Wolf Moon Part 37

Heero estimated it was well passed midnight. The rain had stopped. Slivers of moonlight, glistening on wet leaves, adorned the forest with thousands of iridescent diamonds.

Outside the cave crickets chirped in singsong harmony. Across the swamp bullfrogs croaked out a baritone burrup. An owl's haunting whoooo shivered on the night air then a beating of wings announced the nocturnal hunter's flight.

Inside the haven from the inhospitable wilderness, the fire fueled by unseasoned wood sizzled and sputtered and puffed smoke but a substantial bed of embers made the clammy climate bearable.

Trowa had curled up around Quatre so his blanketed back shielded his lover from a draft created by the same wind that had chased away the rain. In a similar arrangement Zechs lay beside Wufei but reaped the additional benefits of snuggling against the Beast in his true canine form of bushy fur and higher body temperature.

Partially dressed in dry cloths, a blanket draped around his shoulders, Heero sat against the wall.

Half an hour ago Duo had jerked awake from his restive slumber gasping for air. Calm words and gentle caresses had been employed to ease the Duel Spirit from his panic-stricken state.

Now Duo, naked as when he slipped from the womb but cocooned in both cloak and blanket, nibbled on crumbly bread and goat cheese that had dried around the edges.

"We never got the water." Duo stated as he tore stale curst off his bread.

Heero offered a water skin that had, by some supernatural device, been filled. "I caught rain dripping off the ledge."

"If only it was wine." Duo mumbled then added a further complaint. "Look at my hair, it'll take hours to comb out these rat's nests."

"I can untangle your hair in less time than hours." Heero announced as he searched through his bag for a comb. "Sit up."

Ridding Duo's hair of the "rodent residences" wouldn't be easy but Heero never shirked from a challenge. He also hoped the combing would lull his partner into dreamless sleep, which Duo desperately needed.

Heero combed. One section at a time, from top to tip, he worked out the tangles. Duo relaxed, perhaps not enough to sleep but at least he wasn't fidgeting.

As enjoyable as the grooming was to Heero and his lover, the Tracker couldn't shake a deluge of dreadful feelings lurking just below the surface. The unsettling sensations nagged until the comb paused part the way down a handful of cinnamon-tinted tresses.

Duo noticed the halt. "Heero?" Receiving no answer, Duo leaned back and gazed up at his partner who appeared to be entranced by something no one else could see.

"Heero." was called again, this time with a bit more volume.

Heero blinked as if waking from a dream but didn't immediately respond. The comb twisted in his hand that was trembling.

"Heero, look at me." Duo pleaded. "Please."

The comb dropped to the cave's grainy floor. A single tear tracked down Heero's cheek.

"When I thought..." Heero said so low Duo could barely hear.

Duo straightened then shifted to study Heero's pale countenance. "Tell me."

"When I almost lost you in the swamp, if I had..."

A shudder.

A sigh.

A deluge of tears rent the floodgates.

"Duo I can't lose you." was choked out with such despondency it broke Duo's heart.

Duo cupped his hands around Heero's tear-damp face. "You won't lose me. Destiny brought us together and nothing will ever part us."

"Stay with me." Heero begged unashamedly.

Duo pulled his lover into a reassuring embrace. "I'm ain't goin' nowhere."

Heero placed his thumb under Duo's chin, raised his head until their faces were inched apart then acted on the decision he'd made earlier while watching Duo sleep.

"Duo Maxwell will you be my life partner?"

Now it was Duo's turn to weep. "Yes, Heero Yuy I will dwell with you always." he pledged his heart and his soul.

"Forever?" Heero whispered.

"Forever and a day." Duo declared then sealed his vow with a kiss.


Dawn displaced night in measured degrees. Sunrise's rosy stain gradually gave way to golden rays streaking through cotton clouds.

Wufei was the first warrior to wake. He eased out of Zechs' embrace and in typical canine fashion, planted his paws, elevated his hips and stretched the kinks from his spine. He skirted around Trowa and Quatre being careful not to hit them with his bushy tail then patted passed Duo and Heero nestled together under Heero's cloak and two blankets.

Outside the Beast used his perceptive hearing and keen eyesight to survey the forest. Satisfied that no threat was forthcoming he sniffed until he found a suitable site to cock his leg then set off to hunt up breakfast for himself and his comrades.

Zechs soon realized he'd been deserted by his bedmate. Dead ashes combined with the lack of warmth from Wufei's furry coat was a rude way to face the morning chill.

The clicking of flint rock roused Trowa. He inched his arm over Quatre's waist, sat up then frowned when his neck registered a twinge of protest. After kissing Quatre's cheek, which produced a content smile, and tucking a blanket over his lover's bare shoulders, Trowa pulled on his shirt and joined Zechs beside the cold fire ring.

"Good morning." Trowa greeted his mentor.

As Zechs tried in vain to strike enough sparks to ignite pine needles and a confusion of roughly broken twigs piled atop the remaining firewood, he mumbled "Mornin'" then issued a string of curses that Trowa was certain violated several diocesan directives.

Pushing bangs from his drowsy eyes, the Twilight Priest studied his mentor's repeated attempts to kindle the fire. "Need help?"

"Give me a minute."

Click. Click. Click.

More grumbling, the foul oaths increased in severity.

A nudge to Zechs' ribs underscored Trowa's disinclination to argue. "Move aside." he ordered.

Zechs glared. Trowa scowled. The staring session lasted until a sturdy gust of wind swirled through the cave and overrode each man's pigheadedness.

"Go on." Zechs finally conceded.

Trowa rubbed his hands in a circular motion until the friction formed a ball of fire. Trowa raised his left hand, balanced the flaming orb on his flattened right palm then, with practiced precision, let the ball roll off onto the wood.


Heero lay still, eyes closed and let his senses transmit clues to his surroundings. He was warm, spooned against Duo. His ears picked out bits and pieces of conversation and the pop and crackle of fire. He sniffed in smoke mingled with the forest's woodsy scent then his nose wrinkled at the stench of swamp that clung to his and Duo's skin and hair.

"We have to bathe." Heero decided at the same time his eyes opened to confirm his senses' accuracy.

Duo stirred but didn't open his eyes. "Hmmmm."

The throaty vibration might have been a question or an agreement or simply a noise hummed in his sleep. Whatever the source, Heero leaned close. "Shhhhhh. he whispered.

Quatre joined Trowa and Zechs by the fire. Just outside the cave, Wufei in his human form sat cross-legged under a pine tree plucking feathers from four quail he'd caught for breakfast. The portions would be small, but any meat was better than nothing.

Reckoning that the fire would counteract the absence of a layer of coverings.

Heero skimmed off his cloak, wrapped it around his shoulders and sat down beside Zechs.

"Did you two sleep?" Trowa inquired.

"Duo woke early this morning." Heero glanced back at lover. "Bad dream." he added with a shrug.

Quatre nodded. "We do deal with things spawn from nightmares."

"We do indeed." Heero agreed then centered his attention on Zechs. "I have a favor to ask."


"Will you and Trowa perform a Joining Ceremony for Duo and me?"

A smile blossomed on Trowa face. Without hesitation he answered for himself and his Sensei. "We would be honored."

Quatre was more animated in his response. Heero was suddenly set upon and all but crushed by a joyous embrace. "HURRAH!"

As if on cue, Wufei strolled in. He cut his eyes at Heero who seemed a bit overwhelmed by the unexpected hug. "May I assume good news?" he asked, handing the quail to Zechs.

Quatre disengaged his constrictive enfoldment but not quite enough for Heero to breathe. "Duo and Heero are going to be joined." he informed with euphoric delight.

Wufei offered his best wishes with his usual matter-of-fact enthusiasm. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Heero wheezed.

"Quatre." Trowa addressed the overly excited Manipulator in a tone designed to get his attention.


"Let Heero go."


Duo didn't take the same path to morning motivation as Heero. Instead of easing into a wakeful state, his eyes popped opened and he sat up so quickly he became lightheaded.

"What's goin' on?"

Before Quatre could launch another barrage of embracing, Heero hurried to his lover's side. "Zechs and Trowa have agreed to join us."

Duo rubbed his tacky eyes and took a moment to digest the information. "Now?"

"Whenever you want."

Duo threw his arms around his soon-to-be husband and, this time, Heero didn't object to the squeezing. "Yes now, definitely now."

Quatre stood up. Trowa cleared his throat to ward off further hugging assaults.

Aware of the subtle warning, Quatre stated. "I was going to suggest that Heero and Duo share a bath in the pond while we prepared breakfast. After we eat, you and Zechs can officiate and Wufei and I will stand in witness of our dear friends' joining."


Blanched mist floated above the bulrush-encircled pond. Hovering in a cloudless sky, the sun warmed the water and somewhere in the tree line a mocking bird melodised its diverse repertoire.

Twin piles of clean clothing set between two pairs of boots. With the lack of shyness between lovers, Heero and Duo shed their blankets and stripped away their breech clothes but carried the swamp-soiled undergarments into the water for a good scrub and rinse.

Although Duo faltered on his first step, he took Heero's offered hand and trusted his partner to keep him safe. As the water rose to their knees, their hips and washed over their genitals, Heero felt a slight tension in Duo's fingers clasped in his hand.

"It's all right." Heero reassured then added the comfort of a kiss.

Several more steps and the water sloshed around their waist. "Let's sit here." Heero indicated with a tilt of his head.

"I hope you didn't mind me asking Zechs and Trowa while you were asleep." he confessed to perhaps speaking out of turn.

A grin flickered at the corners of Duo's mouth. "If I'd waked up first, I'd done the asking."

Heero leaned close and lock his eyes with Duo's violet sight. "Are you certain about this? I want you to be certain."

Duo moped back wet shoulder-length hair from Heero's cheeks and tucked the lengthy strands behind his lover's ears. "I'm surer of our joining than anything else in my life. We are not guaranteed a day or an hour or even our next breath, we might not survive the attack on Hellgate but whatever time we have, I want to spend it as your friend, lover and soul mate. Yes, Heero Yuy, I am very certain."


Proud oaks and graceful willows formed the walls of nature's cathedral. Wild roses bearing blossoms of pink and white and fringed geraniums in delicate shades ranging from lavender to mauve were grander than any floral motif conceived by man.

The flowers' perfume was sweeter than incense and the birdsongs put the most renowned composers to shame.

The Temple Keeper and the Twilight Priest, clad in the simple robes that denoted their vow of humility, stood before the beautiful backdrop.

Quatre and Wufei had taken their places on opposite sides of a path leading into the wildflower-bejewele d meadow.

Dressed entirely in black, Heero's attire seemed too somber for such a festive occasion but would have been suitable garb for a Demon Hunter who dealt in violence and death and someone who had locked away his heart for fear it would yet again be broken.

Now the ebony hues no longer symbolized an imprisoned heart. Duo's devotion had shattered the fetters of fear and the light of his love had liberated Heero from emotional darkness. Now Heero was about to pledge his heart, surrender his soul and dedicate a lifetime to showing Duo how much he loved him.

Duo secured the end of the braid then studied his reflection in the pond's mirror smooth water. Despite his elation a twinge of sadness was evident in his eyes.

"Mother." he whispered as he fought against tears that threatened to spill over his eyelashes."I wish you and Father and Solo were here to share this remarkable day." He sniffled, wiped away a tear."I wish you could meet Heero."

With a powerful exhalation he straightened and fixed a look of determination on his face. "I swear by the saints and all that's holy, by my love for Heero, Hellgate will fall and the Lord of Darkness will be exiled to the hellish realms that spawned him."

Side by side, Heero and Duo walked down the path. Wufei matched Duo's pace. Quatre kept his proper cadence with Heero.

When the quartet reached Zechs and Trowa, Wufei and Quatre stopped a few strides back. Heero and Duo bowed in turn to Wufei and Quatre then to the Clerics.

Zechs began the Rite of Joining.

"We have gathered here to united Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell as life partners. Heero and Duo have exchanged a private promise and now wish to make a public commitment. Who stands as witnesses to Heero and Duo's intensions to be joined?"

Wufei and Quatre answered in unison. "We stand as witnesses."

Trowa continued the rite. "Heero and Duo face each other and join hands." he instructed.

"Heero, do you promise to love, comfort, support and protect Duo?"

"I do."

"Do you vow to become one with Duo in flesh and mind and soul and pledge your fidelity for as long as you live?"

"I do."

"Duo, do you promise to love, comfort, support and protect Heero?"

"I do."

"Do you vow to become one with Heero in flesh and mind and soul and pledge your fidelity for as long as you live?"

"I do."

Trowa took a red cord from his pocket, wrapped it around Heero and Duo's hands and tied a double knot."Scarlet is for passion. The cord is for strength. The circle is never ending. Heero and Duo have come as two but will depart as one."

Zechs concluded by placing his hands on Heero and Duo's heads. "I give my blessing to this union and hereby declare that Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell are partners joined for life by their love."

At Zechs' declaration, Heero and Duo stared into each other's eyes, lost in the flood of emotions.

Quatre leaned forward and prompted. "You can kiss now."

Heero raised their bound hands, placed a chaste kiss on Duo's lips then whispered. "I love you my husband."

"I love you my husband." Duo responded in kind. "Forever and a day."



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