Author: Jei
Warnings: Ficlet
Pairings: 1x2
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Wowsers, I managed to dredge up a seasonally-appropriate fic out of the lint in my pockets. It is pretty much the same as every other one of my shorts, except for the Christmas theme. Yes, I know I used the same present in my last Christmas ficlet, and no, that doesn't bother me.
Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply.
Christmas Present
"I got you a little something."
Duo turned to see a small gift bag being held out in his direction. His eyes glanced back up at the man holding it. "I thought you didn't do the whole gift-giving thing."
Heero shrugged slightly. "It was something of an impulse buy on the way over here. Don't worry, I don't expect anything in return."
Duo watched him warily as he reached out to take the present. "Well... okay." Once he had the bag in hand without some sort of catch to the situation popping up, he glanced reflexively to the clock hanging on the wall of his apartment's living room. It wasn't clear to him whether he was checking if he had enough time to open the present, or checking if he had enough time to go rush out and impulse buy something for Heero in exchange, but he had enough time for both. Quatre's holiday party didn't start for more than an hour. Heero had just decided to drop by early before they headed over together. "You want me to open this now, or...?"
"Now, please."
The answer piqued his curiosity. He took his time, gesturing for Heero to make himself at home for the duration, finding himself a seat nearby on the plush arm of his sofa. The bag was light enough that he had to wonder if there was even anything in there at all. A gift card? Or some off-the-wall yet totally-appropriate memento that could only have been born out of the mind of Heero Yuy? As he pulled open the ribbon binding the bag's handles, he watched Heero being completely unreadable. His eyes went back to the bag as he reached inside to withdraw its contents. He blinked at it for a few seconds before it processed. "Mistletoe?"
"Mistletoe," Heero echoed neutrally.
He stared at the mistletoe for a good half-minute longer, mind chugging its way through the proposal so understatedly encoded into the little sprig. Finally, he looked up with a grin and held it up over his head, then lifted his face to look up at it in mock-surprise. "Whoa, mistletoe. How'd that get there?"
When he returned his gaze to his gift-giver, he found a crooked smile. "Can't imagine," Heero answered blandly, getting up slowly from his seat to stand in front of Duo. They exchanged smirks for a few seconds before coming together in a soft kiss.
Duo set the mistletoe aside before twining his arms around Heero's back and pulling him close. "Well. That was a bit of a surprise."
"Haven't we been flirting for the last few months or so?"
"Well, yeah, but... I wasn't sure if that was just wishful thinking on my part, or if you were just spreading your wings a little, or what."
"Spreading my wings in your direction." One arm slid over Duo's shoulder, hand snagging the braid it found dangling so temptingly back there.
"Ah. Glad to hear it. Still would have expected us to stall out there for a while, though, but I guess 'tis the season and all that."
"'Tis the season," Heero echoed thoughtfully. "You know, I had the strangest dream last night."
Duo chuckled. "Uh-oh. Never good to have a strange dream the night before Christmas. Did you get visited by any ghosts?"
"Yes, actually. Well, not literally. I dreamed that I did, anyway."
Duo stared at him for a few seconds before sniggering. "Seriously? Did you fall asleep watching 'A Christmas Carol' or something?"
"How do you know it was dream? Maybe you really did get visited by ghosts, and you only think you dreamt it."
"Were you in my bedroom last night?"
"Man, I wish. Wait, what?"
Heero snorted at the reflexive answer. "You visited me last night in my sleep. Said you were the Ghost of Christmas Future. Had on the Shinigami robes and everything."
Duo tightened their embrace for a moment. "Whoa, creepy. Sorry if I gave you a grim outlook."
Heero laughed softly. "You foretold my future with you. I suppose some might see that as grim."
Duo knocked Heero's leg with one of his feet. "Whoa, hey, that was uncalled for."
He got a light tug on his braid in chastisement, and a completely unrepentant smile. "I don't quite recall what it was all about. You know how dreams are. But you were definitely doing your best to convince me that you were my Christmas future."
"Doing my best? How stubborn were you being about it?"
"I only remember there being some debate over it. Things got a little muddier when the Ghost of Christmas Present showed up."
"You had another man in your bedroom last night? How dare you."
"It was you again, actually. Christmas Present wanted in on the action, but then Christmas Future got into an argument with him about how he couldn't be you because 'we' hadn't happened yet. Present was quite put-out."
It was, sadly, something Duo could envision all too easily. "What were you doing this whole time?"
"Watching the show?" Heero shrugged. Dreams were usually fuzzy on the details. "Christmas Past tried to sneak in there, too. You again, reminding me of our Christmases past."
"Heh, three of me? Kinky. Not really into foursomes, though."
"Lucky for you, I'm not interested in any of them. I just want you."
That obviously deserved a smooch right there. Duo made it so. "So. You want me as your Christmas trifecta?"
"If I get to be yours."
"Do I get to show up in your bedroom tonight?" He let out an amused sound at Heero's hesitant expression. "Okay, fine, maybe I'm moving too fast. Do I at least get to kiss you good night?"
Heero released a faintly relieved puff of breath. "Of course."
"How about good morning?"
"...I only just spread my wings into this flirting thing a few months ago, Duo."
He laughed. "Fine by me, babe. Long as you keep spreading those wings in my direction... Fine by me."
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