Kyuuketsuki Duo: The Movie
Sanguis Draconis Part 10

Something needed to be done to pass the time as they travelled, and so they conversed. They spoke of many things: the price of gas, the principles that went into the foundation of a ward, the recent weather trends, the way this one air elemental had followed Quatre around for a week like an over-zealous puppy dog. It was only when they turned to Duo to ask his opinion on something that they noticed he had separated himself from the group.

Quatre called his name, his voice hardly needing to be raised to carry across the slight distance between them, but the guardian did not answer. He seemed preoccupied with something, not an entirely uncommon state of late. His eyes darted shiftily over the landscape from time to time, his head twitching irritably as if to dislodge something on occasion. The others shared a wary look amongst themselves before Hilde detached herself from the group and drifted over to Duo's side.

"Duo-baby?" she asked softly. "Something wrong?" His head shook again, short and violent in its abruptness, and she could not tell whether that was a negative answer or more of what they had been observing. His lips moved silently, and she could not tell whether the intended recipient of his unspoken words was her or himself. "Duo?"

"Do you hear that?" he ground out through gritted teeth, and almost before the words were out he jerked his head again. "No, of course you don't hear that. Of course. All for me. Just for me. Isn't that always right? Well, you know what? Stop it already. Just stop it. I'm sick and tired of being singled out and special and unique. There is no good reason why I should be the only one that has to put up with this. Do you hear me? Can you even hear yourself over all the racket you're making?! Just shut the hell up already!!"

The others ground to a halt, and no one could say whether it was a better thing or a worse thing that Duo's shouted words had not seemed to be directed at any of them, but rather the empty land around them. One thing that did occur to each of them, however, as they bore witness to the guardian smacking the side of his head with the flat of his own hand, was, 'has he gone mad?'

Hilde hurried forward a few steps to catch up to him, his barely hunched figure tracing a not quite straight path in the dust as he continued along his way, oblivious or simply uncaring of his companions. "Duo? What do you hear?"

Her cautious hand on his arm finally pulled him to a stop and he turned to pin her in her place with a pair of wide, intense eyes, their color shifting restlessly in tune with their owner from lavender to blue-violet and back again. "This land...," he started quietly, before bursting out in full force. "This land is freakin' BUZZING at me!" He paused for a deep breath, and when he continued it was at a lower volume, although the cause was not that he had calmed, so much as had decided to grit his teeth in annoyance once more. "It's been buzzing at me for a while now and I can't get it to shut up. Although technically it's probably just my power buzzing in response to this stupid place. Either way, it's driving me crazy."

"Is this normal?" Wufei's voice cut cleanly through the edged humming in his mind.

Duo laughed, and it was an almost disturbing sound to behold. "Is what normal? Me being crazy? Yeah, that's normal. Buzzing? Not so normal. Buzzing while in a place like this? I wouldn't know. Never been in a place like this before. So, normal? Can't say. Unexpected? Not really. Power's been unruly for a while now. Probably just ran into a bad patch of free energy or something."

"So we shouldn't be alarmed?"

"Ha! There's always a reason to be alarmed."

Wufei frowned, Duo's obvious imbalance making it difficult to determine the usefulness of that answer.

Meiran tugged at his sleeve. "What, you think this might be the trouble you were talking about earlier?"

"Trouble?" Duo interjected, a false merriment, or perhaps it was madness, tainting his tone. He skipped forward a few steps and got the group moving forward again, although at a slower pace. "There's always trouble."

Wufei cast an irritated glare at him, but had to grudgingly agree. "There's always trouble. The question is merely, how much and what kind of trouble will... 'this' cause?" He hesitated to place a label on it, for fear of limiting their point of view with an improperly restrictive word.

Quatre took a moment to take a reading off the ether around them. "Everything seems normal to me. I'm not getting any hostility or malice or anything that might indicate something like a trap or attack."

"But the winds around here are wild, aren't they?" Meiran probed. Quatre nodded. "Could that be covering something up?"

"I suppose. It does make it harder to read anything. But are you proposing that our enemy has chosen to try and drive Duo insane?"

"Incapacitate him, maybe?" She glanced at the long braid bouncing obediently behind its currently unbalanced master. "I hope he's not hearing voices. Anyone else notice he said that crazy was normal for him? Anyway, maybe keep him from sensing something?"

"I can't sense a bloody thing over all this white noise," Duo blithely threw over his shoulder in a singsong tone. It was just a little louder than was necessary, as if he had to raise his voice to be heard over the noise in his head.

"Maybe we should stop until we can figure this out," Quatre suggested. "If there really is a trap up ahead somewhere, we don't want to walk right into it."

Meiran disagreed. "But if it's just a patch of bad energy that's causing this, like Duo said, even if someone planned it that way, then we should keep going and try to get clear of it. Wufei? What do you--"

"Too late." Duo's voice rang out quite lucidly before he stumbled to his knees.

"Wh--?" Suddenly her hands were full as Wufei crumpled silently beside her. Trowa was running swiftly up to Duo to catch him before he planted his face in the dust. Hilde was a few steps behind him. All of them glanced around in high alert, expecting to be either attacked or stricken unconscious next, but it seemed that the strange malady had chosen only to strike the two already affected.

Trowa and Hilde hefted Duo's limp body up after attempting futilely to rouse him and brought him back to the others, where Meiran was turning to Quatre for answers. "What's happened to them?" she demanded.

There was a brief moment of 'how the hell should I know?' in his eyes before they flashed with the determination to find out. "Sure, Duo alone," he muttered to himself as he checked them out with his othersenses. "But why Wufei as well?" His investigation was cut short by the sense of an intruder in their midst.

"Actually," a bored feminine voice drawled, "that should be the other way around."

"You!" Meiran hissed accusingly.


He is walking one moment and falling the next. It seems the ground disappears from beneath his feet, and in the blink of an eye it is back again, only it is a different ground. Where once the landscape was barren and plain, he now is surrounded by an elegant simplicity of stones and trees and shrubbery.

He knows this place. He looks up into the early morning sky and realizes he knows this time as well. His mind denies it, but his feet move forward against his will, retracing the steps he took that day.

Fast forward.

He is confronting his cousin by the stone shrine where it all started, his wicked girlfriend by his side. He meets her eyes, and they flare with a dark power. No, that didn't happen, he thinks, but it happens now, and it forces him to wonder if he should have realized something was amiss sooner. There had been so much _other_ about her, but it had been simple and mundane, Western, foreign, disrespectful. It hadn't screamed demon, not like the image of the demon before him now did. He couldn't have known. Could he?

They are gone, and he is left studying the shrine in silence. There is a prickle of pride as he uses his newly awakened senses to see what he could not see before, but alas, does he truly not see? The wards are dark and twisted, malignant and corrupted, weakened and ready to be broken. No, that wasn't there, he thinks, but he remembers something else. He remembers that day, and looking at the ward, and seeing the darkness that lay within, and thinking it the result of what was bound there. That was only natural, was it not? It had not been as overtly transformed as he sees it before him now, but there had been a hint, an inkling, a clue. Should he have known?

Fast forward.

A shrill alarm pierces the night, and they know trouble is afoot. He is sent after the sword, but when he gets to its resting place, it is empty. Who could have taken it? Images flash before his eyes, complete with sound bites. His cousin sneers at him, mocks their bloodline, disdains their way of life, and yet his eyes always rest avariciously upon the sword, a powerful artifact denied to him when he denied his birthright. Should they not have known his designs? Had it not been obvious that he hungered for more than they could give him?

Fast forward.

A demoness is holding the sword of Shenlong, and the ancient blade cries out in outrage. Reclaim me! it demands, and he must answer its call. He fights against the demoness, but his blows are warded off with a scornful ease. Every move in their deadly dance whispers to him that he is powerless against her, but he struggles to ground himself in the present. (what is the present?) He is trained now, he has come a long way from the immature adolescent that fought this battle so many years ago, and he denies the insidious murmurs of the vision that are attempting to persuade him otherwise. He is angry that she would twist the truth so, and with a powerful strike intends to knock her down --

-- but she is suddenly not there, and in her place is Master Oh. His open-palmed blow lands true upon his chest and the elder falls to the ground, broken. No! his mind wails, this did not happen!

Didn't it? a voice whispers. Did the old man not give the last of his life to conjure the attack against the demoness, to overcome her where he, the unready youth, could not? If he had not failed to defeat her himself, then would not the master have been able to save that last bit of his failing energy for himself? Could he not have survived the night?

No! The demon tore right through the elder, disrupting his energy patterns beyond repair. He was as good as dead the moment they entered the clearing.

Are you really so certain of that?

He is given no time to answer as --

Fast forward.

His father has been gravely wounded while he was being toyed with by the she-demon. He hands over the sword to his father and knows that he is handing him his death. Why could he not have been strong enough to take his father's place?

They follow the path of the demon's destruction through their home, and spy bodies lying lifeless left and right. These were branches off the main family line. It was not their duty to die for the black dragon's wards, and yet they did. Why is -he- still alive?

Epyon is holding a woman's limp body up, and then he is tossing her aside. It is his mother, but there is nothing left of her. The demon has stolen it all. So why does his mother yet breathe? He needs to correct this abomination, but try as he might, he cannot. He fails her and condemns her to a meaningless existence, and it is a desecration of her corpse. The fact that her heart yet beats is a mere technicality.

His father falls beneath the black dragon's flail, and he is powerless to stop it. Epyon's image shimmers in the shadows cast by the raging flames around them, and it grows and stretches until it seems to fill the entire clearing with its evil presence. He is the focus of its intensity, and he is frozen by its dark regard. It laughs at him, and then it disappears into the night, leaving this mortal realm for one where he cannot follow.

He is the only one left standing amid the wreckage. Why? Why him?


Epyon is holding a woman's limp body up, and then he is tossing her aside. It is Meiran, but there is nothing left of her. Somehow, that does not rob her of the ability to stare at him through lifeless eyes that demand answers from him. Why? Why couldn't you save me?

- No! This will not be! -

But who is there left to hear his cries?

Epyon's image shimmers in the shadows cast by the raging flames around them, and it grows and stretches until it seems to fill the entire clearing with its presence. Otherworldly green flames regard him mockingly from beneath the ridge of a horned helm. The fires around them flare for an instant, blinding him, and when he can see again, the helm that hid the demon's features is gone, and now the same glowing green eyes peer out at him from his own grinning face. He is Epyon, and he has killed her. He has killed them all.

Denial fills his being. He channels it with his will until it becomes a force unto itself. This is not how it was, and this is not how it will be. Bellowing a wordless cry of rage against the blatant untruth being displayed before his eyes, he tears himself free from the paralysis that seized him and snatches up the sword he himself had planted point-down into the ground. It is cold for a moment, before the heat of his anger and his righteous fury stokes its flames to life.

It responds to his need, and together they slash their way through the lying phantasm. The image falls in two, splits and reforms into more of the same. In another swift motion, he swings his sword once more, and where once there were two, now there are three. They laugh at him in a jarring chorus of accusation that threatens to drown him in recrimination, but he looks again at the ruins of his family's home and braces himself against the onslaught. He fixes in his mind the same icy determination he once felt in this place and prepares himself for a long battle.


"What have you done to them?"

"Now let's see what we have here," the demoness said, ignoring Meiran's demand for an answer. She picked her way over to the group, close enough to be a threat, but not close enough to be threatened. "The little dragon has certainly chosen interesting company to keep. A Shinma, a succubus, and three humans." She laughed, and it wasn't pleasant. "Just what does he hope to accomplish with this?"

"What did you do to them?" Meiran repeated flatly, carefully lowering Wufei to the ground beside the fallen guardian.

The demon in the snug white dress glanced at her as if noticing her presence for the first time, a move calculated deliberately to be insulting. "Why, I just encouraged the local power streams to be responsive to the emotional energy I thought the boy might be carrying about with him. Who knows how the Shinma got caught up in it as well. I hadn't thought them capable of such things." She shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh well. The more the merrier, I suppose."

Quatre drew up even with Meiran and together they stood in front of their unconscious comrades. It was only the one demoness they were up against, but he didn't want to underestimate her. He called to mind everything Wufei had said about Lei Fang. He decided that she was one of the more physical demons since she had engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Wufei, once upon a time. A quick glance at her aura did not refute that. There was also a good chance that although she was dangerous, she wasn't all that sharp, given that she didn't seem to realize that Duo was no ordinary Shinma, and that the humans weren't ordinary humans. As a demon, she would probably not have too many reasons to be well-versed in the ways of others. Unless, of course, she was just pretending ignorance, but Quatre saw no good advantage in that.

His mind raced to identify her goals. Was she there to kill them? Toy with them? Capture them? From the disdain in her voice, it seemed as if she did not consider them to be any great threat. That would definitely be to their advantage. How twisted was her master? Was he practical enough to eliminate anything remotely resembling a threat, or was he arrogant enough to enjoy crushing an upstart challenger at the final moment? Given that Epyon had not killed Wufei when he had the chance, so many years ago, and that over the intervening years he had never made a move to destroy the last of the Chang line, Quatre leaned more towards the latter than the former. But Lei Fang was here now. Perhaps she was there to evaluate them? Or given that she had taken pains to incapacitate Wufei, perhaps she simply wanted to kill all of his companions and then watch him squirm. That idea did not please him.

He decided that he might as well go ahead and ask the demon what she wanted. She'd probably tell them, with a laugh and a sneer, of course. "What do you want with us?"

As predicted, her crimson lips split into a mean-spirited grin. "I want nothing from you. Only the quaint pleasure of your company, and perhaps the scent of your blood. Oh, and the screams of your dying, of course. We mustn't forget that." See now? She answered his question.

Meiran sneered right back at her, refusing to be fazed by this hateful creature. "You won't take us so easily."

"What do you think you could possibly do, little girl?"

Oh, she knew what she -wanted- to do, that was for certain, but that wasn't necessarily what she -could- do. She was also mindful of the two unconscious figures behind her. Her faith in them did not waver, and she fully expected them to make a full recovery. Would they wake on their own, given time? Or would they have to bear them away somewhere? Would those standing have to fight to win, stall, or flee?

Quatre elected to keep her talking to win them time, although time to do what, he didn't quite know yet. Time was always good, though. Half a mind he kept on the conversation at hand, and the other half he turned towards the trap that held their two friends. He wasn't having any luck figuring out how to wake them up, though. Perhaps Hilde and Trowa, kneeling by their sides, might be able to do something. "If we're really so powerless, then why bother take us out?"

"Why not?" She brushed a non-existent piece of dust off of her preternaturally pristine bodice. "It's always fun killing humans."

Oh. He almost pointed out that she didn't seem to be enjoying herself yet, but he hardly wanted to encourage her. Instead, he ran through a list of things he could do that might be useful against a demon of her persuasions.

"God, are you always this charming?" Meiran complained, discreetly shifting her weight to a ready position. She couldn't fight as well as Wufei, but she could fight pretty darn well.

Lei Fang laughed it off. "Why do you follow the boy? He's not worth it, you know."

"What would you know of him?"

"I know that he somehow managed to live when the rest of his household was slaughtered. How do you suppose that is?"

"If you're trying to suggest that he was a coward, forget it." If he was a coward, then he wouldn't be here.

"Or perhaps Lord Epyon spared him for a reason?"

"Yeah, typical evil villain flaw -- overwhelming arrogance. It always gets them killed in the end, you know."

"Somehow I doubt that. No one's managed to kill him yet."

"It isn't the end, yet."

Lei Fang laughed her somehow chilling, feminine laugh again. "Maybe it will be for you."


His vision starts on a lonely starlit trail. He looks around himself with a detached curiosity. The landscape seems painted in the drab sepia tones of memory. He knows what will happen if he takes a step forward, and so he does, and closes his eyes briefly as the expected wave of sensation passes through his mind. Danger and death race down his nerves, a combination thrilling for only a moment before the familiarity kicks in, the whiff of smoke and the destruction of innocents. He opens his eyes and stares off into the distance. The end of the road is beyond the rise of the land, but he gazes fixedly at it as if he can see it anyway.

With a small sigh, he walks. His dream-feet still know the path in a way his real-feet probably wouldn't anymore. It has been so many years that he has lost count, but it doesn't matter, because the path probably doesn't even exist anymore. He wouldn't know. He has never been back.

The othercurrents urge him to fly, to speed over the land in a frenzied rush, but he ignores the call. He knows better than that. It won't make a difference, anyway. He takes his time, and inhales the pain on the winds, calmly appreciating its finer nuances in a way he couldn't have before. By the time he reaches the ruins of the place he once called home, he has so thoroughly familiarized himself with the feel of the scene that he is singularly unimpressed by it.

The moaning of the dead and dying rises a notch, and he dismisses it. He hears his name mentioned a few times, but that too fails to affect him. Bodies twitch, eyes open to stare accusingly at him, fingers even point, but he is unmoved. Flames jump out from the wreckage to consume him, reduce him to the state of its other victims, but he remains unburnt.

He smiles grimly as the scene seems to falter. He decides to throw it for another loop and tours the one-sided battlefield, studying each of the faces that he could see on the mangled, fallen bodies, and as he does so, their twisted limbs relax, their wails fade away, and they cease to bother him further.

An inky blackness coalesces around him, surrounds him in a claustrophobic ring. A thousand grating voices that once had the power to bring him to his knees now only makes him wince in irritation as they attempt to overwhelm the walls of his mind. A deeper-than-black hand reaches out of the darkness to hurtle itself straight at his heart, but he brushes the attack aside easily, and the next, and the next.

He shakes his head, disappointed condescension dripping from the motion as he waves his hand and forces the shadows back into the oblivion from whence they came.

Behind the darkness stands a figure. Its facade is a faint echo of the one he recalls from that night, whose minions bound his partner and would have taken their bloodthirsty pleasure in their newly-awakened prey. Oddly enough, that creature never deigned to haunt his dreams.

This creature is different. It is not a just another illusion, not as the others were. He feels it. It is the manifestation of the power that attempts to trap him now, and borrows from the consciousness of this false nightmare to communicate. ::Impressive,:: it intones. ::No one has ever been able to elude me so.::

He chuckles nastily. It cannot fool him. The impressions from his mindvoice do not hint at it being impressed, but rather confused. It wishes to know how he has defeated its power. He chooses to let it in on the secret. ::This is all so passé.::

:: ??? :: The power seeks to draw the answer from the surface of his mind, but he holds onto his thoughts covetously and does not give ground.

::Do you think I haven't done this before? Do you think I've never seen this in a thousand different variations? Do you think I close my eyes and fall into a dreamless slumber? Do you think my conscience and my guilt lie dormant beneath my trappings? You can throw nothing at me that I have not already had thrown at me. I have been there, done that, and overcome it all. You are a mere amateur when compared to my own ability for self-flagellation. Your imagination is nothing when compared to the guilt-ghosts that I have conjured for myself.:: He has to laugh again, and even the shadows seem to retreat from the sound's dark overtones. He has never thought he might take pride in such a thing.

The trap retreats, regroups, sallies forth one last valiant time in an attempt to carry out its purpose. It musters up an image of his partner, bound and bleeding beneath shackles that he himself has imposed upon him. No effect. It bombards him with bloodlust and thirst and the powerful pull of humanity's life force. No effect. It pulls a long-distant memory of his parents out, abandoning him to the mercy of the humans before being brutally slaughtered, their last thoughts of how their sacrifice was worth it if only their child could escape their curse. Hmm, that is actually a line of thought he has not thoroughly explored, but still, it invokes nothing more than a passing curiosity.

It screams in frustration. ::How?:: it rails at him. ::How do you see through it all?::

He bares his teeth humorlessly at it before strolling over to the image of his partner lying chained to the earth. He crouches and runs his fingers gently down the side of his partner's face, and eyes once pain-fogged clear immediately and smile up at him. The restraints fall away, and then the image dissolves.

He straightens and confronts the howling entity. ::Enough of this.::

It has one last thing to throw at him, and that is itself. It attacks him inelegantly in all of its impotent glory, and is cast aside before it even reaches him.

He looks around at the scene, already fading to tones of gray, and he sighs, thinking of his truth, and of how he is so far away right now. For now, he wraps the indifference a little more snugly around himself like a blanket, and reminds himself that it can keep the chill out, but it can't keep him warm at night. Well, perhaps when his security blanket -- his warm, familiar, soul-mated one -- returns, he can tell him of this little adventure, and how he managed to defeat this silly little thing all by himself. But until then, he figures, he had best go find the other one caught up in this trap.


When Lei Fang moved forward with the obvious intention of attacking, Meiran moved forward to meet her, telling herself very firmly not to think about what she was planning on doing. She was not about to get into a fight with a demon that even Wufei hadn't been able to defeat. No, sir, she was just going to concentrate on the fight, one blow at a time.

When the attack came, it wasn't too fearsome. Mild enough to defend against, but hard enough to bruise. Meiran decided that the demoness was playing with her, or testing her, perhaps. She decided that 'playing' was the better option. She always performed better when she felt she had something to prove to someone that had pissed her off.

With a glance at the others to make sure they would guard their stricken friends, Quatre did what he could to assist in the fight. Timing the use of his power for its best advantage, for the demoness still didn't know that he had any power, he waited patiently, and when the opportunity arose, he plunged his power into the ground and called forth the earth to do his bidding.

The elemental power was sluggish here, but it responded to his will, heaving itself upwards to break into large, jagged chunks just behind Lei Fang. Maneuvered into stepping back in order to counter one of Meiran's kicks, she tripped over the newly arisen land and went down ungracefully. Meiran retreated a short distance to avoid getting caught up in whatever Quatre was doing, but she cursed the fact that she had nothing more lethal than her bare hands with which to strike at the demon while she was vulnerable.

The scowling demoness regained her feet quickly, but with the speed of a thought, Quatre encased her feet in earth and stopped her from advancing. She paused in her tracks, and then she laughed darkly. "What is hell coming to when even the humans have powers of their own?"

The earth was hers to command as well, to some degree, for this place was ever willing to be shaped by the order of a demon, and she shattered the casings that held her. "You will pay for that insult, human."

Quatre was not particularly eager to pay that price, and yet he continued to incur a greater cost. A fire elemental was called to dance by Lei Fang's feet and set the back edge of her dress aflame. There was a brief, comical moment during which she was unaware of it, after which her eyes widened in disbelief at the human's presumptuous prank. Meiran smirked unrepentantly as the demoness tried once to turn and spy the damage, and hoped she would get to see her stop, drop, and roll, but alas, Lei Fang managed to dampen the flames with some sort of force.

Death was being broadcast quite clearly now from outraged obsidian eyes.


His body aches, but in that satisfying way that one gets after a good workout. His enemies have fallen, and he is left standing. Very satisfying indeed.

He straightens and surveys his surroundings, hoping that something might have changed since the defeat of his adversaries, but nothing has. He still stands amid the burning ruins of his home, among the corpses of his family.

"The demons are good at that, aren't they?"

He whirls around, sword at the ready, but sees that it is only the guardian. Somehow, he is not surprised that the seemingly eternal youth is in his vision. He catches the attention of the guardian, and sees flames from the wreckage reflected in his large, luminous eyes, only somehow he knows that they are not simply echoes of the scene before them now. It is the guardian's own deep pain he is witnessing, smoldering ruins from another time. The boy with the braid understands. They are, perhaps, more alike than he has ever suspected, but oddly, he finds that he is not unnerved by that fact. Instead, he feels... relieved.

"Let's get out of here."

He agrees.


With a snarl painted on her doll-like features, Lei Fang went after the insolent little blonde. The others became inconsequential compared to the indignity he had inflicted upon her. She would rend him apart with her bare hands, and then finish off the others. It did not occur to her that she may have underestimated her prey.

Quatre met her attack with a solidly constructed shield, reminding himself that he had encountered other demons out for his blood, and he had survived. This would be no different. His belief only reinforced his power, and the strike was deflected to the side with only a faint 'oof' to show for the force behind the blow. Three punches were knocked aside in this manner before his opponent dropped into a crouch to sweep kick him.

With a silent curse, Quatre realized his shielding didn't extend down to cover his feet. That was an amateur's mistake. He managed to hastily stretch his power down, enough to avoid damage, but he was off-balance and stumbled back from the hit. When he saw that Lei Fang was moving on to press her advantage, he threw a bit of wind at her, pushing her back even as he fell to the ground.

Meiran was covering the distance between them to take the pressure off of him when she discovered that someone beat her to it. Light glinted off metal as it slid through the air in a smooth arc that bit through the demon's side beneath an outstretched arm.

Lei Fang screeched in outrage, the sound somehow incongruous with the rest of her image, and as she spun to deal with this new threat, the blade flashed forth once more with painful intent.

"Wu--," Meiran started to herself, overjoyed that he had somehow woken, but the impression was proven false as Lei Fang pulled back and revealed the blade to be not a sword, but simply a knife, wielded skillfully by an auburn-haired man with a fiery glare for the demon standing before him. Lei Fang lashed out at him automatically in retaliation, scoring only a shallow gash dangerously close to one emerald eye when he didn't quite dodge quickly enough to escape damage altogether. He spun away with an almost unnatural grace to settle into a low defensive position, clearly stating without words that he would not hesitate to use his blade again if pressed.

Lei Fang hissed at him, a hand pressed against the bleeding wound in her side. This was not how things were supposed to happen. She thought the girl she could have taken easily enough, no matter her inner strength, but that strange blonde, how had he come to have power over the elements? And this even more strange man that faced her with nothing more than a knife. What bizarre anomaly had created such a creature? And was Chang aware of what sort of companions he had gathered to his side?

It was as if the thought summoned the man's consciousness. Hilde jumped when Duo's eyes snapped open suddenly, to be followed by the more disoriented blinking of Wufei. He shook off the lingering effects of the trap quickly enough when his eyes were drawn to the standoff taking place not too far away. Wufei climbed swiftly to his feet and slid the sword from his scabbard. "Lei Fang!" he spat out harshly.

She turned, and saw their would-be nemesis rising to his feet, and the Shinma beside him ignoring the offered hand of the succubus to rise gracefully on his own, and decided that the circumstances demanded she drop her former plans. The trap had gone awry; very well, they would try again later, with resources more appropriate to their prey. No matter the surprising strength of Chang's allies, they would still be no threat to Epyon. He was far beyond their reach.

She smiled coldly for the boy. "Found your way out of my little trap, I see. Ah, well. We shall meet again." She faded from view, but in her place summoned seven minor demons to keep them entertained.

Henchdemons though they were, they were still dark, leathery and toothy, and all too ready to attack. With sinuous grace, they divided the prey amongst themselves and arranged their number accordingly.

Wufei immediately left Duo behind to deal with the three that had selected the guardian as the target and moved to join Meiran and the others. She almost wanted to protest when he pushed her back none too gently to stand behind him, but he was the one armed with the sword, after all. She had nothing but a handful of bruises to her name.

Quatre and Trowa stood behind them, guarding their backs, and the four remaining demons fanned out to encircle them. The spiritualist readied his arsenal as they began their approach, but when Trowa took a step forward, they seemed to falter and pause in their steps. His knife was still bared, but Quatre somehow doubted that that was what was stopping them. He didn't spare the thought to consider the matter, however, and took the brief opportunity to glance over his shoulder to see how the others were faring.

Wufei had closed with one of the four-legged creatures in combat, metal meeting with claw and tooth, and the other looked prepared to join the fray. Using the tiny respite that Trowa had somehow won them on their side of the battle, Quatre called forth a spirit of fire to harass the second beast, nipping and darting at it in an attempt to keep it occupied while Wufei dealt with the first.

Quatre turned his attention back to his own pair of demons. They appeared to be recovering from the momentary lapse and resumed their ominous approach, albeit in a somewhat less direct manner than before. Whatever the reason for it, Quatre concentrated and wove a net of power that first stood as a barrier between them. They jumped back as if shocked when they encountered it, but it did not deter them for long as they moved to circumvent it. The net proved to be unamenable to that as a clean, glowing power was sent surging through the array. It stretched and twisted to blanket the demons, and as they attempted to throw it off, they only further tangled themselves in it, and where it touched them, it burned.

They growled and yipped and snarled, but the sounds of displeasure were nothing compared to the desperate howl that split the air from the third front of the battle. Duo had his scythe in hand, and his first opponent lay oozing ichor upon the ground from the gaping wounds that marked the former resting places of its dismembered limbs. The remaining beasts circled warily beyond the reach of his deadly blade, but that was not an obstacle for the Shinma guardian.

There were no shadows in this place, but that did not present a problem. Violet lightning gathered swiftly in Duo's palm at his command, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent it towards one of the creatures. It struck true, momentarily disabling the one demon while he took advantage of the dark glow the power gave off. A faint shadow was cast by the second demon in that violet light, and as soon as the first bolt was thrown, Duo had summoned a thin shard of darkness to his hand. He sent it slicing through the air to pierce the fleeting shadow, binding the creature where it stood, and with a grim smile on his face turned his attention back to its companion.

Wufei had dispatched his first opponent and now fought the second. The length of metal he wielded was enough to put crucial distance between them, and he scored a number of cuts on it while he danced out of its range. The battle was concluded quickly enough after he sliced it across its eyes.

One of Quatre's demons had succumbed to the weave of power that clung to its skin, but its partner yet struggled. It may have for a while yet, had not an obsidian lance flown through the air to cleave effortlessly through the net and stake it through its heart. He turned, and saw Duo's outstretched hand and his coldly amused expression. "Were you planning on keeping it as a pet or something, Quatre?" Of the last two demons the guardian fought, one must have been that formless pile of something on the ground, and the other was nowhere to be seen.

Something about those crystalline eyes made him abort his stutter of an answer, and he was relieved when Hilde's gentle hand on the guardian's elbow drew his attention away. With a faintly guilty sigh, he turned back to the others. "Everyone okay?"

He received their affirmatives with a nod, but did not fail to notice the cut that was still oozing blood over Trowa's eye. "I didn't know you could fight with a knife, Trowa," he said as he fumbled through his pockets to find something to clean the wound with.

"My sister gave it to me," Trowa responded blandly, unconcerned with the blood creeping down the side of his face.

"Oh." Quatre supposed he couldn't be surprised. He'd met the woman a few times. Her interests and hobbies were unusual, to say the least. "And how do you... do whatever it is you do, anyway? You know, keep sneaking up on people and the like. And those demons just looked at you and stopped. Aha!" He pulled out a handkerchief from his coat pocket.

As he reached out to wipe up the blood, another hand beat him to it. Duo ran a finger up the side of Trowa's face and followed the thin trail of blood. "He's a null space," he answered calmly, before bringing his finger to his lips to lick the crimson life-stuff from it. "The demons can't sense him."

Although Trowa was unperturbed, the others simply stared at him for a stunned moment before a ruckus erupted. "Duo!" Quatre said sharply, a strange combination of disappointment and anger tinging his tone as he jerked Trowa away from him.

Wufei reacted more directly and grabbed Duo's arm. "What do you think you're doing?"

The guardian regarded him with cool amethyst eyes before flicking those frighteningly intense orbs down to focus on the hand that gripped his upper arm. Although the message was clear, Wufei held his ground. His resolve didn't help when Duo's free hand reached over to remove Wufei's, the surprisingly strong fingers weakening his grasp with a shock that sent a chill all the way up his arm. "I didn't cause him to bleed."

"You drank his blood," the Chinese man stated flatly. It didn't matter whether or not Duo had bled him to begin with.

"Only a drop," the guardian answered with an infuriatingly nonchalant shrug. "Trowa doesn't mind, does he?"

The man in question shrugged slightly, earning him a strange sound of protest from the spiritualist at his side. He didn't change his answer.

The sword of Shenlong was still out, still ominously coated with fluids spilled during the fight, and Wufei interposed it between Duo and the rest of them. He didn't quite hold it up in a ready position, but it was clearly meant as a threat. "Have you done something to him?"

A mirthless smile alighted upon Duo's lips. "Trowa's always been like that."

"'Always' as in 'after you bit him the first time', you mean?" Duo's careful non-expression only infuriated him further, and the tip of his sword came up another notch.

This would not end well without intervention. Hilde once again laid a light hand upon Duo's elbow, relieved when he seemed accepting of it. Even if reminding Duo of the state of balance he wished to maintain was the only purpose she served in accompanying him, she would play her part gladly. "Come on," she said soothingly. "We should probably get going."

Her words did not break the tense eye contact between the two. The sword lifted just a little bit more. "I swear it, Guardian, if you come to be a threat to any member of this party, I will put you down, whether we need your help or not."

"Come on," Hilde said again, applying a light pressure to the arm in her grasp, along with a subtle flow of power. Duo yielded to her grudgingly. With an expression that somehow hinted at a smirk without changing at all, he turned from them without a word and walked away in the direction they had been travelling.

Wufei watched his retreating back with a glare and a sneer of disgust, although whether for the guardian or for himself, he didn't dwell on. To think that he had shared a brief moment of kinship with that creature while within the demoness' trap. It only disturbed him now.



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