Love Conquers All Part 16

Much to Trowa's delight an outside door was located at the canal's mouth. Four faces peered out into the late afternoon brightness squinting at the change from the castle's gloominess to the outside's daylight.

The courtyard was barren of both live plant growth and guards. After meeting the mad wizard it was clear why nothing survived within his circle of evil influence. The lack of life, human or otherwise, was certainly not unexpected. Most creatures especially those of questionable origin knew better than to wander too far from the courtyard's protection.

The high stone wall ringed the bare border closing up all sides. Most courtyards were designed with a gate at each main compass point so it stood to reason that this particular section had an exit somewhere along its length. A few taller treetops could be seen towering some distance outside the wall but the absence of sizeable vegetation on their side cancelled any hope of climbing over.

From that moment of realization the escape plan became simple. Cross the exposed courtyard, find the gate and figure out how to open it. Maybe "simple" was not the best term. Dangerous was more befitting the title and the task for despite Decador's promise of their freedom the humans and immortals doubted that the satanic sorcerer would keep his word. Nothing the heretic had done up to that point gave one reason to believe that he could be trusted. And even though Chang had bargained for their lives everyone knew the Dragon had no real power only what Decador granted.

Heero holding his sword eased out first. Duo followed close behind. Trowa, empty crossbow in hand, came next. Quatre took one last look back into the passage's dank bowels then fell in beside his mate. Powerful premonitions told him that, unfortunately, their trials were not over.

Yuy's raised hand brought the "parade" to a temporary standstill. Leaving the rest of his loyal comrades by the castle's outer wall he stepped out a little further checking the way. Cautiously Heero surveyed the battlements above for any sign of soldiers or archers or another beast that might have taken up a position along the parapets. Another silent signal called for the others to join him.

"Careful now." he whispered beginning to move forward.

A darksome coloring like a great bird's shadow glided overhead. Suddenly the air chilled and just as quickly the sun lost its light. Angry clouds as black as midnight swelled in high banks. Wind blew in fitful gusts carrying on the strong currents that all too familiar scent of sulfur. The abrupt weather changes were made even more frightening by a strange peculiarity. Beyond the courtyard wall, where the forest's heights touched the skyline, the sun shone brightly and fluffy clouds mingled among clear sapphire hues.

It was very apparent that the storm gathering over the courtyard was not of natural origins. The fearsome fury had its roots in Decador's profane marriage with Satan's evil forces. His unholy union with the Triad of Darkness had spawned the sacrilegious abnormality whose sole purpose was the retreating victor's most unpleasant destruction. Again the vile wizard had broken every law of nature, perverted all that was pure.

"I knew that damn warlock would try to stop us." Heero shouted above the storm's mournful howl as miniature whirlwinds of dust zigzagged across the courtyard.

"We have to reach the gate and make good our escape." Quatre yelled back, "Decador's influence has no power beyond these walls."

Lifting his forearm to protect his face from the pelting dirt Heero fought to see through the windblown debris kicked up by the anomalous storm. "There!" he pointed to the right.

As the retreating champions raced for their freedom the wind blew harder. Wickedly the sound of Decador's crazed laugher mixed with the shrill whine. A fused canopy, a thick ebony overcast, sealed over the sky. Red-orange sparks of energy flickered and danced inside the churning clouds. Blue-white lightning flared across the furious firmament then, spreading spider web fingers, streaked downward to touch the land. Bouncing and sizzling over the ground the spiking spears exploded gouging out chunks of soil and igniting dry grasses and dead foliage. A rush of unearthed grit and choking smoke surged toward the helpless quartet. Running for their lives the terrified escapees made a dash for the gate.

Four castle guards with an unmistakable spellbound glaze over their eyes charged into the abnormal fury from the courtyard's far side. Weapons in hand and more fearful of Decador than the storm they dared to brave the unnatural tempest. The first two bewitched soldiers made it no further than the outer fringes. A blinding flash popped overhead. The resulting fireball divided into twin columns. One bolt struck a nearby tree. The splintered trunk burst apart flinging out dozens of jagged wooden "daggers". The multiple barbs formed a lethal hail impaling one man and sending him with an agonizing scream to the ground.

The divided bolt's partner decided to take the express route delivering its fatal power in a direct hit. The second victim froze momentarily held in a rigid posture by the coursing raw energy. Wavering lines encased the writhing body. Smoke seethed from the glowing corpse's nose and mouth. Slowly the smoldering outline, no longer recognizable as human, soundlessly pitched over into a heap of charred bones. A few electrified residuum twitches jerked within the twisted pile then all motion stopped. The burning flesh's stomach-churning stench intermingled with the thrashing wind in a sickening saturation.

The last the spellbound pair made it fifty or so yards further. But unlike their fellow soldier's quite shocking end their elimination was achieved by being caught up in a dust-choked whirlwind. Lifting them well above the treetops the enveloping updraft contorted their bodies then dissipated dropping them to the unyielding earth below. The stark deformity of frame and form clearly showed that their shattered remains were only kept from falling apart by stringy tendons and shredded skin. Many bloodied slivers of broken bones pierced the pulpy flesh as their fractured points erupted through the skin like spiny needles.

Trowa nodded over at the slaughtered quartet wrinkling his nose at the macabre mess, "It appears that Decador wants no help in our termination." he shouted as the heavens seemed to tear apart with a deafening boom of thunder.

Heero took Duo's hand, "Run and don't stop until we reach the gate!"

Midway between the insurgent band and their portal to freedom the windswept haze of dust and smoke parted. Lanky figures could be seen ahead. The phantom shapes formed an unbroken line standing shoulder to shoulder in a row of at least a dozen. Through the smoggy veil the linear formation was odd in outline and makeup. The wind shifted once more thinning out the gritty curtain.

Every eye was drawn to the adversative blockade and held fast in horror at the sight. An army of skeletons blocked their way. Vacant eye sockets long ago having become void of their orbs gave no sign of seeing. Earth encrusted bones hung loosely from creaking joints. Crooked fingers curled about various deadly devices. Swords, battleaxes and lances, rusted and tarnished as if they had been buried with the unearthed warriors, gave the Army of the Dead quite an advantage since Heero's sword and an empty crossbow did not make for a very formable arsenal.

"What the hell!" Trowa exclaimed.

Duo his auburn braid flapping about him in shivering waves shook his head, "Hell is the best description I can think of." he announced.

With a wobbly gait the fleshless cadavers began their attack. Their slack-jointed anatomy did serve to slow their movements. This lazy animation would certainly aide the confronted band in combat that is if they could figure out how to fight the clattering foes. Heero and Trowa formed the front battle line. The Dark God cursed in exasperation at his arrowless disadvantage. Duo and Quatre with their own brand of swearing expressed their frustration as they felt helpless to join in their comrade's defense.

Quickly Duo decided to do something about his and Quatre's lack of weapons. "I will be only a minute." he stated starting to run back towards the opened side door.

"Duo what are you doing?" the Fair One called, "Come back!" His calling was too late as Duo had already disappeared into the gloomy shade inside the castle.

"Just once I wish he would not be so impulsive." Heero sighed debating whether or not to go after his headstrong lover, "No better stay here and keep the way clear." he finally decided.

"Maybe there is something he can do to help." Trowa declared knowing they could use all the intersession, human, divine, or otherwise, they could get.

Duo soon returned carrying what remained of the pulley's rusty chain. "It's not much but it is better than nothing." he stated looping several links around his hand letting the end dangle free. Quatre took up a sturdy limb left behind from the lightning-felled tree. "Ready?" he asked centering his weight and fortifying his courage.

The storm's artificial ecliptic twilight grew darker. The clatter of bones was plainly heard above the wind's wailing. Gruesome "smiles" anticipating an easy victory showed on the skeleton's toothless mouths as their bottom jawbones gaped low. The human and immortal warriors formed a semi-circle, weapons held ready and hearts united for the ensuing battle.

"Stand firm." Heero shouted over the storm's thundering voice as it sounded the attack call.

As the gap narrowed the skeletons parted flanking three to the right, six to the middle and three to the left. A scarlet glow from an unknown source shone from inside each eye socket's hollow recesses. The hellish army brought their weapons into the ready position quickening their awkward strides.

Trowa held the crossbow by the stock's end like a club leveling off at the three bony warriors furthest to the left. Heero raised his sword to intercept the next three. The remaining comrades in turn targeted each trio after that until everyone took equal responsibility.

Standing almost face to face with the skinless soldiers it suddenly occurred to Heero that he had no idea how to kill something that was already dead. Where to strike? What areas were vulnerable? There were no meaty muscles, no tissue that would accept a lethal slice. No internal organs to pierce, nothing to bleed away.

"One question," he began to ask as one of his assignments mounted a charge, " where are we supposed to hit them?" he yelled jumping aside to avoid a pitted sword.

The Dark Immortal didn't answer as he was too busy sidestepping a chopping battleaxe. His responding swing crashed the crossbow across the attacker's lanky neck shattering the brittle bones, "Like this." he proclaimed pivoting to face his next opponent as the decapitated skull rolled beside his feet.

Yuy took aim stepping into one bony combatant with a forceful thrust. The blade's tip glanced off a grim-stained shoulder blade as harmlessly as if he had used a feather. His unaffected assailant threw up its sword bringing it around in a curved slice. Heero felt the rush of air as the blade passed uncomfortably close to his head. "That tactic doesn't always work." he informed the Dark God.

"If I can't kill it I can at least disarm it." he thought centering his sword in line with the bony combatant's hand as it raised the rusty blade for another swing. This time Yuy's strike hit along the wrist bone successfully shattering the fragile joint. The hand and sword dropped away along with thousands of powdery particles. Mechanically the handless skeleton continued to slash as if the hand was still attached to the arm's blunt nub.

A second competitor reinforced the line on Heero's side. A battleaxe held in a double-grip came down with enough force to create a buzz as it cut through the stormy haze. He desperately dodged the axe as both skeletons attacked in unison. It was clear that the unearthed soldiers were operating with a single mindset---Kill The Intruders.

Now Trowa had become quite efficient with the crossbow's defensive moves. He brought the previously useless weapon around ramming the cross section squarely into a charging skeleton's breastbone. Fractured fragments disintegrated causing the fragile body to break in half. The severed frame collapsed into a heap.

Heero's axe-welding attacker became entangled in the bone pile but mindlessly kept to his task. As his feet snarled among the shards his balance was compromised. Captain Yuy transferred his weight to his back leg bringing his front foot up for a high side kick. His boot plowed straight through where the snaky spinal column attached to the hips. The frail warrior copied exactly his partner's crumbing away adding its bones to the increasing mound.


All the while the storm raged on. Wind-whipped funnels flung out anything caught up in the tornadic twisting. Gorged soil, chunks from the exploded tree, dead vegetation and bits of bone all combined into a dangerous blast of debris. The hellish sky spewed forth brilliant bolts charging the air with static so thick it caused a tingle on everyone's skin. The blinding brightness made it hard to see the enemy and even harder to mount a defense.

But in all its fury, in all the energy expelled throughout the courtyard, no rain fell. It was as if the heavens had no tears of either woe or regret. No remorse for the loathsome alliance between the warlock and his exhumed soldiers and no pity for his victims. The building tempest seemed to give life to Decador's demonic army. They drank in the power as lovers desiring a certain brand of corporeal lust and passion. They whored after it like an orgy of hellhounds giving into their depraved debauchery.


It didn't take long for Duo and Quatre to learn how to defeat their skinless foes. With uncharacteristic aggression Quatre double-clutched the tree limb chopping down his adversaries like firewood. One swing to the right then to the left took out all threats quickly and cleanly. It didn't take much strength just a good eye and aim.

Duo followed suit circling the chain over his head then snapping it out like a whip. In a crisscross fashion he plowed through the advancing troops. One skeleton with a huge hole in its skull that was probably the original cause of death proved to be more difficult in its destruction. Armed with a long lance it could stay out of Duo's reach and still inflect quite serious injuries. Twice the pike's slender point was shoved at Maxwell's middle. Both times the braided boy countered with a clanking smack from the chain but with only minimal results. In order to do enough damage to disarm his attacker Duo needed to get nearer but the trick was how to do it and keep his body in one piece.

The next charge he saw was high, definitely going for his head. He dropped under the stabbing shaft bending one knee so that he crouched compactly on the ground then he straightened the other leg bringing it around in a broad sweeping motion. His boot contacted with the lance owner's ankles totally upsetting his equilibrium. All the way down the extremely emaciated soldier rattled like bamboo wind chimes. The lance fell forward striking Duo's shoulder but inflecting little harm.

Standing quickly Duo dodged a broadsword. Once more the chain did a wonderful job cracking into the chipped blade as it came about. However the skeleton in possession of the ancient weapon managed to catch hold of the chain knotting the russet links around its thin fingers. A stout jerk pulled Duo off his feet bumping his head and back soundly on the ground. The jarring contact drove the breath from his lungs and set a swirling of dark dots in motion over his sight.

Shaky arms struggled as Duo tried to sit up. A cold sweat beaded on his skin. His eyes watered freely offering only a teary trace of vision. He knew the bare carcass and its sizeable weapon had to be near, probably standing over him, still he could not make out any shape or movement through his blurry sight and scattered senses. A heart-wrenching chill grabbed hold as the unmistakable clink of metal and the clatter of slack joints met his ears. Clawing in the grainy soil Duo retreated, sliding on his butt, trying in vain to elude the horrible menace looming over him. A vague impression, a shifting outline, swam in Duo's muddled mind. He threw up his arms knowing full well the protective gesture would do no good.

"Please have mercy on my soul." he prayed begging a higher deity for a measure of soul-saving grace should he perish by the skeleton's hands.

His vision cleared a bit but its unveiling presented a terrifying picture. The broadsword's pitted point hovered directly over his chest meaning to set it deeply into his heart.

"NO!" he screamed finding himself too paralyzed by fear to move. The blade came down. His heart skipped a beat then everything went black.


Gliding among wispy clouds a rainbow of colors surrounded Duo. The fresh scent of wildflowers wafted on the cool breeze. A weightless floating sensation buoyed his body across a sparkling diamond-studded sky. Each of the thousand faceted prisms reflected the vivid colors like jeweled butterfly wings. He soared viewing vast valleys and plains below. The lush landscape stretched on in an ever-changing natural quilt of varying shades and textures. The pristine panorama, he told himself, had to be so much like what a falcon must see each time the great bird of prey took flight.

Duo was free. The freedom from fear was exquisite, his delight excellent and his peace unexplainable. If this was the afterlife then all the suffering at the end was well worth the pain. He closed his eyes drinking in the pleasure, the total contentment. But there was a twinge of sadness laced with the beautiful state of consciousness. Realizing that Heero had been left behind hinted of a loneliness that tempered his joy. A forlorn disheartenment stole away some of the bliss leaving a void in his soul.

He had no way of knowing how long it would be before he and his lover would be reunited. He missed Heero's smile, his touch and most of all his love. Could it be this despondent melancholy was because he had not been ready to leave his beloved soldier? Had his soul not been prepared for the separation, not willing to endure the severance from his earthy plain to the next realm?

Duo looked around at the perfect place in which he dwelled. As much as he wanted to stay protectively enfolded in feathery wings of dazzling colors and soothing sounds he wanted, no needed, to return to his soul mate. Even though his homeland was filled with turmoil, scarred by the wounds of war. Although hatred spoiled the peace and marred the soul he wanted so desperately to go back. But did he have the power? Could he return back through the doorway between mortal frailty and the immortality of this perfect place?

"I am sorry," Duo whispered to the angels he knew had to be watching him, "but I have to go back. My duty is not done. I still have to finish the fight. I have to hold my lover and grow old with him. Please grant me my leave." he petitioned the supreme authority that ruled over life and death, "I promise I will stay true to the course set before me if I be allowed to return." he swore on his heart and soul, "Please!"

There was a stab of pain as the celestial sky's fabric rent about him. A dimness folded over him soothing him to sleep. Duo drifted again. Pass the rainbow, the butterflies. The colors faded and the internal peace gave way to an uneasy apprehension. But Duo knew the journey was not the end of his death but the renewed beginning of his life. A lifetime with Heero Yuy.


A far-off voice called his name so distantly that Duo was not certain of its source but his ears told him it was real. His eyes conveyed the parting of the black cloudbank and they hurt in the stabbing brightness of the lightning bolts. His weary weight settled on the earth's hard surface so opposite the fluffy cloud's softness. A chill covered over with only one centered bit of warmth to cut its shiver. The voice called again.

"Duo." it sounded so close but still the source was unknown. "Duo please." it begged as the warmth radiated in ever-widening rings.

Slowly Duo opened his eyes. They looked directly into the fearsome storm lashing out its violence all around. A hard breath shook his aching body and pounded in his starved lungs. Then Heero's face gradually emerged from the swirling dust and intense savagery of the evil sorcerer's vengeance.

"Duo." Heero repeated gently lifting his partner's throbbing head resting it in his lap. "Thank the saints you are awake." his soldier breathed out a relieved sigh.

Duo shifted his sight to take in the concerned faces of Quatre and Trowa. Each of his immortal brothers in arms displayed the same easement from their worry as they realized Duo's focus fell on them. "Stay still and rest." Quatre ordered taking Duo's hand. "We thought we had...lost you." he declared with a halting quiver in his voice.

"What happened?" Duo began to question then the second-sight of the broadsword plunging down shook every nerve bringing on a lancing shiver. "NO!" he screamed drawing arms and legs into a tight ball. The sudden displacement brought on a surge of pain and a feeble faintness.

Heero wrapped his arms about Duo's trembling frame. "It is all right, nothing can hurt you, I promise." he pledged rocking his frighten lover back and forth.

"Decador's entire baleful horde is gone." Trowa declared.

"All?" Duo whispered closing his eyes against the battering storm both inside his mind and outside his body.

"Every one of them." Heero proclaimed sliding one arm under Duo's shoulders and the other under his knees. Duo fastened his arms around his neck. Quatre reached around tucking up his comrade's auburn braid so it would not brush the ground. Lifting steadily Duo's brave soldier stood up cradling his lover as close as possible. "Let us all go home." he whispered placing a gentle kiss on Duo's pale lips.

Leaning over Heero held his lover to his chest to shield him from the storm-flung litter as they headed directly for the side gate. Trowa slid his arm about his Fair One's waist lending his protection as the wind whipped and the heavens continued to roar. "Once we leave this forsaken place," he told his mate, "we will be free of Decador's damnable influence."

As the victorious quartet reached the gate a voice boomed over the wind's roaring. "You have defeated my Elements and bested my Army of the Dead." Decador stated his words blending with the storm.

"Then will you keep your bargain?" Heero shouted above the rumbling of thunder and the disembodied voice.

There was a uneasy pause as the humans and immortals awaited the answer. The Gods of Light and Dark moved closer to Heero and Duo. Quatre shuddered as the pure evil of the Triad of Darkness' Chosen One touched his soul.

"You WILL let us leave!" Heero announced as his patience with Satan's bastard step-child finally reached the breaking point.

The wind grew harsher. The black clouds boiled. Angry flickers of energy spiked overhead. Duo hid his face in Heero's chest dreading what he knew the answer would be.

"NO!" Decador shouted as he suddenly materialized on the castle's parapets. His scarlet overcape folded about him like the wings of a great vulture eyeing his next meal.



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