For Mechante's prompt of Wufei/Zechs Maggie uni, courting, cat or blue. This ended... oddly. It wanted to be more but I just couldn't make it do what I wanted. I suspect I'll have to take the other prompt for this uni and do some tying up there. *grin*

Drabble 75

Having just managed to save his shoe from utter destruction, Wufei thought he should be excused for feeling a little triumphant. In fact, when his phone rang a moment later, his 'Chang here' sounded almost like a battle cry of victory.

For a moment, there was silence on the other end. Then: "Chang? Is... everything all right over there?"

"Of course it is- ouch!" Wufei jerked his foot into the air and glared at the small cat that had stuck itself onto his pant leg. "Why?"

"Well, you just said 'ouch' for starters," Zechs' voice held a note of amusement. "What happened?"

"My next door neighbor-"

"Mrs. Connors?"

"How the hell do you know the name of my next door neighbor?" Wufei sighed as he pried the kitten off of his leg. Without waiting for an answer, he continued: "Anyway, she had to go to the hospital this morning because she fell-"

"Fell? Is she going to be okay?"

"We don't know yet. I think she broke her ankle at least."

"How terrible. Well, maybe her daughter can come and stay with her for a bit."

The cat, now happily curled up in Wufei's arms, blinked big blue eyes at him as Wufei made a small strangled sound. How the hell did Zechs know...?

"Uh yes. Anyway, as they were carting her off, she was worried about her cat, so I agreed to watch him." It wasn't like he'd had a choice. The woman had gotten him in a death grip until he'd agreed to fetch the thing and take care of it.

"That was very kind of you. She said he had a lot of energy- are you doing okay?"

"We were fine until he decided to think of me as food. What do you want? You didn't call me to discuss the neighbor's cat after all."

Zechs now sounded definitely amused. "True. Well, speaking of delicious meals, I was hoping to snag you for Thanksgiving. Do you have any plans?"

"I don't usually celebrate it, to be honest. Not unless the others use it as an excuse for a get together."

"Well, since I know they aren't planning one this year, and because my sister is spending the time with her in-laws, perhaps I could persuade you to spend the day with me? We don't even need to eat turkey if you'd rather not- though perhaps your houseguest would enjoy it."

Wufei glanced automatically at the calendar on the wall. Thanksgiving was still a few weeks away. "Let's hope he's still not here then." The cat jumped down out of his arms and slid under the sofa. Wufei hoped he wasn't planning a sneak attack.

"Either way, will you spend Thanksgiving with me?"

On the counter beside the calendar was a box of tea. The one Zechs had sent him a few weeks ago, reminding him to take some time and relax. He'd wanted to spend a little time with the other man then, but things had been so crazy...

"Yes, thank you."

There was a brief moment of silence on the other end of the phone, as if Wufei had thrown Zechs off with his easy acceptance. A faint smile curved his lips as he waited for the other's response.

"Thank you for accepting. I'll look forward to it."

"Me too- argh! Cursed beast!" The cat had taken advantage of Wufei's distraction to lunge for his foot again. Zechs laughed and Wufei growled. "This is not how I wanted to spend my day. I need to go get this animal some toys or something before I do something unforgivable."

"Work today?"

"Of course, but only here; I have midterms to grade. I was about to run out and grab lunch."

"If I'm there with cat toys in thirty minutes, will you have lunch with me?"

"Merquise, if you can get this thing less fixated on my feet, I'll do anything you damn well please." He bit his lip at the implication as Zechs chuckled warmly.

"Well, in that case, I'm on my way."

Wufei hung up before he said something he regretted. He did want to see the bastard after all, and if the damn man did have something to keep the cat occupied, it was all the better.

Keeping an eye on cat and clock, he made himself some tea and retreated to his office. He could grade some midterms while he waited. When the doorbell rang twenty-six minutes later, he got up to answer the door and spied the cat curled up on the sofa, sound asleep.

Of course.

Cursing softly under his breath, he opened the door.



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