This is for Klingonpoo! *hugs*

And lots more *hugs* to the flist!!! Have a great Halloween!

Halloween Drabble 54

Duo set the bowl back on the chair that he'd left by the door and glanced at the clock. It was getting late- there wouldn't be that many more trick or treaters. Maybe after the next one he'd turn off his lights and go to bed.

He dropped back down on the sofa, ignoring the movie that was playing on the TV and sighed. Heero was supposed to be back from his mission- hell, he was supposed to have been back yesterday- but he hadn't made it home yet. No one was worried- not yet- except for Duo.

It wasn't that he was worried that something bad had happened to Heero. Nothing bad could really happen to Heero- not that anyone other than Duo knew that- but... maybe... Maybe Heero had decided that it was time to move on...

Years ago, back when Duo had first discovered his secret, Heero had told him that at some point he'd have to leave, that people would realize there was something different about him, and he'd have to leave. Fake his death, vanish, something...

He hadn't mentioned it since then, but Duo knew that didn't mean that he'd forgotten. Ever since then, whenever Heero was late getting back, Duo would worry... maybe it was this time. True, he thought- or hoped rather- that Heero wouldn't leave without telling him, but the truth was, he didn't know. He'd never had the courage to ask Heero about it since, not even six months ago, when their relationship had changed...

The doorbell rang.

Duo got up from his seat, grabbed the bowl and opened the door. "Heero!"

Heero smiled at him. "Trick or treat?" He deadpanned and Duo laughed, stepping to the side so Heero could come in.

Heero closed the door as Duo put the candy bowl down. "I'm glad you're home," he said and stepped into Heero's arms.

"Me too," Heero squeezed him tightly for a moment. "Mind if we turn off the lights and close up shop? I... I need to talk to you about something."

Duo heard the faint hesitation in Heero's voice and felt his heart skip a beat. Whatever Heero had to talk to him about- it wasn't something good. And he'd only hugged Duo- not kissed him- was he already removing himself...?

"Of course," he said, more calmly than he felt, and flicked off the porch lights. Heero moved away, turning off the TV and the living room lights. He held a hand out to Duo.

Duo took it, forcing himself not to clutch, his thoughts running in circles. What was wrong? Had Heero decided it was time to leave? Had something happened?

Entering the bedroom, Heero sat down on the bed and kicked his shoes off. Duo sat down with him and Heero let go of Duo's hand, running his fingers over Duo's wrist. "How is this?" He asked. "When I talked with Chang on Friday, he said you'd broken your wrist-"

"Nope," Duo shook his head. "That's what we thought at first, but we couldn't stop the chase, so I just wrapped it up tight. When we got back to base, Sally said I'd just twisted it a little."

"Did it hurt?"

"Like hell right after I did it, but not much after." Duo shrugged.

"Damn it," Heero said softly and Duo blinked at him.

"What's wrong?"

Heero scooted up onto the bed, resting his back on the headboard and opening his arms to Duo. "Come here?" He asked softly, and Duo did so, resting his head on Heero's shoulder.

"What is it?" He asked again, his sense of worry only increasing.

"Do you remember- well, I don't see how you'd forget- jumping out of the hospital- when I broke my leg?"

"And I watched you set it yourself?" Duo shuddered a little. "Of course I do-"

"And what happened after?"

Duo was silent for a moment. When he'd realized Heero's leg had healed- less than hours later- and how he'd confronted Heero about it- and Heero had told him- and then stolen the parts he'd needed and taken off-

"You told me- what Dr. J had done to you. How he'd- changed you-"

"I... I was late this time because... well, after I talked to Chang, I needed to check something. So, I went by one of Dr J's labs-"

"I thought they'd all been destroyed."

Heero shook his head. "Not all of them."

"What- what did you find?"

"Something I should have realized all along." Heero's arm tightened around his shoulders. "Duo- the nanites- they- I didn't know- I truly didn't-"

"Is something wrong with them?" Alarmed, Duo looked up into Heero's face, and felt his heart rate increase at the look he found there. Heero looked worried- and scared. Very scared. "Are you okay? They haven't stopped working?"

"I'm fine." Heero's tone didn't reassure him. "It's not that-"

"Then what? What's wrong?"

Sighing, Heero disengaged himself, putting Duo away from him and pulling out the knife that Duo kept under his pillow. "Give me your hand."

Puzzled, Duo did so. Quickly, before Duo could move away, Heero traced a light line across Duo's palm with the knife.

"Ouch!" Duo snatched his hand back. "What the hell did you-"

"Look at it."

Angrily, Duo did so- and his mouth dropped open. "It's- gone?"

"I... I infected you. I didn't mean to- I didn't know I could- J never told me. Course I don't think he expected me to- well, have a relationship with anyone. I never even thought about it- until Chang told me about your wrist- how you thought you'd broken it- that not something you can mistake- and I- I had to find out-I'm so sorry, Duo! I should have known- I shouldn't have-"

Heero's panicked tone finally penetrated Duo's shock. "Heero. Calm down. It's okay."

Heero blinked at him. "It's okay? But-"

"It's really okay." Duo curled back up on Heero's shoulder. "Relax. I'm not angry."

"Are you sure? I mean- you'll have to leave eventually- leave everything behind-"

"So will you. Can't we go together?"

Heero let out a long breath, relief flooding his face. "Would you want to stay with me?"

"As long as you want me."

Heero made a faint sound and leaned over so that he could open the small drawer on his nightstand. Pulling out a small box, he dropped it into Duo's hands. "I got this ages ago- years ago- I never thought I could- but- now-"

"Heero-" Duo felt his breath catch in his throat as he opened the box.

"I'll always want you with me."

Duo slipped the ring on his finger and pulled Heero close enough to kiss. "Then I'll always be here."



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