Asked by razberrycreme. Characters: Heero & Duo, sweet.
Halloween Drabble 15
"So, all we have to do is open the door, act scared and give them their candy." Heero nodded. "I got it Duo- why are you worried?"
Duo grinned. "Well, I've never done this before," he pointed out. "We might run into some snags."
Heero rolled his eyes. "I don't see where giving children candy is that difficult a thing to do- now if it's something we should do is another question."
"What do you mean should?" Duo blinked. "It's Halloween, we hand out candy."
"Candy is bad for them." Heero pointed out. "Should we follow the traditional standard and hand out junk food which might end up having a detrimental effect on these children's health and well being, or should we find something healthier for them, though that is perhaps not so traditional? I think we really need to consider this..."
Duo sighed. He took the bowl of candy away from Heero, placed it on the floor and then got into his lover's personal space. "I want to hand out candy," he said and leaned forward. He kissed Heero deeply, pushing him against the wall, letting his hands wander over Heero's back and chest. Several minutes later, he let Heero go, smiling at the dazed expression on the other man's face.
"What was I saying?" Heero asked him, trying to pull his wits back together.
"You were telling me that you were going to answer the door for the first group and show me how it's done." Duo answered with a smirk.
"Right. So, when they ring the doorbell...."
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