Dreams Won't Let Go Part 8

Tinted with a bluish hue, the crescent moon hovered above the slumbering cityscape. Across the street a barking dog disturbed the otherwise peaceful neighborhood.

Heavy-eyed, bone weary and hurting in places they didn't know they had, the pair of jaded Preventer agents shuffled along the long trek to Heero's front door where it took three stabs at the lock before the key encoded the tumblers and the latch clicked to grant admittance.

Without switching on the foyer light, ankle-high combat boots were unlaced, tugged off and, with dull thuds, scattered in whatever random order they hit the floor. In identical disarray jackets, holstered Berettas and sheathed knives were tossed on the sofa.

His braid weighting a ton, Duo rubbed the nape of his neck where tension knotted the muscles then winced when the simple movement triggered a twinge across his sore ribs.

"I'm getting too old for this shit." he mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Heero inquired lethargically.

"Nothing." Duo replied in kind. "I've gotta get outta these filthy cloths." Was added as he made a straightway path for the bedroom.

Veering off toward the kitchen, Heero announced. "I need a drink."

Not in the mood to quarrel over his partner's habit of seeking solace in alcohol, Duo shrugged. "Whatever."


Aided by a street lamp's subtle glow filtering through the blinds Heero searched until he found the largest glass, filled it to the brim with straight vodka, flopped down at the table and set the glass down hard enough to splash a measure of its contents over his hand.

Encompassed by darkness, the lone warrior was bombarded by phantasmic sights and sounds no doubt spawned from absolute physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.

Like the flickering film of an archaic black and white movie, scenes beginning with confronting David Austin and ending with the traitorous agent sprawled in coagulated blood at the terrified Elektra Largo's feet, were projected inside his head at breathtaking speed.

Jumbled among the rapid fire images, in contradictory slow motion, Antonio Sanchez, a villainous sneer poised on his lips, aimed his pistol not at Austin but at Duo and fired. At the same decelerated rate the bullet bored into Duo's forehead, his eyes washed over in a glassy death gaze and he took Austin's place at Elektra's feet.

Over and over the pictures repeated, each fatal frame advancing at a meticulous pace. Again and again each muzzle flash was flawlessly reproduced with gut wrenching clarity and amongst the horrific replays Heero struggled to move through the syrupy celluloid and each time he failed to save Duo.

Heart pounding, Heero's entire body flinched as the BANG of the shot exploded in his ears and the awful echo sent tremors coursing through his soul. His mouth gaped wide to forewarn, to scream, but the silence only served as mute testimony to his failure.

Elektra's grief-stricken face floated before his anguished eyes. Unlike his voiceless response, her embittered pronouncement was clearly heard. "You murdered my father."

With an urgent intake of air, Heero was forcefully roused from the devious dream. Disoriented, he stared at his wavy countenance reflected in droplets of vodka shimmering on the tabletop.

Suddenly besieged by guilt for Vincent Largo's death then assaulted by shame, the Perfect Soldier was once again reminded he was not perfect after all.

Cold sweat beading on his face and body trembling, Heero cursed Dr. J. for training away his compassion. He railed against the self-serving politicians and the power hungry military officials who waged war, not for colonial autonomy, but their own narcissistic glory.

Nevertheless in the end when the Grim Reaper tallied his score card, after thousands of soldiers and pilots and countless civilians paid the ultimate price for freedom, Heero had no one to blame but himself for the awful atrocities he and Wing Zero wrought.

Overwhelmed by remorse, he grabbed up the glass determined to drain the vodka dry and yet again retreat into a merciful anesthetized haze where he didn't have to think or feel or deal with the deficiencies in his humanity.

Glass inches from Heero's lips, Duo's voice whispered inside his mind. "I found out the hard way, altering your senses makes you vulnerable and doesn't exorcise one damn ounce of sorrow from your soul."


Stripped to his navy blue boxers and unfettered hair secured in a tatty ponytail, Duo divided his attention between watching the moon's descent below the treetops and scrutinizing his unkempt reflection in the windowpane.

It had been a long day and a longer night, in fact, it seemed like an endless year. Codes had been deciphered; puzzle pieces had fallen into place to revealed complete pictures, but the questions of why and why not still hadn't been addressed to his satisfaction.

While Duo was traveling with the Sweepers, a crewman quoted an unknown author: "The only thing constant in life is change."

How true, for Duo reckoned his chances of a life resembling any mode of normalcy was as improbable as resurrecting Deathsycthe from the scrap heap. Nor could Heero, who by now had eased into a stuporous fog, ever hope for anything resembling ordinary.

As a Preventer employee Duo's job requirements were not that dissimilar from his role as a colonial rebel. The thin lines separating good guys and bad guys were still blurred and his superiors' objectives were just as vague, yet he'd settled into some semblance of order.

With more effort, Heero had transformed from a robotic Zero System manipulated soldier into a peacekeeper. Despite his segregative stubbornness of accepted assistance only when mission parameters deemed it necessary and his annoying propensity for details, Heero was usually an agreeable partner.

Still there would always be a part of Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell sealed off by walls constructed of self-preservation and fortified with mistrust fostered by hazardous childhoods that forced them to grow up too fast.

So body dressed in a modicum of modesty, mind plagued by fatigue and emotions frayed around the edges, the former God of Death was beyond rational thoughts or feeling anything except the early morning chill that raised goose bumps on his exposed skin.


Sock-softened footsteps padded down the hall, paused at the open bedroom door then, displaying an uncharacteristic lack of boldness, didn't dare cross the threshold.

Held in place by uncertainty, Heero evaluated the slender silhouette bathed in the blush of sunrise to ascertain Duo's disposition.

Unable to make out no more than shadowy impressions replicated on the window, he was offered glimpses of expressions or an occasional hint of lavender eyes focused on nothing in particular before Duo tilted his head and his full face was visible.

In that brief time span, David Austin's features, washed over in death's ghostly pallor, merged with Duo's likeness. Powerless to exorcise the ghoulish apparition, an icy shiver clawed up Heero's spine.

"Duo." was called barely above a whisper.

If Duo was aware of his partner standing just outside the room, he neither acknowledged Heero's presence nor did he issue an invitation to enter.

Summoning up courage not bolstered by vodka several targeted strides carried Heero to Duo's side.

"Duo I need."

A deep breath.

"To talk to you."

Without warning Duo pivoted in place. Eyes narrowed in a defiant stare, his hands sprang up to cut off the stammering sentence.

"If this is the booze talkin' I don't want to hear it."

Not shrinking from the stern look, Heero cupped his hands on Duo's face. "I'm stone cold sober." he declared then utilized a chaste kiss to underscore his sobriety.

When their lips parted tears glistened in Heero's eyes. "I've been a damn fool." he confessed, "Life is too short, too uncertain to waste time denying my emotions.

When I thought I might lose you, first in the abandoned apartment then when Sanchez killed Austin." A sturdy shudder racked his body. "It could have been you lying in that pool of blood. It could have been you entombed in that body bag."

Desperate with desire Heero proclaimed. "Duo Maxwell I love you. I couldn't stop loving you any more than I could stop breathing."

There was no hesitation in Duo's misty eyes or his body language as he slipped his hands over Heero's shoulders, encircled his neck and made his heartfelt declaration.

"Heero Yuy I love you. I've been just as foolish and," the last word trailed off into a sigh, "fearful."

"Fearful?" Heero questioned the anxious connotation. "Why would you be afraid of me?"

"I wasn't afraid of you but what if I misinterpreted the signals or mistakenly believed your concern for my welfare was personal rather than professional. What if I'd said or done the wrong thing---what if---"

"Shhhhh." Heero halted the "what ifs" as he slid his arms around Duo's bare waist and hugged him so tightly their bodies molded together. "We've both done too much second guessing, too much dancing around our feelings. Let me show you how much I love you."

Duo's reply was a fervent kiss intended to kindle all consuming flames ignited by hormonal lust and fueled by unconditional love.

Lips crushed. Mouths gaped wide. Tongues flickered and teased.

Encouraged by a low moan Duo broke the adamant kiss, guided Heero to the bed, threw back the quilted comforter and top sheet and sat him down.

Eager to feel flesh against flesh, Duo tugged Heero's tee shirt over his head and divested him of his trousers.

Made more impatient by an unbending bulge in Heero's red and black plaid boxes, Duo hooked his thumbs under the waistband and began a downward lank that came to a sudden stop when Heero tensed up.

Surprised by the unanticipated change in attitude, Duo wondered. "You all right?"

Face flushed with excitement and breaths labored, Heero panted "Yeah." Averting his eyes from Duo's concerned expression, he sighed. "It's just."

A brief bout of confusion on Duo's part then the reason for his partner's vacillation became clear. "Are you a virgin?"

This time the blush was fashioned by embarrassment as Heero wordlessly nodded in the affirmative.

Duo climbed onto the bed, sat cross-legged and took Heero's hand. "We don't have to do anything until you're ready. I promise I won't be upset if you want to wait."

Cobalt tears threatening to spill over dark lashes, Heero swallowed to dislodge the lump clogging his throat. "I have no doubts about loving you, but I don't know what to do."

It broke Duo's heart to see the former rebel who took pride in his training and, no matter the circumstances, was always in control so unconfident because he wanted desperately to please his partner.

"Ah hell," Duo grinned, "sex is doin' what comes naturally. There's no right way or wrong way, just what feels good."

Seemingly more composed, Heero asked. "Are you a virgin?"

"Nope. I was deflowered at fourteen by a worldly girl of seventeen named Maria. After my sexual schooling I had a few causal affairs with women. When I was fifteen," the grin bloomed into a full smile, "I found out my tree branched on the male side."

Taking on a serious demeanor, Duo leaned closer. "Do you trust me?"

"With my life."

"Then we'll take this journey together and set the pace by following our hearts. Okay?"


The next joining of lips was a gentle kiss designed to alleviate Heero's apprehension and ease both lovers into mutual state of gratification.

Duo's fingers teased Heero's stomach, traced circular patterns over the rock solid abdomen that rippled like a washboard.

Next his tongue flicked over one brown nipple then the other alternating between licking and sucking until both hardened nubs were so sensitive Heero thought he'd be driven to the point of madness.

With a carefully calculated interlude, Duo paused in his expert manipulations.

"More!" Heero insisted, grabbing for Duo's idle hands.

As much as Duo wanted to take his time, to take forever to explore all the bodily sensations and wondrous emotions that had suddenly stirred to life, he couldn't deny his partner's passionate wishes.

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been more certain of anything."

"Promise you'll tell me if you want to stop."

"I promise."

Side by side both men wriggled out of their boxes. Unashamed of his nudity or his rigid manhood, Heero laid back on the bed and spread his legs.

Ignoring the twinge across his ribs, Duo cradled his soon-to-be lover's bent knees under his arms, scooted forward so his body fitted snuggly between the parted thighs and pulled the tie from his loose ponytail so the flowing mane tickled over Heero's body.

With the same masterful skill, Duo tunneled his hand around Heero's erection, poised his lips over the head and, without preamble, swallowed the engorged shaft to the hilt.

Metered strokes from base to tip tingled, with each slither of wet lips Heero bowed and moaned as torrid currents set his throbbing penis on fire.

"Duo! Make me come." Heero begged as wave after hot wave coursed through his genitals.

"You WILL NOT come until I say you can." Duo ordered the Perfect Soldier.

"Please!" Heero entreated with urgency.

But Duo didn't heed his lover's petition for release. "Be patient my love." He requested knowing how hard it was to keep the building pressure in check.

With one last lick across creamy fluid trickling from the salvia soaked tip, Duo lifted Heero's legs and draped them over his shoulders to elevate the buttocks at the correct angle for his penetrative purposes.

Brushing back damp bangs plastered on Heero's forehead, Duo declared, "We need something to make our union more comfortable."

"There's lotion on the bedside table."

Fingers coated, Duo carefully eased one digit passed the tight anal muscles to make them pliable. A second finger was gently inserted; a third stretched the ring wider.

At first Heero struggled to relax, but with each additional insertion he pushed back against the pleasurable pressure and with each push a husky groan rose in his throat.

Sensing his lover was ready Duo removed his fingers, balanced his weight and centered his well lubricated manhood at the primed opening.

Without further manual stimulus Duo asked again. "Are you sure?"

Heero fixed his best glare to illustrate his displeasure at making him wait and growled. "I want you inside me now!"

Accompanied by graphic descriptions of what delightfully sinful things he was planning to do, Duo gritted his teeth, bowed his back and, surrendering to his carnal desire to claim his lover, thrust hard and fast.

Heero flinched then sucked in a sharp gulp of air as Duo filled him completely.

Now beyond the point of no return Duo clasped a hand on either side of already hoisted hips for more leverage and put all his energy into each full-length lunge.

Heero couldn't imagine Duo going any deeper but with the position change Deathscythe's master stimulated new territory.

A look of indescribable ecstasy etched on his face and chanting a mantra of moans, all Heero could do was plead with whatever deity ruled over rapture, claw up fistfuls of sheet and hold on with a white-knuckled grip as each thrust hit the sweet spot.

Heero's entire body jerked. "DAMN!" was hissed in the throes of arousal induced shudders.

Duo let his own breathy panting feather over Heero's sweat-drench chest "I want you to touch yourself." he instructed, "Pleasure yourself as only you know how."

Distracted by his partner's concentrated attention, Heero found it difficult to comprehend the directive.

Realizing his lover's confusion, Duo leaned closer. "Pleasure yourself." He repeated guiding Heero's hand to his quivering erection.

In tempo with Duo's rocking motions, Heero stroked his swollen penis, fingers automatically knowing just the right way to caress and fondle.

Now Heero and Duo moved as united partners in the dance of love.

With Heero's hands engaged in utter self-indulgence petting, Duo settled into a rhythmical cadence to make certain he hit the exact spot again and again.

Rutting roughly Duo put all he could muster into bringing his lover to a thundering climax and was rewarded when Heero wailed. "I'm coming!"

A devilish smile curled up Duo's lips, "I know, koibito, I know."

Heero tightened his anal passage bearing down as hard as he could. Duo jabbed forward determined to drive his lover to the brink of sexual insanity before allowing his own seed to burst forth.

Finally in unison, not caring if the whole world heard their primal screams of passion, both lovers cried out in spontaneous orgasmic release.

One final overpowering shiver racked both bodies. Gasps for air puffed over glistening skin.

Heero's quivering legs slipped from Duo's shoulders to flop on either side, hands bathed in milky secretions still grasped his pulsating manhood.

Duo braced his shaky arms on the bed and ever so slowly eased out then curled up beside his sated partner. "Are you all right?" he couldn't help asking again as Heero was shivering and his face was as pale as the white pillow case.

"I will be."

Duo tugged the sheet up to cover their clammy nakedness and ward off a chill. Once more fretful worry accented his question. "Did I hurt you?"

Heero turned on his side facing his friend, his partner and now his lover and slipped his arm over Duo's waist. "It hurt at first," he answered honestly, "but it was exquisite pain and I have no complaints."

"Next time you can pound me into the mattress." Duo offered reciprocal incentives for future passion sessions then seal the deal with a kiss.

After a long moment of silence, Heero wondered. "Do you think we've abolished the nightmares?"

Duo sighed. "I don't know."

"Suppose the dreams won't let go?"

"Then we'll face them together." Duo pledged to safeguard Heero's heart, mind and soul.

In the predawn amber glow the bonded soul mates, no longer afraid of what might happen tomorrow, took comfort in each other's reassuring embrace.

Content to bathe in the afterglow, Heero closed his eyes, set his breathing in precise time with Duo's heartbeat and whispering "I love you." drifted off into dreamless slumber.

"No more dreams my love." Duo made his entreatment to heaven before pulling his precious partner as close as physically possible and also yielding to the Sand Man's summon.


10:22 a.m.

Duo cracked open one eye, scowled at the bright sunlight invading the bedroom then urged the second lavender orb to follow suit.

Although the morning was slipping away he was in no rush to rise, instead he studied Heero's peaceful countenance, put to memory smooth bronze skin, graceful ridges of cheekbones, strong jaw lines and slightly bruised lips that begged to be kissed.

In contrast to the winded exertion that accentuated his and Heero's lovemaking, Duo listened to steady breathing which could've lulled him into a catnap.

*Commander Po will require her report.* was rudely interjected into the midmorning serenity.

Mumbling vulgar expletives that would put the crudest Sweeper to shame, Duo braced his elbows on the bed and pushed to sit up. However he promptly discovered he was pinned in place by a knot of long locks trapped under Heero's left shoulder.

After a cautious tug failed to free the ensnared mane, his attempt to lift the shoulder without rousing his partner proved unsuccessful.

Heero stirred awake with a snort causing Duo to withdraw as far as he could in case the Wing Zero pilot's ingrained defense response of pommel first then identify the alleged enemy was put in force.

When no blows were forthcoming, Duo smiled at his drowsy bedmate. "Mornin' love." he greeted then proclaimed. "You're layin' on my hair."

A wince accompanied Heero's disentangling from the sheet and sliding up. Before Duo asked yet again if he was all right, "I'm sticky, more stiff than sore and very happy." he declared then emphasised his contentment with a fervent kiss.

Also sticky with muscles inclined to be inflexible, Duo proposed an always reliable remedy. "Let's take a hot shower."

Since Heero's magnificent ass was tender, Duo opted for washing and rinsing every inch of his partner. Heero returned the favor by helping Duo shampoo and condition his hair.

Hair combed or braided and dressed in Preventer uniforms, Heero and Duo shared a brunch of strong coffee and blueberry muffins slathered with margarine.

"I'm inclined not to go to HQ this afternoon." Duo declared as he sipped his steamy mug.

Heero wiped his fingers on "a poor man's napkin" aka paper towel. "We have to be debriefed and file an evidence report so the Federal Prosecutor can build an airtight case against Largo and Sanchez."

"That's true," Duo agreed, "but I'm not in the mood for bullshit from the Commander or anyone else. Both of us have gone beyond the call of duty more times than I can count so if she gives us attitude I won't think twice about resigning."

"May I suggest an alterative strategy?"

"I'm listening."

"You and I have amassed months of vacation time. We hang around a few days until the wheels of justice start spinning then take off for a remote tropical destination where the world won't find us."

Duo had to admit images of a thatched roof bungalow encircled by palm trees; white sand beaches and warm azure water ideal for skinny dipping were very tempting.

Include cool sea breezes, dazzling sunsets, rum flavored kisses and making love under the stars and he was quite willing to tolerate a reasonable amount of bullshit.

Visions of sand and sun and stars fixed in his mind, Duo took his soul mate's hand. "You and me alone in paradise, Heero Yuy I love you."

Leaning in for a kiss, Heero sighed. "I know, koibito, I know."



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