Love Thy Neighbor Part 2

Duo's practice bag was dropped next to the front door. Discarded clothing made a path to the bedroom. Duo didn't care if his braid was frayed or that he hadn't taken the time to wash his hair before he had thrown on his clothes and ran from the dance studio like a fox from the hounds.

As nude as the day he was born, Duo curled under the sheet and stared wide-eyed at the far wall. He had cried out all his tears. Now his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and his nose emitted a whistle each time he breathed. His exhausted body begged for sleep but he was reluctant to close his eyes, afraid he might sleep...might dream of blue eyes and strong arms holding him tight.

"What's wrong with you?" he chided himself for letting lust rule his mind and arouse his body. "If you keep this up you're going to make yourself crazy."

But Duo knew that fact...that his emotions had taken over his better sense.

Dusk arrived with ominous clouds that defied the sunset's efforts to paint color across the sky. A pale aura momentarily shimmered on the horizon. Solar flares spiked through the thickening clouds then the defeated sun disappeared in mute surrender. In the distance thunder's deep baritone announced the approaching storm.

Soon large droplets pelted the window and lightning lanced the sky, the dazzling flashes forcing Duo to shrink from the revealing brightness. With each burst of heavenly light Duo caught fleeting glimpses of his faint reflection in the vanity mirror then the boom of thunder would follow closely behind and vibrate directly into his troubled soul.

*Either act on your feelings or forget Heero.* Duo's mind pressed him to move in one direction or the other.

"I don't think I can forget him." Duo whispered into the bedroom's gloom. The thunder answered back with a rolling growl. "Then do something!"


Mercifully Duo didn't dream but the lack of night visions came at a price. By 4:00 a.m. changing positions every half an hour proved to be an exercise in futility. Finally at 5:30 he gave up and prodded off to take a shower. However, this time he kept his hormones in check and his urges under control.

Freshly washed body and hair put Duo in a more agreeable mood but his cleanliness didn't stop his internal conversation with that damned annoying inner voice.

*What are you going to do?* the voice nagged.

Duo brushed the last tangles from his hair and began the well-practiced braiding. "I'll look up Heero's phone number and call him sometimes." he mumbled, feeling silly about the one-sided exchange.

*In person is better.*

"No, I can't think when I look in his eyes."

The voice persisted, *You'll have to face him sooner or later.*

Duo pulled a light blue shirt over his head, retrieved his braid from the collar and flopped down on the bed. "I have to be at rehearsal by 10:00 a.m.," he thought, "and I won't be finished until at least 4:00 p.m." he continued the mental figuring.

He rolled on his back and studied the ceiling for a moment then sighed. "I don't even know what Heero does, what work or if he works at all. Maybe he's independently wealthy, his own boss or..." The next thought sent a twinge through his heart. "maybe he's married or engaged or has a significant other. Hell, Maxwell you don't know if he's gay." he snorted in frustration.

*You won't know until...* his inner voice chimed in again.

"I know, until I talk to him." Duo finished the cerebral sentence.

The voice spoke once more with an insistence tone. *Tonight?*

Duo closed his eyes and let another weary sigh escaped over his lips. "Yes, tonight, dammit. Now are you satisfied?" he hissed.


The off-Broadway troop consisted of six male dancers, four female dancers and a male and female singer. Then there were musicians, the choreographer Jay Johnson, but everyone called him J. J., and the director, Mr. Patterson, whom everyone called, "The Slave Driver" behind his back.

Duo put all his nervous energy into rehearsing, repeating the steps over and over again until he moved flawlessly through each combination. The musical was entitled, "Dance into the Fire". A story of a man who battles the devil to return to earth to be with the woman he loves. There were five scenes alternating between earth and hell and, of course, the hero wins in the end.

Duo was the third "evil minion" in the front line. It wasn't the starring role but paid better than being the second position. His costume of form-fitting black with iridescent flames running up his legs, his chest and over his shoulders was sexy but it was hot as pun intended.

"A true performer must suffer for the arts." was Mr. Patterson's motto. Yeah, easy for him to say as he sat in his chair sipping imported flavored water that he paid too much for.

Jay clapped his hands to meter out the cadence, "One, two, three four, don't rush the pace. Five, six, seven, eight." he'd count then begin again.

The dancers took an hour lunch break then four more arduous hours before "The Slave Driver" decided that he had crack the whip long enough. "I want everyone here at ten o'clock tomorrow morning." he announced dropping the fifth empty water bottle in the trash. "And be on time."


By 4:30 p.m. Duo had changed and was on a bus back to the High Street Apartments. Lack of proper rest and the grueling rehearsal had taken a heavy toll. Duo slumped his shoulder against the seat and stared out window. Traffic snaked around the avenue. People packed the sidewalks.

The city's bustling activity was usual stimulating to Duo, he usually gleaned energy from the nonstop confusion of cars and taxies and delivery trucks and the various voices and accents that gave life to the concrete and echoed through the manmade canyons of brick, mortar and steel.

But now the city street, jumbled with humanity, was overwhelming. The stench of gas fumes and the general odor of so many people packed together tuned his stomach and the chaotic noise was giving him a headache. Now all Duo wanted was a simple meal and sleep...sound and dreamless sleep.

"Tonight." The single word nagged uncomfortably in the back of Duo's mind.

He shifted position then mumbled a string of curses as the bus hit a bump which, in turn, jostled his entire body. An older woman seated across the aisle nodded in agreement as the bus aligned with the curb. Gathering up two plastic bags of groceries she gave Duo a small smile then stepped into the street's organized chaos.

"One more stop before home then you talk to Heero." Duo stated in an attempt to embolden his courage.


Hilde waved from the reception desk. Her eyebrows drew together at the sight of Duo's haggard appearance. "Excuse me for saying so but you look like hell." she observed.

Duo fingered combed bangs from his sluggish eyes and offered a worn smile that lacked its normal cheer. "Rough rehearsal."

Hilde leaned closer, "I'd say a rough couple of days and not much sleep."

"Yeah that too."

"Still thinking about your hunk?"

Duo's eyes widened at the unexpected question. "Is it that obvious?"

Hilde took Duo's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Why don't you call him and invite him out for a drink, after you've had some sleep." she added as an afterthought.

Duo shrugged, "Shower first, then food then sleep."

"Don't wait too long." Hilde called as Duo stepped into the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed Hilde let out a long sigh. "I hope it works out for you Duo, you deserve some happiness."


A long, hot shower vanquished Duo's headache and eased the stiffness in his overworked muscles. Shampooing replaced the rehearsal's sweat and city's grim with the refreshed scent of aloe and herbs. Repeatedly washed jeans and a soft cotton pullover shirt felt good on his skin. Reheated lasagna and two cups of hot tea satisfied his stomach.

But all though the cleansing and eating Duo's mind was still occupied with thoughts of Heero Yuy. What was Heero's alluring power? Why did this stranger plague his mind and bother his body?

Heero was a stranger, Duo knew nothing about him. "He could be an international spy or a hit man wanted in every country around the world." Duo let his imagination run wild with the possibilities. "Or an entrepreneur or a prince or...Stop it!" he hissed, "stop this damn foolishness."

Duo rinsed off the dinner dishes and piled them in the sink; the washing would have to wait. One thing was certain, something had to give, something had to happen right now. He knew there would be no relaxed days or peaceful nights until he at least talked to Heero. If something would meant to happen it would, if not...then Duo would resign himself and move on...that's all he could do.

Ten minutes later found Duo outside apartment 302. The hall was vacant so it was easier to hear the muffled sounds filtering through the door. He could make out voices and perhaps music.

"He's not alone." Duo whispered, the quiet words seemed to scream in the hall's emptiness. That twinge in his heart returned, this time feeling like a knife stabbing in his chest.

Duo turned to leave; he would be damned if he would put himself though any more upset. "It was a stupid idea anyway."

*You don't know if someone is with Heero.* his mind tried to be optimistic.

Duo shook his head so hard that his braid whipped over his shoulder. "I know."

"KNOCK ON THE DOOR!" his inner voice demanded, "It's the only way you will know for sure."

As if guided by powers beyond his control, Duo curled up his fingers and gave the door a tentative tap. His fist quivered in midair and as hard as he tried he couldn't pull it away. Another, stronger knock then Duo held his breath as the doorknob rotated from the inside.



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