As promised, for Halloween and the last bit of the October writing...

Never Again Part 7

Duo closed his eyes, pressing his face tightly against his knees, his wrists and ankles burning from his attempt to free himself, and wished he'd never taken Quatre up on that Halloween bar hopping offer.

A soft whimpering reached his ears. Was that Quatre? Or himself? His throat ached, raw and sore- but he'd forced himself to stop screaming. It didn't make the others in the room so much as look in his direction- nor did it bring any help. No police, no worried neighbors... no one was going to save them.

Raising his face just enough, he cast a fearful look at his three captors. Gathered around the dark altar, their focus on the man stretched out on it, they didn't seem to notice Duo's attention.

Heero was chanting softly, the words incomprehensible to Duo, his fingers dipping into the golden cup and out again as he drew symbols on Quatre's skin with the liquid it contained. Wufei stood beside him, his black eyes narrowed, his hands tying a darkening cloth around Trowa's wrist.

Duo shuddered at the expression on Trowa's face. His mouth was curved in a smile, his eyes were gleaming with satisfaction.

The chanting ceased. Heero set the cup down with a soft clink and looked at Trowa. "Now."

Trowa's smile widened and Duo shuddered at the sight of his teeth. Heero and Wufei stepped back as Trowa bent over the man on the altar. There was a soft sound from Quatre as Trowa's mouth touched his neck- Protest? Welcome? Duo couldn't be sure.

Picking up a small silvery knife, Heero drew a cloth over its surface and then began to cut through the ropes that held Quatre. What was happening now? Duo huddled back into the corner.

Once the ropes were gone, Heero put down the knife as Trowa lifted Quatre up into his arms. His friend was very pale, the red-brown markings on his skin standing out like wounds. Turning, Trowa lowered Quatre into the red-filled sarcophagus, immersing him in the liquid.

Duo waited, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Were they drowning Quatre? He couldn't breathe in that! What were they doing-

He didn't realize that he was struggling against his bonds again, didn't realize that he was cursing against the gag in his mouth- until Heero turned to look at him.

Calmness settled over him like a suffocating blanket. His muscles relaxed, his eyes closed, his breathing eased-

No! he struggled. No! Not again-

But it was no use. His body refused to obey him- he couldn't even clench his fingers.

The gag eased out of his mouth, gentle lips brushed his as the ropes that bound his feet to his wrists vanished. Pulled to his feet, he struggled to open his eyes- what was going on? He needed to see!

"Can you handle him?"

"Yes. Go ahead and take Quatre home. He should wake up in an hour or so-"

So Quatre wasn't dead? But then- what-? He forced his eyelids to open, and found himself in Heero's arms beside the black altar. He shuddered and Heero ran a hand down his braid.

He heard Trowa laugh behind him. "Relax old friend. See? Quatre is fine." Heero turned Duo just enough so that he could see. Quatre was swathed in towels on the floor beside the sarcophagus, his skin clear of marks, his breathing even and deep.

"What-" his voice was raw sounding. It hurt to talk. "What did you do to him?"

Trowa picked Quatre up, Wufei hovering by his side. "Only what he asked us to do," Trowa rested his head against Quatre's for a moment and sighed. "It was hard, but hopefully..." His voice trailed off and he shrugged.

"We'll know when he wakes up," Heero said and his lips touched Duo's forehead. "Take him home and watch him carefully."

"Call us if you need help," Trowa replied and left the room, Wufei on his heels.

Duo tried to pull himself free, tried to break Heero's control over him- but he didn't manage more than a tiny tensing of his muscles.

"Please-" he managed. "I don't-"

"I know." Heero sighed. "I know. But I can't. I promised you- even if you don't remember it now- I swore that I do this."

"When-? Why don't I remember?" It was easier to talk now- had Heero loosened the restraint?

"Not too long after that picture was taken."

"I wasn't alive then! That wasn't me-"

"It was," Heero sounded regretful, but Duo knew he couldn't be. "I wouldn't do this to you if I hadn't made that promise. And- if after this is over, you still want to leave me- then I'll let you go."

"How can I believe you?"

Heero shook his head. "I know you can't- not after this. I can only prove it afterwards. You will be free, Duo, after I finish the ritual. I will keep all of my promises to you."

Before Duo could respond, before he could try to fight free again, he felt the false calmness roll over him like a suffocating wave. He couldn't resist. He couldn't even think of the words to protest.

Obediently, he helped Heero undress him. Stretching out on the altar he held his hands up to be bound, moved his feet closer so they could be tied too.

Heero put a cup down on the altar beside Duo's head. Duo watched as Heero made a cut on his own wrist and let his blood flow into the cup. Heero tied a cloth around his wrist and then lifted the cup to Duo's lips.

Duo wanted to gag. Wanted to spit the contents of the cup back in Heero's face.

But he couldn't. He could only swallow obediently. Heero's blood was cool, soothing Duo's throat, leaving a pleasant tingle on his tongue.

"Now we begin," said Heero and Duo felt the calmness leave him.

He opened his lips to protest, to scream, started to pull against his bindings-

But then Heero's fingers, dipped in the blood from the cup, traced down his sternum, cool and yet... warming. Pleasure washed over him, turning his protest into a moan, relaxing his muscles, drowning him in sensation- he couldn't think...

Heero was chanting softly, a cadence that matched Duo's heartbeat, the words pounded in his ears- his chest- he didn't notice when Heero set the cup down beside his head again.

Gentle fingers turned his head to the side, he could only breathe a soft protest when Heero's teeth touched his throat. Freed from the altar, light headed and dizzy, he couldn't even manage a protest when Heero lifted him up and headed toward the sarcophagus.

He felt the liquid closing over his body- felt the warmth surround him. He gasped, panicked, and the liquid rushed into his mouth.

And he remembered...



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