Dragonheart Part 13

A hawk's shrill cry echoed over the mountain pass. Clammy mist veiled the rocky path as Heero rode Wing in the lead. Duo followed on a bay mare he had selected from the stable. The trail wound upward, not steeply but steadily. On the left gray slate rose straight up and on the right scrub brush and thin sapling guarded the edge.

Duo kept the mare to the left not wanting to take the chance that a misstep might send both horse and rider sliding over the side. In some places boulders bigger than Shinigami lay scattered about like a spoiled child's discarded marbles.

"That would be a nasty fall." Duo muttered to himself pressing in with his knee to encourage his horse to stay away from the crumbling edge.

Heero turned in the saddle using a shake of the head to slip his hair back over his shoulder. "Are sure certain this is the way?" he wondered, as it seemed that they were traveling to nowhere.

Duo clicked his tongue to speed the mare's gate until she was closer to Wing. "This trail finishes on a wide plateau. It is the only place large enough for the Gypsies to make camp."

He squirmed, as it felt like his rump wanted to go to sleep. It had been a long time since he had ridden any distance and his body was not use to the different position. "It shouldn't be much further." he hoped for the bottom's sake.

Heero nudged Wing on also hoping that Duo was right and that they would be reunited with Wufei and the others soon.

The hawk called again but this time its sleek shape could be seen soaring in lazy circles just above the mountain's summit. True to Duo's word the path began to widen then several clues showed that the Gypsies had indeed come that way.

Twin wagon wheel impressions had cut deep ruts into the stony soil. There was even an occasion pile of horse droppings that was unmistakable evidence of the nomadic band's passing.

Taking advantage of the extra room, Duo pulled along side Heero. "Two more bends and we will be there." he stated.

Heero wondered how Duo was so certain of the campsite but he had learned that Duo could be full of surprises. One bend to the right and Heero could hear faint strains of music. The next curve to the left. The smell of cooking wafted on the breeze and smoke curled from campfires adding a woody scent to the air.

Fifty yards more and patches of bright colors could be seen through the sparse trees. Duo prodding the mare to quickly her pace, Heero was right he had been too long away from his friends.

As Duo and Heero rounded another large boulder they were met by two swarthy men armed with swords and bows. One held up his hand to signal for the horsemen to stop. "What business have you here?" he growled leaving no room for misinterpretation concerning the question.

Duo held up his hands showing that they held no weapons. "We have come to see Chang Wufei. Tell him Duo is here."

The gruff man nodded to his fellow guard. "Find Wufei." He instructed. "Dismount and wait." he ordered resting his broad sword on his equally broad shoulder.

Heero held Wing's reins as the midnight stallion nibbled on a patch of straw grass. Duo's mount was content to stand sleepy-eyed under a tree. No words passed between the strangers and the guard.

The man never took his eyes off the pair as he studied the sword hanging from Heero's belt. "Are you a soldier?" he finally asked tilting his head at the bladed weapon.

"I was." Heero replied letting his sight linger on the souvenir of war.

The man commented with a grunt but made no further attempt at conversation. Soon the second guard joined the trio. "This way." he motioned towards the circle of wagons.

Threading through the maze of wagons, campfires and various other obstacles Heero, Duo and their guide made their way into the camp's center. Short of the middle the man took Wing and the mare leading them to a temporary corral that housed the hitch horses.

Duo's eyes lit up and a smile blossomed on his lips as he caught sight of Wufei. The Oriental broke into a run to meet his friend. "Duo are you all right?" he called anxiously before pulling the braided man into a tight hug.

"I will tell you everything when you let me breathe." Duo wheezed as Wufei strong arms threatened to crush his ribs.

Wufei let go and stood back to fix his friend's gaze. "You look well," he smiled, "but why did you disappear?"

Then Wufei noticed Heero and answered his own question. "Ah yes, the soldier." he declared extending his hand to Heero.

Heero took the offered hand and gave it a firm shake. "It is good to see you again."

"Let's sit and you can tell me the whole tale." Wufei motioned to several chairs arranged by a brightly blazing fire ring.

"Are Quatre and Trowa here?"

"I have sent for them. Quatre has been worried."

"I owe everyone an explanation and an apology" Duo stated with a sigh.

"An apology. Why?"

Duo shrugged, "I should have sent word to you."

"You are here now and that is all that matters."

"Duoooo." Jen squealed as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Hey there little one." Duo cheerfully greeted before scooping up the excited girl and giving her a kiss.

"I told you he would come." Jen informed her father in a no-nonsense tone of positiveness.

"Did you dream?" Duo asked the wide-eyed child as she wiggled in his lap.

"Yes." she grinned at Wufei who nodded in agreement.

Duo situated Jen in a comfortable posture against his chest. "Jen has the gift of foretelling dreams." he told Heero as if it was a perfectly normal thing for a child to do.

Heero shook his head and reminded himself of everything he had seen, heard and experienced since he had met Duo. After having a dragon sleep in his bedroom he would have not been surprised if Jen transformed into a deer and loped away.

"I hope your dreams are always pleasant." he wished for Jen's sake.

The girl stilled on Duo's lap and, with eyes that suddenly looked older than her tender years, gazed straight into Heero's soul. "They are not all good," she stated as her slanted eyes narrowed further. "but bad dreams are the work of the devil and I am not afraid of him."


Duo related the entire story of the arrival of Merquise and his "army". His voice trembled as he told how the men sacked his house then tears sparkled in his violet eyes when he got to the part about Shinigami carrying him to Heero's home.

Heero put a supporting arm about his friend's shaking shoulders and finished the retelling. He, too, got emotional when he told of Duo's request to learn to fight. "I had hoped that Merquise would soon move on but he has entrenched himself in the village and has regular patrols riding through the surrounding forest."

Duo stroked Jen's ebony hair that was as shiny as butterfly wings. "Would you be willing to join our cause?" he asked her father.

Without hesitation Wufei replied. "Of course. There will be no peace until that poor excuse for a Prince is sent back to his father with his tail tucked between his legs."

Heero didn't want to dampen the optimistic mood but he had to be prudent in his estimation of their victory. "Even with your help we can not stand against Merquise one to one. We will need to employ stealthy tactics if we have any hope of winning."

Wufei leaned his elbows on his knees and took a moment to consider Heero's statement. "I agree one on one is not feasible but the Gypsies have not survived this long by not knowing how to be cunning. We will make a plan, a scheme to divide and conquer." he straightened with a satisfied sigh, "Yes you will be surprised at the magic we can do to accomplish our goal."

"And speaking of magic." Wufei continued with a wave of his hand towards two figures snaking around several trunks.

Hand in hand Quatre and Trowa made their way to the impromptu war council meeting. Quatre's pleased smile spoke volumes about his state of happiness concerning Duo's return.

Duo rose, handed Jen to her father and pulled the blond into a warm embrace. "I have missed you." Then he turned his attention to Trowa offering the same affectionate hug. "You, too, my friend."

Quatre's slender fingers signed that he had also missed Duo and no one needed to translate his joy. His hands moved again and Trowa decoded the message. "Jen said that you were coming and she is never wrong."

Duo nodded as he was having trouble forcing words passed the lump in his throat. Then he turned to Heero. "You see together we CAN to anything."


An odd line traversed the road to the valley. Wheels creaked and wagons groaned over the irregular ground. Horses put their shoulders to the hitches in a slow but smooth pull. Heero and Duo rode slightly ahead of the Gypsy caravan as they traveled to the sanctuary of Yuy Manor.

Upon their arrival Heero would get the Gypsies settled in a field near the house then have a servant accompany some of the men to town to restock their supplies. When evening shadows stretched over the hills Heero and Duo would have an official meeting with the Wufei and other elders to begin putting together a plan to rid the area of Merquise.


Heero had questioned why King Peacecraft would allow his son to cause such havoc. Wufei expressed his opinion that the King no longer had control over his pompous heir. Milliardo, Zechs or whatever the hell he called himself had never bowed to his father's rule and he had a well-deserved reputation for trouble.

Milliardo was spoiled by his mother's coddling and angered by his father's demanding attitude. King Peacecraft never allowed his son to display any emotions that might be interpreted as a sign of weakness or indecision. His mother's overindulgence did little to change Milliardo's feelings of frustration or ease the pain of a father's love withheld by pride and duty.

So it was not surprising when Milliardo disagreed with the treaty terms and his father forbade him to take any action that the heir to the Peacecraft throne rebelled.

Unfortunately the King realized too late that he had lost what small measure of control that he had over this son, especially after a handful of Generals joined Milliardo's insubordination.

Now King Peacecraft's dilemma had become everyone's problem. But if Heero and his newly formed alliance had their way the Peacecraft Kingdom's heir would soon discover that he could not always have his way.


The afternoon sun warmed the air as the last of the wagons pulled into the field. The Gypsies busied themselves with setting up their new home site. Heero penned a letter to the local merchants asking for their cooperation in the restocking efforts. Also the estate's blacksmith's help was enlisted should any horses need attention.

Duo decided to stay and help with the various tasks of setting up a permanent camp. Heero wanted to check on his father so he started to the house. A slight tug on his shirt checked his stride. Looking around he found that Quatre and Trowa were responsible for his halting.

"May Quatre ask you something?" came the odd request from Trowa.

"Of course."

Quatre's hands formed first a statement then his question, Trowa translated. "There is someone sick in your house." he signed, "Will you permit me to help him?"

Heero stared in astonishment at the mute man's unexpected insight. He had told no one about his father or his condition. He had even kept the facts from Duo not because he didn't trust him with the private information but because he did not want to add to his gentle friend's worry.

Now a total stranger not only knew Heero's secret but also was making an offer to help. How Quatre could aid Odin was the next mystery but again Heero reminded himself of all the peculiar things that had happened since meeting the Gypsies.

Quatre sensed Heero's confusion. "I have the gift of healing." his hands explained.

Trowa nodded his encouragement. "Let him try."

Heero deliberated but only for a moment. The doctor had done nothing to cure Odin; his only solution was to keep his father in a drug-induced haze. It wouldn't hurt for Quatre to see Odin...after all Duo had taught Heero to believe in miracles.

"This way." Heero motioned toward the house.


Heero eased the bedroom door opened and peaked inside. Odin was curled up in his usual fetal position facing away from the door. Heero stepped inside and Quatre followed. Trowa stayed in the hall. "You will understand each other." he declared in answer to Heero's inquiring look.

Without a word Quatre rounded the foot of the bed. He paused a moment to study the sleeping figure that was as still as death. Reaching down he pushed aside Odin's hair and stop to study again. Laying his hands on Odin's forehead Quatre closed his eyes to center his concentration.

Leaning close to Heero's father Quatre whispered lowly. Heero wasn't sure if he could not understand the words because they were spoken so lightly or because he didn't recognize the language.

In much the same way that Duo chanted to Shinigami, Quatre began a series of repeated phrases. The soft sound of his voice fluttered about the room like thistle down carried on a breeze. His eyes squeezed tighter and he rocked in time to the mystic mantra.

Heero froze in place, held spellbound by the scene before him. He was vaguely aware of the tingling on his skin or how the hair on his body seemed to vibrate with each enchanted note. Just as Quatre had played out his emotions through his music, his vocal violin conveyed a haunting refrain that soothed the soul.

Heero held his breath as a glowing aura flowed from Quatre's hands to encircle Odin's head. The golden light continued to course down his father's shoulders, his torso, spreading over the coverlet in ripples until it encased the entire bed.

Sweat glistened on Quatre's face as he put all his power into exorcising the addictive devil that used wine and depression to keep Odin shackled in his personal prison.

Odin stirred then arms and legs trembled as black vapors began to seep from his body. The stench of stale liquor and years of abuse to body, mind and spirit permeated the room with a stomach-churning odor.

Despite his own quivering Quatre kept to his reclaiming. Suddenly there was a blast of air as if every window had shattered at once. The howling currents increased to a deafening volume forcing Heero to clamp his hands over his ears.

For a few frightening moments black and gold, dark and light battled for Odin's soul. Quatre yelled out, commanding the sickness to give up its evil embrace. Before Heero realized what he was doing he found himself standing behind Quatre literally holding up his quaking frame.

Odin was caught in a convulsive seizure as the last of the black vapors evaporated away and the golden light made the final reclamation. Then everything stopped. An eerie silence replaced the howling. Calm replaced the chaos. Quatre were limp in Heero's arms as exhaustion overwhelmed him completely.

Heero eased down on the floor cradling the drained healer against his chest. Carefully he moped back sweat-drenched bangs to find Quatre's eyes staring blankly. "Quatre?" he called in shock and concern. "Please answer me." he pleaded as memories of him begging Duo to hear him came flooding back.

The door opened and Trowa was immediately by his lover's side. "Quatre will be all right." the taller man reassured Heero. "The healing always drains him. I'll take back to our wagon so he can sleep."

With no effort at all Trowa scooped up his partner's slim body. "Please come by later tonight, Quatre will be fretful until he has word of your father's recovery."

Heero raised up on wobbly legs. His hand trembled as he touched his Odin's pale, damp face. "Father can you hear me?"

Odin's eyelids moved struggling to overcome the weakness pressing them shut. His chest rose as air inflated his lungs to ease his winded exhalations. Slowly his eyes opened then darted until they locked with Heero's anxious sight.


"I'm here father."

Odin lifted a quivering hand to touch his son. Heero laced his fingers in a sure grip and leaned closer so Odin could see his face.

"Where have you been?" his father wondered with a tone of confusion in his raspy voice.

"I went away to war, remember?"

Silence seemed to go on forever before Odin spoke again. "Is it over? Have you come home?"

Tears tracked down Heero cheeks as he finally allowed his resentment to melt away. "Yes father I am home."

Odin's clearer eyes beheld his son in an affectionate gaze. "Welcome back my son."

As the afternoon shadows painted purple around the room Heero sat on the bed and held his father's hand. He watched Odin drift off into a peaceful sleep free from the drug's influence.

Heero knew that his father's recuperation would be slow and that he might never be completely well but now he did have hope. For the first time there were realistic expectations that he and father could reconcile their differences, that they could reestablish a relationship as father and son.

Duo was right about faith and believing his yourself. With time and patience Heero had no doubts that he and his father could put the past behind them and look forward to a happier future.

"That future will include Duo." Heero promised himself. He knew now that his life would not be whole without the braided man who sings to dragons.



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