Shadow Mist Part 4

Streaking the skyline in variegated stripes of red and orange, sunset flared its last fiery rays. Further to the west, beyond the purple twilight silhouetted cityscape, the full moon balanced on the horizon like a huge silver coin.

Heero pushed aside heavy blackout curtains utilized to keep the daylight at bay and, through the dirt-dulled window, watched dusk dissolve into evening.

Gloriously naked, perfectly sculptured muscles rippled with each enticing movement, tanned skin glowed golden and heightened senses conveyed information concerning his surroundings.

Cobalt eyes, now an extreme shade of blue, studied a moth fluttering around a security light across the street, each characteristic of the manic insect detailed as if viewed through a telescope.

Ears perceived every flap of those gossamer wings as they beat against the air. Acute hearing also monitored mice scratching in the attic and amplified voices through the outer brick wall just as though the various dialogues were being conversed beside him.

Nose wrinkled at the stench of a clogged gutter filled with stagnant water. Another sniff discerned individual aromas---tomatoes, pepperoni, sausage, ham, mozzarella, onions and garlic on a pizza baking at Tony's Restaurant four blocks away.

A deeper inhalation.

Eyes slid shut to savor Duo's pheromone-saturated scent inundating the bedroom with such intensity it triggered a sturdy shudder that slithered up quivering thighs and caused his highly sensitive manhood to twitch.

In a pure state of erotic ecstasy Heero licked his lips, tongue tasting residual traces of Duo's essence lingering after their extensive passion session which had run its course between midnight and five o'clock that morning.

Sated to the point of exhaustion, the lovers shared their daylight slumber side by side. Now the encroaching night had stirred a restless and hungry Heero from his "dead-to-the-world" sleep.

A smile curling up his lips, Heero neither had to open his eyes nor turn around to instinctively know his Master was awake.

In his own magnificent state of nudity, with loose auburn hair capping his shoulders, Duo strode to his partner. From behind Duo slipped his arms around Heero's waist and pressed their bodies so tightly flesh melded together.

"Good evening my love." Duo purred, nuzzling Heero's neck.

Again a fierce shiver threatened to negate what small measure of willpower remained. "Master" was breathed reverently.

Duo pivoted his partner in place and, hands resting on Heero's hips, gazed into desire-glazed eyes. "In the short period of time since our union your cunning in the hunt and skill to glamour your prey has surpassed all my expectations." He praised, "Heero Yuy, you are no longer a fledgling but my equal in every way."

With that extolling affirmation Duo delivered a fervent kiss to validate his eternal soul mate's vampiric evolution.

When their lips parted, Heero vowed. "I freely give my love and loyalty and promise to stand by your side until the world fades away."

"I also give my oath and guarantee to forever be joined with you." Duo pledged then leaning closer he whispered. "Are you ready to hunt, my love?"


On the hunt:

A lone figure, seductively encased in a tight silver-gray tee shirt, formfitting black leather trousers and matching leather jacket, sauntered along the avenue.

Constantly surveying the passing traffic, Heero Yuy paused to display his trim physique in a "come hither" posture-after all why not advertise especially when what you're selling is top grade.

It had always been easy to lure dates. Heero naturally secreted sensuality from every pore, but with pheromones enhanced by his newly acquired powers he was irresistible.

He didn't need his Master's "lost boy" ploy to entice the company of paying customers. Duo Maxwell's former fledging was now the flawless example of genital perfection and that unique sexual energy did the fetching for him.

It wasn't long before a middle-aged man in a cheap suit approached the stunning young male with the captivating attitude. Heero cast a casual glance and set the hook.

Mysterious orbs of intense cobalt blue shimmered in the light like a cat's reflective eyes. "Looking for some action?" was inquired huskily.

The enamored man stood fixed in utter fascination. It took several seconds to find his voice. "How much--for an--hour?" he finally stammered out the question.

With predatory grace Heero continued stalking his quarry. Lifting one eyebrow he let a sly grin caress his lips and, confident he was worth every dollar, replied, "Three hundred."

Although certain the charismatic whore was worth the price, sadly the man's funds fell short of the expected fee. Disappointment etched on his face he sighed, "I don't have that much."

Heero leaned nearer, the light glinting off twin silver earrings. "Got fifty?"

Concentration comprised by his close proximity to Heero's mystic magnetism, the man nodded mutely.

"For that much I can make you happy" Heero purred, turning towards a nearby alley, "Follow me."

The man obediently tagged after the walking wet dream never imagining he was being lured to his doom. All he could think about was the touch of Heero's hands or other parts of the young man's anatomy he might employ to pleasure him.

A side entrance led into a gloomy narrow hall. Heero stopped at the third door on the right, stepped aside to let his date enter then bolted the door against unwanted intrusion.

After payment was exchanged, Heero guided his prey to a single bed positioned against the wall.

Seemingly unconcerned about being caged in the small windowless room illuminated by a single bare light bulb, the man offered no resistance when Heero placed his hands on the his shoulders and eased him into a seated position on the bed.

"Relax." was urged as Heero knelt on the floor, unsnapped the waistband on the man's trousers and lowered the zipper. In one fluid motion both trousers and underwear cleared elevated hips.

Noting his unsuspecting date was already fully erect from anticipation, Heero wedged his body between trembling legs.

"I see you're ready for me."

No more words were spoken. Only low moans and heavy breathing disturbed the silence as Heero expertly closed his lips about his prey's quivering manhood and went to work doing what he did so well.

Unseen by the withering male, while Heero ravished his body and mesmerized his mind, wisps of dark mist floated into the opposite corner. Slowly the wavy vapors condensed into a solid human form.

With pride Duo held his stealthy observation, watching his lover's domination with delight.

It had been but a week since Heero's turning. Seven days of resting together by day, seven sunsets of instructions and guidance.

Tonight Duo had consented to let Heero hunt alone then followed when his lover went on the prowl. Watching his beloved in action warmed Duo's normally cold blood. Heero was clever, there was no doubt, but his natural abilities were amazing.

At this decisive moment Duo was certain he had made the right choice. Instincts honed over numerous lifetimes and centuries of accumulative knowledge did indeed reaffirm his correctness concerning Heero Yuy.

Heero continued his oral manipulations until his prey begged for release.

One final pitiful groan. A forceful climax.

The whimpering mortal fell back limply on the bed and surrendered his soul.

"You were so good I'll give you a reward." Heero cooed sliding forward until his face was inches from the man's glassy sight.

Positive the glamour was complete Heero straddled the means to satisfy his ravenous hunger, cupped his hand under the man's chin and tilted his head to the side.

The bite was swift and merciless. A jerk and a strangled moan betrayed the fangs' contact and the ripping of flesh testified to the feeding frenzy.

With a lustful appetite spurred by blood gushing over his lips, the salty tang washed over canine incisors to pool in the back of his throat. Swallowing as fast as the flow Heero fed without repentance or remorse.

Seconds before his meal's heart gave up its last beat, Heero withdrew remembering Duo's warning of dire consequences should he drink the last dregs of cooling blood siphon up by the draining.

Sitting back he savored the coppery aftertaste caressing his tongue. With a sigh not borne of effort but of satisfaction, Heero closed his eyes aware for the first time of Duo's apparitional presence.

Stepping from his covert concealment Heero's dark lover moved swiftly to his side. Warmed not only by the recently acquired blood but also by Duo's approving smile, Heero stood.

"You did well my love." Duo proclaimed sliding his arms about Heero's waist and pulling him near. "Yes you have pleased me greatly."

Duo licked over Heero's crimson-stained lips to share any lingering traces. "Are you sated or do you desire to hunt ahead of the sun?"

"Again, I wish to hunt again."

Duo stood back enough to fully see Heero's face and a smile graced his pale lips. "Then we shall hunt together."

Neither immortal looked back at the macabre scene, the half naked corpse enshrouded in death's icy embrace, nor did they regard the sightless eyes or ashen lips parted in a fruitless attempt to glean one last redeeming intake of air.

When the interminable hunters reached the outside door Duo tightened his hold on his nocturnal partner's hand.

By gradual degrees Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy became enveloped in an ebony cloak then, bonded forever by the Dark Gift and their eternal love, the shadow mist lovers floated away into the comforting darkness.



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