Crying Soul Part 11

"So, can you explain it to me, Heero?"

Heero stood and faced Treize. He didn't relax his guarded posture though, nor did he return his gun to his shoulder holster.

Treize moved further into the waiting room and sat down on one of the orange plastic chairs. He crossed his arms on his chest and crossing his legs, he leaned back comfortably. His relaxed posture was fake though. Heero was sure of that. Treize's eyes watched him sharply, looking for any signs of weakness.

"I'm waiting, Heero!" There was warning in his voice.

Heero quickly ran over in his head what happened in the past couple of hours, deciding what to tell and what to keep hidden. "Someone wanted to use the clan. Let us be responsible for the killing."

"Yes, I heard that from Wufei already. The question is, why wasn't Maxwell already dead before the assassin shot him?"

Heero didn't look away from Treize. He knew that one false move would be his and Duo's end here. He felt Wufei's look on him and he wondered how much did Wufei tell their leader.

"We just came in. The shooter was clearly waiting for us to get inside."

Treize's eyes narrowed. He knew there was something wrong. Something Heero kept for himself and didn't tell him. But he also knew that he wouldn't get anything out of Heero with pushing. Tricks and hidden traps were the only way to learn something Heero didn't want to tell you.

Treize nodded slightly. "And what do you think we should do with the boy right now? He is still a witness after all. We can't let him go, you know that."

Yes, Heero knew. And the plan he thought out was rather risky. Should Treize refuse to go along with that...

"I want him to become the protectee of the clan," he stated in a calm voice.

Zechs gasped in surprise and even Wufei looked shocked. Treize's only reaction was to open his eyes a little wider.

"Hm, you realize what you are asking here, Heero? Not anybody can become a protectee of the Dragon Clan," Treize said slowly. He didn't understand what was Heero up to.

Heero nodded. "Yes, I know. But it worked with Quatre."

Treize waved his hand. "That was something different. He had something to offer the clan. The clinic was really useful these last couple of years. Besides, being a business partner to the Winner Corporation is really profitable. What has the boy to offer to the clan? And don't tell me his money - we have enough of that."

Heero didn't have an answer to this. That was the tricky part. If he could convince Treize that Duo would really be useful to the clan...

Treize smirked. "Well, we could always use him the way the protectee served the leaders in the old days." The lust in his eyes didn't leave any place for doubts about what he meant.

Zechs paled and Wufei eyes grew hard and cold. Heero's hand flexed on the handle of the gun, his body tightened even more and he pressed his lips together.

Treize was watching Heero closely. He saw his reaction and allowed small satisfactory smile escape his guarded mask. Looks like he had found something... no! Someone who was important for Heero, who he had feelings for. This could be useful - and interesting!

"All right, you have my permission to make him a protectee."

That elicited another shocked gasps from Wufei and Zechs. Even Heero's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't think it would be so easy. But a suspicion... an uneasy feeling was already growing in his guts. That was too easy. What was Treize up to?

Suddenly the calm satisfied look vanished from Treize's eyes. Arctic cold replaced the previous emotions. "But beware, Dragon. Should he dance out of the row, you will take care of him. And this time I will make sure of that. We tolerate no traitors in our rows. Remember Doc G and Meiran!"

Heero bowed slightly showing his gratitude. "Thank you, Treize. And I will remember that. Should he become a problem I *will* take care of him. You have my word."

Treize nodded obviously satisfied.

The door opened in the same moment and an old man in green hospital scrubs appeared in it, accompanied by Quatre and Trowa.

"Are you waiting for news on the shot victim?" he asked looking around.



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