Reclamation Part 8

Wufei ran a soft cloth along his katana's finely honed blade. Lifting the tempered steel to eyelevel he studied his fretful reflection in the gleaming metal.

Trowa sat anxiously as the Chinese warrior polished his most prized possession and was secretly thankful he wasn't on the receiving end of Wufei's mounting edginess or his sword's thirst for blood.

It had been six hours since Wufei watched Heero race out of camp into the gathering storm to chase after that "stray" who he knew would be trouble and had, against his better judgment, allowed Heero and Quatre to persuade his otherwise.

Now both his brother and the braided intruder had gone missing and there were several plausible explanations for their absence.

In his favorable account Wufei hoped Heero had caught up with Duo and they were somewhere private working out their differences. Even if it meant the two horny youths were engaged in "making up" that was an acceptable alternative considering the more serious prospects.

The next reasons were possibilities Wufei definitely didn't wanted to think about, either Heero and Duo were hiding out from a street gang or, worse of all, had been captured by OZ.

While the gang might pose a problem, Heero was smart enough and rough enough to handle himself. Hell, Heero had the balls to take over if he wanted to.

However, if OZ was the cause then matters were indeed grave.

It wasn't in Heero's nature to dawdle; he knew the dangers of being too far from the Cluster. Even if sex had been the delay, he would've returned as soon as he'd satisfied his urges.

Heero been gone too long and each passing minute was increasing Wufei's anxiousness.

Wufei had assembled his Security Lieutenant, Ken and Trowa to discuss strategy and offer advice on a plan of action. The only wise council not present was Quatre.

As in many pervious nights Quatre had slept only a couple of hours so earlier that afternoon he'd offered no resistance when Trowa pressed him to take a nap.

"It's just as well." Trowa reasoned. "Quatre didn't need more upheaval in his shaky emotional equilibrium. Better to let him sleep until something was decided."

Wufei rested his sword on his knees. "We need to act on the assumption that either a gang or OZ has Heero and the stray." he announced, fixing his ebony gaze on Trowa.

Despite Wufei's growing apprehension, he had to keep his wits in tact. When Heero was safe then he'd sternly lecture his brother about his reckless behavior, but for now he had to think with his head, not his heart.

"You can't be sure they are together." the auburn haired Lieutenant stated.

"My instincts tell me they're together. I've already sent a recon team to scout out the streets and wave money around to see which informant takes the bait."

"How long should we wait for the team to return?" Trowa wondered.

Wufei knew each tick of the clock put Heero in more danger. "Not much longer. If they are in OZ custody we can't afford to waste time." he stated from his previous experience with imprisonment in the OZ Headquarters Complex.

Ironically Wufei was grateful for the firsthand knowledge obtained from three days of incarceration, even though the worse of his injuries was a fractured wrist from his encounter with the overzealous Interrogation Unit.

"We need to obtain floor plans for the complex," Ken stated, "and the number of guards before we have any hope of getting in and getting them and ourselves out alive."


"We could steal an AAC Security ID, gain access to the building across from Headquarters and use a computer to hack into the prisoner list. Once we know where Heero and Duo being held then we can plan a rescue mission."

"Is that the only way?" Wufei inquired realizing that infiltration takes time and that time was something Heero might not have much of. "It sounds like a lengthy process."

"There's a faster way." Trowa declared.

Wufei studied Trowa's thin-lipped grin and the calculating glean in his green eyes then read his mind. "That is too dangerous." he proclaimed shaking his head so hard his ponytail whipped over his shoulder.

"It's the quickest way and you know it." Trowa rebutted the Cluster leader's refusal to even consider the optional infiltration tactic.

Ken listened carefully to the disjointed conversation but try as he might he couldn't follow the flow. "Do you mind filling me in on your disagreement?"

Wufei cut his eyes at Trowa and his smug grin that was firmly fixed in place. "Cocky bastard." he hissed as Trowa tilted his head at a challenging angle.

"Trowa believes the fastest way to handle this is to place someone on the inside, find Heero and get the information back to us." he informed Ken with a "no way" attitude.

"You got all that from just looking at him?"

Ken was constantly amazed at the eerie connection evident in past interactions between the brothers and their friends, including the numerous times Quatre and Trowa finished each other's sentences.

Wufei nodded affirmatively.

Deciding his brain was better off not fretting about the wordless exchange, Ken asked the next logical question. "If you did get inside how do you plan to pass on the information?"

Trowa continued to grin like a rat that had outsmarted a trap. "Quatre has a pair of small but powerful transmit-receivers. All I have to do is be within receiving range and I can relay any juicy tidbits I find."

"Where did Quatre get that kind of equipment?" Wufei asked as the implications of a faster recovery time sunk in.

Trowa shrugged. "I don't know I didn't ask him."

"Are you comfortable including Quatre?"

"No but there's no way we can do this without him. I don't know how the transceivers work and we don't have time for him to teach me. Besides you know he sure as hell won't rest until Heero and Duo are retrieved."

As much as Trowa was fearful that this latest crisis might further entrench the demons plaguing Quatre's sleep, he had no other alternative. This time Quatre would become part of the mission because it wasn't right to make him stay behind waiting and worrying.

No more shelter, no more uncertainty, but sadly the inclusion also meant the ruin of what little innocence the war had not already stripped away. After this Quatre would be changed forever and Trowa deeply regretted his part in that unredeemable loss.


Quatre twitched in his sleep. Fingers curled around the blanket's hem. In his dream state he stood surrounded by a stark white. Shielding his eyes from the blinding brightness he strained to bring two shapes into focus then gradually the two outlines took on a recognizable quality.

Heero lay on his back with arms and legs stretched out spread eagle, his head tilted at an odd angle. His eyes were opened but showed no signs of seeing.

Draped across Heero's chest, Duo was sprawled on his stomach in a similarly strange contour and his loose hair covered over he and Heero like a confused chestnut cape.

Quatre suddenly found himself standing next to the peculiar pair but he had no memory of moving from his place inside the light. His mind was numb, as it seemed his usually strong empathic link had deserted him.

Bracing on one knee Quatre leaned over and with trembling fingers raked through the tangled silken strands until he brushed back enough hair to see the Duo's profile. His eyes were closed and what could be seen of his face was chalky.

Quatre took Duo's arm and turned him over. Duo's head flopped to the side. His bluish lips parted and a barely audible hiss of air filtered through the lax mouth.

Quatre shook Duo, screamed Heero's name but nothing he did or said made them wake up.

Then Quatre drew back in horror as both cold bodies began to sink below a crimson tide bubbling up under his feet. Red was everywhere. The white light was scarlet. Duo, Heero, Quatre's hands, everything was tinged with the same deep ruddy hue.

"NO!" Quatre screamed inside his head as his comrades disappeared beneath the bloody deluge.

Quickly the blood surged around Quatre's ankles and swelled to his knees. It rose relentlessly until the red fluid strangled in his mouth and nose.

Just before the churning current chocked off his last breath Quatre had one final vision. A single word, written in coagulated blood, was suspended before his terror-widened eyes. OZ.

The screams inside his head clawed up his throat. A gut-deep wail shattered the silence. His entire body jerked in a wrenching seizure.

Across the hall Trowa straighten sharply as his lover's mournful howl reached his ears. Bolting from his seat it took only seconds to arrive at Quatre's side.

"Quatre." he called cradling his convulsing partner in a supporting embrace. "Quatre can you hear me?" he shouted above the moans.

Fighting the increasingly sturdy shudders that threatened to tear Quatre from his grasp, Trowa was afraid the forceful seizure would rent muscles or worse yet break a bone.

Ken held down kicking feet, Wufei caught hold of Quatre's trembling arms and pinned them to his heaving chest and together the Cluster members protected their quaking comrade.

Trowa placed his hand under Quatre's jaw to prevent him from twisting his neck. He knew from experience that once his lover's black visions had a good grip all he could do was keep him safe until the awful night terrors ran their course.

Finally the shuddering eased. Quatre began to quiet down. Trowa shored up his shoulders and back and eased his head to rest on his chest.

"Cat." This time a whimper answered the calling. "Wake up love." Trowa encouraged.

Eyelids fluttered then opened enough for Quatre to realize he was awake.

Another blink and he was aware of emerald eyes looking back. "Tro..." he began before his strength gave out.

"Be still." Trowa ordered.

"Heero. Where's Heero?" Quatre whispered, his eyes searching for Heero's face among the others hovering over him. "Duo?" he wheezed, "You have to save them."

Even though Quatre was already asleep when Heero left, somehow he'd sensed he was gone. He might not have seen Duo run out into the storm or Heero go after him but he knew they were missing and in trouble.

"They have them." he proclaimed with more power in his voice.

Wufei leaned closer to be certain Quatre understood his question. "Who has them?" he asked even though his mounting fear told him the answer.

Quatre settled back in the refuge of his lover's arms and locked his surprisingly strong sight on the Chinese Cluster leader. "OZ."


The door slamming behind Merquise banged like a pistol shot causing both prisoners to flinch.

"Well isn't this cozy." resounded off bare walls, echoing again and again until the words faded into silence.

Heero tightened his arms enclosing Duo in a secure embrace. His steely cobalt eyes met the Commander's icy sapphire sight with a determination that put Merquise on notice he was in no mood for polite conversation.

Merquise stood in a relaxed stance displaying a casual yet controlled posture, arms were folded over his chest. Long legs and slender hips gave the illusion he was taller than his six-foot height as he towered over the seated young men.

There were no visible weapons but Heero did not discount the unarmed appearance as he studied his possible escape options. Merquise was the larger man and considering the limited space in the locked room he had the advantage, for then anyway.

"Did I disturb a tender moment?" Merquise sneered with more than a hint of sarcasm ringing in his baritone voice.

Heero shot back with his own hefty measure of disdain. "Why don't you go away and play soldier?" he declared making a mockery of the Commander's superior position with OZ.

A slight smile tugged at Merquise's mouth but whether it was from amusement or annoyance at the brazen youth's blatant dismissal Heero couldn't tell.

"But why would I want to leave such a pretty pair alone? I think you would be wise to convince me to stay." he advised letting his eyes roam over the two tempting captives.

"Go to hell." Heero urged the damnable devil to return to his lair.

"I've been there," Merquise declared, "but the dark angels couldn't keep up with me." He took a step forward never easing his lustful stare. "You," he called pointing down at Duo, "come here."

Heero held onto his comrade and shot a searing glare at the Commander. He had sworn his protection and judging by the lewd look in Merquise's eyes and the huskiness in his tone Duo, as well as his virtue, was in need of defense.

Merquise studied the unmoving man with the braid. "You're not going to be stubborn are you? I don't believe you want to try my patience." he warned with a no nonsense attitude that left nothing to misinterpretation.

But it was Heero who moved first. Duo quivered as he loosened his hold.

"Heero?" Duo whispered as his defender slid his arms away.

Ignoring Duo's whispered plea, Heero braced his hands against the floor and stood up. Stiff neck muscles slowed his movements and the lofty rearrangement caused his head to swim, but he kept the symptoms hidden behind a well-practiced stoic mask. A deep breath restored some steadiness as Heero hoped rubbery legs would not betray his falsely fortified facade.

Merquise let another elusive grin flicker across his lips. His thoughts reverted back to the street scene hours earlier as he vividly recalled the Japanese man's brave but foolish disregard for the armed soldiers.

The grin widened as he envisioned the daring charge. There had been fiery passion in the youth's eyes that had sent a potent tingle to the Commander's groin.

Heero's words as he raced forward to strike out at his intended target echoed in a sensuous resonance that started the tingle all over again.

"Ah, yes, the invitation to dance." was recalled with perfect clarity.

Merquise moved again, stopping only inches from the enticing young man and his steely glare. He reached forward to let his fingers trail lightly along a strong jaw line or perhaps to trace the ridge of a graceful high cheekbone.

"On second thought you might be better." he announced believing that this young firebrand would be more his equal.

Without hesitation Heero batted the advancing hand away a heartbeat before his own hand balled into an anger-clenched fist and swung around with all the power he could muster.

With reflexes befitting his title of Lightning Baron, Merquise intercepted the flying fist and locked a painfully tight grip on Heero's wrist. Undeterred Heero brought his other hand to join the first to use a double grip to counteract the dominant hold.

Muscles burned from the standoff between the Commander and the captive as they grappled for control. Glowing orbs ignited by an inner fire of fury blazed with dangerous intensity. Winded panting hissed like the enraged snorts of angry bulls. Neither man was about to give in. Neither would yield as pride played out in a tense contest of strength and willpower.

Behind the dueling warriors Duo fought to stand but faintness quivered through his legs and a nauseous wave threatened to turn his stomach inside out. Cold sweat beaded on his forehead, a stout quiver sat him down hard on his backside and it was all he could do to keep the tiny black dots swimming over his eyes from completely blocking his sight of his defender and the platinum-haired Lightning Baron.


Heero gritted his teeth. Sweat glistened on his golden skin adding an even more inviting glow to his features. His shirt clung in the perspired moisture and the damp material plastered into the pattern of taut toned muscles and nipples hardened from the exertion.

Merquise held his position but allowed his eyes to wander down the rippling muscles to Heero's trim waist and beyond as his snug pants presented a pleasant picture to renew desire and rekindle Merquise's lustful appetite.

Once more the Japanese challenger's daring actions reinforced the Commander's resolve to find out if he was a good as he looked and if the same fire that burned in his eyes also burned in his manhood. But in order to carry out his investigation of his prisoner's sexual prowess Merquise first needed to persuade him to cooperate.

Heero's attention was so focused he didn't sense his opponent shifting his weight. His concentration was so centered he didn't see the overhead light glint off a silvery surface.

Suddenly a long slender blade moved into Heero's peripheral vision. The knife's tip hovered close to his right eye seconds before the point slashed down to graze Heero's cheek and opened up a thin scarlet gash.


Duo saw the knife as the Commander pulled it from his boot top. He watched in terror as the bladed weapon moved toward Heero's face. A shout of warning stuck in his throat as the glint of light off steel blinded his vision and froze his senses then his horrified heart slammed into his chest pounding like a shuttle engine on overload.

"HEERO!" he shouted as a single drop of crimson struck Heero's shoulder.


Surprised multiplied by pain broke Heero's focus. In that split second of inattention Merquise gained the upper hand.

Heero's wrist was released, but before he could react, as the cut on his cheek stung and oozed out a bloody line, the Lightning Baron twisted his fingers in a handful of his thick dark hair.

Gripping the entangled stands he jerked Heero's head at an angle exposing his throat to the knife's finely honed edge. Now Heero had no chose but to surrender to the victorious Commander, his arms dropped to his sides and he offered no further resistance.

The sneer on Merquise's lips was now a full smile. He increased the pressure tilting Heero's head back until it seemed that his neck would snap.

Leaning closer the Lightning Baron let a contented sigh feather over the submissive man's cheek. His tongue darted out like a snake tasting the air then the tip licked at the bloody discharge.

The crimson-coated tip moved to brush over his defeated foe's lips so Heero's could share the exotic taste. Heero tried to draw back from the lascivious attention but he was held in place by his hair and the knife's deadly influence.

Over Heero's shoulder Merquise could see the braided man struggling to get on his feet. At that point adrenaline supplied Duo with extra strength but it was pure hatred that was the driving force. His focus was to free Heero, relieve Merquise of his weapon and set the knife hilt deep into the bastard's black heart.

"If you don't want your friend's head in your lap you'll stay still." Merquise growled out the warning then pressed the blade into the soft flesh along Heero's throat.

Duo relaxed not wanting to give Merquise any reason to follow through with his promise, but only out of fear for Heero's wellbeing.

"That's better." he praised the young man's intelligent decision.

Merquise centered his mouth over Heero's ear and licked over the lobe before delivering a playful nip. "Do you remember how you threatened me in the street when you thought you could take me down?" he asked with a breathy sigh.

Heero nodded clearly recalling every moment of their first encounter. Every word, every phrase, every retaliatory promise.

Merquise raised his knee and brought it up between Heero's legs and pushed until he could feel the prominence of his penis.

"You owe me a dance."



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