Dragonheart Part 19

It took least than an hour to set up the deception. Quatre and his fellow musicians gathered on the makeshift stage. An older lady put up a small tent and hung a sign over the entrance: ~Madam Rose--Tarot Reader~.

Acrobats and jugglers stretched and limbered up. Female performers whispered coyly among themselves and gave suggestive glances to the soldiers as they began to straggle in a few at a time. A keg of "special" ale that had brewed with sleeping herbs was prominently displayed to encourage the men to imbibe in the laced liquor.

Heero untied his and Duo's swords from the axle and hid them under a pleated skirt he was helping to secure around the stage. Beside the bladed weapon he placed a bundle wrapped in paper and a pair of knee-high black boots.

Duo paced beside the wagon reviewing every move and countermove in his mind. As he shored up his nerve for his challenge to Merquise he had no delusions that the fight would be easy.

Heero watched his lover's fitful pacing with mixed emotions. He had taught Duo everything he needed to know and his partner had excelled in his lessons but Heero couldn't help but wonder if Duo had it in his soul to match Merquise's level of ruthlessness.

Heero readily admitted to himself that he was selfish where Duo was concerned. All he wanted was to hold his precious partner, to forever keep him safe but he also knew that same protective love had to let Duo fight. If Duo could not regain his self-respect then no amount of caring on Heero's part could comfort Duo's soul.


More men wandered in until most of the "army" was assembled for the show. Finally Commander Merquise swaggered in acting like the entire Gypsy troop was there for his pleasure. He pause to survey the scene then sat down in a chair that Wufei provided for him.

"Welcome sir." Wufei greeted the arrogant bastard with another bow of mock meekness.

Merquise fixed his ice blue sight on a pair of female dancers. "Pretty." he declared.

Wufei black eyes followed the Commander's lecherous stare. "Yes sir."

The Peacecraft heir motioned for Wufei to lean nearer then lowered his voice so their conversation would not be overheard. "I fancy those two beauties." he nodded at the young women, "I would like an introduction."

It took all of Wufei willpower to keep a false smile on his face and his hands from Merquise's throat. "They would be honored to meet your Lordship. I will personally see to it after the show."


Lively music directed everyone's attention to the stage. Quatre's fingers skimmed over the frets and the bow slipped across the strings like lightning. Two more fiddlers filled in the necessary notes for a triple melody and a drummer pounded out the meter inviting everyone to dance.

Women in multicolored skirts and blouses with silken ribbons in their shiny black hair twirled and flared out the skirt's hems to expose their shapely legs. Tambourines tapped on hips that swayed in time with the rousing tune. Men in loose sleeved shirts and stripy trousers spun in place.

One man curved his hands over his head tapping out a graceful fandango. Then he wrapped his arms around a female dancer and they engaged in a seductive dance as if they were making love to the music.

Each entertainer did their best to capture the soldiers' attention. To the left acrobats somersaulted in midair with such speed that their bodies became a blur of motion. Likewise jugglers tossed wooden Indian clubs to each other at an amazing pace. The fire-eater held some of the assembled crowd in stunned silence as mouthfuls of flames were swallowed and extinguished with his lips.

It didn't take any time before Merquise's men were swamped with every form of sensory overload. Music blared in their ears; bedazzling distortion confused their eyes. The altered ale also worked its magic slowly sending many men into a drowsy haze.

A man with an English accent sat down opposite the fortune-teller. The mysterious women handed him the tarot cards, "Shuffle the deck then cut it with your left hand." she instructed.

When the shuffling and cutting was complete she took the cards and laid three facedown in a row. Turning over "The Moon" she announced, "You are on the brink of an important change." The second, "The Aeon". "Yes," she nodded, "you are taking a definite step."

The man started to speak but she raised her hand signaling for silence. "The final card, "The Seven of Swords", you will make a journey by land."

"A journey? I ain't plannin' on goin' no where." the Brit declared, "Just where is it do ya think I'm goin'?"

"With me." a voice proclaimed from over the surprised man's shoulder. Roughly the startled soldier was grabbed by the arm, hauled around and knocked silly by a beefy fist.

As the very cooperative man was carried through a slit in the tent's back the wily women with the cards leaned closer to the entrance. "Next." she summoned as she placed "The Fool" lengthwise across the ill-fated cards.

The culling continued. Cassandra finished a dance then made her way to three men standing off by themselves. Employing the same sultry techniques formally used to beguile the Captain she let her ample charms bait the trap. "You gentlemen shouldn't be alone." she purred leaning over just enough for a sneak preview of her buxom bosom.

The tallest of the trio eyed the fetching girl with lustful anticipation. "You want to keep us company?"

Cassandra curled the cord laced through her blouse around her finger. "Of course."

"I'm not sure you can handle all of us."

"You won't find out standing here." she nodded towards the forest. "Let's go somewhere private."

Like dogs trained to trail a decoy the men obediently fell into line behind the Gypsy girl's wiggling hips. Once they passed the tree line and the forest became dense enough to conceal their intended sport, Cassandra stopped. "Here will do nicely. Which one is first?"

The threesome stood dumbfounded as if they were questioning their luck. Finally the man who had done the initial bargaining stepped forward. "I won't wear her out too much." he promised as he leaned over for a kiss.

A glint of light flashed over his eyes, a prick of pain brought him to an abrupt halt. The pointed tip of a dirk pressed into the soft flesh under his chin. A single drop of blood oozed from the pinpoint penetration.

"What the hell?" he managed to mumble as the painful pressure was increased to keep him in place.

Before the remaining pair could figure out what had happened they found themselves surround by four Gypsies armed with equally deadly blades.

"I don't think I have time to party now." Cassandra stated with not a hint of disappointment in her honeycomb voice.

The trio quickly realized that they were outnumbered and wisely decided to surrender without a fight. Letting the dirk's finely honed blade glide down her suitor's throat Cassandra put him on notice that the game was over.


A total of twenty-two men had been spirited away into the forest. At least a dozen more had succumb to the ale's sleepy influence and was oblivious to their responsibility. With the numbers reduced the Gypsies found that they had the advantage. At Wufei's signal the performers swarmed in like a horde of hornets rapidly surrounding the overwhelmed soldiers.

Having surprise on their side the coup was accomplished with a minimum of difficulty. Even Commander Merquise was caught completely off-guard as he was set upon and relieved of this sword.

Pale hair wildly framing his flushed face and icy eyes narrowed in an angry scowl, the Peacecraft Prince was obviously outraged at his dethroning. Merquise centered his acidic sight on the Oriental who dared to opposed him. "I will have your head on a pike." he growled out his decree of Wufei's price for the insurrection.

The false humility vanished from Wufei's ebony eyes. He squared his shoulders and with every ounce of Gypsy pride he fixed the Commander's glaring sight. "Your ungodly reign is concluded." he announced loudly enough for everyone to hear. "And your army will not come to your defense."

"You are a cocky bastard who has made a grave mistake. No one has authority over me." Merquise stated through clenched teeth, "You and your outcasts will pay with your lives."

Wufei let a thin-lipped smile curve up his mouth's corners. "You are the one who will pay for your atrocities." he promised retribution for the Prince's evil deeds.

"And how do you mean to fix my punishment?"

"The King's tribunal will set the penalty for your treason," Wufei confirmed, "but not before you face Gypsy justice."

Merquise's expression was difficult to read as he studied the obstinate Oriental. "Gypsy justice, what an absurd notion. End this charade now and I may grant you certain mercies concerning the ease of your death."

"There will be no more orders. This hour your fate will be set." Wufei declared.

Now seeming less sure of himself a peculiar mixture of expressions played over the Commander's face. He stood alone, his authority cracking around him like imperfect glass exposed to heat.

But Merquise was a Prince, royalty was still his station and he would be damned if a band of outlaws would show him such disrespect. "How do you purpose to carry out your justice? Who among your sorry ranks has the courage to face me?"

"I do!" a lone figure boldly avowed as it approached the deposed Prince.

Duo held his sword diagonally across his chest. He had shed his Gypsy attire; the ribbons were gone from his hair. Heero's uniform replaced the brightly colored clothes and the change of garments had altered Duo's entire demeanor.

Likewise the seriousness of a soldier's attitude had replaced his usual lightheartedness and a steely glare of determination left no room for doubt. Duo's transformation caused a murmur to rise among the crowd. Even the remnants of Merquise's men not detained in the forest felt a flutter in their stomachs and dread in their hearts.

"What is this? Your champion is but a boy." the Commander observed with an amused sense of superiority.

Duo stood tall and centered his sight on Merquise, "A person's proficiency cannot be judge by their age."

Outwardly Merquise studied his challenger with an air of amusement but a nagging in his gut warned him not to misjudge the youthful challenger's sincerity. *The boy might not be as skilled," the Prince's inner council stated, "but strength of purpose can overcome inexperience.*

Spurred by curiosity Merquise chose to ignore his council's warning. "Who are you?" he wondered letting his sight wander over the boy who he decided was just a foolish commoner.


"Just Duo?"

"That is all you need to know."

Despite the Commander's resolve not to give the boy's brashness any credence Merquise found himself intrigued. The youth was handsome and although the long braid lent a girlish quality, the tightness of his trousers proved that he was definitely male.

The Peacecraft Prince tilted his head in an inquiring manner, "So tell me, Duo, what righteous cause has you willing to risk your life?"

Duo fixed his violet eyes on his opponent and with authority in his voice replied, "I am here to reclaim my home and my honor."

"I see and when will your honor be restored?"

"When you yield under my sword." Duo announced with an unwavering degree of confidence.

A sneer tugged at Merquise's lips then he threw back his head and let a belly-deep laugh rise through his throat. The sound sent strange reverberations bouncing over the area until the roar finally faded into lingering sniggers.

Duo was not certain if the laugher was borne of apathy or nervousness or a slip in the Prince's sanity but whatever the cause he would not allow the reason to change his mind. "Zechs Merquise I issue a challenge...are you man enough to accept?"

A stone-cold mask of scorn molded over Merquise's face. Piercing eyes bore down on Duo with pure hatred. Without averting his sharp gaze the Commander demanded of Wufei. "Return my sword and I will show you exactly what I am made of."

Wufei glanced back at Heero who had kept his place beside the stage then handed over Merquise's sword. With a flourish of sweeping strokes the Commander showed off the dexterous prowess that had earned him the name Lightning Baron.

The demonstration of Merquise's supposedly superior abilities was not as much an egotistical display as a statement of his intensions. "You will not live to see tomorrow." he announced as he slid into a defensive position. "En garde!"

Duo set his jaw, narrowed his eyes and hardened his muscles until their tension was wound like a coiled spring. "Concentrate." he told himself, "Remember your lessons, make Heero proud."

Duo steadied his grip then leveled the blade at his princely opponent. "En garde."

"This is going to be easy." the Commander announced the ease of his victory.

Heero flinched as the first strike of steel on steel clanged shrilly. Merquise used the advantage of his height and longer reach to deliver a powerful downward blow.

Duo fluently parried with the strong side of his sword then wasted no time answering with a cross-slash riposte. Sparks flew as Merquise and his challenger's tempered steel stuck crosswise. Again the sharp conversation of blade on blade resounded with deadly distinctness.

The strength and precision of Duo's counteraction caught the Commander momentarily off-guard. His sword almost left his grasp with only a last second tightening of his grip preventing the dislodgement.

The patronizing Prince's eyes widened at the young man's expertness. His grinning mouth turned into a frown as the thought of being bested by the young upstart hit him hard in the gut. With a throaty growl Merquise lunged forward.

A glint of light flickering across Duo's eyes was his only warning. Swiftly his head turned just in time to see a silver streak aim for his skull. Instinctively, without thought or pause, Duo reacted as Heero had taught him. His sword came up and around in a single fluid sweep. Once more the clang of metal ricocheted through the air.

This time instead of blocking the blow Merquise's blade skimmed over the parry. A forceful breath caught in Duo's throat as a gash opened up across his wrist. The material of Heero's jacket sleeve laid back exposing a bloody line etched deeply in the skin.

Duo retreated a few steps to put some distance between himself and his foe. He needed just a moment to recoup from the burning pain and to regroup his thoughts.

He knew that he could not allow his attention to be divided further. It would not be good for either his lover or his friends if he feel victim to his enemy's wrath. Painting from pain, sweat stinging his eyes, Duo sucked in a gulp of air to clear his head and center his concentration.

"Dammit boy, pay attention!" Merquise shouted with contemptuous scorn in his order. "You'll make it too easy to take you down if you don't offer a better defense."

From his observation post by the wagon Heero could see the shudder in Duo's body, sense his pain as the blade sliced both fabric and flesh. It was all he could do to keep his promise, to resist the urge to charge in and chop the pompous Prince into tiny pieces. Holding onto the wagon wheel was all that kept Heero in place as his white-knuckled grip cramped around the stoke until the rough wood tore into his hands.

"Duo don't give into Merquise's taunting." Heero mentally willed his lover to hear, "Turn it back on the bastard, make him play your game."

"I'm always up for a good fight." Duo grinned in answer to the Commander's goading, "Do you know where I can find one?"

Heero leaned heavily against the wheel and prayed that Duo would hear his empathic council. "Keep your wits about you and remember what you were taught." he sent out his thoughts hoping by some telepathic means to transfer his guidance to his lover.

Some part of Heero's mental message must have gotten through. Duo's smirk vanished and was replaced with a resolute glare centered squarely on his opponent. "This is it." he hissed under his breath.

Duo's boldness and the hatred in his stormy eyes caused the Commander to wonder what force of will the lad had inside. Slowly doubt of how easily the boy could be taken slipped into the Commander's mind.

Duo let out a gut deep yell strong enough to produce panic in his foe. "Let us finish this now!" he screamed charging headlong at his adversary.

Merquise's reply came in his own speedy advancement. Both combatants met in the middle. Both swords flashed under the red-orange sun. One blade arced upwards. One came around to meet it.

Over and over the blades clashed. Merquise never let up his scathing assault. With such fury as to strike fear in the boy who dared challenge him the Lightning Baron moved in for the kill.

But Duo was not about to give up. Turning the pain outside of his mind, away from his consciousness, he became one with his blade. His focus on his lessons and his lover came together in a mergence of mind and body and soul.

"Now!" Heero's voice shouted inside Duo's mind.

Blades tangled. A strangled cry rose on the wind. A painful wail bellowed over the forest. Heero held his breath.

Duo and Merquise stood still, both swords raised in victory. Slowly Zechs Merquise pitched over sideways. His body hit the ground with a bone-jarring crack. Wide eyes were fixed in disbelief; pale lips were parted in muted surrender.

Duo stood stoically, sweat clouding his vision of his bested rival. He lifted his sword studying the scarlet tinge coating the blade. Then Duo directed his sight to the crimson seeping from Merquise chest that matched the blood clotting on his wrist.

Ironically the cut from Merquise's sword was only inches above the older scar left by Heero's past lesson. Now the second scar would also be a reminder of another lesson learned and make sure, like the first whitish disfigurement, that the lesson would not be forgotten.

From the flat of his back the conquered Prince moaned and gazed at Duo through pain-dazed eyes. Duo lifted his bloodstained sword solemnly touching the tip to his head in a warrior's salute to the fallen Commander. Duo gleaned no glory from his victory...respect for a Prince and pity for a disgraced son were his only emotions.

Wufei knelt beside the Peacecraft heir. He was joined by the town physician who, after a brief examination, declared that Merquise would live to face the justice owed to him.

Labored breaths stabbed through Duo's chest as the realization of his first bloodletting coursed over bringing on a strong shiver. The well being, the retained innocent that Heero had wished for his friend, in that single act, had been forever lost.

In that fateful moment Duo became a warrior equal to his teacher and lover, ready to take his place at Heero's side in all aspects of their lives. He was now prepared to give totally of both his body and soul without reservation.

Heero was quickly by Duo's side. He gentle removed the sword from Duo's trembling hand then pulled his victorious lover into a tight hug. Duo laid his head on Heero's shoulder and wept silent tears for his loss of innocence.

"You did well my love." Heero whispered so only Duo could hear. "You have made me proud."

Duo whispered back, "Thank you for letting me do this by myself."

Heero eased back until he looked directly into Duo's eyes. "Duo I love you." he proclaimed loudly enough for everyone to hear.

Duo wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, "I love you." he sniffled before leaning into the passionate kiss offered by his soul mate.


Above the town, atop the closest hill, three members of Merquise's army who had returned from hunting watched the duel and the Commander's defeat and now observed the tender scene.

Normally the trio of mercenaries wouldn't have cared what happened to the Prince turned traitor. They would have been thankful that they hadn't been captured and would have moved on to find someone else to hire their money-motivated talents. But Merquise owed them a goodly sum and they thought it only fair to collect.

However the only way to get their money was for their employer to be free. A plan was hastily put into place...kill the braided man then use the confusion to grab Merquise. Who knew maybe the Prince would be doubly grateful and increase their payment.

One soldier of fortune took up his bow, loaded an arrow, braced his knee on the ground and sighted down the shaft. Drawing in a steadying breath he aimed the pointed tip squarely at the base of Duo's skull. From the short distance the shot would definitely be deadly.

Muscles constricted, the bowstring quivered under the tension as it prepared to let loose the deadly shot. If luck was on the shooter's side the arrow would pass through the target's throat and take out his friend as well. "Two with one shot." the archer mumbled under his breath.

A gut-deep growl sounded from an outcrop to the trio's left closely followed by a current of unusually hot air. A shadow elongated and rippled over the craggy rocks before a broad silhouette blotted out the late afternoon sun.

The men froze as the massive and quite solid form reared up against the cloudless sky. They found themselves unable to move and suddenly mute as they stared up into red eyes that glowed within a scaly head.

Shinigami bent his snaky neck to align his head above the immobilized men. An exhalation of sparks showered down leaving streams of smoke in their wake. By posture and poise the dragon left no doubt of his intensions to defend his Keeper.

Eyes enlarged with fear and hearts hammering the archer's comrades could not make their legs cooperate to flee from the angry reptile. Unfortunately the man with the bow was either too cocky or stupid to heed the very clear warning.

Pivoting on his knee he aimed up at Shinigami and let the arrow fly. The steel-tipped arrow struck midway along the dragon's neck but was not forceful enough to penetrate the thick scales. Like a bug bite the shot was more annoying than lethal. With a snort of irritation Shinigami caught hold of the slightly embedded shaft with one front claw and easily extracted the bothersome arrow.

Normally the even-tempered reptile would have given the foolish men another chance, exhibited some threatening behavior to discourage any further attacks and sent them scurrying out of harm's way. But at that moment, after watching Duo's duel with Merquise and being frightened for his Keeper's safety, Shinigami had no more patience to spare.

A superheated gulp of air was all the warning the luckless men received before the great dragon spewed forth a suffusive stream of fire so hot that all three bodies were instantly evaporated leaving behind only ashes and brittle bones.

The scent of sulfur and seared flesh wafted across the ridge. Shinigami sniffed the air then shook his head in disgust as the foul stench rankled in his nose. Then without looking back at the charred pile of bones the dragon started down the hillside.


Duo sat on the stage dangling his legs over the edge. Heero stood on the ground carefully bandaging his partner's wrist. Twice Duo had apologized for the rip in Heero's uniform jacket and twice Heero had quelled the expressed regrets with a kiss.

"Don't fret over the jacket. I am not going to need the uniform again." Heero stated as he tied off the strip of cloth covering Duo's wrist.

"But aren't you pledged to the King?" Duo wondered inspecting the expert bandaging.

Heero jumped up on the stage and sat beside his soul mate. "My pledge is to you." He wrapped his arm around Duo's shoulders and pulled him closer, "Along with my father we will make a home together."

Wufei sat down on Duo's opposite side. "The dregs of Merquise's army have been taken into custody and delivered to the magistrate. It will be a few days before the Prince can travel but when he is able the Elders and I will personally escort him to King Peacecraft."

Duo sighed, "Isn't it ironic that the peace treaty between the Kingdoms brought one father and son together and drove another father and son apart."

"It was Merquise that built the barriers with his arrogant acts of defiance." Wufei replied, "Perhaps he has learned his lesson, if not, then that is his loss."

Wufei glanced over at Quatre and Trowa who were snuggling on the wagon seat then stood up and stretched, "It is getting late. Let us go home and share a victory meal at camp. Yes," he added as he gracefully leaped from the stage, "the time for sorrow has ended and a brighter future awaits us all."

The Gypsies reloaded the wagon. Madam Rose's tent was neatly packed away as well as the instruments and the empty ale keg.

Heero eased off the stage, helped his partner down and handed over Duo's sword. As a couple of men pushed up the stage and secured it in the wagon's side the ex-soldier and the Dragon Keeper walked back to where Wing and Chestnut waited with the other horses.

Holding onto Duo's waist, Heero steadied his lover who was physically drained and mentally exhausted from his fight with Prince Peacecraft. "Our bed will feel good tonight." Duo declared as they reached the midnight stallion and the bay mare.

Heero united their mounts and prepared to help Duo into the saddle when a rustling among the trees caused him to reach for his sword. The stirring was probably an animal but he wasn't going to take any chances.

Duo tilted his head towards the mysterious noise then a joyful smile bloomed across his lips. "Shinigami," he called softly, "it's all right, come here."

A green muzzle appeared then a pair of expressive eyes blinked through the branches. A scaly head, almost the same color as the leaves, emerged from the foliage. Shinigami pulled back his lips in a delighted "dragon grin".

The happy dragon exposed just enough of himself to clearly see his Keeper while keeping the rest of his massive frame hidden in the tree line. Oddly none of the horses took exception to the dragon's presence as if they knew he meant them no harm.

Shinigami bowed his head and whimpered lowly in his throat. Duo reached up and petted the reptile's smooth nose. "I'm all right." he whispered his reassurance to his winged protector.

Shinigami sniffed at a spot of blood that had seeped through the bandage on Duo's wrist. Again the Keeper offered comfort to his worry friend. "It's nothing serious, the cut will heal in a few days."

The wagon carried the Gypsies to Yuy Manor. The mounted riders traveled along side. Overhead Shinigami kept his airborne watch. Heero and Duo lagged behind a bit to engage in hand holding and private conversation.

Sunset bands of red and orange radiated across the mountain. Wisps of twilight tinted clouds swept silently across the sky. As purple evening shadows stretched out behind the horses and a night hawk circled overhead, Heero and Duo rode home, hand in hand and heart in heart. They were friends, lovers and soul mates and would be forever and a day.



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