Author: KatiKat
Pairing: 1+2, 3+4
Warnings: Silly, PWP, pointless, Heero's POV
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine. You can check!
Notes: I finally wrote something again!!! I'm still in the middle of my finals though :( Well, just wanted to thank my wonderful beta DMx04!
A Quiet Sunny Morning
It had been four years since the wars ended and we survived. A little worse for wear but we survived. It was Quatre who forced us to stay in touch and we made a habit of spending Christmas time and our vacations in the summer together at one of Quatre's 'cottages' as he called the luxurious five bedroom houses at the sea. Neither of us had any objections of course.
I remember the day clearly. We were sitting in the small breakfast room from where you could see the deep blue sea, the waves crashing against the shore, the sandy beach. Even though it was only 9 am, it was already hot outside and we were looking forward to spending some quality time on the beach.
The breakfast was excellent - as usual. Coffee, tea, hot cocoa (for Duo), juice, baguettes, bread, cheese, blackberry jam (for me) and anything and everything you could think of. We - me, Quatre, Trowa and Wufei - decided not to wait for Duo, who was still in the shower since he refused to get up before 9 am on his days off and so we started to eat without him. I was watching the sea gulls, Wufei was reading his newspaper and Quatre and Trowa were chatting about... well, about things lovers usually chat about. The atmosphere was pretty relaxed and so we almost jumped out of our respective skins when the quiet sunny morning was pierced with an inhuman scream.
We must have been getting pretty rusty since the war ended because none of us reacted in the way ex-soldiers/terrorists should. Trowa dropped his glass of juice, spilling it all over the breakfast table. Quatre squealed like a girl and jumped to his feet, his chair falling backwards. Wufei almost bit through the tea spoon he just put in his mouth, the newspaper he held in his left hand crumbled beyond recognition. And me? Well, let's just say that blackberry stains are quite a pain in the behind to get out of a white shirt.
When we finally managed to get the last bit of dignity back we realized that only Duo could have been the source of the screeching sound. I jumped to my feet and ran out of the room, down the corridor and up the stairs in a matter of seconds. I was sure that the others were following me. I burst into our - my and Duo's - room and finding it empty, I threw open the door to our small bathroom, the others on my heels.
And there he was. Almost naked - a small white towel around his hips the only thing covering him, water dripping from every part of his body, even his nose and he was looking like he just saw a ghost or the devil himself. His eyes were huge and he was gripping a strand of his hair in his left hand, the brush in his right. He was looking at us, an expression of complete shock on his face.
"What? What? What's wrong, Duo?" Quatre cried out. I suspect he expected to find Duo on the floor, bleeding or at least attacked by some sea monster.
Duo swallowed painfully a couple of times before he was able to croak out: "I have split ends!"
The reaction was immediate - Trowa blinked, the only sign of him being surprised, Quatre gaped, his mouth open like a dead fish and Wufei started to rant about crazy longhaired idiots who pose a threat to humanity.
And me? I just smiled. For me it was just another morning in the life with my... slightly crazy... lover. And I wouldn't change anything for all the treasures in the world.
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