Author: Merula

Pairings: 1+2

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, drabble

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

ravensilver asked for ON Heero and Duo in a mountain cabin with an explosion. I didn't get as far as the explosion- so I hope this is okay.

One Night Drabble 7

Duo was on edge the moment we stepped into the cabin. I don't know what it was about the place that set him off- and I didn't ask. Duo would tell me if he felt like it, it did no good to push.

I unpacked the food as he set up the surveillance equipment; keeping one eye on my partner is now second nature. It's not that I worry he'll attack me, not anymore, but I never know what will upset him. Given what he's told me of his past, I am amazed he can even function at all- so many of his 'siblings' can't...

Once I finish I go to help him. I can see our target's cabin in the viewfinder, only a little ways down the mountain from us, hidden in the trees. He's due in tomorrow morning. Hopefully he'll be on time. I don't want to stay here any longer than we have to if Duo is uncomfortable.

When the equipment is all set up, he goes to sit on the bed. He's trying to look relaxed and at ease, but I know better. He hasn't said a word since we got here and set of his shoulders tells me that he's tense and unhappy.

"One night and we'll be out of here," I say as I sit on the bed next to him, pulling him towards me gently. It would not be a good idea to make Duo feel pinned or trapped right now.

He settles into my embrace with a sigh, relaxing a little bit as I run my hand down his braid. He still doesn't speak, just lifts his face up for a kiss.

If he's willing to be distracted, then I'm more than happy to do this for him.

I kiss him, going slowly, taking his clothes off a piece at a time, undoing his braid, letting him undress me but sticking only to kisses and caresses until he digs out the small tube from his pocket and presses it into my hand. Even then I know better than to rush, know better than to flip him over and cover his body with mine- as much as I may want to it's not good for Duo.

I wait until he guides my hand to the right spot; help him keep his balance as my fingers get him ready.

His head is tilted back, his eyes are closed, his hair is loose around his shoulders and he's so very beautiful that it's hard not to simply pull him down to me... but I don't dare.

"Duo- look at me... please." I don't want him lost someplace else; don't want my touch to remind him of something bad...

He opens his eyes and smiles for me. Now that I'm sure he's with me I can pull him down to me, waiting for him to adjust before I urge him to move for me.

His eyes stay focused on mine as he moves; his lips form my name over and over as I touch him, encouraging him to take what he needs even as I lose myself in him...

Afterwards he curls up against my shoulder and falls asleep. I'm glad. I hope he'll sleep soundly until tomorrow when we can do our job and then get out of here.

I wake up alone in the dark. The bed beside me is empty, there's no sound of movement in the cabin other than the soft hum of the equipment. Where has he gone? I fumble for the light, worry uncurling in my stomach.

The cabin is empty. Where has Duo gone? I get out of bed wondering if I should go looking for him- knowing that if Duo doesn't want to be found then I haven't a chance in hell in finding him...

Damn it. I never should've fallen asleep... I should've realized he'd wake up...

The cabin is freezing. I build a small fire in the fireplace and curl up in front of it in the blankets, waiting for Duo to come back.

What will I do if he doesn't come back? I can't imagine my life without him...

It's hours later, nearly dawn, when the door to the cabin opens and Duo steps inside. He's wearing only a thin t-shirt and jeans- his feet are bare, his hair is a tangle down his back.

"Heero? You okay?" He says, closing the door behind him.

"You left," I say and his expression goes dark for a moment. He crosses the room to stand in front of me, looking down at his bare feet, looking like a small boy who is being called to answer for some small sin.

"I had a bad dream. I couldn't stay."

I lift an arm, holding the blankets open and he sits down beside me, curling into the crook of my arm. "We're leaving as soon as the target gives us an opening. Right when he steps out of the car if we can."

Duo hums against my neck. "No need. I wired his cabin to blow. It should look like a gas leak. We can leave as soon as we know he's alone in there." He meets my gaze and flashes a grin at me. "I had to do something to distract myself."

"You could've woken me up."

He shakes his head. "It wasn't safe." He curls up tighter against me. "I'm sorry you were worried." He takes a deep breath. "We used to play 'catch as catch can' up in an area very similar to this..."

He doesn't need to say more. I know about the kinds of games his teachers made Duo and his siblings play... and that one is one of the worst.

"We're gone as soon as we know he's alone in the cabin." I kiss the top of his head and cast a glance at the surveillance equipment. We should be monitoring it- the target is due in early this morning- but the sound of a car would be loud enough up here that it would be warning enough.

Duo lifts his head and gives me a weary smile. "I'm tired, but we have to watch..."

"I can watch." I get to my feet, leaving him wrapped in the blankets by the fireplace and get dressed. The cabin has one big chair- I pull it over by the surveillance equipment.

Duo is half-asleep on the floor. I know he's struggling to stay awake and I wonder if it's only because he doesn't want to leave me all the work, or if it's because he's afraid to sleep.

I pull him to his feet and guide him to the chair, settling in beside him. I can see all the equipment and keep Duo next to me at the same time. He smiles at me again before he puts his head down on my shoulder.

"I love you," he says, his voice a tired murmur. "You're too good to me..."

"Not nearly good enough," I say too softly for him to hear. If I was I'd take him away from this job, move him someplace where no memories of the past were stirred up... but I don't know how to do that, don't know how to leave the Org...

Not yet- but I will. I'll get the both of us free.




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