Two Peas in a Pod Part 5
"Fuck, Yuy, let me go already."
"Go to hell, Maxwell."
"I will once you let me go!" He batted ineffectively at the hand from which he was dangling.
"I'm not letting go. And if you would just stop squirming for a moment, I could probably haul you up."
"Your arm is already busted! If you put that kind of strain on it, you'll compromise your ability to finish the mission!"
And did he really think his squirming wasn't also putting a strain on it? Heero sighed and firmed his one-handed grip on the ledge above him. "Once I pull you up, you'll be able to help me finish the mission."
"You could permanently damage your arm."
"I would risk permanent damage to my arm to save your life, Duo."
Duo stopped his squirming for a moment. "You would?"
"Of course I would. In any case, I'm not sure my arm is as damaged as it supposedly is. It wasn't clear to me whether or not the parameters were calibrated to our personal stats."
A voice came from out of nowhere. "Computer, end simulation."
The vista below them shimmered out to show the ground twelve feet below them. Likewise, the cliff to which Heero had been clinging dissolved into a climbing wall. And an observation window appeared in the once blue sky, revealing Noin with an exasperated look on her face. "As usual, your performance is off the charts, and not necessarily in the good way."
Duo finally slipped out of Heero's grip and landed lightly on his feet. "That means we didn't fail, right?"
"I've told you before, there is no passing or failing of the test. It is merely to gauge your reactions in certain stressful situations, to help you understand yourselves and --"
Heero dropped to the ground beside him. "I would like to know who packed our virtual gear. Either there was severe negligence in allowing a frayed rope to slip through, or it was an act of deliberate sabotage. Agent Maxwell could have died. This is unacceptable."
There was a moment of silence. "Dismissed."
Duo slapped Heero on the back. "Whaddya say to some lunch, partner?"
"Sure. You might consider ordering a salad. You'd put less strain on my arm if you weighed less."
"Fuck you, Yuy. Oh, actually, yeah, let's go to Toni's. They've got that cucumber salad you like, and I've got an errand I gotta run out there...."
To The Next Chapter
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