Author: Merula
Pairings: 1+2
Rating: PG
Warnings: Yaoi, AU, drabble
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.
Asked by tsuki_bug: Heero/Duo and pencil crayons.
Drabble 27
"I still say we get her a sword."
"And I say that if you get his seven year old daughter a sword, Chang will kill you."
"She's a tough little girl, she could totally handle it. I'd bet she'd love a sword."
"All right, all right- what does she like to do?"
"Well, think about when we babysat her that one time-"
"Hey- why was it only one time? We've only gotten asked once and Quatre and Tro get her all the time."
"I think it had something to do with you teaching her the right way to kick people in the groin."
"But that's useful! Kids get kidnapped all the time- she needs to know how to defend herself! Plus Tro taught her how to throw knives!"
"Yes. However, she hasn't thrown a knife at her father, but she did kick him in-"
"Yeah, yeah- he should've been on his guard."
"With his own daughter?"
"Yeah, yeah- hey- didn't we have her help us color in all those keys on the maps for that raid?"
"She liked that. We should get her some pencil crayons and paper and stuff. Maybe a how to draw book or something? What do you think?"
"I think that's the most intelligent thing you've said all day."
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