Author: Merula

Pairings: implied 2+1

Rating: PG

Warnings: Silliness, Duo angst?

Disclaimer: G. Wing is not mine. Just torturing Duo for a while.... I'll give him (and the others) back good as new! Honest!

This was written as a gift fic for Sunhawk and posted with her gracious approval. (Thank you!!)

Darkest Before Dessert

The poison's foul taste still lingered in his mouth. Why? Why had the others forsaken him? Why had he been forced to weather this storm of hate from those he loved more then anyone else? Duo glanced around the table. There they all sat, waiting wondering how much longer he would take to be finished.

"Well," Wufei asked impatiently.

Duo shuddered, and lifted another spoonful to his trembling lips. The viscous liquid burned as it trickled down his tongue, and into his throat. He forced himself to swallow it, suppressing his urge to retch. His body began to shiver uncontrollably then. He shot a pleading look to Trowa.

"We haven't got all night Duo, the movie starts in less than an hour," Trowa demanded impatiently.

It was no use. Trowa had turned against him too. Duo scooped another spoonful to his lips and slurped it loudly. He saw Quatre cringe at the noise. Good, Duo thought scornfully, he may still side with me and spare me from this torment. His body began to tremble even more violently as the foul poison took hold of his system. Duo had trouble focusing on the blond boy, his eyes searching - pleading for help.

Quatre shook his head, "Could you keep it down? It's kind of embarrassing to hear you slurp it like that."

No weak link there, Duo's fogged mind registered. His trembling hand lifted another spoonful to his lips. Another wave of nausea gripped him and this time it almost over took him. Duo's sight was growing hazy. Only one man could stop this cruelty; the man whose beauty had stolen his heart, whose compassion spared the pink stalker, and whose loyalty never wavered even if his own life was on the line. Duo cast his last pathetic plea to Heero, his fuzzy eyes searching for the reprieve from the hell he was sliding into.

"If you don't quit dawdling and finish," Heero stated, a hint of annoyance in his tone, "I will force feed you the rest of it."

It was only then that Duo remembered that the devil himself was a fallen angel. Well then, he would show them. Duo wouldn't fight any longer. He lifted the bowl to his lips and, with trembling hands, loudly slurped the last of the warm green death they had forced upon him. It was then that his strength began to fail him. The bowl clattered noisily back to the table as his the blackness took hold of him.

"Oh gods!" Wufei grumbled, "Heero, finish this nonsense now, I'm growing tired of his antics."

"Roger," Heero replied. "I'll get someone to clean up this mess so we can get on with our evening."

Duo slumped further in his chair. His whole body felt numb. Why? Why had they made him do it? It would all be over soon. He hoped they were happy.

Heero's voice registered once more in his ear, "Waiter, now that my friend has finished his split pea soup, we are ready for our dessert now."

Suddenly, Duo's darkness began to lift. He strained to hear more.

"Very well sir," the waiter said clearing away the dishes. "The usual?"

"Yes, four slices of chocolate cake, and one hot fudge sundae."

A ray of light cut through the darkness and the shakes began to ease.

"Very good sir," the waiter replied, "I'll be back with them shortly."

Duo cracked open his eyes and drew in a fresh clean breath. Like Sister Helen always told him, Sundays were special, and on Sundays miracles could happen. Today, Duo would settle for a cherry on his sundae, and perhaps a bite or two of Heero's cake.



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