Dragonheart Part 6

The village sat in a wide expanse of land on the Peacecraft Kingdom's eastern border. While a third of the people owned small farms in the surrounding countryside the majority of inhabitants dwelled within the township limits.

A single road ran down the center lined with shops, a blacksmith and stables, a combination tavern and inn and a simply timber and stone church. Most people lived above their places of business or in wood-framed houses that were scattered around the outskirts.

In an open area some distance off the road a band of Gypsies had pulled their brightly painted wagons into a circle and established a separate community from the townspeople. While the nomads were tolerated, they were not given equal status or granted the same legal rights. Anytime that something came up missing or livestock disappeared, the Gypsies were the first suspects and the last to be cleared of the blame.

Although the shaky coexistence between the "strangers" as they were often called and the villagers had been maintained for over a year, the band of thirty or so Gypsies were constantly reminded of their station in society and expected to stay in that pre-appointed place.

Still every night when the campfires blazed, the fiddles sang out their haunting tunes and the bewitching raven-haired girls danced there was always a secret audience, mostly local men, that viewed the colorful festivities from the forest's seclusion.

The locals had also put Duo in the outcast category so the Gypsies had extended him a warm welcome. The elders did not believe that Duo was a wizard nor it did not matter to them if the rumors were true about the braided man keeping company with dragons.

They did not care about a person's background or the amount of money in their pockets. All the wandering band demanded of anyone was a measure of virtue if not a totally godly life. They lived as a family and whether you were blood-kin or an outsider they expected loyalty among the camp.

Heero's attention was immediately drawn to the unusual wagons covered with scenes of faraway places. The vivid colors and mysterious images again reminded him of how sheltered he had been.

There was a different world beyond the Peacecraft's sovereignty. There were sights that one could only dream of...snow-crested mountains, great seas, forests filled with trees so tall they seemed to touch the sky and all those marvelous pictures were portrayed to please the eye and stir the heart.

Duo pointed the way into the camp's inner circle. All around men and women came closer to see whom the Dragon Keeper had brought along. Children paused in their play to point at the new arrivals.

Wing halted as a man stepped up beside the stallion. Once more Heero was made aware that he was but a small part of a greater world. "Greetings Duo." the man with slanted eyes called. Heero had heard of Orientals but had never thought that he would see one in the flesh. He couldn't help but marvel at the man's golden skin and his coarse hair that was as black as a moonless night.

"Hello Wufei. This is Heero."

Wufei bowed from the waist then locked his equally black eyes on the man with the sword. "Dismount." he urged with a wave of his hand. Duo slip gracefully to the ground, Heero followed.

"Come join me by the fire."

As Wufei and his guests settled themselves on a pair of rough-hewn benches two men who Duo didn't know were also invited to sit down. The taller man named Trowa had an accent that Heero couldn't identify. The other man introduced as Quatre was, in the opposite way, as striking as Wufei.

Quatre's complexion was fair, his hair flaxen and his eyes the same blue hue as robin eggs. It didn't take astute observation to know that Quatre and Trowa shared a special relationship. Holding hands was an obvious clue but even if the physical contact had not been openly displayed their body language, the way their eyes met, would have been sure evidence that they were lovers.

But what intrigued Heero was the odd way in which Trowa and Quatre communicated. Hand gestures had replaced the spoken word.

When Trowa noticed Heero's puzzlement he explained, "Quatre can hear but he is mute so we use a language done with our hands and the expression of our eyes."

Quatre offered a shy smile to Heero and made a sign. Trowa translated. "He says welcome."

"Thank you." Heero answered as he remembered that Quatre could hear his voice and understand his words.

The conversation continued. Duo caught up on the gossip. Wufei told of camp life. There had been yet another dispute with the locals, this time over fishing in the river.

When Heero commented that no one owned the river the Oriental snorted, "The people around here believe that everything belongs to them."

Quatre's nimble hands flew into a flurry of activity. "They would control the air if they could." Trowa decoded out loud as his partner expressed his view in an amazing animated fashion. It was clear that the young man had no shortage of opinions and did not let his lack of voice get in the way of articulating them.

It didn't take long for other camp members to join the quintet. Heero was not surprised to see the children flock around Duo. They easily recognized his purity of heart and perhaps they also sensed his connection to Shinigami and, like Heero, shared the same fascination.

Duo gave into a young Oriental girl's coaxing to braid her thick black hair. His fingers moved with expert swiftness and soon she sported a shorter version of his style. With a giggle she lifted the braid proudly showing everyone the Dragon Keeper's handiwork.

Wufei placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead then settled her into his lap. "Quatre play a song for us." he urged as Jen wiggled in anticipation.

Quatre smile shyly then cut his eyes at his green-eyed lover. "Yes play for us." Trowa encouraged, "I'll get your violin."

Quatre nodded "yes".

Trowa retrieved a battered case from a wagon then carefully handed it to Quatre. With a reverence in his touch Quatre removed the violin, plucked a few strings to check the tuning then tucked the treasured instrument under his chin.

He poised the bow over the taut strings. With practiced precision the bow was drawn back then something magical happened. Notes melted into a mellifluous resonance and the resonance into a breathtaking melody.

Quatre closed his eyes as the music flowed from his heart into his fingers. In the same fluid manner that Quatre's hands "spoke" they fingered the frets and wondrous sounds flowed forth. There was a longing in the notes, a sadness that sprang from his soul and spilled over in the hauntingly beautiful song.

A silence fell over the camp, over the entire forest. The birds stopped their twittering in deference to the skillful musician. Other forest creatures paused to perk their ears and dared to come closer to the human camp as they, too, were lulled by the sweet strains wafting over the woodlands.

What Quatre could not verbally say was clearly communicated by the caress of bow on strings as he poured his heart and soul into the music. He swayed in time to the rhythm, fingers gently persuading the meter and the bow floating over the stings like the wind over the willows.

Heero closed his eyes as he became thoroughly enthralled with the bittersweet song. His chest tightened with mounting sobs, his eyes stung with unshed tears. His heart ached for his loss...for comrades slain in battle, for a father who refused to accept his son as a soldier but, most of all, Heero secretly wept for himself.

There was a hole in his heart, an insurmountable gulf that he had no hope of crossing. Heero had stubbornly hardened his heart until he no longer had the physical fortitude or the mental strength to tear down the self-built barrier.

It was all that Heero could do to control his trembling. It took all his willpower to ward off the onslaught of weeping. The war had sapped his endurance, the night terrors had ruin his resistance and Quatre's mournful melody was about to be his final undoing.

Mercifully Quatre drew the bow across one last time holding the final mournful note until all of his sorrow was played out. With a soft sigh the meek young man opened his azure eyes and ended the assault on Heero's brittle emotions.

"Beautiful." Trowa expressed everyone's praise then leaned over to give his fair lover a appreciative kiss.

Duo didn't bother to hide the watery glaze that shimmered over his violet eyes. "Every time you play you touch my heart."

Quatre replaced the violin in its case, close the lid and signed to Trowa. "Quatre says thank you."

Jen turned in Wufei's lap and whispered close to his ear. Wufei whispered back then nodded toward Quatre. Jen slipped down, scurried to Quatre and gave him a hug.

Quatre returned the heartfelt embrace before Jen stepped back. Small hands made a simple sign..."I love you."

"I love you, too." Quatre replied.

Jen's innocence, like Duo's purity of spirit, stabbed through Heero's heart dissolving what little control he had managed to maintain. He could not defile their perfection with his barbaric sins. His brutish past, his bloodstained soul was not compatible with the Gypsies' peaceful way of life.

Suddenly he couldn't breathe, his heart hammered in his chest and he felt that if he did not flee that he would surly die. The identical panic that tore through his sleep and left him grappling and screaming was bringing on an unbearable faintness.

Heero's hand involuntarily curled around his sword searching for some degree of sustainment. His knuckles whitened as his fingers closed over the battle-scarred handle.

Duo immediately noticed how pale his friend had become. Further study saw beads of sweat across Heero's brow and a visible shaking in Heero's hand on his sword.

Without calling attention to himself Duo eased from his seat and went to Heero's side. "What's wrong?"

Heero fought to force words passed the constriction in his throat but all he could do was meet Duo's concerned face with pleading in his alarmed sight. Duo put a reassuring hand on Heero's arm. "I understand."

Turing to his friends Duo kept the pressure in place. "As much as Heero and I have enjoyed the music and certainly the company we must be on our way."

Trowa seemed perplexed at Duo's intensions to leave. "Must you go so soon?"

"I promised Heero that I would show him a few more sights before evening," Duo lied, "but I am sure that this will not be the last time you will see us." he finished using a gentle tug to get Heero on his feet.

Heero put on his soldier's facade and finally found his voice. "I must leave for my home in the morning. When I am settled I promised that I will return for a longer visit." Then as an afterthought he added, "Maybe I can arrange for you to come to my house so I can repay your hospitality."

Wufei gathered Jen in his arms and stood up. "We would be honored to visit but we are not often well-received." he stated the truth.

"You will be received in my home." Heero declared. He knew what it was like to be shunned and he had vowed that no one would ever experience that rejection, not by his hand.

"Then we will look forward to seeing you again." Wufei replied with a respectful bow.

Trowa offered his hand, "God guard you journey." Quatre smiled and Heero understood his silent blessing for a safe trip.

Letting Duo guide him to Wing Heero glanced back over his shoulder and offered Jen a strained smile as she waved goodbye.


Once Wing had carried his uneasy master and Duo out of the camp's range Heero halted his stallion in a grove of stout oaks. Moping his damp face he struggled for the words to give Duo a much-deserved explanation for his strange behavior.

But Duo knew exactly what had trigged Heero's panic. Another squeeze preceded his understanding statement. "I know how fear can rob your breath and threaten to stop your heart."

Heero clenched his jaw and his mouth drew into a thin pale line. "I should be stronger." he growled as his embarrassment was quickly giving way to anger. But his rage was not directed at Duo but at himself for allowing the loss of control.

Captain Heero Yuy was a soldier and soldiers could not afford to have any emotional frailty. The slightest twinge of fear, a moment's indecision could cost lives and bring disgrace to his comrades.

Again his hands turned white as he gripped the reins so hard that the leather cut into his skin. "My father will not see me this way." he hissed under his breath before he realized that Duo had heard the determined declaration.

Duo leaned around so he could study Heero's eyes. "The only person you have to answer to is yourself. Your father's approval is not necessary for your self-worth."

Placing his hand under Heero's chin Duo made him turn his head until blue and violet eyes locked. "You are a good person, an honorable soldier. You have a kind soul and that is why you are hurting."

Heero tried to pull away but Duo would not let him. "Tonight we are going to do something to prove that the war has not ravaged your decency."

Heero relaxed, Duo's hand slid away. "What can you do for me? What is left to save?"

A smile blossomed on Duo's face and Heero swore that sparks flashed over his unusual orbs. "All the pieces are there. I will help you put them back together."

"And how to you purpose to do that?"

"By giving you a proper introduction to Shinigami." With that surprising announcement Duo nudged Wing and sent him off in a trot through the forest.



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