Love-child fic Part 9
I sat in my chair, George in the copilot's seat beside me. Much to my amusement, Heero had put him there right before he'd left with Trowa.
"Someone needs to keep an eye on you," he'd said and I'd just laughed back.
"I'm hoping you'll all be keeping an eye on me."
"You know we are- first sign of trouble and I'll be right there."
I reminded myself of that as I got ready to leave the colony. Somewhere out there was a ship waiting for me- it might have vanished- but it must not have gone far. We were hoping that if I took my ship out they might try again.
So I filed a flight plan- made sure to note that I was the only person on board my ship- and while I did that, Quatre laid his plans. Heero had already launched- he was out there already. Quatre had given him one of his personal shuttles- one with some special modifications. Trowa had another one- and he had some Magunacs as well. He was leaving after me. Quatre was scanning the area around the colony from his offices. Any signs of trouble and I'd have more help than I could shake a stick at. Not to mention the tracers- on me- on my ship- Quatre's best tech.
I could only hope it would be enough.
My comm unit crackled- Quatre had set up a scrambled channel for us- we knew that constant contact was needed.
"In position," Heero said over the comm and I breathed a faint sigh of relief.
"Any sign?" Trowa asked from his ship.
"Negative. Nothing's out here that I can see. Duo? How are you doing?"
"Nearly ready, just waiting for confirmation from the traffic controllers." Hopefully it would be soon. I wanted this show over with- bad guys caught and all that.
"Ri-" Heero's voice cut off mid word and I frowned at the unit- had something happened to our channel? Before I could move to adjust the set, Quatre's voice froze me in my seat.
"Heero- you've got a visitor."
"What?" Trowa and I both responded.
"There's a ship close to you- just appeared..."
"See it- and it brought friends." Heero snarled. "Bots- just appeared on the hull. Had to be stealthed. Get off your ships!" Heero's voice got muffled for a moment. "I'm suited, but they're going to break through the hull in a minute or two...Trying to shake them off..."
"Hang on- we'll be right there!" I slammed my hand down on the controls and disengaged my ship from the dock. Hell with waiting for permission. Accelerating, I dodged a passenger shuttle and headed out to where Heero's ship was supposed to be waiting. He hadn't left that long ago- I might be able to reach him...
"I'm trying to- Shit. Broke through-" My heart stopped in my chest as I heard the sounds of a struggle over the comm. Damn it, damn it, damn it- why hadn't I thought! If it was a gundam pilot they were after then any one of us would do- and that was Quatre's shuttle...
No answer. The comm had grown ominously silent and my stomach twisted itself in a knot. Why wasn't he answering? What had happened?
"Right behind you, Duo." Trowa said and I glanced at the screens to confirm it. We rushed out as fast as our ships could go- right to the coordinates that Quatre gave us- Heero's last known position.
There was nothing there. No sign of any ships. No bots. No debris. Nothing. Quatre confirmed it for us. "Nothing shows up on any of the scans. They were there- not 10 minutes ago- but now..."
"Gone. Damn it. Where? He had one of those tracers on him too! So did your ship!"
"I know- but something stopped them from transmitting- I don't know what." Quatre sounded as worried as I felt. "We'll find him, Duo. I promise."
I wished I could believe him. But looking at that empty expanse of space I doubted it- they could've taken him anywhere.
To The Next Chapter
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