Author: Merula

Pairings: 1x2

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, OOC, post EW, Duo POV....

Disclaimer: GW is not mine.

Deliveryman drabble: frost and sweaters

Deliveryman Three Halloween Drabble 2

He wasn't there.


No answer.

I sat up in a panic, my hand sliding through that empty space beside me again as if Heero was hiding under the sheets or pillows and somehow I'd missed him.

Where was he?

There wasn't any time to find clothes. I slipped from the bed, twisting the blanket around me, and hurried into the next room.

Please let him be there... "Heero?"

Still no answer. The kitchen was empty, our den was empty. "Heero?"

I reached the door to the back and nearly collapsed with relief. Heero was sitting on the back deck, eyes half closed, head tilted back.

He hadn't seen me and I was grateful. Sure, I'd given him orders- as much as I hated doing it- had ordered him not to leave without my permission.

But... this was Heero. If there was a loophole in those orders, he'd find it, know how to exploit it. If he thought I was safer away from him, then he'd be gone. So far J's threat had kept him beside me- but with J on his deathbed in Preventer's custody...

I hurried back to the room, pulled on jeans and a sweater. It was cold out there- I'd seen the frost on the ground beside Heero, not that it ever seemed to bother him.

When I stepped outside a few moments later, my breath clouding the air, I wondered if I shouldn't have grabbed a coat too.

Heero turned his head as I opened the door, smiled for me. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I moved to join him on the top step, trying not to shiver.

"It's too cold out here for you." He frowned a little and put an arm around me, pulling me closer to his warmth.

"You're out here." I countered and shamelessly soaked in his heat.

"I was thinking about taking a run to warm myself up."

It took me a moment to realize it was a question.

Guiltily, I hunched my shoulders. "Sure. Just- come back soon, okay?" I resisted putting a time limit on it- but I wanted to. 'Soon' was a relative term after all.

Heero brushed his lips over the top of my head. "Why don't you join me?"

He knew. Of course he knew. "I wouldn't... be in the way?"

"Never." He stood up, pulling me with him. Inside, I heard the phone shrill. Our eyes met- it was too early for a friendly call. Something must've happened.

"I'll get it."

Heero shook his head, tugged me down the steps. "Later. Let the machine get it."

"But... it could be about J."

"If that is J."

His words sank in and the possibilities whirled before me. "Oh... shit. I hadn't even thought of that. They could... they would..."

"They would. J would, to lure us into complacency." Heero growled. "It could be a trick."

As terrible as it was, relief swept through me. If Heero didn't think that was J, then he wouldn't leave anytime soon.

"If it isn't- then-"

"Then he's planning something- and we need to be ready." Heero's lips twisted in a faint smile. "So- stick close okay?"

He didn't have to tell me twice. "Ditto."



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