A Pirate's Life for Me Part 9

Duo and Lucrezia hurried through the streets, with several members of the crew. "Is Howard expecting us?"

Duo nodded. "He said to come back and see him after we dealt with Heero's problem. He was going to do some digging on that group she brought with her."

"You expect them to come after us once we've set sail?"

Duo shrugged. "I don't know. I do know that it's better to be safe than dead. If we have a new enemy, than we'd best learn about them."

Lu grinned at him. "Or you could just give up your cabin boy."

Duo grinned back. "I could- but I have this feeling that he'd escape and get into trouble trying to get back to me. Despite all that I've told him, he still holds to his family's oath."

"He's stubborn," Lu laughed. "A good match for you."

Howard was waiting for them- the door swung open as they approached.

"What news old man?"

Howard frowned as he ushered them inside. "It's not good."

"Navy?" Lu asked.

"No. The stupid girl went and hired herself a boatload of pirate-hunters."

"Great," Duo groaned. "Which set?"

"A set that hasn't earned themselves many friends in this town." Howard's smile wasn't kind. "It was sheer madness for them to come here. Their boat was recognized- despite their attempt to hide the name, and their Captain is such a flash bastard that he was recognized right away when he got off the boat this evening."

"Do I know him?"

"I'm sure you've heard of him- the bastard kept his Navy title even after he was kicked out in disgrace. Commodore Treize."

Duo rolled his eyes. "Ah yes, I've heard of him. So he's the one in town?"

Howard nodded. "He is. I know your group took out a few of his men, but there's others out there. I'd get on your ship, set sail then search it top to bottom. He's been known to sneak his men on board. It's hard with your crew- but someone might be hiding."

Duo nodded. "Got it." He turned to his crew. "Did you all hear?"

They nodded, faces grim.

"Then let's get back to the ship- hopefully Hilde's group is already there."


They'd had only a moment's warning, the faint sound of rasping steel that echoed in the darkness before the group set on them.

"Scatter!" Hilde yelled and the pirates did. Hilde made an attempt to grab Heero's arm, but he dodged her and took off down an alley he was sure none of the others had used. He knew damn well who these men were looking for...

Sure enough, he was the one that was followed, and only the fact that he was a damn sight faster than his pursuers let him get away. He ran down three streets before vaulting himself up and onto a darkened balcony.

He crouched there, listening as the sound of running footsteps approached the balcony- and then passed it. He allowed himself a quiet sigh of relief. This wasn't the first time he'd been pursued- but before he'd always been well acquainted with the city. Sanctuary he didn't know well at all. How was he going to get back to the ship? The bastards apparently knew what he looked like...

All of a sudden, the lights in the room beside him turned on. Heero flattened himself against the balcony wall and cursed as he hit something ceramic with his foot- a flowerpot maybe?

A woman's shape appeared in the doorway, a lamp in one hand- a revolver in other. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

Damn, damn, damn.

Heero got to his feet and stepped into the circle of light cast by her lamp. "I'm sorry ma'am, I just ran into a bit of trouble... didn't mean any harm..." He hoped she didn't start screaming. Surely pirates got into trouble all the time in this town? Look at Duo's crew for example...

The woman looked at him calmly. "Are you from Maxwell's ship?"

Wow. Maybe they were the only crew who got in trouble here?

He nodded. "I am."

"Can you prove it?"

That stumped him for a moment and then he remembered. He tugged his shirt to the side, showed her the mark.

The lady examined it carefully and then smiled. "That's Sally's work all right. Come inside." Heero did as she asked, hoping it wasn't a trap.

"The town is up in arms tonight," she said with a smile as she put the lamp and revolver down on a table. "Everyone knows that bastard Commodore brought his pirate hunters here."

"Pirate hunters?" Oh, this was not good.

She lifted an elegant blonde eyebrow at him. "You haven't heard?"

"We were just trying to get back to the ship when we ran into a group of them."

"We? Where's the rest of your group?"

"We were outnumbered, so Hilde told us to scatter."

The woman smiled. "Ah, Hilde! Clever girl."

"You know her?"

"Indeed I do." The lady laughed. "Well, then, it seems you will need some assistance to get back to your ship. Unfortunately, anyone looking anything like a pirate is going to get targeted..." She looked at him with a faint frown. "We'll have to disguise you."


Duo looked at Hilde in shock. "You lost him?"

"I didn't lose him!" She protested. "He took off without me- and all of those pirate hunters went right after him!"

"Damn it!" Duo swore. "So they were looking specifically for him! And he could be anywhere in the city!"

"He'll be trying to get back to the ship, I'm sure," Lu tried to soothe him. "We don't have everyone back yet as it is- there are still a few more missing from that group."

"I hope they're safe." Duo rubbed his forehead. "Once we get out to open sea, we have a chance to outrun the Commodore, but we can't leave until everyone is back."

"Agreed," Hilde nodded. Duo stared out at the city, watched the lights moving to and fro, heard the shouts and shots echoing back to the ship. People were not happy out there. He took off his hat and shook his braid out, pulled off his coat and sash, draped them over the railing.

"Beg pardon Captain," Lu said with a faint frown. "Is this really the time to give us a strip show?"

"Ha." Duo answered. "No. But if I go back there like this, they'll know what I am." He gestured at his breeches, shirt, vest and boots. "This way I look like an ordinary person."

"You aren't going into the city again!"

"Hilde- I have to- we have crew out there. Heero is out there. Give me half an hour. If I'm not back, sail out into the harbor and wait for me. Once it's an hour to dawn- leave."


"Howard's here, I'll be fine." Duo headed for the gangplank. "Do as I say!"


Heero nearly tripped on his way down the stairs. The skirt on the red dress the lady had provided was too long for him. The lady had apologized profusely, but she didn't have any men's clothes.

"Not any that are still wearable, anyhow," she said with a wink. Heero, having seen most of what was in the lady's closet, had to admit that at least he was getting off easy despite the confounded skirts. How did one even fit into those leather things he had spied in the back?

She reached up and adjusted the shawl that she had draped around his head since he had drawn the line at wearing a wig. "Lift your skirt just a bit and walk slow. Remember, we're looking for customers, not chasing them through the streets."

"I don't think I could run in this get up," Heero said, trying to adjust the high necked collar that seemed intent on strangling him as she closed the door behind them. She laughed.

"If we meet anyone who wants to talk to us, let me do the talking- there's no way you are going to sound convincingly female." She gave him a lovely smile. "And hide your face with the fan. Gentlemen like a little shyness. They find it charming."

This was news to Heero, but then his only real experience that way was with Duo, and Duo was... well, Duo.

Heero followed his benefactress down the street, trying not to trip over his skirts. How did women wear these damn things? Course, it didn't help that he had his sword and other clothes hidden beneath the dress as well. No wonder the women on Duo's boat wore breeches. Maybe that was why they became pirates... the clothes were definitely more comfortable!

Thankfully, the lady had been serious about moving slowly. Though it grated on him because he wanted to get back to the ship right now, it was easier to walk at a sedate pace rather than the stride his legs ached to do. At least the city seemed quieter than it had an hour ago... he wondered what all the ruckus had been about.

"So," she said in a quiet voice. "I suppose you are the Captain's new cabin boy?"

"Yes," he answered, wondering how she knew.

"Sally and Lucrezia were telling me about you." She smiled. "The first male that the Captain knowingly let on board the ship."

Knowingly? "You know about our cook too?"

She laughed. "Everyone does. His sisters are such terrors- did you hear what they did to the preacher?"

Heero nodded. "And the pigs."

"Ah, yes, those poor animals never really recovered. I daresay the preacher will though- it was kind of a compliment in a way."

Heero hoped the ladies never complimented him.

The lady put a hand on his arm, nodded towards the end of the street. A group of men stood there, swords glinting in the moonlight. She continued strolling towards them, and Heero hoped that she knew what she was doing. Hopefully it wasn't a trap. Bad enough to fall into enemy hands- but dressed like this?

Then again, if Relena saw him like this maybe she would give up for good...

They got closer to the group, still moving at that careful pace. He lifted his fan up in front of his face, hoping that it- and the faint lamplight- would provide him with some cover.

"Ladies!" One of the men had turned and spotted them. "A very good evening to you."

"Thank you," the lady smiled back, not stopping as she drew closer to them. "Where are such a fine group of gentlemen such as yourselves headed?"

Heero thought she was overdoing it with the compliments. These men looked like they had fallen backwards through a meat grinder. What had they run into to put them in such a state?

"Ah, we're looking for someone," one of them said, obviously dazzled by her smile.

"Well, I'd say you found someone," the lady smiled wider, "except that my friend and I have a prior appointment."

The man blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Another one frowned. Dressed in a deep red coat, his ginger hair neatly tied back in a tail; he was obviously the leader of the group. "You ladies shouldn't be on the streets tonight- there's pirates about," he said gesturing at his disheveled group. "We've run into several. Maybe we should escort you."

He reached out a hand and the lady extended hers. He lifted it to his lips and bestowed a kiss on the back.

Heero wrapped his free hand in his shawl.

"How very kind of you to offer," the lady fluttered. Heero nearly swallowed his tongue. She was inviting them along? "However, I see one of our escorts down there," she gestured to the end of the street where Heero could make out the faint shadow of a man. "We don't want to keep him waiting."

"That would indeed be cruel." The man bent over her hand again and turned back to his companions. The lady took Heero's elbow and moved away from the men.

Heero took a deep breath. That had been too close. Of course- they weren't out of the woods yet- there was that other man at the bottom of the street, standing in the shadows.

Heero wondered if it would be ladylike to just bash him on the head. This whole night was making him very nervous. Course, unless he hiked his skirts up, the only thing he had that was close to a weapon was the fan...

"There you are, my dear," the lady said out loud as they got closer to the shadowy figure. "I wondered if you'd be out on the streets tonight."

"Miss Palm," said the man in a familiar voice. "How good to see you." He stepped into the light and Heero felt his body relax. Duo bent over Heero's rescuer's hand. "I'd love to chat, but I'm right in the middle of something and I was hoping you could help me..."

Heero dropped the fan away from his face and saw Duo start in surprise. "Have you met my friend?" Miss Palm smiled at Duo. "I was fortunate enough to run into him earlier- we were headed towards the docks."

Duo grinned at Heero and offered an elbow. "You look smashing, milady."

"Call me that again," Heero crooned back, waving the fan, "and I'll kill you."

Duo caught his hand and pulled it through the crook of his elbow. "They're watching," he said, his head tilted back towards the group up the street.

Miss Palm took Duo's other arm and they walked down the street and around another corner.

"I owe you for this one Rose," Duo said to her.

"Not in the slightest," the lady just smiled. "It's on the house- speaking of which, I need to get back there." She paused and smiled at Heero. "Keep the dress, I'm sure someone on board can use it."

"Thank you," he said. "I was fortunate that I ended up on your balcony." Her smile widened.

"You're welcome." She dropped a kiss on his cheek and one on Duo's. "Give my regards to the ladies." And she turned and vanished up another street.

"So," Duo said as they headed for the harbor as fast as Heero could manage in the skirts. "Want to tell me how you ended up on the balcony of the most notorious madam in Sanctuary?"

"I jumped," Heero lifted an eyebrow at him. "It's not like I knew who lived there!"

"Mm," Duo said and suddenly pushed Heero up against the wall, capturing his mouth with his. It didn't seem like the best time to be doing this sort of thing, so Heero pushed at him, but Duo just leaned into him more, his lips coaxing Heero's to respond.

Duo was awfully good at this, Heero reflected...

Footsteps echoed down the street, paused for a moment, and then continued on their way.

Duo leaned away, casting a glance down the street after the group of hunters. "Persistent buggers." He looked back at Heero and prodded his bodice experimentally. "You're a bit more... padded than I remember."

"My shirt is rolled up underneath this," Heero retorted. "She said it would help with the silhouette." Duo looked faintly relieved.

"Thank goodness. I was hoping you didn't resort to...uh... drastic measures."

Heero opted to avoid that topic. He didn't want to know. "Will we be able to make it to the ship?"

"I think so. She's already moved out into the harbor. We just need to borrow a boat to get to her. Easy enough to do."

He took Heero's hand and led him down a nearby alley.

"Wait," Heero followed along, one hand keeping his skirts out of the way. "How do you know that? Did you make it back to the ship?"

Duo nodded.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Duo looked over his shoulder briefly. "Looking for you."

Heero's eyes widened. "But that's putting yourself at risk!" he hissed. "You're the Captain! You should've stayed with the ship!"

"And you're a member of my crew." Duo returned, pausing at the end of the alley. "Not to mention the whole Yuy-Maxwell loyal to death thing goes both ways." Across the way were tied several small boats, floating gently on the water. "Looks clear."

They cautiously made their way to the closest of the boats. Duo stepped in one, raising his hand to help Heero in. The skirts were a definite nuisance, Heero decided as he tripped and nearly landed in the water.

"I can't wait to get out of this damn thing," Heero said as he finally managed to sit down.

"I'll be more than happy to help you." Duo grinned at him as he picked up the oars and handed one to Heero. "Once we're back on the ship."


"Of course, you haven't figured that out yet?"

Heero pulled off the shawl as they pushed away from the pier and headed out towards the harbor. "I can't believe you came after me."

"Weren't you listening earlier? I do not intend to lose a prize like you." Duo chuckled. "Plus, my father would spin in his grave if he knew I left you behind like that."

"My father would spin in his grave if he knew you were risking yourself in that foolhardy a fashion!"

Duo laughed again. "Your father would- I remember when I was younger I climbed a tree once after my father told me not to- as punishment, your father gave me a lecture."

"My father had a way with words."

"It was impressive. I didn't go near a tree for years afterwards."

Heero smiled. "That sounds like him."

They rowed in silence for a bit, and Heero hoped Duo knew where he was going. He didn't want to be stuck out in the harbor in a rowboat when the sun came up.

"There she is," Duo pointed and Heero realized that something he had thought was a small hill by the opening of the harbor mouth was in fact a ship.

"Sure that's yours?"

"I know my own ship," Duo laughed. They got closer, and Duo cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hail the ship! Maxwell and Yuy off the starboard. Permission to come aboard?"

"Permission granted!" Hilde called back and a rope ladder fell over the side.

Heero shook the skirts out of the way and followed Duo up the ladder. Stupid outfit. He hoped one of the ladies would want it.

"Report?" Duo asked Hilde once he was on deck.

"Left the dock with no problem, came out here and searched the ship, sir." She answered.

"You were supposed to look before we left." Duo told her and Hilde nodded.

"Yes sir, but the docks were getting crowded- if you know what I mean?" She frowned. "We cleared them off a bit, but we thought it best to move."

"Very good. Was anyone hurt?"

"No sir- well, not among the crew."

"Was the ship searched?"

"Indeed. Good thing we did too."

"What did you find?"

Hilde grinned. "We kept it to show you sir. It was down by our ammunition. You will have to tell us if you want us to heave it overboard." She looked towards the hold and nodded.

A moment later and a squirming cursing bundle was dropped at the feet of the Captain.

Heero's jaw dropped.

"Well, well, look what we caught." Duo grinned. "Or did you decide to run away from Miss Relena too?"

"Let me go!" Wufei snarled, fighting against the ropes that held him.

"Well, if I did that we'd have to drop you overboard." Duo frowned at him. "Which would give me great pleasure, especially after you broke your word, except then that chit of yours would no doubt set the Navy after me."

"Which is what you deserve! No man of honor would keep his word to scum like you!" Wufei snapped, his eyes moving from Duo to Heero. "Look what you've done to him!"

"I have- I'm rather pleased with what I've done to him actually." Duo grinned at Heero and then looked back at Wufei. "Really, you have no sense of adventure at all. No wonder that girl was willing to chase after Heero." Wufei's mouth opened, but no sound came out.

Duo looked at Hilde. "Take him to the brig. We can ransom him if we need to, I suppose. In the meantime, keep him there- and make sure he can't escape."

Hilde smiled widely. "Very good sir."

Duo turned to Lu. "We need to get underway."

She nodded and started barking orders at the crew.

Duo looked at Heero. "Go talk to that impetuous friend of yours- see if you can find out why he was on board- anything you can. The more information he gives us, the nicer we'll be to him- but I can't let him go roaming around the ship."

Heero nodded. "Understood." He turned to follow Hilde and Wufei, tripped over his skirts, and nearly fell flat on his face. Duo's hand caught his elbow.

"Heero- go change first. You'll break your neck in that thing." Duo grinned. "But keep it safe- I might feel like deflowering a maiden one of these nights."

Heero lifted an eyebrow at him. "If you do, you'll have to let me know in advance so I can make sure to get a hammock for the night."

Duo shook his head sadly. "No imagination at all." He pulled Heero closer and brushed his lips over the side of Heero's neck, making him shiver. "Then again, I tend to prefer you in nothing at all..." He released Heero and grinned. "Go change and talk to your friend."

"Aye aye sir." Heero turned and headed towards the cabin.

It took him longer than he anticipated to get out of the damned dress and back into his normal clothes. The sky was still dark, and most of the crew had bedded down, only the minimum were up and tending to the ship. Duo was by the wheel- he nodded as Heero passed by.

Wufei was in the small cell, his wrists tied in front of him, ankles bound together. He sat on the floor glaring at the opposite wall.

Heero sighed internally. This was not going to be easy. He sat down on the floor in Wufei's line of sight and leaned against the wall.

"The Captain says if you cooperate he'll ease your confinement." Heero eyed the expertly tied ropes. He didn't want to add that if Wufei didn't cooperate that Hilde might have a few less- comfortable ways to bind him...

Wufei turned his face away. "I have nothing to say to a dishonorable pirate."

"Really?" Heero lifted an eyebrow. "And yet when I told you that I had spent my life looking for the man I owed my loyalty to, you said it was the most honorable thing you ever heard."

"A quest you've obviously abandoned!"

Heero smiled. "A quest that succeeded. The Captain is the son of the House that I've been looking for all this time."

Wufei looked startled. "You're lying."

"Not in the slightest." Heero countered. "Why would I lie about something like that? Just to soothe your conscience? Hardly."

Wufei looked down at the floor. Heero waited for a while, but Wufei remained stubbornly silent.

"Wufei- you need to talk to me. We've set sail; we're leaving Sanctuary behind. Relena is alone with that group of hunters. Is that truly a safe place for her?"

He saw Wufei's jaw tighten.

"She said she loved you, said you were her fiancé- I heard it. Why would you abandon her?"

"She says whatever she wants to make me do as she wishes." Wufei's voice was soft. He clenched his hand into a fist. "I didn't want to leave her behind, but she insisted that I go on this ship, rig it to blow- that she didn't trust that bastard Commodore..."

"But?" Heero prodded gently.

"But she kept smiling at him, complimenting him... I know she told me it was only to keep him in a better humor, but..." Wufei's bound hands smacked the bars, "I... I don't know anymore..."

Heero frowned. He hadn't suspected that Relena had a duplicitous side, but maybe in light of tonight's events she did...

"All hands on deck!" The call echoed down from up above and Heero started.

"I'll be back," he told Wufei.

"Maybe," Wufei gave him a weary half-smile. "Relena did promise that hunter quite a bit if he got you back."

Heero cursed inwardly as he headed up. The sky was just beginning to lighten, making visibility better, but no longer cloaking their escape.

All of the crew seemed to be squished against the rails.

"What's going on?" Heero asked as he found a space next to Quatre.

"We've got company." Quatre pointed back towards Sanctuary. The outline of a large boat could be seen on the horizon. "We're pretty sure that's Treize's ship."

"Then who is that?" Heero pointed to the outline of another ship that seemed to be coming from the opposite direction. Maybe just someone heading for Sanctuary? But the ship seemed to change course a little even as Heero watched, turning just enough to follow their ship... Had Relena hired two sets of hunters?

Quatre shook his head. "I don't know."

Barton was on the other side of Quatre, peering at the strange ship in the dim light. Heero heard him make a faint noise.

"Captain!" Barton turned and looked to where Duo was standing by the rail, his spyglass out. "That ship to the south? Is she flying a color?"

Duo put the glass down and gave Barton an odd look. "It's strange- she has a white flag, with some kind of dark mark on it, something like a skull..."

Barton paled. "It's Whitebeard!"

Snapping the spyglass closed, Duo took a deep breath and looked at his crew. "All right, so we've got two on our tail! We know this beauty can out run them! Let's get her moving and get the cannons ready!"

Heero cast one last look over his shoulder at the fast-moving ships behind them. He only hoped the Captain was right about being able to out run them...



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