resist that smile. "So you broke into my apartment, took off your clothes and climbed into my bed?"

"I still have a key- I didn't break in. And a good negotiator always starts with an incentive."

Damn, I had missed him. But... "Quatre-"

"Have you been sleeping well?"

"No," I admitted. "But-"

"Have you found someone else?"

"No, but-"

"Trowa. You're exhausted. Could it really hurt to slide in here beside me and get some sleep? We can talk in the morning- when we're both rested." He flipped back the covers and patted the space beside him welcomingly.

It was tempting...

"All right," I said and a moment later, Quatre was beside me, tugging off my jacket, unbuttoning my shirt. "What-?"

"You're dead on your feet. Let me help you."

Before I could think of an answer, my clothes had vanished and Quatre had tumbled me down on the bed. His mouth found mine and my protests died away. I had missed him...

"This isn't sleeping," I said when my mouth was freed.

"Not yet," he said cheerfully, moving his mouth down to a more sensitive part of my anatomy and making me gasp. "But it will help you relax and get some sleep... eventually."

"Talk about pressing your advantage..."

He laughed. "Of course. What else did you expect? I don't mind resorting to underhanded tactics to get you back." As he proceeded to demonstrate...



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