Reclamation Part 2

The thunderstorm had run its course. Howling wind had eased to a murmuring breeze. Like wispy butterflies, clouds fluttered across the star-studded sky. Thin moonbeams, struggling to shine through filmy window panes, painted vague patterns on the dust speckled floor.

Even though there was no apparent reason for Heero to be awake, his instincts insisted his sleep had been disturbed by something unnatural to his environment. He rolled over on his crude bed, waited until his sight adjusted to the murky light then allowed his senses to convey bits of information to his inquiring mind.

Remnants of rain dripping off tress struck the tin roof in irregular rhythms. A rust streaked metal door rattled on loose hinges. Skittering sounds from gray rats that coexisted with their human hosts told him the nocturnal rodents were on the prowl.

Across the room he could just make out Quatre and Trowa's blanket-shrouded shapes. To his right his brother Wufei, golden fingers resting lightly on his sword, slept in an amazing state of serenity.

As Heero stretched the kinks from his spine, logic told him that any number of noises could be responsible for his interrupted slumber, still an acute sense of uneasiness nagged for an answer.

A heavy THUMP in an adjoining room froze Heero in mid-stretch. He knew the thud was too substantial to be made by rats. No, something larger was moving about, something foreign and probably dangerous.

Easing his pistol from its hiding place Heero cautiously got to his feet. Padding on sock-silent feet he held the gun at the ready as he narrowed the gap to the noise.

Shoulder braced on the doorframe he peered, first through the crack on the hinged side then leaned forward to peek around the door. With a goodly amount of nervous tension in force, Heero's eyes darted to survey the dusky room and ears strained to pick up the slightest sound that might warn of impending danger.

Peering further into the phantasmic gloom, he sucked in deep breath to steel his nerves then took a cautious step over the threshold.

As every wavy shadow summoned up monsters, the thumping increased in volume then a clatter made him wish he'd taken the time to wake Wufei.

"Steady." Heero whispered then cringed when the single word seemed to echo over the walls.

Movement to his left, an outline stopped in front of a window. The moonlit silhouette, head atop a torso, confirmed the profile was indeed human.

Heero had to wonder if the intruder was either brave or stupid or merely ignorant that he or she had entered an outlaw stronghold, but whatever the rationale for a midnight stroll through the makeshift kitchen, he was taking no chances.

Slipping along the wall the Cluster leader inched forward. By calculated degrees, he stalked with predatory grace until he could hear the person's breathing.

The figure moved again this time in Heero's direction. "That's right, come to me." he mentally willed the intruder to step within striking range.

With lightning speed Heero sprang from the concealing darkness to take the prowler totally by surprise. "Halt or I'll fire." he growled, leveling the gun to emphasis the order.

The figure stiffened at Heero's unanticipated materialization.

Although it was hard to pick out details in the limited light, Heero got the distinct impression the trespasser was male. "Now show yourself. Slowly." He demanded in a stern tone designed to reinforce the seriousness of the situation.

A single step carried the intruder into a shaft of moonbeams. Tiling his head caused light to dance over high cheekbones, flickered along a slender jaw line and glinted over one eye that was partly obscured by stringy bangs.

Without warning a hand chopped across Heero's wrist jarring the pistol from his grasp. In the same instant, the intruder charged for an outside door.

Quickly recovering from the swift strike, Heero used cat-like reflexes to snag the retreating body. Letting momentum carry him around, he sidestepped, grabbed a fistful of fabric and haul in his catch.

Arms flailed against Heero's hold. Huskily curses hissed through a fear constricted throat as his captive fought to get free.

Heero widened his stance and employed the improved leverage to keep his balance. Despite the blitz of furious hits and kicks, he managed to intercept the man's wrists and pin both arms over his head.

"STOP FIGHTING ME!" Heero ordered even though he doubted the entrapped trespasser would listen.

In response to Heero's command, teeth mauled his bare forearm.

"SHIT!" was yelled as the hard bite sent adrenaline surging to Heero's automatic impulses.

Reacting on pure instinct, he let go, cocked his arm and plowed a fist squarely into the biter's face.

Teeth scraped over already bloody flesh. The punch sent the stunned man reeling backwards seconds before his back bounced off the wall. A sturdy puff of air accented the force of the collision, followed by a grunt then he flopped on the floor like a loose-jointed rag doll.

Heero remained a few feet from his downed assailant. Exerted breathing hissed through room. Pain stung sharply along his arm. Checking the damage, he discovered droplets of crimson oozing from twin rows of curved punctures.

Taking a few moments to regain his composure, Heero leaned forward and braced his hands on his knees. Even at the closer range, muted moonlight didn't fully disclose the man's face or form.

Slumped lopsided against the wall, the defeated man groaned. Shaky fingers touched his throbbing chin, smeared blood seeping from his right nostril then clumsily traced over his bottom lip that had begun to swell.

Footsteps ricocheted across the room. A flashlight flared on. A wide-eyed Trowa rushed through the door with a drowsy Quatre at his heels.

Sprinting in between the lovers, Wufei slid into a defensive stance. Katana held high in a double grip, the sword-welding warrior stared passed his bitten brother.

"What in the hell?" Wufei wondered at the sight of the stranger in their midst.

Trowa aimed the flashlight and snorted "Better yet what in the hell is it?"

At Trowa's harsh words and Wufei brandishing his sword the man shuddered, drew his knees to his chest and curled into the tightest ball he could manage.

Heero braced a knee on the floor, leaned closer and, aided by the flashlight's beam, took his first good look at the newly revealed invader.

The man was about Heero's age. At least three feet of hair caped his shoulders and several more inches pooled on the floor. His bony frame was barely covered by threadbare trousers and a shirt resembling wet rags. Heavily scuffed boots encrusted with mud seemed to dangle at the ends of lanky legs.

In fact the best description that came to Heero's mind was a half drowned, malnourished scarecrow whose emaciated condition made Quatre look healthy in comparison.

Taking the chance that the man wouldn't strike out again, Heero hooked his index finger under dirty stands curtaining the man's face and swept the matted mane aside to better see the features hidden beneath.

"I'm sorry I hit you."

Responding to the coaxing voice, the drooped head rose a few inches. Watery eyes, shimmering in a strange shade of lavender, studied the kneeling rebel's countenance then searched Heero's cobalt eyes for some sign that he was telling the truth.

Heero read the uncertainty in those unusual eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you." he declared as he lifted the hair higher.

You just hit him hard enough to knock him to the floor. Heero's inner voice declared. Do you think he believes you won't harm him?

"I promise." Heero reassured with all the sincerity he could muster.

Reckoning that a positive gesture might encourage the man's cooperation, Heero let his thumb drift over an older yellowish bruise marring his right cheek. The skin was so cold to the touch, Heero experienced an involuntary shiver.

Those odd eyes remained fixed in their studying stare and despite the man's disheveled appearance and the unpleasant odor wafting from his tattered clothes there was something hauntingly beautiful about him.

"It's all right." Heero offered his hand. "Let me help you up."

An explicit negative nod told Heero the line had been drawn, the outsider was not going to open himself up to possibly being battered again. Shoulders drew inward, chin tilted away, but the captivating eyes remained centered on Heero as his hand dropped away.

Until that point Quatre had quietly observed the unfolding events. Now his compassion urged him to intervene. He started forward never taking his eyes from the heart-wrenching scene.

Trowa placed a hand on his lover's arm. "No."

"I'll be all right." Quatre whispered, slipping free, "I can help him. Besides," he added cutting his eyes from Heero to Wufei and his sword. "it appears I'm the least threatening of the lot."

Not being able to argue with his lover's observation, Trowa let Quatre go but trailed a few feet behind in case should he be needed.

Moving slowly, Quatre eased down on the floor and sat cross-legged beside the "scarecrow" then acknowledged the man's misery.

"I know you're frightened but you have to trust us." he stated hoping logic would overcome the uncertainty.

Lavender eyes shifted to the second individual with the tender voice.

More study.

More searching into Quatre's expressive azure eyes that held not a hint of malice.

Bluish lips quivered. Spurred on by clammy clothing and the warehouse's chilly atmosphere, uncontrolled trembling lanced through the man's frail body. Raspy wheezing resonated in the expansive room.

"You're sick. Please let us help you?" Quatre begged the stranger who was clearly lost and alone and on the verge of fainting.

As another violent tremor made his teeth chatter, the now invited trespasser knew that returning to the cold, dank night would be a death sentence so, even if he was abused later, he had no choice but to stay.

Uttering his first word, "Okay." the man put his fate in the Cluster quartet's hands.

Relief surging over him, Quatre asked. "Since you're going to stay could you tell me your name?"



Soon two thin blankets were wrapped snuggly around Duo. A moist terrycloth towel had removed most of the blood and dirt to expose his ashen complexion.

The most viable option would've been to divest Duo of the filthy, damp rags that passed for clothing but he'd barely let Quatre cleanse his face, much less consented to being undressed.

Although the worse of the trembling had subsided, Duo was far from recovered and it didn't take a genius to figure it would be quite awhile before he regained any degree of well-being.

Always the strategist, Quatre immediately devised a plan for Duo's care.

Wufei was dispatched to fetch another mattress from the storage room. As he navigated the maze of cans of soup, baked beans, deviled ham and more beans, bottled water and cases of beer, he mumbled something about taking in the damn stray.

Skirting around rifles inclined against the wall, stockpiled pistols and boxes of bullets, he stooped and slide a crate of grenades aside to reach a dingy mattress that Quatre was so hell bent on having.

Wufei dropped the mattress sending up a cloud of dust, "Here." he snorted.

Quatre put on his best smile. "Thank you."


Meanwhile Trowa's assignment was to prepare a late supper as there was no doubt their "guest" hadn't eaten regularly for a long time. A sandwich of bread and cheese wrapped in a scrape of waxed paper, a bowl of lukewarm tomato soup and a mug of tepid beer were set on the floor however Duo made no attempt to consume the tempting fare.

While the food was craved with hungry desire, Duo's fear was still stronger than his empty stomach's influence.

Leaning on the doorframe, Heero watched as Quatre squatted by Duo and employed earnest persuasion to convince him to eat.

After several fruitless minutes, Quatre joined his comrades. "Let's leave him alone." he suggested wanting to give the haggard man some breathing space.


Sitting around a stained wooden table in the kitchen the rebels engaged in a serious discussion concerning the new arrival.

"What are we suppose to do with." Wufei resisted the urge to say the stray. "him?" he nodded toward the sleeping area. "We barely have enough provisions for the Cluster and now you want to include another mouth to feed." he declared as frankly as he always did.

Trowa agreed, "You know the rules, no one joins the Cluster unless they can support it in some way. I'm sorry but we can't allow freeloaders."

Quatre crossed his arms over his chest, body language and determined expression indicating he would not be dissuaded, "You won't have to worry about Duo taking from the others, I'll share my portion." he stated with firm resolve.

Trowa shook his head, "You can't do that, you're already too thin. No, Cat, I won't hear any more of that bullshit."

"Then what to do you propose to do?" Quatre snapped back with uncharacteristic irritation. "We can't turn him out. You know he wouldn't live long if we did"

Next Quatre addressed Wufei and Heero. "If I remember correctly you didn't know if Trowa and I could contribute to the Cluster when you took us in."

"That was different." Wufei counter-argued.

"How so?"

"You're our friends."

"Well now Duo is my friend." Quatre announced, locking his narrowed sight on the rebel trio.

Wufei swiped a hand through unfettered hair tickling his cheeks. "I give up." He conceded to the stubborn blond who didn't bother to hide his delight at his Chinese counterpart's capitulation.

A tinge of red flushed Wufei's face at the boastful display. "Listen here, you son of a bitch."

Heero raised a hand before his often hot-headed brother could launch a scathing verbal attack. "We'll just have to relieve OZ of a few more assets. After all," he grinned, "everything is the property of L2 and we are the colony's deserving citizens."

Trowa stretched then pulled his lover against his chest. "Can we figure out the particulars in the morning? Which won't be long coming." he commented, watching the moon through the window as it slipped toward the horizon.


With Wufei, Trowa and Heero serving as backup, Quatre padded into the sleeping area. "I want Duo settled beside us so I can monitor his breathing." he told Trowa.

"You think he'll cooperate?" Heero wondered, as his fingers traced over the bite marks crusted over with dried blood decorating his forearm.

"I think so."

Every morsel of food was gone. Duo laid on the floor curled up into a tight ball so only the top of his head was visible above the blankets' hem.

Fully prepared to have Duo jolt awake and begin to gnaw on his arm again, Heero slid his arms under the sleeping figure, but illness-induced weakness and prolonged exposure to unfriendly elements had forced Duo into a deep, hopefully dreamless, slumber.

With gentle care Duo was placed on the recently retrieved mattress next to the mattress Quatre and Trowa shared. Satisfied his new friend was covered securely and his raspy breathing hadn't become worse, Quatre snuggled beside his lover.

"Do you think he'll stay?" he whispered before giving Trowa a goodnight kiss.

"I don't know."

"I hope he does, Duo needs someone." Quatre sighed closing his eyes in answer to the sandman's seductive sway.



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