Author: Merula

Pairings: 1+2+1

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, Preventers

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.



"What happened?" Heero looked at his partner as Duo flung himself down into his chair.

"My review," Duo snapped as he threw the papers he was holding in Heero's general direction.

"Ah, I had forgot that was today. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's right?" Duo took a deep breath before continuing: "She gave me a list of things to improve!"

"So?" Heero tried to make sense of the jumble of papers in his hands. "You know that's part of the new review- and it's not things that you do badly- just things that you could do better."

"What, did you actually fall for that explanation?"

"That's what she told me." Heero lifted an eyebrow as he found the page. "Besides- you only have two things listed here. She gave Chang five."

"That's because he likes making the rookies cry."

"So do you," Heero reminded him.

"Only the ones that give me attitude."

"And it's not even on your improvement list."

"She's still a nitpicky witch."


"Well, she is!"

"Hm," Heero opted to move on. "I agree with her on the first one- you never do get your reports turned in."

"I do so!"

"Only after Noin threatens you with bodily harm." Heero countered. "I think Une would like you to get them in on time. Don't you have the Woods one on your desk right now? Why not finish it up and turn it in?"

"You're cute when you're trying to make me be responsible."


"I know, I know. Not interested." Duo started shuffling the stacks of paper around on his desk. "I'm surprised you didn't have Une put down that I needed to stop sexually harassing my partner."

"I would never-" Heero took a deep breath. "I do know the difference between a joke and harassment."

"A joke?" Duo looked at him in complete surprise. "You think it's a joke? I'm perfectly serious. I think-"

"Have you found the file yet?" Heero interrupted.

"Not yet. I'm still not sure I should be giving in to the establishment like this."

"Don't look now, but the establishment is the one issuing your paycheck. It can't hurt to get the reports in on time, can it?"

"Maybe- what's the second one again?"

Heero read the second one, a smile curving his lips. "Conforming to the dress code, especially in regards to-"

"Never mind. I'll work on the report." Duo found the right folder and opened it up. He worked in silence for a few minutes and then looked up at his partner. "Did you really think I was joking about... well, you and I?"

Heero didn't look away from his monitor. "Yes."

"I wasn't."

"I realize that now." Heero glanced at him, a faint smile hovering on his lips. "Though at the moment I think you're focusing on it rather than that report. Finish the report and we'll talk, okay?"

"Okay," Duo agreed, feeling his mood lift a little- though who knew what Heero wanted to talk about. Maybe he was just going to try to let Duo down gently. He focused on the report again. "I really do hate these things."

"I know you do."

"How do you get through these?"

"I promise myself something good when I'm finished. You know, give myself some motivation."

"Really? Like what?"

"Just a little thing- some small indulgence."

"That makes it sound almost naughty, but I really bet that you just take a walk to the break room or something." Duo sighed and turned to his computer. "So, all I need to do is find a way to motivate myself. Any ideas?"

"Knowing you? A few come to mind."

"Enlighten me."

Heero got up, that smile still curving his lips. He leaned across the expanse of their desks and grabbed Duo's tie.

Duo allowed himself to be tugged up and out of his chair so that he was almost nose-to-nose with Heero. "You're going to threaten to beat the crap out of me if I don't do it right? I guess that's motivating..."

Heero kissed him.

Slowly, firmly, deliciously.

Duo gaped at him as Heero let him go and sat back down again. "What- why-?"

"Did you like it?" Heero turned back to his computer.

"Did I...? Hell yes, but-"

"Good. If you want me to do it again you need to finish the report."


"All done already?" Noin looked at the report and then back at Duo. "But you just wrapped up the case this morning."

"I know." Duo looked anxious to be gone. "Is it okay?"

"It's perfect. You know, I'm going to tell the Commander that you really took at critique to heart. All of your reports have been coming in on time these last few weeks- it's amazing. How are you doing it?"

Duo smiled as he headed for the door. "I found the perfect motivation."



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