Author: Merula

Pairings: 1x2

Rating: PG

Warnings: Fluff, waff

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

Anyway, I was out with Bri tonight and listening to a song that I've heard a million times on the radio- one of those it annoyed me for a while things and then it snuck into my brain and I found myself singing it? Yeah, one of those. And it suggested fic. Very fluffy waffy fic that I'm hoping isn't too sappy. I even managed to work in a holiday reference!

Hey, I'm taking what I can get!!

1000 Miles Away

Duo pushed his way through the club, sweaty bodies blocking his way to the outside and good cell phone reception. Occasionally a hand clapped him on the back or the shoulder or someone would yell in his ear encouragingly. He nodded and smiled but kept moving, his eyes fixed on his goal.

Heero unlocked his front door and stepped inside, dropping his backpack carefully by the front door. He glanced over at the clock in his kitchen. Another late night in the computer lab, but the project was nearly finished. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he went to his phone and checked the voicemail- no calls. His cell phone hadn't rung tonight either. He looked at the clock again and sighed. He dumped the mail he'd picked up on his way in on the counter and brightened at the sight of a small package. Ripping it open, he smiled at the contents and hurried to his stereo.

Duo made it to the street and leaned against the corner of the building, out of the sharp wind, cell phone in hand. A few taps with his finger and then the phone was against his ear. Despite the cold and lateness of the hour, despite his weariness, he couldn't help but smile.

Heero's phone rang. Hurriedly, he scooped it up, turning the music down with his free hand.


"Hey. Get the package?"

"Listening to it now- it's great."

"Wrote it for you."

Heero's lips curved in a warm smile. "That's what you said about the last one."

"They're all for you. Every one."

"I miss you."

Duo closed his eyes. "I miss you too- but it's not so bad. I'm right there you know..."

"You're what? A thousand miles away?"


"I know. It's okay. You're doing what you need to do. I'm doing what I need to do. Besides- it's almost the holidays- you'll be here then, right?"

"Even if I have to walk. I know it's bad now but you'll be done with school soon- be able to have the job you want-"

"And you'll have made it big." Heero finished for him. It was their mantra.

Duo grinned. "That's one of the reasons I'm calling. The reps came out tonight. They really liked that song I sent you-"

"They did?" Heero sat up.

"They did. Pretty soon you'll be able to hear it on the radio- won't that be something?"

"I knew you'd do it."

"Couldn't have done it without you. We're on our way- we're going to make it you know... we'll have everything we wanted..."

"We will- it's well, sometimes it's hard to be this far away..."

"Just close your eyes- I'm right there with you. Always." Duo glanced back at the club. "I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow- and in two weeks-"

"You'll be in on the 10:15 train- trust me- I'll be at the station waiting for you."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Heero hung up and leaned back on the sofa, Duo's music washing over him. If he closed his eyes it was easy enough to imagine Duo beside him, guitar cradled in his hands, his eyes warm as he sang.

Duo waited until he heard the click and then slid his phone back in his pocket. Shaking himself a little, he turned and went back into the club. He went back up on the stage and picked up his guitar. If he narrowed his eyes just a bit, he could just see Heero sitting out there, leaning back in his chair, watching Duo sing for him...



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