For Sharon- Howard and Zechs, friendship, buying an anniversary gift for H/D.

Halloween Drabble 49

"You know, I have to say, you're the last person I'd expect to see here."

Zechs turned and lifted an eyebrow at the older man standing behind him. "And why is that? I assume you're going to the party on Saturday too? I know Relena invited you. I needed a present."

"But you're shopping? At a mall? What happened?" Howard smirked over the tops of his sunglasses. "Did the servants take the day off?"

Haughtily, Zechs snorted. "Hardly. I'm shopping for a present, and that requires a personal touch."

"In other words, Lucrezia made you do it."


"How is she?"

"Better. The doctors say she'll be up and around by the end of the week."

"Then she'll be able to go to the party?"

"Oh yes. She swore she was going to go even if she had to have me carry her there."

Howard laughed outright. "Now that I would have paid to see!"

"I had an alternate plan just in case."

"What was that?"

"One of those personal transportation devices Maxwell's been working on."

"He agreed to let one of those out of the shop?"

"After the fit the ladies threw over that whole 'eloping' thing? He and Yuy agreed to the vow renewal, the party- hell, I think they are willing to agree to anything just to get them to forgive."

"Did the boy really buy that angry act?"

"According to my sister- they both bought it- hook, line and sinker."

They laughed together for a minute.

"So," Zechs eyed the package that Howard had tucked under his arm."What did you get them? I have to admit- I'm at a bit of a loss."

Howard handed him the package with a smirk. "Take a look and see."

Zechs opened the bag and slid the book out into his hand. One look at the cover had him shoving it back in the bag, a deep blush rising on his face. He handed it back to Howard quickly. "Do you really think they'll need that? I mean-"

"Need, no. But it will at least get Duo to turn redder than you when I tell him that all relationships need a little boost now and then."

"You're an evil old man."

"So I've been told. You could always get them the sequel- the bookstore had several copies."

"I'll skip it, thanks." Zechs shook his head. "I think I'll stick to something a little safer."

"You don't have any ideas at all? I thought Lu would send you with a few."

"She said something for their new place, but I haven't even seen it yet. I was thinking one of those prints," Zechs nodded toward the store beside him. "The Aldrin ones?"

Howard squinted through the glass. "They're beautiful- and appropriate. I think you'd be safe enough."

"But which one? There's one with L1 and L2 in the sky, but-"

"The one with the moon." Howard nodded towards a print that showed the full moon rising in a twilight sky.

"You think so?"

"Oh yes." Howard winked. "Trust me on that one."

"All right- if they hate it, or Lu does, then I am so blaming you."

"Fair enough. But if I'm right- you're buying my drinks on Saturday."




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