Love Conquers All Epilogue

There was great celebration in the land. The castle's Great Hall was packed with Senators, Generals and Clergy. Noble families and courtiers bedecked in their flashy finery mingled among the impressive assemblage. The King's troops, each company identified by their Standard Flag, stood in orderly formation on either side of the massive room. The outer courtyard was filled to overflowing with all manner of commoners who had also gathered to welcome the victorious warriors. The King had declared a day of feasting and everyone of all stations had been invited.

King Stephen stood on a raised platform before twin thrones decorated with elaborate carvings accented by gold leaf, precious gemstones and seat cushions embroidered in shimmering silk threads of red, blue and gold. The Kingdom's Coat of Arms, bearing the Crest of Elon and inscribed with the phrase: "Strength Tempered With Justice." hung on the wall behind the Seats of Power.

Attired in his formal suit of wine-colored velvet complete with a hip-length cape the Monarch was a striking figure. His Queen Jacqueline in her beautiful silver satin gown stood stately by her husband's side. The royal pair were elated, their joy apparent in their smiles as they looked out over the excited crowd.

On the floor level Captain Yuy dressed in his dark blue dress uniform embellished with a double row of brass buttons stood at attention before his Commander in Chief. Heero's unsheathed sword, still tarnished by bloodstains, hung from his belt. He had deliberately not cleaned the blade because he wanted its tainted condition to be a reminder of the high cost of the Kingdom's liberation.

Duo Maxwell, his roughly woven peasant clothes exchanged for an outfit of pale blue linen and knee-length leather boots, stood quietly beside his soldier. A wrinkled red ribbon dangled from the end of his braid seeming out of place with the finer attire. Behind the human pair, adorned in their priestly robes and surrounded by a radiant aura, the Gods of Light and Darkness were honored to be counted among the guests.

A murmur rose from the crowd as the King made his way down the polished stone stairs to reach the floor. The Queen followed stopping on the bottom step. The humans and immortals bowed in respect. Duo smiled at Heero then in his own form of admiration took several steps back to join Quatre and Trowa.

The King raised his hand signaling for quiet. A hush fell over the chamber. "This is indeed a glorious day." he proclaimed as a wide smile beamed on his face, "We have come together to honor our returning heroes." Thunderous applause erupted as everyone responded in unified agreement. Again a hand was raised requesting silence.

Reaching inside his cape the King drew out his personal sword, the same one that had belonged to his father and grandfather and each generation after in a continual line of succession. For this royal rite he did not wish to use the fancy Ceremonial Sword. No, only a weapon baptized in battle would be fitting for such a solemn occasion.

"Captain Heero Yuy kneel before me." the King ordered loudly so everyone could hear. Heero braced one leg on the floor, draped his arms over the bent knee and lowered his head in his Lord's presence.

Turning his war-scarred weapon on its side the King gently laid the flattened blade on his humbled Captain's left shoulder. "All who are within the sound of my voice hear my words." he announced, "Let all those here this hour bear witness to my declaration and actions. By my power as Ruler of the territories between the Great Mountains and the River Elon I, King Stephen of the House of Kent, do hereby dub thee Heero Yuy a Knight in my service." he lifted the sword letting it rest on Yuy's right shoulder, "You have through your selfless dedication as a soldier proven yourself worthy of this rank and title." The blade was returned to an upright position. "Arise Sir Yuy and take your place among the Knights of Kent."

"Thank you your Majesty." Heero acknowledged the promotion and the serious duties it would entail. "I cannot accept full credit." he declared raising his eyes to meet his King's, "I could not have done anything without the help of my faithful friends. Sire may I make one request?" he asked in total humility.

"You may."

"When the Feast Day is over may I be permitted to hold a memorial service for Chang Wufei?" he requested, "If it had not been for the sacrifice of his life your Kingdom would not be free." he proclaimed.

The King leaned nearer wanting the rest of their conversation to be private. "You may have anything you wish with my blessing." he promised.

As Sir Yuy stood the Hall once more echoed with congratulatory applause. Heero bowed to his King and Queen then turned to bow to the joyous multitude. His face showed an uncharacteristic blush at the overwhelming attention. The warm flush burned hotter as Duo unashamedly pulled his knight into a strong hug and planted a full kiss on his mouth. Quatre and Trowa also embraced their newly knighted comrade adding their praise and admiration.

As the clapping died down the quartet faced the front. King Stephen motioned for Heero and Duo to move closer. With a wave of his hand the King summoned the village Priest to come forward. The Regional Bishop accompanied the elderly Minister. "It is a privilege to welcome you to my court." King Stephen greeted both holy men then joined his Queen on the bottom step.

Father Michael had known Duo Maxwell since his childhood. From a young age the lanky lad had attended the Parish school and, despite his poor circumstances, been an excellent student. Although the braided boy was prone to mischief and was often a bit restless during Sunday services the kindly Father had been pleased with Duo's faithful devotion.

On this wonderful day the Priest was overjoyed that he could perform a Union Ceremony for Duo and his soldier. The Bishop's presence would lend even more credence to the joining. It was indeed an honor to have such a high-ranking member of the Clergy co-officiate.

Father Michael smiled as he stood before Duo and Heero. Duo smiled back at his spiritual mentor as complete contentment beamed on his fair features. "It is an honor to be here today." the Father addressed the crowd, "Sir Yuy would you take Duo's left hand in your left hand." he instructed. Heero and Duo joined hands their joy evident in the glow in their eyes and the smiles on their faces.

"We have come together to celebrate several events." he began, "The safe return of our warriors, the release of our land from a dreaded curse and the uniting of two people who are obviously very much in love. The union of Duo Maxwell and Sir Heero Yuy may be viewed as odd by some and may even be uncomfortable to others but I cannot in good conscience deny their commitment so it is with great joy that I grant their request to be joined.

"Who here will stand up for Duo and Heero?" the Priest asked.

"We will." the immortals replied in unison. Trowa took his place beside Heero, Quatre beside Duo.

Father Michael nodded and continued, "Someone once said that time heals all wounds but love is the medication that begins the process. Love can heal the heart, mend the mind and soothe the spirit. We are lucky indeed to find that one true love that will last a lifetime and I believe that Duo and Heero have found that bond.

Heero Yuy will you be faithful to Duo? Will you comfort him in sadness and sickness and share his joy and triumphant? Will you hold him sacred above all others and keep always unto him as you grow old together even unto death?"

Heero locked his misty sight with Duo's azure eyes that were also brimming with tears of joy. "I will even unto death." he pledged his loyalty and trust.

The Priest repeated the same vows to Duo. Duo swallowed to push down an emotional lump before answering, "I will even unto death."

"Do you have a token of your devotion to exchange?"

"We do." Heero and Duo replied together facing each other.

Trowa handed Heero a simple band of gold. Heero slipped the symbol of his commitment over Duo's ring finger on his left hand. "With this ring I show before all witnesses my love." he declared, "May the continual circle represent a never ending promise and the gold a sign of purity. I pledge to you each moment from this day forward." he finished as his voice choked with happiness.

Duo took another band of gold from Quatre and placed it on Heero's ring finger. He repeated the exact words as his voice, too, reflected his happiness.

The exchange completed they turned to face the two holy men. The Bishop took a gold cord and wrapped it loosely around Heero and Duo's joined hands. "This cord is the tie that binds." he announced then instructed the lovers kneel for his blessing. "By your verbal pledge and the outward sign of your rings you both have affirmed you love." the Bishop laid a hand on Duo and Heero's bowed heads. "Father Michael and I by the power of our ministerial offices jointly declare that Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy are one in body, mind and spirit and that their bond is recognized under the laws of this Kingdom. Duo, Heero you may rise and seal your bond with a kiss." the Bishop proclaimed.

Tears streaked Duo's cheeks as he faced his husband. The gold cord felled to the floor as Duo's slipped his arms around Heero's neck. The newly joined pair brushed their lips in chaste affection before Heero drew Duo's closed for a more satisfying kiss. Then Quatre and Trowa embraced their mortal friends.

King Stephen shook Duo and Heero's hand, Queen Jacqueline gently kissed their moist cheeks. "From this hour this union will be granted the same rights and privileges as any other. Sir Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell-Yuy are partners in all legal matters and will be treated as such before this court." the King announced, "Congratulations."

That night Heero and Duo made love in the same bed that they had shared before all the trouble. But this time their night of passion was not hidden in the shadows, was not done in secrecy for fear that someone would find out. As they laid tangled in damp sheets in a sated embrace they were secure in their bond, knew that they were a rightfully joined couple free to establish a home and be open in their relationship.

During the Feast King Stephen had taken Duo and Heero to his private chambers and offered heartfelt apologies for his initial interference. He admitted that he would have suffered greatly had his spreading of false rumors resulted in their loss of each other or their lives. He humbly begged the couple's forgiveness not as the King but as a truly sorrowful man. Duo and Heero accepted Stephen's regrets with humility, expressing their understanding of the King's reasons even though they could not condone his actions. They did promise, for Stephen's sake as well as their own, that the entire matter would be forgiven and forgotten.

During the private meeting Duo took the opportunity to petition the King. He asked if he might be allowed to assist Father Michael at the Parish school and that enough money be set aside so that all children in the village and surrounding areas would be able to attend. King Stephen was pleased with the request. Going one step further he proposed that Duo be put in charge of expanding the study programs to include apprenticeships with the local craftsmen and merchants.

"With you and the good Father in charge of our children's education and Sir Yuy's duties as my trusted Knight my Kingdom will surly prosper." the King declared.


Two days later as late afternoon rays painted over the cliffs, the Knight and his husband walked hand in hand to the river. They paused on the sandy bank looking up at the ancient castle's spiny spires silhouetted in the sunset's fiery brilliance. The rippling water reflected the flaming light taking on the same crimson color as the ribbon holding Duo's braid.

Heero took Duo into his arms pulling him as close as physically possible. With a sigh Duo rested his head on his partner's shoulder. Despite his total contentment there was a mournful cast to his azure eyes as Duo gazed up at the dusk-streaked outcrop skirting the castle's entrance.

Heero sensed his lover's despondency, "What's wrong?" he whispered wrapping his arms tighter against the evening chill.

Duo nodded against Heero's shoulder his auburn bangs tickling under Yuy's chin, "It is so sad." Duo answered redirecting his sight to his husband's strong face, "Our love started the horrible trouble. If I had trusted you completely, if I had not doubted your feelings and tried to end my sorrow beneath these waters, if...."

Heero placed his fingers on Duo's quivering lips. "Shhh, I will hear no more of such talk." he lovingly ordered, "It was not our love that began the events but other's intolerance. It was the low status forced by unfair restrictions that made you doubt that you as a commoner could be loved by a soldier. There were circumstances beyond our control that fueled the fires, but it was those fires that lit the light of freedom for us and the Kingdom."

Duo smiled at his passionate soldier, "How did you become so wise?"

"It is not wisdom. If everyone would remember we are all part of the same world, created from the same earth, the surface differences would soon cease to exist." Heero stated. "It is our differences that make us special and should be viewed as an asset to society. But let us not dwell on that now." he suggested planting a warm kiss on his lover's lips.

Duo gazed back at the cliffs. The sun dropped lower draping lengthy shadows over the rocky precipice. Suddenly his eyes widen and he took in a sharp breath. "Heero," he said excitedly pointing towards the uppermost outcrop, "look, do you see?" he asked the strange question.

"What?" Heero inquired directing his sight where Duo's hand was waving.

"On that jutting point where the forest begins." Duo tried to clarify his odd statement. "The shape, up there."

Heero craned his neck, narrowing his eyes against the mingling of light and shadow. Then slowly from the irregular shade an outline began to take form. A head appeared, a long neck, then a broad body. A slender tail twitched. Twin ember eyes pierced through the gathering dusk.

Ever so slowly the realization of what they were seeing crept into Heero and Duo's mind. What they viewed crouching atop the russet point was not real in the solid sense but in their mind's eyes the images was actual. There was no fear as they watched the shadows transform into a ghostly vision. Guarding the cliffs as he always did the spirit of Ryuujin watched over the valley below. If one concentrated with their imagination and not what was based in reality they could see every detail, every ripple of muscles and even the redden steam puffing from flared nostrils.

Then the apparitional manifestation gave way to a human figure. Chang Wufei dressed in his Clan's white outfit stood in the Dragon God's place. His heavy black hair feathered in the steady breeze. There was a serene smile on his face; one that told the observing pair that all was well. He lifted his hand in a sign of acknowledgement to let Duo and Heero know that they were not alone.

Duo raised his hand in a return gesture to tell Chang that he understood. "Guard your Kingdom." Duo called hoping the swirling currents would carry his message to the Dragon's hearing. "We will meet again." Heero nodded affirmatively with his lover's wishes that they would someday see Wufei in another realm.

The phantom sighting was not disturbing, not frightening. It was merely a reminder that although the physical body may pass on that the eternal spirit lives forever. It was a comfort, a reassurance that life goes on even after we throw off our mortality. A certain peace followed the reaffirmation of the afterlife. The essence of both human and God drifted away with a fine mist that rose from the scarlet tinted water until only the weather-scarred rocks showed through the increasing haze.

"Let us go home." Heero encouraged his partner. As the night crept in on quiet footsteps and the twilight shrouded the forest, the lovers cuddling against the chill leaving the Dragon God to hunt in the moonlight.


Spring turned to summer inviting Duo and Heero to take nude midnight swims together. Summer drifted into autumn painting the countryside with a kaleidoscope of ever-changing colors; encouraging the lovers to take long walks in the woods. Autumn gave way to winter's frosted landscape. The days grew shorter, the climate took on a crispy edge and the nights were so clear that you could count the stars.

With winter's arrival Heero and Duo would spend each evening snuggling under a blanket in front of the fireplace. They would let cups of wine and the warmth of their love ease them into the night's rest. Heero would smoke his briarwood pipe and Duo would make up stories about lovers and gods and dragons. Days passed into months, months into years and they grew old together.



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