Asked by rochan01.

Hungry Heart Halloween Drabble

"What do you think?"

Trowa looked up from the camera and felt his jaw drop. Over the last year he'd gotten used to his suntanned, sun streaked, long haired lover. It was strange to see Quatre like this... and yet...

"You look great." He said to the business-suited, pale-skinned, short-haired blond.

Quatre rolled his eyes and tugged at the wig. "I'd forgotten how uncomfortable these things are to wear. And the tie...!" His fingers smoothed the fabric self-consciously.

"You look great," Trowa repeated. "Just like you used to..."

"Meaning you like me better this way?" Quatre teased as he sat down in front of the camera.

"Hardly." It was Trowa's turn to roll his eyes as he bent over his lover to claim a kiss. "I love you- not your looks."

"Hey! Don't smear the makeup," Quatre smiled and returned the kiss with interest. "Camera all set?"

"It is. Duo's ready to receive the feed. He'll make sure there's nothing in the background to give us away, and then he'll ship it to your sisters."

"Hopefully this will make them stop looking." Quatre sighed. "I didn't really want to dress up as myself for Halloween..."

"I'm sure it will work," Trowa soothed. "I'm ready when you are."

Quatre sat up and smiled as Trowa hit the record button. "Dearest family," he said to the camera. "As you can see, I am perfectly well...."



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